His ultimate goal is to rule the underground forces in Europa.

At this moment, Xu Yi is having a cordial conversation with the international financial giant Solo.

"Mr. Soros, what good news do you have for me this time?" Xu Yi smiled.

Soros smiled, and said directly: "Mr. Xu, the Freemasonry is the world, or the largest economic cooperation in the world...-

"Trust me, as long as you can afford it, Freemasonry can give you everything you want."

Xu Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Soros, "These 10 raw hides are a little too big for you. "

"As far as I know, the Freemasonry is not invincible. At least the Anglo-Saxon consortium is not stronger than your Freemasonry."

"Haha, Mr. Xu Yi, what you said is indeed well known, but the position of the Ansakis is even more well known."

"On this point, you and us, You Dayi, are all victims."

Soros looked at Xu Yi with a smile and said

The meaning of his words is also obvious. Maybe the Saxon consortium is stronger than our Freemasonry, but they are xenophobic. If you don't have Anglo-Saxon blood, you will be humiliating yourself if you join in. "

"In mil, the only people you can look for to cooperate with are Freemasons."

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Soros, I want to know, what do you want?"

Xu Yi knew whether the Freemasonry would be so eager to invite him to come and slap him to meet them.

So Xu Yi is going to get a feel for Soros now.

Soros said mysteriously:

"Mr. Xu, everything will be clear when you meet with Mr. Rockfield tomorrow." Xu Yi knew that the Freemasonry was led by a group similar to the Presbyterian Church.

After listening to Soros' words, Xu Yi said with a faint smile:

"I look forward to my meeting with Mr. Rockefeller tomorrow."

Soros smiled and said: "Mr. Xu Yi, believe me, you will come back with a full reward when you come to mi(R) this time!"

At [-]:[-] am the next day, Xu Yi was personally taken to a VIP room by the person in charge of the hotel.

"Mr. Xu Yi, please wait a moment, Mr. Rockefeller will come soon." The person in charge said respectfully to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Less than 8 minutes after Xu Yi sat in the banquet room, he saw a tall man and said with a smile:

"Mr. Rockefeller, hello."

David, Rockefeller, is the fifth-generation head of the Rockefeller family brigade.

The property he manages is as high as 3000 billion US dollars.

He is around 50 years old.

Xu Yi, a sudden rise from the East, used his cash to attract the attention of the Youda consortium.

There is no doubt that Xu Yi has enough character to cooperate with the Freemasons.

Now, the competition between the Freemasons and the Saxons has reached a fever pitch, and the presidential election in Japan is about to be held.

At this critical moment, it was the time when the Freemasons and the Saxons were fighting bayonets.

They all hope that the person they support can become the new heroine president.

In fact, Saxon is also wooing elites to join its own camp.

However, the Saxons were not yet open enough to include the Chinese in their own circle.

But for Xu Yi, the Freemasons are still very interested.

The next moment, John Rockefeller said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, hello."

After the two sat down, Rockefeller asked:

"Mr. Xu Yi, I heard that you have grudges against Hongmen?"

Hearing what Rockefeller said, a faint smile appeared on Xu Yi's face.

Apparently, these Youtai people investigated very meticulously and meticulously.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Yes, Hongmen and I have deep conflicts, and it can be said that we will never die!"

Hearing this, Rockefeller said:

"Mr. Xu Yi, you are really a legend, I wonder if you are interested in working with us?"

After a pause, he continued:

"Mr. Xu Yi, you are a powerful third party. As long as you participate in the war and join forces with us, the Saxon side will definitely not be able to withstand it."

"In return, we can help you get rid of Hongmen."

Relying on the influence of politics and business, it is easy for the Freemasons to get rid of Hongmen.

However, Xu Yi shook his head slightly and said:

"Mr. Rockefeller, the deal you propose is not fair. I refuse you the deal."

Then Xu Yi laughed and said, "Mr. Rockefeller, everyone said that you are one of the most profitable people in the world."

"Seeing you today, you really let me know what a rumor is, it's better to meet!

Rockefeller looked calm, and said lightly:

"Mr. Xu Yi, what do you want to say?"

Xu Yi said: "I want to ask you, how does Hongmen compare with Saxon?"

"Mr. Xu Yi, there is no comparison. The Saxons are not something Hongmen can afford." Rockefeller said.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Since that's the case, that's great. If I support you, it's like going to war against Saxon."

"And all I get is that Jihui will help me deal with Hongmen, do you think it's reasonable?"

Hearing this, Rockefeller laughed and said, "Mr. Xu, you can propose your price now!"

