"Xu Yi, you are really good at deploying such a large force in Mil."

Situ Zhenxiong and the people of the six major families never imagined that Xu Yi's silence and absence would actually possess such a huge power.

This time, from the east coast to the west coast, from the Great Lakes to Texas, Hongmen Jiping was beaten passively by the whole m scorpion.

But what they didn't expect was that the elite forces here were all Xu Yi's mercenaries.

And the reason why Xu Yi's mercenaries can deploy so powerfully is because of the agreement reached between Xu Yi and the Freemasons.

No matter how good the people of Hongmen can fight, it is impossible for them to be as powerful as Xu Yi's mercenaries. This is also the biggest reason why Hongmen has been beaten back and forth.

However, as the leader of Hongmen, Situ Zhenxiong would not admit defeat so easily.

Therefore, he has decided to concentrate his forces and fight a decisive battle with Xu Yi's forces in Zhengshi, the Hongmen's base camp in M.

Unfortunately, how could Xu Yi do what Situ Zhenxiong wished?

After a period of time, due to Hongmen's deliberate avoidance, many of the sites where he had entered the door were occupied by the Xin Gang and the bald gang Chao.

At the same time, the Proud Warrior Gang and the Green Gang will not miss this opportunity.

They also joined the team to deal with Hongmen.

"Miss Situ, it looks like your brother is going to fight us in Guanshi!"

Xu Yi said to Situ Yun in front of him.

"It's normal." Sanzhen City is the real headquarters of Hongmen. In Sanzao, Hongkou has been operating for nearly a hundred years. "

"Over there, the Hongmen has the best location." Situ Yun said calmly.

"Unfortunately, Situ Zhenxiong thought that I wanted to destroy Hongmen, that I would have a final decisive battle with him in Zaisan"

"However, my goal is only Situ Zhenxiong from the beginning to the end." Xu Yi said lightly.

Good at Xiangshan Situ Mansion.

"My lord, the slapped tax department sent you a leaflet, asking you to go to their tax department for investigation."

The housekeeper handed Situ a leaflet.

"The Tax Bureau? Is there a company under my name?" Situ Hua asked.

?0 for flowers 0...

"Master, there is a food company under your name, which you have been running since you were 20 years old," the butler said truthfully.

"Okay, let the lawyer handle it." Situ Zhenxiong said calmly.

"But people from the tax bureau have come, and they said they want you to investigate now." The housekeeper said.


After Situ Zhenxiong cursed angrily, he had no choice but to go to the tax office with the people from the tax bureau to accept the investigation.

After all, in Mil, even if you offend the CIA, don't offend the tax bureau.

Therefore, now Situ Zhenxiong can only release him from the tax bureau on bail through a lawyer.

Let other subordinates help him deal with these problems and make up the tax that should be paid.

But what Situ Zhenxiong didn't expect was that this trip would directly raise the throne of Hongkou leader.

Tang Xiangshan Taxation Bureau.

"What did you say? You said my lawyer resigned?" Situ Zhenxiong looked at the tax palace in front of him and said loudly in disbelief.

"Yes, Mr. Stuart, you are suspected of tax evasion of $20."

"If you can't prove that you didn't evade taxes, we will all take you to court.,

The tax official said with a serious face.

"Well, I need to contact my family." Situ Zhenxiong said.

"Yes, we can accommodate your request."

The next moment "Situ Zhenxiong dialed the number of the butler of Situ's family seven.

Chapter 422 Situ Zhenxiong's end!

"Housekeeper, hurry up and hire the best lawyer for me, and I will definitely be released on bail as soon as possible." Situ Zhenxiong said to his housekeeper.

On[email protected]For a rich person like Xu Tuding, only an expert who has the money to hire can make big things into small things.

Either he has to fight hard with the tax department, or there will be no major incidents.

But not long after, he received a call from Butler Xu.

The dialogue between the two made Situ Zhenxiong suddenly feel that something was wrong.

"Lawyer Hal only agrees to accept the fee of a trainer for $50. How do you decide?" Guan "[-]" said on the phone.

"Okay, no problem, let him fly over immediately." Situ said immediately.

"But, master, all the accounts of our Situ family have been frozen by the tax bureau now."

"What's difficult is that we don't have $50 in cash at the moment," said Steward Xu.

"What? How come? Where does our Situ family save so much cash and gold?" Situ Zhenxiong said loudly.

As a family of Jianghu, how could the Situ family not save some cash and gold for emergencies?

"Situ Zhenxiong, you don't have to think about the cash and gold at home, you can take care of them in prison for a while."

It was Situ Yun's voice that came over the phone.

At this time, the Situ family has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Situ Yun took people back to Situ's house.

Obviously, under Situ Yun's strong aura, the guards of the Situ family surrendered to Situ Yun without any resistance.

Because in their eyes, this is the civil war of the Situ family.

Now that Situ Zhenxiong is gone, Situ Yun being the head of the family is not a betrayal to them.

