If you insist on splitting it, the value will be cheaper and it won't be worth it.

It took David, the captain of the exploration team, three days to break down the rough stone.

As for the largest diamond, the ratio of its length to width is about 5:4.

The rough stones are hoarded first, and there is no rush to process them.

And in the future, it will also control the release of diamonds to the market. Super diamonds will definitely not be released all at once, which will affect the global diamond price by seven.

Chapter 468 Private Jet

This super diamond is the second largest diamond ever built in the world!

Its color is more beautiful, more transparent, and it belongs to the peerless giant diamond!

Just using the word "good-looking" can't describe his beauty at all.

Under the presumptuousness of the 12x magnifying glass, there is no flaw in it, it is perfect!

David, the captain of the exploration team, concluded that the diamond belonged to Mr. Xu, with a clarity of xm, FC1216 "[-]".

Xu Yu nodded, looked at Qiu Ti and said to him:

"Qiudi, you keep this diamond, take good care of it!"

Qiu Di smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, you are so kind, thank you, I will definitely keep it well."

Later, Xu Yi said to Hopkins:

"Mr. Hopkins, you have worked so hard during this time. You are responsible for escorting the other diamonds!" Hopkins: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will take good care of this diamond and escort Xu Yi well." One, and then said to Qiuti that we should prepare and go back immediately,

"Okay, Mr. Xu!" Qiu Jing replied.

The next day, Xu Yi left this beautiful island with litchi and returned to the Xiangjiang River.

"Boss, don't worry about it."

Qiudi went to Wengehua and then flew to Tuanyue, while Li Zi and Xu Yi returned to Xiangjiang.

On the plane, Xu Yi felt that he didn't have his own private plane, and it was really not the same. When the plane landed at Qide Airport in Xiangjiang, Han Bin and Chen Haonan greeted him at the airport.

After arriving at the office, Xu Yi said to Han Bin:

"You need to contact Wangliu Company as soon as possible, and ask them to send the regional manager over to talk to me in person."

"Good Mr. Xu!" Han Bin said respectfully.

The next day!

In Xu Yi's office, Rogers, the account manager of Wangliu Company, is introducing the performance of Wangliu aircraft to Xu Yi in detail.

"Excuse me, Mr. Xu, what are your requirements for the interior decoration?"

The next moment, Xu Yi gave Rogers a detailed explanation of his request.

Xu Yi's customized requirements for the interior, the airport needs a bedroom, a study room, a shower room, two toilets, and a simple kitchen.

There is also a small living room, and the large cockpit is used to accommodate subordinates, flight attendants, chefs, etc.

There are also three sofa beds in the cockpit, allowing bodyguards and others to take turns lying down and resting. 0

The decoration style is super cool and technological style, Xu Yi doesn't like any rich colors, and advocates minimalism!

Next, Xu Yi discussed with Rogers what materials to use for decoration.

"Mr. Xu, according to your specific requirements, we have carefully calculated that a total of about 2000 million Hong Kong papers will be returned at the same time, and it may take four months to remodel." Coincidentally, one month in Wangliu Company happened to have an airplane off the production line .

Xu Yi pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, this way... I just hope that the speed is as fast as possible, don't delay, everything is afraid of delay."

Rogers said: "Yes, Mr. Xu, then I will urge the company to speed up the progress."

Xu Yi: "Mr. Rogers, I will ask someone to transfer the deposit to your account at 0.7. You don't have to worry about the money."

Rogers: "It's okay, Mr. Xu, I understand your strength, so I'll take my leave first

After Rogers left, Xu Yi's mind started working again.

Pilots don't need to recruit outside, let Lin Peiru two pilots come over.

As for flight attendants, there is no need to have several, one or two is fine, and the seats on the plane are still reserved for your own staff.

Chapter 469 Stewardess

In such a situation, we should find a flight attendant, Xu Yi suddenly thought of a flight attendant.

Isn't Xiao Jinzi already a flight attendant?

Thinking of this, Xu Yi picked up the phone from his desk.I called Chen Haonan,

Xu Yi asked Chen Haonan: "A'nan, I want to ask. Is there a flight attendant named Xiao Jinzi?"

Chen Haonan replied: "There is a stewardess named Xiao Jinzi, Brother Yi, if you want, I will come to him earlier."

Soon Chen Haonan found the flight attendant Xiao Jinzi through his own information channel.

Chen Haonan: "Okay Brother Yi, I'll go to 10 today, will she fly?"

Half an hour later, Chen Haonan contacted Xu Yi again.

"Brother Yi, I asked, she is on vacation today, and she has been on vacation these days."

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Anan, you go and contact him. I just bought a plane and need a flight attendant."

"You asked her if she was interested, and I told you to find it!"

When Chen Haonan heard that Brother Yi was trying to poach someone.

Brother Yi's matter is the biggest matter for him, Chen Haonan!

Soon, the manager of Xiao Jinzi's airline called Xu Yi and said:

"Hello, Mr. Xu, Xiao Cao, I will let him go over and talk to you in person. I believe Mr. Xu will treat him very well.