Xu Yi took a puff of cigarette and said:

"Mr. Rockefeller, I don't want the help of your Freemasons, I will take care of 807 by myself!"

"I just need you and the m!0 government to remain neutral." I will take care of the rest. "

Actually, Xu Yi didn't want to use the hands of the Freemasons to deal with Hongmen.

Because this is a war between Chinese and Chinese, Xu Yi doesn't want to be slapped to intervene.

Also, what Xu Yi wants is not to eliminate Hongmen, but to control Hongmen.

Hearing this, Rockefeller thought for a while and then asked:

"Mr. Xu Yi, besides this request, do you have any other requests?"

Obviously, he thought Xu Yi's asking price was too low.

Xu Yi shook his head and said:

"Mr. Rockefeller, I have no other requirements. I wish us a happy cooperation and wish you success."

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, and I wish you success too!" After the Westerners finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled.

Rockefeller did not expect that it was precisely because of the meeting of the two that this time, the great changes in the Jianghu were brought about.

After Xu Yi and Rockefeller met, they came to the famous casino in M ​​round without stopping.

Because Situ Yun listed the desert city as his first goal after coming to M.

This time when Xu Yi went to Desert City, he wanted to meet her.

Just like Xu Yijiang, the gambling city is its biggest industry, and the king is located in the roundabout.

The gambling industry in Las Vegas is larger than that of Jiang, and because of this, Desert City is called the world’s casino.

Chapter 414

Situ Yun set her first goal here, so naturally she has her own plans.

Compared with other places, the heat of Las Vegas is very chaotic.

There are a total of more than a dozen factions here, large and small, mixed with good and bad, so it is easier to hide yourself, and it is easier to become bigger and stronger.

Situ Yun set up a powerful society here to obey her own orders.

This society has Situ Yun's force and Xu Yi's money, and its strength has improved very quickly.

So far, [-]% of the casino site has been included in Situ Yun's sphere of influence.

This is also Xu Yi's first request to Situ Yun, to let her gain a firm foothold in the world.

Xu Yi came here and started his next plan: get rid of Hongmen.

After Xu Yi's plane landed in Las Vegas, Luo Tianhong was already waiting for Xu Yi outside the airport.

"Brother Yi, please get in the car."

Luo Hong said respectfully to Xu Yi.

In the car, Xu Yi asked, "Where's Miss Situ?"

"Miss Situ is negotiating with the Bald Gang at the Wanda Casino." Luo Hong replied respectfully.

"Huh? Why are you talking about it?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"Brother Yi, before we came, Las Vegas was the territory of the Bald Gang"

"The associations here have to pay protection fees to the skinhead gang, and our rapid rise has made them feel threatened."

"So, this time, their deputy leader came to Las Vegas to talk to us in person, asking us to double the protection fee."

After listening to Luo Tianhong's words, Xu Yi calmed down and said:

"What does Miss Situ say now?"

"Miss Situ only said one word to the deputy gang leader, get out!" Luo Tianhong said with a smile.

"Well, this is her character." Xu Yi thought to himself.

Then, Xu Yi continued to ask: "Since Situ Yun didn't agree to the request of the bald gang, what are we talking about?"

Luo Wuhong replied respectfully:

"After Miss Situ rejected the bald gang, we fought with the bald gang several times"

"Many of their members are veterans, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. We can win the war with them." "Loss"

"But with the addition of Hongmen, we can't take it anymore."

"According to the intelligence, Situ Zhenxiong already knew about it within a few months of our coming here."

"Miss Situ has an inner ghost in Situ's house. For some reason, Situ Zhenxiong didn't immediately attack Miss Situ.

"And after we fought with the bald gang, people from the Hongmen joined in not long after."

"To deal with us together with the Bald Gang, we have worked very hard"

"That's why Miss Situ Yun decided to make peace with the bald helper first and deal with Hongmen together."

After listening to Luo Tianhong's words, Xu Yi nodded slowly.

From Situ Yun's standpoint, she was very thoughtful in doing so.

The bald gang and Situ Yun are just disputes over interests, since the bald gang does not participate in the specific management of the casino in the casino.

As long as the local community pays him protection money.

This shows that there is a basis for negotiation between Situ Yun and the Bald Gang.

The big deal is to give up part of your profits in a short period of time.

However, the relationship between Situ Yun and Famen is like fire and water!

Her father, Situ Zhenxiong, wanted to kill her even more.

Warn those who may betray themselves! .

Therefore, the conflict between her and Situ Zhenxiong is irreconcilable.

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