In this way, Situ Jing replaced her father and sat on the throne of the patriarch of the Situ family.

This also means that it is impossible for Situ Zhenxiong to find a lawyer and join him to protect him before the trial of his tax evasion case.

Three days later, Situ Zhenxiong was sentenced to 50 years in prison by the m!(R) court for tax evasion!

Situ Zhenxiong, the all-powerful leader of the generation, was sent to prison.

All this is because of Xu Yi's perfect layout.

When Situ Jing returned to M, he started to make arrangements and bought off Situ Zhenxiong's subordinates.

Let him move a lot of hands and feet a little while doing accounts for Situ Zhenxiong.

He chose the least noticeable company, but let Situ Zhenxiong start from an unexpected place!

This move directly caused Situ Zhenxiong to be easily subdued and defeated.

Situ Zhenxiong made a mistake because he underestimated Situ Yun's status in Situ's family.

It is precisely because of this that after Situ Zhenxiong was arrested by the M taxation bureau.

Situ Yun was able to quickly replace Situ Zhenxiong and become the new head of the Situ family.

Besides, she not only has prestige.

She also brought Xu Yiyu's sparrow mercenary, this mercenary was nine times more violent than the white tiger.

It will destroy all members of the Situ family who do not obey Situ Yun's order.

All of a sudden, Situ Yun became the new head of the Tu family.

Then, under Situ Yun's order, the heads of the big families gathered at the Hongmen headquarters again.

At this time, the six masters already knew the news that Situ Zhenxiong was arrested by the tax bureau.

Of course, these people also guessed that Situ Zhenxiong was dealt with by Xu Yi and his sister.

"Miss Situ, you are really powerful. You have easily become the head of the Situ family. I admire you!"

The owner of the Li family said to Situ Jing with a smile.

But he immediately said: "Miss Situ, since Situ Zhenxiong has been arrested, I think the leader of Hongmen should be changed, right?

This is the perfect time for the Situ family to step down from the leading position. How could the people of the six major families let it go?

Situ Jing has been expelled from the Hongmen and is not a member of the Hongmen, so there is no possibility of becoming the leader of the Hongmen.

Therefore, they are determined to win the position of leader of the Hongmen this time!

Situ Jing nodded and said, "I think so too. Hongmen has come to this point through everyone's hard work."

"Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to damage the interests of entering the door because of Situ Zhenxiong?"


"Miss Situ, if you agree with our point of view, then you can go high."

"The selection of the leader is our Hongmen's private matter. You are not the one who entered the door. If you are present, we can't choose."

The head of the Li family looked at Situ Yun and said calmly.

Situ Jing shook her head and said, "Patriarchs, "I remember that the head of the Hongmen can accept members. Four or ten minutes ago, a total of 10 people from my subordinates and I joined the Xiangshan entrance of the Famen Hall. "

The entrance of Xiangshan Mountain is the entrance controlled by Situ's family. It is of course easy for Situ Jing to join.

Chapter 423 Persimmons need to be squeezed soft!

"Miss Situ, even if you are a member of the Hongmen now, you are not qualified to lose the election"

"According to the rules of the gang, only those who are at the level of the incense master or above can participate in the leadership."

It was such a chance to have such a chance, of course they didn't want another Situ Yun to spoil the situation.

The key point is that Xu Yi is still standing behind Situ Yun, and making her the leader is to let Xu Yi be the leader of Hongmen.

"Everyone, the leader of Situ Zhenxiong has officially appointed me as the incense master at the entrance of Shutang Xiangshan."

"He is still the leader now, and has the power to appoint the incense master. Is this the gang's rule?

With that said, Situ Yun took out a letter of appointment written by Situ Zhenxiong himself and sent it to the six of them.

"how come?!"

The head of the Hong family exclaimed.

It can be said that Situ Zhenxiong's family and the position of leader were stripped by Situ Yun.

The father-daughter relationship between him and Situ Yun had long been severed.

10 How could such a thing be done now!

Situ Yun said slowly: "It's very simple, because my surname is Situ."

Hearing what Situ Yun said, the heads of the six major families fell silent.

For the sake of the family, personal hatred can indeed be put aside first.

"Everyone, according to Situ Zhenxiong's letter, a leader election meeting will be held in Tangxiang Mountain in five days' time!

Situ Yun said lightly.

The Patriarchs looked at each other, and then the Patriarch of the Hong Family said as a representative

"Yes, we promise you, five days later, Tang Xiangshan will hold a leader election meeting.

They don't think that "their family will lose to this woman, Situ Yun, at the election conference.

However, what they didn't expect was that it was the day after they promised Situ Yun that they would call a leader election meeting.

The property of the six individuals was subject to a hostile takeover.

At the same time, the power of the skinhead gang began to attack the strength of their family.

Two days passed, and the people of the six major families found that their income was beyond their means.

If things go on like this, they are likely to go bankrupt!

The important thing is that Xu Yi's side is basically dealing with the big family with the same style of play.

This time, the people of the six major families really panicked.

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