——It always makes people feel that it is carrying out some conspiracy.

The first time this system showed its fangs was to successfully eat itself, hiding the entire system behind the scenes.

Koyama Yosuke felt strange, that system would suspend the system in time - how could it be easily eaten by someone?

And the second time this system showed its fangs was to make Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who had recovered her memory, a dream actor—and this move.It directly made him fall into the emotional vortex of Kasumi Hill Shiyu.

The third time this system showed its fangs was yesterday.

The system didn't delete Shiina Mashiro's memory—just now Yosuke Koyama went to investigate Shiina Mashiro's information, and on the information frame of Shiina Mashiro, Koyama Yosuke found a slight change in her identity.

——She has also become a dream actress.

That is to say, Yosuke Koyama's system dream company has three more dream actors under his hands for no reason—Yukinoshita Yukino, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and Shiina Mashiro.

This is really too weird! ! !

I don't want to start Dreamland Films.

Why did he even find an actor for no apparent reason?

After these three strange incidents, Koyama Yosuke discovered the biggest difference between himself as a time traveler and other time travelers.

That is himself, the traverser, although there is a system.But the system will not actively issue tasks.Hardly show up.The system is always hidden behind the scenes, using other means to propel itself forward.

Even when Yukinoshita Yukino was facing the danger of death at the beginning, this system only reminded Yukinoshita Yukino that she was about to die, instead of issuing a task for Yosuke Koyama to save Yukinoshita Yukino.

Remind him that Yukinoshita Yukino is about to die, instead of asking him to save Yukinoshita Yukino who is about to die.

These two things are clearly fundamentally different.

This is critical.

Although he was completely trapped in the center of the vortex in the Shura field today, Koyama Yosuke still took the time to figure out what the system hides under the surface.

Koyama Yosuke found that he was likely to be involved in a systematic conspiracy.

If you continue to follow the system's script, you don't know what will happen.

Although the system is unlikely to harm him, the system that conceals all these operations still makes Koyama Yosuke feel uncomfortable.

From the beginning to the end, although this system gave itself strength.

But it has never actively released any tasks.

——As if someone specially arranged and made this system for him.

Of course, Yosuke Koyama was only skeptical about this matter.

After all, the system really helped him so much.

But even with suspicion, facing Yokinoshita Yono's request.Koyama Yosuke also didn't want to entrust Yukinoshita Yono with the role of dream actor.

He couldn't let the variables between them continue to increase.The current relationship between the few of them is too chaotic. If another Yukinoshita Hino comes in and makes her a dream actor, I don't know what kind of chaos it will be.

But Yukinoshita Haruno raised a question.

A question that made Koyama Yosuke's heart hover.

This question made Koyama Yosuke completely confused.

Yukinoshita Yono said: "My younger sister and Kasumigaoka Shiyu are now following you at your house in the middle of the night, can you solve their parents?"

"According to what I know, my parents are not easy to solve - and Kasumigaoka Shiyu's parents are definitely not good. It is impossible for anyone's daughter to find a man in the middle of the night. I have a crush on this man."

"And if you make me a dream actor."

"Maybe I can help you solve these two troubles."

"Will not let their parents continue to hold the blame, let you solve your own complicated relationship by yourself."

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth that Yosuke Koyama couldn't refuse. This smile was full of charm, like a demon that lured people into hell.

This smile made Yosuke Koyama's heart almost pause.

——He suddenly wanted to agree! ! !

Chapter 31 This is fucking outrageous

"My younger sister and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu are following you at your house in the middle of the night. Can you solve their parents?"

Yukinoshita Yukino heard Yukinoshita Yono's words, and frowned, with an expression of displeasure on his cold face: "I and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't all follow him, you have to be careful with your words."

Yukinoshita Yoshino nodded lightly, as a response to his sister's words.She looked at Yosuke Koyama who was in deep thought, and raised the corners of her mouth in joy.

Koyama Yosuke was tempted.

For Koyama Yosuke, the biggest trouble at this moment is not the Shura field of two people.

It's not that Shiina Mashiro would grab him and call him Dad.

But the relationship between Yosuke Koyama, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Yukinoshita Yukino was exposed to the eyes of their parents.

Needless to say Yukinoshita Yukino.Yukinoshita Yoshino himself is the envoy sent by Yukinoshita Yukino's parents to observe him.

The relationship between Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke was not exposed, but Yukinoshita Yukino hung up Kasumigaoka Shiwa's phone and rejected her text message.

As a result, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is now at his home in the middle of the night and has not returned home.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's parents, who couldn't find Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in the middle of the night, must be very anxious and scared now-when Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu returns home tomorrow, they will ask Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu where he went.

