It might be fate.

Touma Hesa's family is a family of musicians, and his mother is the world's top pianist Yoko Touma, but since childhood, Touma Hesa ​​has never even heard of his father's name.

Mother is a top pianist in the world, but for her, this is not a good thing - or, for her as a child, it is not a good thing.

Because Yoko Touma is the world's top pianist, she often needs to perform around the world, but she is often not in Japan.Touma Kazusa, who was originally a single-parent family, lost the support of her mother, and she almost completely collapsed.

When the girl collapsed, Ogiso Shelley became her friend at a critical moment.

A friend is a lifetime commitment.

Ogiso Yukina likes to sing very much, but she usually sings secretly, and she doesn't like to be disturbed when she sings.The rooftop of the school is her only ideal land, Avalon, everyone has their own secrets, even Yukina Ogiso is no exception.

Every time after school, Ogiso Yukina would secretly run to the rooftop and sing her favorite songs softly with her sweet voice.And during that time, at the bottom of the roof, in the direction of the second music room, Yukina Ogiso would cooperate with a piano voice that sounded. The cooperation between the two was almost flawless. , close to the sound of nature.

In the first day or two, Ogiso Yukina was able to hold back her emotions, but after the two of them cooperated tacitly for a period of time, Ogiso Yukina couldn't hold back herself and went to meet this spiritual friend.

At that time, it could be said that they had overcome hardships and dangers, and even Ogiso Yukina devised a trick to get Touma Kazusa out of the locked second music classroom.

And the final result surprised her too.

The name of this spiritual friend is Touma Kazusa.

At that time, Touma and Sasa were on the verge of collapse, and it was the cooperation with Ogiso Yukina that kept Touma and Sasa from collapsing on the verge of collapse—plus Ogiso Yukina’s friendly treatment of Touma and Sasaki With a helping hand, the two became inexplicably best friends.

The reason why is inexplicable.

It is because the personalities between the two people are completely incompatible. Touma Kazusa has a very cold personality, but Ogiso Yukina's smile can often bring warmth to people.When the two get along, it's basically Yukina Ogiso who is talking, and Touma and Sa are nodding their heads and listening slowly. In the eyes of others, the communication between girlfriends is just about Yukina Ogiso's menu.

But in fact, only Touma Kazuya understands.

Ogiso Yukina saved her who lost everything at that time.

After becoming best friends, Ogiso Yukina likes to send messages to Touma and Sasa online, mainly because Ogiso Yukina and Touma and Sasa are not in the same class. Ogiso Yukina and Touma Hesa ​​also have their own Things, the communication between them is often through the mobile phone, and even the first thing in the morning is to read the messages sent by each other, and they have become so used to it.


"It's 4 o'clock in the morning. 』

"I'm going to get up now and go out to work, what do you think I'm going to do?" 』

Ogiso Yukina edited the message, sent it to Touma Kazusa, put on her own gloves, and breathed out the cold air. The air she exhaled met the cold air in the air, and the impact turned into white mist, which was visible to the naked eye.

She doesn't have any special makeup on her face, but she looks good without makeup.Her long brown hair fluttered behind her, her brown pupils were piercing, and her twin ponytails draped over her shoulders, tickling the white skin on her face.

Although it is spring, the world in the morning is still a bit cold. Xiao Kiso Yukina went out early and saw a middle-aged woman waving towards her downstairs in her house.

Yukina Ogiso nodded towards the woman. Beside the woman was a small van. Yukina Ogiso twisted her lithe body and got into the van.

In the van, Ogiso Yukina felt a little warmer, so she took off her gloves in the van and picked up the phone again.

The mobile phone is pink, and there is a cute pendant hanging on it, which is a pendant of hello kitty. The appearance of the kitten is against her cute face, making her look extraordinarily dusty.

Ogiso Yukina originally thought that Touma Kazusa would not reply.After all, the time is now 4:00 in the morning, and most people have not woken up yet. In addition, there was a heavy rainstorm last night. After the rainstorm, the world is deserted and deserted, just suitable for sleeping until dawn, like Ogiso Yukina getting up so early to work There are just too few of them.

But the early bird gets the worm. If a person is too lazy, he can’t earn anything—only those who work hard can have a future. It’s too much to wait for the pie to happen. Sad, even pitiful.

Ogiso Yukina felt that she was the kind of bird who got up very early.

But when Ogiso Yukina took out her phone, she found that on her pink phone, Touma Kazusa had already replied to the message.

Does this bird also get up so early?

"What are you doing up so early? 』

This is a message from Touma Kazusa. Although it is very short, it makes Xiao Kiso Yukina very happy and at the same time makes Xiao Kiso Yukina feel distressed.

