Zou Wenhua: "Yes, Na Jiahe will advance and retreat with Boss Lu this time.

Chapter 460

On the side of the road opposite the hotel, there is a Toyota Crown parked.

The man in the driver's seat held a telescope and said:

"Look, Zou Wenhua, He Guanchang and Lu Wenzhong, when these people get together, there must be some kind of conspiracy.

The scar-faced man in the passenger seat beside him closed his eyes slightly and nodded.

As he dozed off, he still clutched the camera tightly in his hand.

"Quick, what are you doing! Wake up."

The man with the scar face raised his head abruptly, and subconsciously raised the camera in his hand.

Then he saw that there was no target he was looking for at the door of the hotel.

"People have gone in?"

The man with the scar face looked at the fat man in the driver's seat, and was glared at by the fat man

Nima coin, don't doze off! . "

The fat man raised the binoculars, and the man with the scar face yawned lazily.

"Here they come"

The man held the binoculars in one hand, and pushed the scar-faced man with the other.

The scar-faced man hastily raised his camera and looked through the telephoto lens.

Quickly press the shutter.

Ktmd, did you catch it? ' the man asked anxiously.

The man with the scar face put down the camera, "What do you think they are going to do?"

Then he said in disbelief:

"Maybe they just met for afternoon tea

The man next to him reprimanded: "Idiot, Zou Wenhua, Lu Wenzhong and Xu Yi are together, the scar-faced man rubbed his head, puzzled and said:

"Who would believe those photos?"

At this moment, a strange idea suddenly appeared in the man's mind.

He has already figured out how to write...

They must be plotting something. "

the other side.

When Xu Yi opened the door and came in, everyone stood up to welcome him.

Xu Yi smiled and greeted everyone one by one before sitting down.

"Everyone is here, let's start talking."

Lu Wenzhong was impatient, and he spoke first:

"There is no need to say too much about the benefits of the merger of theater chains. Anyone who has any doubts should raise it now."

Xu Yi glanced across the faces of everyone present, and finally landed on Zou Wenhua.

"After the merger of theater chains, who will take the main responsibility?"

"Me! I'm in charge!"

Xu Yi's answer didn't mean to be muddled in the slightest.

"Mr. Xu is very reliable, I don't worry about other people calling the shots!"

Lu Wenzhong only opened his mouth to say a word, but didn't say anything.

At this time, Zou Wenhua went on to say:

"Mr. Xu, how does the United Cinemas under your leadership guarantee Jiahe's interests?"

Xu Yi: "One-third of the cinema's schedule is reserved for films produced by Jiahe, but if they do not perform well after the release, they will have to end." Xu Yi paused, and then said:

"You have to know one thing, no matter which company's movie is released in theaters, everyone will have a share of the money."

"That's why I think everyone should put aside their opinions and speak according to their strengths!"

Zou Wenhua was thinking about something while smoking a cigarette, while Lu Wenzhong asked:

"If this negotiation is successful, Century Pictures will also set up its own film and television company. Mr. Xu, you won't favor one over another, will you?"

Xu Yi nodded with a smile.

'About the company's equity, Mr. Xu, how do you plan to distribute it? "

When Zou Wenhua said this, everyone looked at Xu Yi.

Shao Yifu also opened his eyes in an instant, holding his breath and waiting for Xu Yi's answer.

Xu Yi lit a cigar and said calmly:

"I will take 50.00% of the shares, and Jiahe and Century Pictures will share the remaining shares equally."

"The property of the theater chain belongs to everyone, and it will be given to the new theater chain fairly according to the market price."

Hearing this, everyone had different expressions.

Zou (Qian Haozhao) Wenhua was expressionless, and Lu Wenzhong was smoking a cigar, and the two of them were making various calculations in their hearts.

Lu Wenzhong then expressed his position: "As long as what you just said, Mr. Xu, is true, I will agree, there is no difference."

The others saw that Lu Wenzhong agreed, Wen Hua exchanged opinions with He Guanchang, and finally agreed.

After finalizing the details, He Guanchang said:

"As for the name of the new cinema chain, may I ask Mr. Xu, have you thought about it yet?"

Xu Yi thought for a while and said, "The combined name of the three theaters is naturally more grand, so it should be called Universe Cinemas.

Chapter 461 Trip to Maple Leaf Country

The next day, citizens of Xiangjiang could read headlines in newspapers.

"The three major theater lines merged into the universe theater line, and the Xiangjiang film market began to reshuffle"

Closing the overwhelming reports on the newspaper in his hand, Shao Yifu had a very headache.

Undoubtedly, the news of the merger of the three cinema chains caused a huge shock to the Xiangjiang film industry.

Shao Yifu was so overwhelmed by the news that he poured the coffee in his hand.

