Then Ouyang Zhijie gradually transferred the power in his hands to Lin Peiru.

Lin Peiru is slowly replacing her own people with the original ones, and is quickly conquering the Green Gang!

Just as Xu Yi was turning upside down the rivers and lakes of the United States, he received a message.

After a long period of internal strife, the President of the Javanese Army has once again suppressed the opposition forces.

Chapter 426 Counterattack! ! !

According to Fengtang's information, Karas is about to launch a new round of political advances in the 42 capitals to divert the conflicts in Quanbo.

Xu Yi, who was in country m at this time, looked at the map and said lightly,

"Very good, since you are looking for death, then I am not polite!"

Originally, Xu Yi was planning to attack Nanyang after he got rid of the Jianghu forces.

Unexpectedly, Quanbo Zhengfu actually provoked himself.

Then Xu Yi had no choice but to advance his plan to attack Nanyang.

Quanbo President Callas is proud to review the troops who are about to go to the 42nd Territory.

This army is a force he has carefully built with a large budget.

He also re-purchased nine naval ships. Karas felt that there was no problem with paying 42 for the territory.

After the Karas review, an expeditionary force consisting of [-] landing troops and [-] fleets.

Then began to march towards the territory of 42 capitals.

The next day!

Quanbo Junzhengfu is fighting without declaration!

Tieban and the 42nd Territory signed a peace agreement, and launched a crazy attack on the 42nd Territory.


This was the decision Callas regretted most in his life.

With the strong support of Xu Yi and the Nanyang Chinese, 42 armed an army of nearly 10 people.

These armies are trained by officers of the Polar Bear Alliance and equipped with a full set of Polar Bear Alliance's various weapons, ammunition, etc.

This army is definitely elite, and the first battle with the Guawei Landing Army proved this side.

The Quanbo Landing Army was defeated by the 42nd Territory Army, and because of the unannounced war by the Quanbo Army Government.

The 42 capitals successfully attacked the remaining forces on Borneo.

And within a week, it occupied the entire sphere of influence of Quanbo Mong in Borneo.

The naval battle between the two fleets also broke out a hundred nautical miles north of the Majia Strait.

Originally, the Quanbo Fleet was going to dispatch all its members to attack the local area of ​​Da Nana Island first, to set back the spirit of the 42 capital territory.

However, after detecting the movements of the Izumi Naval Forces, the 42nd Naval Fleet confronted the Izumi Naval Fleet head-on.

What Quanbo didn't expect was that it took less than two years.

The naval strength of the 42 capitals will expand so rapidly.

Because of Xu Yi's money, plus the support of President Luocha and the Cossack government.

Especially the Cossack government, although it is supported by Xu Yi's funds.

But still unable to make ends meet, Galois wished he could sell all his shorts.

Therefore, he wished to sell all the ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Polar Bear Alliance to Xu Yi.

Only the usual coastal defense force will do.

It was under such circumstances that the 42 Capital Territory bought twelve destroyers and six submarines in one go.

There is even a nuclear submarine owned by Xu Yi.

Relying on the more advanced destroyers and submarines of the Polar Bear Alliance.

42 After the territorial navy handed over, it directly defeated the Quanbo navy.

Of the seventeen ships of the Quanbo Navy Fleet, only one returned to the port of Bada.

But this time, the territory of 42 capitals is completely unreasonable.

Its fleet followers came to the city of Bada, the first arc of Quanbo.

o0 asks for flowers 0...

Cannons were fired every day to demonstrate by the coast of Bada City, scaring the people in Bada City to the point of panic.

At the same time, the 42 capitals officially sent coal to Quanbo.

Quanbo is required to immediately and unconditionally surrender the territory of 42 capitals to Long to end this war.

Quanbo must draw the entire Borneo to the territory of the 42 capitals.

But there is still one more requirement at the moment, and the president of Quanbo's military government, Karas, must step down immediately.

Of course, it was impossible for Callas to agree to this request. He knew what would be waiting for him once he stepped down.

So he decided to go all out and gather all the military forces that Quanquan Bom can mobilize to attack the territory of 42 capitals.

The victory or defeat this time is directly related to Karas' future career, and there is absolutely no room for defeat.

However, as soon as the order of Callas was announced, it was leaked immediately.

Afterwards, the entire Quanbo Xie people knew about it.

At this moment, the people exploded, and the battle is yours to fight.

Now that he has lost the battle, and wants to fight with the entire army, this is a gamble on luck!

Especially the people of Bada, their special anger.

The warships of 42 capitals are showing off their power at the port every day, which makes them very afraid.

What Karas didn't know was that Quanbo Junzheng's opponents.

In the initial stage of the Quanbo M round and 42 battlefields, a large amount of financial assistance was received, and the ring began to expand rapidly.

But now, they have secretly acquired a large number of weapons.