Does this guy stay up in the middle of the night?

Touma Kazusa’s family was originally a single-parent family with only a mother. Since Touma Kazusa’s mother left Japan to tour the world, Touma Kazusa has only been taken care of by an old lady, although the place where Touma Kazusa lives is Villa, but Ogiso Yukina knew how lonely this guy was.

Like steel frozen at minus 360 degrees Celsius.

If it weren't for the intervention of Ogiso Yukina, it would have been deserted.

——The human heart must be saved.

This is Yukina Kogiso’s point of view. Yukina Kogiso is not the Holy Mother, and she can’t save everyone—but Yukina Kogiso knows that she can save what is in front of her. Only by doing well what is in front of her can she save it. more people.

Although Ogiso Yukina is just an ordinary girl.

But Ogiso Yukina can help Touma and Sasha get rid of her loneliness.

Chapter 2 Sometimes you pay with your life for free things

Ogiso Yukina: "Didn't it rain yesterday? 』

Yukina Ogiso: "My aunt called me in the middle of the night, saying that the warehouse in their house had collapsed due to the heavy rain, and my aunt had to deal with the warehouse.But there is a store in their house, which opens at 5:7 in the morning, and now my aunt can’t leave. The earliest salesperson can go to work at 30:[-], so my aunt asked me to go for a while.』

Dongma Hesha: "Oh. 』

Ogiso Yukina waited for a while in the dangling van, and her aunt had already set off.

Seeing Touma Kazusa's cold reply, Ogiso Yukina was not very angry, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, revealing her neat and white teeth.

Like the sunshine that can shine brightly and warm people's hearts.

Touma Kazusa: "As usual, is the hourly wage doubled? 』

Yukina Ogiso: "Of course, if it wasn't for twice the hourly salary, I wouldn't do it." 』

Ogiso Yukina rubbed her tender hands, trying to keep herself warm in the van.It's really cold inside the van, sometimes even colder in spring than in winter, and Yukina Ogiso doesn't understand what's going on in this world.

Although in school, Xiao Kiso Yukina looks like a perfect young lady, but in fact, everyone who knows her knows that Xiao Kiso Yukina is just the eldest daughter of an ordinary civilian family, and there is no extra pocket money in the family Let her spend, if she wants to maintain the life of a delicate girl, she has to work more in private.

Touma Kazuya still knew this.

Sometimes she thinks.

False and vain Ogiso Yukina.

And bohemian winter horse and yarn.

The attributes of the two are quite a match.


Ogiso Yukina: "Speaking of which, my aunt's small shop is very close to your deskmate's house. If he wants to go to school, he will definitely pass by that small shop."

Ogiso Yukina: "How is your relationship with him?" 』

Ogiso Yukina sent this text message, and waited for a long time before getting a reply from Touma Kazusa.

Dongma Hesha: "Same table, what tablemate?" 』

Touma Kazusa: "Oh..."

Touma Kazusa: "You mean Yosuke Koyama, right?" 』

Ogiso Yukina sent a smiley emoji, indicating that she was talking about this person.Ogiso Yukina was looking forward to what kind of emotional fluctuations her best friend would have with her words.

Which girl doesn't have a spring?

Ogiso Yukina also wanted to soften the wooden stick of Touma Kazusa.

Ogiso Yukina feels that Touma and Sa may not have much to do with men in this life—but it would be a good thing if he could help Touma and Sa to expand their popularity with men.

Touma Kazusa: "It is impossible for me to have anything to do with him. 』

Dongma Hesha: "You forgot? 』

Touma Kazusa: "He seems to be related to Kasumigaoka Shiwa-senpai in the third year of high school, and Yukinoshita Yukino from your class in the second year of high school seems to be a little entangled. I can't handle this kind of flamboyant man." 』

Seeing this message, Ogiso Yukina chuckled, revealing a cute smile.

What is a flamboyant man?

Touma Kazusa usually only sleeps in class, or secretly texts and chats with her, and won't have any male attraction when get out of class is over.

Not to mention flamboyant men, even ordinary men, Touma and Sha haven't communicated much.

Even male teachers rarely communicate.

Ogiso Yukina: "I don't think that kind of man is too good..."

Ogiso Yukina: "If you're not interested in him, that's a good thing." 』

Yukina Ogiso and Yosuke Koyama obviously knew each other, or rather, Yukina Ogiso only knew him one-sidedly—when she was working in the night coffee shop last time, Yukina Ogiso saw Yosuke Koyama’s Shura field, and There are 10 minutes fast man.

had a deep impression on him.