Most of Xiangjiang's theater chains are controlled by Xu Yi, and Shaw Brothers is at the end of its rope.

Xu Yi definitely didn't want to see Shao's comeback.

Otherwise, Shaw Brothers will not be left behind this time, and they will only merge with Century Pictures and Jiahe.

Shao Yifu had no choice but to let go of his thoughts for the time being, the most important thing for him was TVB.

As for the Shaw Brothers, let's talk about it later.

After the establishment of Asia Cinemas, Xiangjiang's film and television companies all listened to Xu Yi's 837 people. From now on, all the film and television giants will look at Xu Yi's eyes.

Although Xu Yi didn't think about messing with anyone on purpose, except Shao's!

The general layout of Xiangjiang Film and Television is basically complete now, and now it's time for me to go to Maple Leaf Country to see the diamond mine.

After getting the business visa, Xu Yi took Qiu Di and A Ji and set off for Maple Leaf Country.

"Mr. Xu, that place is too remote. Even if the wages are high, there probably won't be many Maple Leaf people going back there." Qiudi's worry is very real. Not many Maple Leaf people are willing to work and settle in such a northerly place.

A Ji interjected: "Brother Yi, I'm not worried about this matter. The immigrants in Maple Leaf Country and the restrictions on foreigners working there are relatively loose."

"Especially in some remote areas, there are a lot of people who want to earn hard money."

Hearing this, Xu Yi smiled and said, "A Ji, will you go?"

A Ji: "If I hadn't met you, Mr. Xu, I would have gone."

Qiu Di on the side said: "The insurance will be very high." Qiu Jing is doing economic calculations.

Xu Yi smiled, "I think we will have the best miners in the world"

"Their conditions are more difficult than this. If we give high rewards, they will definitely come."

Several of the islands Xu Yi has selected so far are open-pit mines.

The plane landed on the land of Maple Leaf Country after a long flight.

As soon as I got out of the cabin, I felt the air was very fresh.

Baihua City, also known as Huangsha City.

There are about [-] residents here, and it is the northernmost city in Maple Leaf Country. (baah)

Gold mines were discovered here more than 100 years ago.

However, due to the small reserves, scattered and inconvenient transportation, large-scale mining is seldom performed.

A few years ago, a gold mine with large reserves was discovered, and the place was remote enough.

Some people came to invest in a daze, and they were already vomiting blood at a loss.

The aborigines here are still raising reindeer as they have been for thousands of years, relying on the traditional fur industry, fishing and hunting.

Qiuti said:

"We'll settle here today, and we'll take a seaplane tomorrow morning. If we're lucky, we'll be able to see the Northern Lights tonight." Qiu Di had already been here once when he bought the land, so he was familiar with the situation.

Xu Yi's men are all armed, and according to the agreement, they can bring guns into the country.

Luo Tianhong has sent 200 tiger mercenaries to Maple Leaf Country, and they will be responsible for taking care of the diamond mine from now on.

Luo Tianhong brought ZXg and G578 to everyone.

Long guns are not for defense against people, but for protection against bears.

Because there are a lot of polar bears in this area.

I stayed at the Capital Hotel in Baihua City, which is the hotel with the highest grade and the best reputation in Baihua City.

This hotel has a very thoughtful design, that is, basically the rooms are equipped with luxurious kitchens.

Dinner is reindeer meat with Chinese cabbage, all kinds of fried fish with Chinese cabbage, it’s all Chinese cabbage anyway.

Chapter 462

Early the next morning.

After Xu Yi had breakfast, a group of people arrived at the airport.

A seaplane is parked on the lake.

"What model?" Xu Yi asked A Ji next to him.

"Mr. Xu, it is an XN-7 Twin Otter, which is very suitable for polar routes, with a range of [-]-km.

Xu Yi: "Then, how much is it?"

"It's about 300 million Hong Kong dollars. It seems that the production of this aircraft has been discontinued this year. This aircraft can be used for decades."

Xu Yi: "Well, yes, we'll buy a few too."

Xu Yi is in a good mood now, Qiu Jing's assistant came to Maple Leaf Country a few days earlier.

As of yesterday afternoon, the representatives of the company not only won the land, but also circled two more lands in Baihua City.

Xu Yi took the way of a domineering president to deal with it.

Xu Yi's 2000 million Hong Kong paper dollars were thrown down, and all the land ownership, exploration rights and mining rights were taken into his pocket.

However, Xu Yi would not develop those two places in the past few decades.

At most, wait until the exploration of the two largest mining areas is completed.

Let the exploration team find out the situation of the mines in the last two locations.

Five hundred square kilometers is enough for several experts and a group of surveyors and assistants to work for several years.

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