This gave the opposition a reassurance, and he was determined to launch the next move. Seven.

Chapter 427 Release a new mission, the richest man in China!

Soon, a loud oil demonstration broke out in Bada.

Fan Quanbo and 42 both continued to fight.

Of course, Callas would not take the oil business of this group of people seriously, and he ordered the army to suppress it.

But what he didn't expect was that many of Xu Yixing's crowd suddenly turned into armed thugs

In fact, many troops stationed in Bada also announced their mutiny. In just one night, Bada became a "[-]" battlefield.

The opposition and Callas' men were fighting each other.

Just when the two sides were fighting, the troops from the 42nd capital landed in Cong Bada, which was too fast to delay.

Occupied Bada in an instant and captured President Callas alive!

Zhu Yongtang, the leader of the 42 Metropolitan Territory, announced to the various regions of Quanbo that a general meeting will be held to decide the future of Java.

Half a month later, the meeting was officially held in Bada.

Zhu Yongtang talked about the trial of Karas at this meeting.

During Karas' tenure, he severely suppressed the folk buildings in the Javanese.

In the end, the congress delegates passed a resolution to sentence Callas to death.

This cold-blooded old president has finally come to the end of his road.

Another thing is Zhu Yongtang's plan according to Xu Yi's design.

In this plan, Zhu Yongtang believes that Quanbo should form a federation.

It is divided into several franchisees with independent poisonous main fists...

This plan was approved by Jinya with a [-]% approval rate, and this also meant that Quanboyan fell apart.

The 42 capital territory has also officially become an independent country.

No longer a dominion, its territory spread throughout the rest of the world.

The two brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo led people to take advantage of the civil war in Quanbo, and their forces extended into Quanbo.

At this moment, in Xu Yi's mind, "a familiar voice sounded.

"Congratulations to the host, the talent money emperor hat has been upgraded, the talent spider sharpness has been upgraded, and the talent is daring."

"Talent Money Emperor (Level 40.00): Now [-]% of the income of the control site will become the personal wealth of the host."

"Talent Spider Sensitive Mirror (Level 20): Can sense fatal danger within [-] seconds."

"Talent Loyalty: A subordinate with a loyalty of one hundred will never betray."

The next moment, the system sound rang in Xu Yi's mind. 0

"Release a new mission and become the richest Chinese man!"

"Mission rewards: upgrade the talent money and gold, upgrade the talent spider sharpness, and reward random talents." After listening to the system's notification tone, Xu Yi thought to himself that the system had finally brought him to the final step.

As long as this task is completed and he becomes the richest man in the world, then he will become a real wealth legend!

Xu Yi thought for a moment, and then he made a decision.

He decided to set his goal on Europa now, and the Heroine Party is not impossible to deal with.

But according to the news Xu Yi learned, the n-smoke proud warrior gang leaned on the mountain of Ascaris.

Because of the cooperation with the Freemasonry, Saxon focused on Xu Yi.

0.7 They will accept the proud warrior gang, which can prove it.

It is obvious that they want to support the proud fighters to fight against Xu Yi, so as to prevent Xu Yi from causing them more trouble.

Apart from not wanting to have a showdown with Saxon so soon, Xu Yi also has a more important purpose.

he wants to be in[email protected]Crowned as wealth No.1, so he put the conquest of the world at the end.

Then, Xu Yi left Mil and returned to Xiangjiang.

Chapter 428

In Xiangjiang at this time, whether it is Jianghu or Baidao, Xu Yi has a huge shadow.

Now the number of Hongxing members has exceeded 6.

Several of the top richest people in Xiangjiang had very in-depth cooperation with Xu Yi in Nanyang, which made Xu Yi cover the sky with only one hand in Xiangjiang. After returning to Xiangjiang this time, Xu Yi held a meeting of speakers at Societe Generale .

At the conference, Xu Yi looked at Hong Xing's twelve speakers, and said slowly:

"I announce that my position as leader will be succeeded by deputy leader Han Bin"

"Thank you for your support, I will always be a member of Hongxing Club."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, all the people present showed expressions of astonishment.

Although Xu Yi once said before that he would step down as the leader and let Han Bin be the leader.

But really when this moment comes, they still only have shock and hesitation in their hearts.

Shocked by Xu Yi's resignation, and Hong Xing's hesitation about the future after Xu Yi left.

Because Xu Yi's current stage is not only in Xiangjiang, but also in Hongxing, his stage is all over the world

"Brother Yi, no one is qualified to be the leader of Jinxing Club except you."

"Therefore, I have to make the first decision, the position of leader of the society will always be empty"

"From now on, the boss of Hongxing Society can only call himself the deputy leader. Please applaud if you agree with my decision.

As soon as his words fell, there was thunderous applause!

"All audience, unanimous vote!" Han Bin said happily.

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