This shoe was bought by Yukinoshita Yukino herself for Shiina Mashiro when Yukinoshita was still alive, but there was no sticker when I bought it, and Yukinoshita Yukino had no impression of the sticker on it.

But after reading Shiina Mashiro's memory, Yukinoshita Yukino also knew how the above stickers came from.

This is a sticker given to her by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

The shoes were bought by Yukinoshita Yukino's own mother, and the cute stickers on them were given by Kasumigaoka Shiwa to this stepmother - Shiina Mashiro cherishes this pair of shoes very much.But now it's in the trash.

It was coated with a thick layer of dirty grease.

The stickers were also torn off.

Seen through the grease, the shoe was also torn.

——This is school bullying.

Yukinoshita Yukino deduced the answer to this matter.

She is not a detective, and now her young body has caused her logic to drop significantly - but it does not require a strong logic to infer this matter, because Yukinoshita Yukino also suffered school violence when she was very young Ling, who felt the same way, naturally understood what was going on.

When she was in junior high school, her indoor shoes were hidden nearly [-] times, and she could only enter the classroom wearing socks; someone secretly took her umbrella away, so she had to run home in the rain; Write some threatening letters and put them in her shoe cabinet, trying to scare her...

The final result was resolved by her sister Yukinoshita Yono.

Her sister used her relationship to not only make these people who threatened her suffer the same treatment, but in the end they even transferred to a third-rate school to be with people of the same quality as her.

They completely disappeared in front of Yukino Yukino.


Although Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't like her sister, but Yukinoshita Yukino can also understand that without her own sister, she would probably be bullied by the entire middle school.

Now Shiina Mashiro is also like this, being bullied like she was at the beginning-but she is no longer the person being bullied, but the mother of the person being bullied.

Although she couldn't agree with it, the anger burning in her heart made Yukinoshita Yukino seem to understand what her sister did back then.

Blood is thicker than water.

The bone is attached to the flesh.

She is such a calm person, but at this moment she is also outraged. She wants to find the murderer and let the murderer have a good taste of this humiliation.

and so……

It's time for those who bullied Shiina Mashiro to pay the price.


Who is bullying Shiina Mashiro?

Shiina Mashiro is very obedient, the teachers like her very much, no one will make things difficult for her - she is very popular among boys, although sometimes she is nicknamed the Golden Retriever Lion King, but she will not be deliberately made things difficult.

Girls are even more envious of her blond hair. Worshiping foreigners is always the essence of human beings. Although her parents are two neon people, if she has blond hair, she will also be welcomed by girls—plus she has a super good personality. Not as withdrawn as Yukinoshita Yukino, nor will she be squeezed out by other girls.

So who is bullying her?

Wait a minute, if it was the murderer, would he be hiding in the crowd?

Yukinoshita Yukinohara began to observe carefully, among the crowds around, there were all kinds of people watching the fun, dazzled, there was no way to filter them out.

——At this time, it is not the eyes that should be trusted, but the ears.

Yukinoshita Yukino then closed her eyes and listened carefully with her ears. Amidst the noisy voice, a discordant laughter appeared.

Among the crowd, a girl let out a low laugh.

Laughter is like flies on the dinner table.

Mosquitoes in a mosquito net.

It also looks like something from hell—a ghost with a long tongue.

Chapter 23 "Shiina Mashiro" hit someone! !

The voice of this smile was very rough, very harsh, and very noisy—Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt a little disgusted, and she had a bad impression of the owner of this voice.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes and cast her eyes on this girl.

In the crowd, she stood at the forefront of the crowd with her undisguised figure—this girl is fat and tall, and her body is even a head taller than Yukinoshita Yukino's current body. Under Yukino, she is as wide as a giant, and she has to look up at her.

What does this girl feel,

Yukinoshita Yukino focused her gaze on her.

She grinned.

Show a mocking smile.

This is not the first time she has bullied Shiina Mashiro.

For her, bullying Shiina Mashiro has become commonplace.

Shiina Mashiro has a really good personality, many people like her, and many people love her.

The situation of this fat girl is completely different. There is a martial arts gym in her home, so she usually eats more, and the fat girl is taller, and she suffers vague discrimination from her classmates around her.

The mentality of ordinary people is actually not so easy to jump, but they are most afraid of comparisons, discrimination by kindergarten children is nothing, but there is a very popular little girl around, surrounded by classmates.

In contrast, the fat girl found that the situation of the two people was completely different.

She's fat, she's tall, she's ugly.

She is cute, she is beautiful, she has a sweet voice, and she is gentle and kind.

One is a little princess who is full of stars, and the other is an ugly doll who is cast aside by others.

Why am I not born beautiful?

why am i petite

Why am I not a foreigner?

So the fat girl got jealous.

Jealous of why two people are born so different, jealous of why two people are born so different, everyone is obviously a girl, why one is beautiful and the other is ugly.

Since jealousy will bully.

But the only bullying that a child can think of is pranks—for example, hitting her on purpose while queuing, taking her pencil away secretly and breaking it into two pieces, or secretly turning her into a scarecrow and pricking her with a needle.

The teacher also noticed these things and wanted to stop them.

But after the teacher took the initiative to visit the house, he found out that his father owns a martial arts gym, and he loves this fat girl very much. There is only one girl in their family, and the elders like to love girls, so the fat girl in the family is naturally a princess.

When the teacher came to visit, his father stared at her and asked her what happened.

The teacher froze immediately.

The teacher still has a little background in his family, and he knows that people who open a martial arts gym are not easy to mess with, especially black and white, and never suffer—seeing that he is a martial arts gym owner, he suddenly feels a little bad.