"Well, thank you then, hang up first." Xu Yi said and hung up the phone.

Two hours later, Li Zi led Xiaojinzi Cao Jinjie to Xu Yi's office.

Li Zi: "Mr. Xu, Miss Cao is here."

Xu Yi: "Miss Cao, hello, come, come and sit."

"Hello, Mr. Xu".

Cao Jinjie is only this year. He is very shy and has a small and exquisite figure.

"Miss Cao, I'm looking for you today because I want to invite you to be the flight attendant of my private jet,"

Cao Jinjie: "I can think about it, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yi: "In this way, I will give you a monthly salary of [-] Hong Kong paper, and the salary will be increased by [-]% every year. What do you think?"

Cao Jinjie: "Mr. Xu, the treatment you give is very good, and I like this job very much."

Xiao Jinzi was overjoyed, knowing that her monthly salary is only [-] Hong Kong paper.

Xu Yi: "Okay, Miss Cao, then you can go to the HR department to register first, and get acquainted with your colleagues first.

"The working environment here will satisfy you, and the colleagues here are also very friendly to each other. You can work here with peace of mind."

Cao Jinjie nodded and said: "Okay, Mr. Xu, I will go out first."

Xu Yi: "Well, you go."

After Cao Jinjie left, he kept asking Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, have you found a new lover?"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Ah Zi, he is just an ordinary employee of our company. I need a stewardess for my private jet. I think he is very good." Li Zi smiled, curled her lips again, and went out.

That night, Xu Yi spent the night at Chu Li's house.

At five o'clock in the morning, the phone beside the bed suddenly rang 837.

"Brother Yi, who is calling?"

Chu Fan was also woken up by the ringing of the phone, and was asked with her arms resting on the velvet.

"Honey, it's Wang Jing calling..."

After Xu Yi answered the phone, he heard Wang Jing's voice on the opposite side, and said to Chu Li while covering the microphone.

Chu Li's first reaction was to cover his mouth, and abruptly covered his mouth with that soft "hey" sound.

Xu Yi let go of the microphone and joked with Wang Jing:

"Hey, Fatty Wang, why call me at this time?"

There was a sudden earth-shattering cough from Wang Jing, as if he was drinking water and then choked.

Chapter 470

Xu Yi: "Fatty Wang, next time you call to calculate the time difference, it's daytime over there, but it's nighttime here." Chu Li also sat hugging the quilt, listening to the voice from the other end of the phone.

Wang Jing: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to tell you some bad news, that Li Jie refused."

Wang Jing confirmed that the one who wanted to reshape the classic image of Huang Feihong was none other than Li Jie.

If Li Jie cannot be persuaded, this matter will really be a huge blow to Wang Jing.

Originally, Wang Jing thought that Xu Yi would be disappointed when he heard the news.

But unexpectedly, Xu Yi just gave a soft "hmm".

Wang Jing looked at the phone in bewilderment.

Xu Yi didn't talk about Li Jie at all, but just asked him when he would return to Xiangjiang.

At this time, no matter how confused Wang Jing was, he could tell that Xu Yi was unhappy with Li Jie.

Will it?Mr. Xu, he has found other more suitable candidates?

This thought lingered in Wang Jing's mind.

At the same time, he answered Xu Yi respectfully on the phone.

Xu Yi told him that he could return to Xiangjiang within 24 hours.

"Fatty Wang, Su Shishi has just taken in an apprentice, let him bring it here for you to inspect later.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I understand!" Wang Jing replied.

r. "Xu Yi said.

Wang Jing flew back to Xiangjiang the next day.

Su Shiwu, a famous martial arts designer in Xiangjiang, went to the airport to pick him up.

After meeting Wang Jing, he held Su Shiwu's shoulder tightly and said:

"Okay you. When did you accept another apprentice, even I don't know."

Su Shiwu didn't know that Wang Jing and Xu Yi talked on the phone last night, so he thought it was Wang Jing who heard about it from somewhere else.

So he joked:

"The apprentice I just accepted yesterday, you already know today, you will be lenient if you confess, and strict if you resist."

"Tell me, did you install an insider in Su's class?"

"Then, what about people?"

Wang Jing looked behind Su Shiwu, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that there was no one he was looking for:

"Hey, the newly accepted apprentice doesn't have to hide like this? Could it be that you and I can snatch the apprentice?"

Hearing this, Su Shiwu was really afraid of Wang Jing, and raised his hand to beg for forgiveness:

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there right away, okay?"

The two left the airport.Get in the car and go straight to Sujiaban.

About half an hour later, Wang Jing and Su Shiwu arrived at the place and walked into a compound together.

A flower platform was built in the center of the compound and a young man in a long gown stood under a tree.

The profile of the young man's face is well formed.

The thick black eyebrows on the forehead stand out, but there is a gentle smile in the eyes.

From the moment Wang Jing entered the compound, his gaze stayed on this strange young man, and he looked him up and down several times.

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