Now that March has been captured, he will be handed over to the Cossacks tomorrow for investigation.

In this regard, Galois did not express any views of his own.

He knew that at this time, all he could do was not to pay attention to this matter and treat him a little less.

The next day, March and Galois, who were escorted back to the Cossacks, met for the first time after the coup.

Ma Qi looked at Galois and said: "Galois, I didn't expect you, an old guy, to have such a scheming. At this time, Ma Qi is only 55 years old, and Galois is 69 years old.

Therefore, it is not a problem for March to call Galois old guy.

Galois said calmly: "March, I have always been like this, but you surprised me."

"I didn't expect Ma Qizhuxi, who was known for his incorruptibility, to be greedy for nearly [-] million U.S. dollars in property from the Xie family.

March said coldly: "Galois, don't talk nonsense! Do you really think you have won?" "Unless 807 kills me, otherwise, I will fight you to the end."

Galois smiled and said, "Mr. March, how dare I kill you?"

"Hmph." March snorted coldly.

"Mr. Markovich, I will give you a fair chance in a moment"

"If you have the ability, run for president with me, hahahaha!" Galois laughed.

"Galois, you're too arrogant, don't worry! I'll let you know what the people want." March said.

Of course, he didn't think that the coup d'etat in front of him would really hand over the power to elect the president to every Cossack citizen.

"Mr. March, I think you should first consider how to release yourself on bail from the Cossack High Prosecutor's Office."

Galois stood up, looked at March and said word by word.

Then, he leisurely left the room where March was.

After Galois walked out of the room where March was, he said to Anna who was waiting at the door of the room:

"Anna, guess what Mr. Xu means?"

If March really wins the election, will he still have a coup d'etat?

Anna smiled and said, "Uncle, Mr. Xu is very meticulous in his work, and I think it will be the same this time."

"In the past year, I have never seen Mr. Xu make any mistakes."

There is no doubt that Xu Yi's account of the election of Galois has his further considerations in it.

The first and most important point is Xu Yi's test of Galois.

He wants to see if the coup d'état he supports will listen to his own words, and the elected president has certain risks.

Another reason is that Xu Yi needs a stable Cossack.

He is not the mil of later generations, and he hopes that other families will be as chaotic as possible.

Xu Yi wants to operate the Cossacks as his own military factory and arsenal.

This also means that Xu Yi will invest a huge amount of financial resources in the Cossacks in the future.

In this way, a stable Cossack can make Xu Yi get the most benefits.

The democratically elected president can stabilize the Cossacks and make the Cossacks more stable.

The last reason is that Galois has just come to power, and he needs Xu Yi's help, so he is naturally very dependent on Xu Yi.

But if he is allowed to sit in this position forever, then his ambition will definitely expand.

In that case, it would bring Xu Yi a lot of trouble.

It would be much better to establish a democratically elected president system in the Cossacks. No matter who becomes the president, he must cooperate with Xu Yi.

In this way, Xu Yi can run his Rejiu in Cossack with peace of mind.

Of course, it is impossible for Xu Yi to explain these three reasons to Galois and Anna.

After listening to Anna's words, Galois said, "Anna, I have never doubted Mr. Xu's ability."

"It's just that I still feel that the democratically elected president is a little unstable and risky.

Anna smiled and said, "Uncle, Mr. Xu has long thought that you (baah) would think so. He thought of two policies, as long as you throw out these two policies in the election campaign."

"Let's not talk about one March, even if there are a hundred March bundled together, I don't want to beat you in the election!"

"Mr. Xu, what did he think of for me?"

Galois looked at Anna and asked curiously.

After hearing Galois' words, Anna walked up to him and whispered something in his ear.

After Galois heard Anna's words, his eyes gradually opened too much, and he said to Anna excitedly:

"Anna, if these two political screenings can really be implemented, not to mention the current president, the next president is also in my pocket!"

Half a month later, Galois, the chairman of the Cossack Republic Scorpion Council, made a speech to all Cossack citizens.

During the evolution, Galois stated that the new Cossack Republic government will truly return power to all Cossack people.

He announced that the first President of the Cossack Republic would be elected, and he also stated that he would run for election, becoming the first presidential candidate.

After hearing the news, the people were shocked, they did not expect Galois to be so decisive

This evolution has brought great prestige to Galois.

At the same time, March also heard the news in the Cossack High Prosecutor's Office.

He was stunned, never thinking that Galois, the coup d'état, would actually dare to play the democratically elected president

"Galois, you are courting death!"

March's mouth fish showed a sneer.

He didn't think that someone from the army like Galois would be his opponent in the election of Lord Kun.