"Student Gang Tianmei has a bad relationship with her classmates in school. I came here to hope that you will know."

In the end, the old man said boldly: "Naturally, I have to deal with the relationship between my classmates - I was beaten every day when I was in elementary school when I was a child, and she has to fight for her own relief when she is wronged."

——But your daughter is bullying others.

The teacher opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say the fact. He could only sigh heavily and didn't continue the home visit.

The fat girl almost cried when she heard the teacher's home visit when she got home, but she found out that there was nothing wrong with it, so she became more malicious towards Shiina Mashiro, which has intensified in the past few days, and even this morning, she threw her indoor shoes Into the trash.


But these are the back stories.

For Yukinoshita Yukino, she didn't know these things either.

Because of her childhood experience, she can roughly guess that this fat girl bullied others because of her inferiority complex.

She didn't know the reason for her low self-esteem, anyway, she bullied Shiina Mashiro for a reason.

If Yukinoshita Yukino is the person involved, adding that he is a bullied person - Yukinoshita Yukino won't care at all, this kind of person who can only bully others can only show his own weakness, not at all powerful.

What is the solution?

It's a little troublesome, but just be patient.

But this time Yukinoshita Yukino is not the person involved - Yukinoshita Yukino is Shiina Mashiro's mother.

"Come here." Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly pushed away the teacher's hand and walked towards the fat girl.

The fat girl grinned and walked out from the crowd, "What's the matter?"

She looked at the beautiful girl with blond hair and long hair in front of her without fear.Although she doesn't look the same as she used to, and although her cute face shows a cold expression, she still looks like that blond girl. Since she is that kind of blond girl, then continue to bully her! ! !

Yukinoshita Yukino squinted her dark red eyes, pointed at Shiina Mashiro's shoes in the garbage dump with her short little finger, and asked:

"Did you throw this shoe?"

The fat girl snorted and smiled: "So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

Yukinoshita Yukino said seriously: "If not, I sincerely apologize to you."

"In the process of finding the murderer, I misidentified the suspect. Of course I have to apologize for this kind of thing."

The fat girl shook her head in disdain, looking at the polite "nice girl" in front of her, the anger in her heart filled her chest more and more.

Is it because of your cuteness in disguise that you can cheat other people's affection?

Your cleverness may work for others, but it doesn't work for me! !

"Why do you have to apologize to me seriously."

"Didn't you figure it out?"

"Do I have to tell the truth?"

"I'm the one who threw your shoes here, so what?"

The fat girl puffed out her chest, looked down at Yukinoshita Yukino, and looked at this weak girl, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Is the good baby going to sue the parents?"

Then the next second something she didn't expect happened,

A small foot was lifted up, and the small leather shoe kicked directly on her chest. The eyes of the master who kicked him were icy-as if a living and dead person had been resurrected, with the feeling of returning from the underworld. The hostility made her tremble all over.

"Apologize." Yukinoshita Yukino said, the strange thing is that she is still not angry, she is just exercising her own reason.

She kicked the girl to the ground, and the well-behaved "Shiina Mashiro" showed an extremely dangerous light at this moment.

"Apologizing to my shoes."

"Otherwise, if I hit you today, your father wouldn't even know you!!!"

Chapter 24 Zhenbai, you can't beat people up like this

Shiina Mashiro is a very gentle and quiet person.

How quiet is it?

In the past, the fat girl hadn't started to bully her. We just got to know each other when we came to the kindergarten.It happened to be spring at that time, and wild cats were calling everywhere. The toys and teacups of kindergarten children were spoiled by wild cats due to poor supervision.

At this time, the teacher organized a class activity. When we went out for an outing, we met such a wild cat. The wild cat was hit by a truck or something.

They went out for an outing that day, and happened to meet this wild cat on the way back.

It has probably been howling for several hours, and the passers-by around don't care about it at all.

Half of its face was smashed, and one of its front and rear feet was broken.The cat was not good-looking in the first place, but with that appearance, it looked more like a bloody lump of flesh.No passer-by wanted to get close to it, and the fat girl yelled all the nasty things she could think of, causing everyone around her to frown.

But no one will give it sympathy, because beside this wild cat, there happens to be a teacup, which is the missing teacup of Shiina Mashiro-apparently it is the culprit of the unrest in the kindergarten.

During this period, the kindergarten lost not only such a teacup, but also many other things. Many boys expressed their deserved feelings, but only Shiina Mashiro did not say a word.

Everyone returned to the classroom, but Shiina Mashiro suddenly made a request to the teacher, she wanted to save the wild cat.

I contacted the local stray pet rescue center. When the people from the rescue center arrived, Shiina Mashiro asked his teacher for some money, bought medicine and ointment, and bandaged the kitten's wound.

She even picked it up in the end, when Yukinoshita Yukino was still alive at that time, the new little dress Yukinoshita Yukino bought for her, and the cute white stockings were all smeared and dirty, Shiina Mashiro loves it on weekdays Clean, and also like the clothes her mother gave her.But only at this time, she left the bloodstains all over her body, until the wild cat died completely, and took good care of the little wild cat.

——People from the rescue center came late, and after only 15 minutes, the thieving feral cat died.

Shiina Mashiro dug a grave for it, and the dirt on his body was buried in the soil without cleaning it.Her hands were covered with mud, and she stared at the grave for a long time.

But during this period of time, she never made a sound or expressed any emotion—only her small dark red pupils, like cat's eye jewels, carried a trace of loneliness and regret.

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