At this moment, Ogiso Yukina felt the car stop suddenly, knowing that she was about to get out of the car.

She quickly picked up her phone and edited the message.

Ogiso Yukina: "I'm here, let's talk later." 』

Ogiso Yukina stood up, shook her body, arranged her clothes, and then found out big glasses to put on for herself.

This is Yukina Ogiso's part-time job habit. In order to avoid being recognized by the people in the school, Yukina Ogiso has to prepare a mask and glasses. In Japanese society, wearing a mask at any time does not feel inappropriate.Because hay fever is prevalent here, you can often see people wearing masks on the street no matter what season it is.

"Xuecai, I'll take you here. I've already given you the key. Just wait for the handover with my clerk at 7:30. There's not much work in the morning. The prices on my counter are all If the price is clearly marked, you can ask the customer to pay according to the price marked above."

"Note that I have an old regular customer named Xiaoshan Yangjie, who is about the same age as you - when he goes to school in the morning, he will often bring me a bag of buns for breakfast. If you are hungry, you can take the breakfast Let's eat."

"Remember to give him the money when the time comes. It's okay for me to prostitute his things for free. After all, I've helped him a lot—but don't owe him favors. Sometimes free things are often paid back with your life. "

After the middle-aged woman explained to Ogiso Yukina what to pay attention to, and issued a strange warning.

He left Ogiso Yukina where he was, got in the van and left.It seems that her time is really tight. The torrential rain last night was very heavy. If it is not dealt with in time, the goods in the entire warehouse will suffer.

Ogiso Yukina didn't even have time to nod.

I found out that my aunt had left.

"Okay, it's a little over 4:00 in the morning, and there should be no one coming to buy things. I can still chat with Hesha for a while, and when I get busy and the flow of people reaches the rush of work, I will be too busy .”

Ogiso Yukina stuck out her tongue cutely and walked over.

Use the key to open the shutter door.

With the high lift of the rolling shutter door, it also marks that this small shop has officially entered the business stage. Although there will be no customers in the early morning, people will show up after 5 o'clock.

Dawn is early in Japan, but people in Japan get up earlier.Everyone must work hard for their own survival, and every country in the world is no exception.

When the flow of people increases after 5 o'clock, Ogiso Yukina will definitely be busy at that time, and if he is too busy, he will definitely be hungry.

But Ogiso Yukina wasn't worried either.

After all, my aunt said that a boy would bring her meals.

It's a bit of a coincidence to say...

That boy seems to be Touma Kazusa's deskmate, right?

Chapter 3 Yukinoshita Yono who walked out of Yosuke Koyama's house

Ogiso Yukina: "I'm already in the shop!" ! '

Ogiso Yukina: "It's really cold outside. '

Ogiso Yukina was sitting on a chair in the grocery store, hugging her aunt's only one, and looking out at the morning outside tremblingly.A little bit of dawn has emerged in the east, but this dawn is not very bright. There is a trace of golden yellow in the dawn, and a trace of bright red. It can be imagined that after the sun rises, there will be another warm day. sunny.

But Ogiso Yukina's body was very cold, and she wore thin clothes when she got up in the morning, so she was very cold, so she warmed a cup of coffee.At the same time, he was playing with his mobile phone, chatting with Touma and Sa, in order to relieve the coldness of his body.

Ogiso Yukina: "By the way, where is Yosuke Koyama's house?" '

Ogiso Yukina: "There are so many corridors, where is his house?" '

Ogiso Yukina took a photo of Touma and Sasa, and there were many residential buildings in front of him. According to Ogiso Yukina's understanding, Koyama Yosuke should be in one of these residential buildings.Ogiso Yukina sent the photo.

Waited a while.

Dongma Hesha replied to the message.

Touma Kazusa: "Have you seen Building No. [-]? On the west side of the second floor of Building No. [-], you should be able to see the door of his house at your position."I didn't know the location until I peeked at him filling in the address information last time. '

Ogiso Yukina raised her beautiful eyebrows. She was very interested in the fact that her best friend peeped at the address of Yosuke Koyama's home. At the same time, he raised his lovely face and looked in the direction of Yosuke Koyama's house. Sure enough, as Touma Kazusa said, from the position of Ogiso Yukina, you can see the door of Koyama Yosuke's house in the gap between the corridors.

Dongma Hesha: 'Don't think about it'

Touma Kazusa: 'I saw it by accident'

Ogiso Yukina's cell phone vibrated again. This was a supplementary message from Touma Kazusa. The corner of Ogiso Yukina's mouth curled up into a strange smile, which was strange and even slightly joyful—could it be that Touma Is the girl Hesha pregnant?

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