At this time, March's subordinates and his family are using all means to release him on bail.

But in fact, Galois didn't deliberately make things difficult for March.

So, he was released on bail.

Then he went to the Cossack Republic to register and became the second presidential candidate.

Due to the tight schedule, Galois set the presidential election on September [-]th and September [-]th.

The first round of elections will be held on these two days, and candidates with more than [-] percent of the votes will enter the second round.

The second round of elections will be held on September NO.11 and September NO.12.

The candidate with the highest number of votes will become the first President of the Cossack Republic.

After March was released on bail, he began to seize the time to promote himself all over the Scorpion.

To his surprise, Galois did not move.

At this point, March knew why Yuluo was so calm.

The next day, a policy policy drafted by Galois began to spread throughout the Cossacks.

In this chapter, Shi Zhenggang mainly described two reform contents, one for agriculture and one for industry.

The Cossacks' largest industry at present is agriculture and industry.

Peasants constituted 40.00% of the Cossack population.

As long as the support of these two social groups is obtained, then this election is sure to win.

Chapter 411 Mr. Xu's Layout!

In Galois's policy program, the individual contract system is adopted for agriculture,

Every farmer can contact the government to contract their own arable land, and the government will set up an agricultural aid company.

It can provide interest-free loans to self-made farmers to help them produce.

The second is to abolish the industrial quota system.

At this time, March's subordinates and his family have released him on bail.

But in fact, Galois didn't deliberately make things difficult for March.

Therefore, the former chairman of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union Committee - has been released on bail.

He has gone to the Cossack Republic to register as the second presidential candidate.

The first round of elections will be held two days later, and candidates with more than 30.00% of the votes will enter the second round.

The candidate with the highest percentage of votes in the second round of elections will become the first president of the Cossack Republic.

After March was released on bail, he began to take the time to tour around the country.

To his surprise, Galois did not move.

Soon, March knew why Galois was so calm.

The next day, a policy policy drafted by Galois began to spread throughout the Cossacks.

This sub-government program mainly describes two reform contents, one for agriculture and one for industry.

The largest industries of the Cossacks are agriculture and industry.

Peasants make up 40.00% of the Cossack population and workers 30.00%.

As long as they get their support, then this election is a sure thing.

The first point in Galois's governance program is to reform the Cossacks' current agricultural policy.

Cancel the collectivization of agriculture and adopt the individual contract system.

Every farmer can contact the government to contract their own arable land, and the government will set up an agricultural aid company.

It can provide interest-free loans to self-made farmers to help them produce.

The second point is to abolish the industrial quota system, and the family will fund the redemption of the shares in the factory, and the family will guarantee the minimum income of the workers.

At the same time, it promised to build a large amount of light industry to meet the living needs of the Cossack people.

Of course, Galois, who had successfully become the president of Gomak, did not expect that Xu Yichao would set his own policy.

At the same time, it was also the secret Xu Yi used to control the Cossack that Xu privately knew.

It is very difficult to try to control a family just by controlling one person.

To control a family, you have to hold the lifeline of the family in your own hands, and Xu Yi is planning to do the same.

Among the two policies of Galois, one is to set up agricultural aid companies and provide loans to farmers.

The other is to redeem workers’ shares in factories and guarantee workers’ basic income.

Both of these policies require a lot of money, and what the government of the Cossack Republic lacks most now is money.

Even the Polar Bear Alliance, one of the only two strong women in the world at the time, lack of money was the fatal factor for its split.

However, the last thing Xu Yi lacked was money.

Therefore, if Galois wants to complete these two reforms, he can only rely on Xu Yi.

In fact, these two policies and Xu Yi's magic weapon for Galois are also the pits he dug for Galois.

Of course, Xu Yi didn't keep Galois waiting for long.

The day after Galois became president, a man named Che Lixoni found Galois.

"You said, you are Xu Yi's subordinate?"

Galois looked at the young-faced Russian guy in front of him, who was no older than 30 years old and said.

"Yes, Mr. Galois, my name is Che Lixue, and I am currently the president of Guangfeng Bank. Mr. Xu Yi is my boss." Che Lixue said with a smile.

"It was Xu Yi who asked you to come to me?" Galois continued.

Che Lixue nodded and said, "That's right, Mr. Xu told me, Mr. President, you need help."

Galois smiled and said, "Mr. Chelisheny, what can you do for me?"

"Mr. President, I have what you need most now, money, a lot of money."

Che Lixue looked at Galois and said calmly.

"Are you willing to lend money to the Cossack government?" Yulo asked when he went to see Shali Xueni.

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