Once Xiazhiqiu Shiyu told the truth.

At that time, the relationship between Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and him will be completely exposed.

"You mean, if I make you a dream actor, you will help me solve the problems of their two parents?"

Koyama Yosuke stared at Yukinoshita Yono's face, he really couldn't understand what this woman was thinking in her heart - he knew that this woman could indeed do what she said, but it was because of this that he felt strange .

Yukinoshita Yoshino's dark purple eyes shone with a strange light, although it was true to say so, but he always felt that he was taking the initiative to create a harem for him, and he still gave him his sister.

I just agreed to help him temporarily delay...

The relationship between the three of you still has to make a choice!

—Forget it, this feeling is not important at all.

Yukinoshita Haruno shook his head, shaking off the complicated thoughts in his mind.

For Yukinoshita Yono, what interests her now is the so-called ability of Koyama Yosuke to create dreams.

——If you enter a dream, you will lose your memory.

——If you don’t want to lose your memory, you must become a dream actor.

——And what kind of conditions do you need to become a dream actor?

no doubt.

To become a dream actor needs to be recognized by the system.

——Who will the system recognize?

With quick and quick thinking, Yukinoshita Yoshino seemed to understand something.The reason why she wanted to become a dream actor was purely because she knew Yosuke Koyama's secret and felt that she was in danger.

She felt that as long as she became a dream actor and shared benefits with Yosuke Koyama, Yosuke Koyama would not use this system to persecute her.

—but she found something even more interesting now.

She stood up and asked Koyama Yosuke.

"My sister likes you very much, doesn't she?"

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also likes you very much, right?"


Yosuke Koyama checked his face, looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Shiwa from the corner of his eyes, and nodded silently.

Yukinoshita Yukino ignored her, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu was smiling softly—but there seemed to be a knife hidden behind this smile.

"That is to say..."

Yukinoshita Yono squinted his eyes, and said a fact that even Koyama Yosuke was a little shocked.

"If you want to become a dream actor, you need to be recognized by the system and get a work permit from the dream creation company."

"—The biggest possibility is to keep loving you."

Koyama Yosuke:? ? ? ? ?

What is this woman talking about?

Looking at the woman's beautiful face and the dangerous light in her eyes, Koyama Yosuke felt that this inference was really ridiculous.

It even made him shudder.

Is this inference too ridiculous?

The Yukinoshita Yoshino in front of me is Yukinoshita Yoshino's older sister.And Yukinoshita Yoshino wants to become a dream actor.

According to Yukinoshita Yono's deduction, one must fall in love with him.

——Does she want to add another pot of porridge to the already completely disrupted Shura field?

What a nonsense inference.

——But Yosuke Koyama thinks about it carefully.

Seems to make sense.

Yukinoshita Yukino had a dream, developed feelings for him, was recognized by the system, got a work permit and became a dream actor.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also had a dream, and developed feelings for him, and was recognized by the system, got a work permit and became a dream actor.

"But there was an accident in the middle..."

Koyama Yosuke simply refuted her.

"I just told you about that girl Shiina Mashiro. Her feelings for me are definitely not love, but that child also retains her memory."

"This proves that things like love are illusory?"

Yukinoshita Haruno stared at him and thought deeply.

Yosuke Koyama is right.


"But you can't deny that Shiina Mashiro also has strong feelings for you, right?"

Koyama Yosuke looked at her silently, without nodding or shaking his head, as if acquiescing to what she said.

"That is to say, if you want to become a dream actor, if you want to retain your memory in the dream, and be recognized by the system, you must have strong feelings for you."

The smile on Yukinoshita Haruno's mouth became more and more strange.

"I understand now."

"As for the so-called dream creation, the purpose is not the dream itself at all—it's the dreamer's feelings after passing through the dream!!!"

"This is a trial, it's like an interview, join the trial of your dream company!!!"

"This system uses this method to screen people who can become dream actors!!"

Koyama Yosuke:? ? ? ? ?

Koyama Yosuke couldn't understand Yukinoshita Yono's brain circuit.

Indeed, on the face of it.This system is an entertainment company. Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Shiwa are both his actors, and Koyama Yosuke is his manager.

And creating dreams is like kneading people from clay.Carve the uncarved jade into a sharp and angular shape.

But you want to say that the HR interview is to change the interviewer into a person who has strong feelings for him, into his shape.

Isn't this just nonsense? ?

This is fucking outrageous.

And it's not fucking outrageous.

Chapter 32 I agree with you as a dream actor

Although it can be explained logically, it cannot be explained logically—and morally, Yosuke Koyama is not allowed to believe in this absurd logic.

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