He wants to drink, but he is not yet old enough to drink, and Yosuke Koyama has drank a lot in the dream world before, so Yosuke Koyama can still overcome his addiction.

Ogiso Yukina nodded, her face suddenly turned slightly red.

"Thank you."

Ogiso Yukina suddenly said in such a low voice, the voice was as small as the sound of mosquitoes constantly flying, and it was not clear at all. Koyama Yosuke listened carefully for a while, and then thought over and over again to hear clearly what Ogiso Yukina was saying something.

"You thank me, thank me for what?"

Koyama Yosuke showed a strange smile.

Yosuke Koyama really didn't know what Yukina Ogiso was thanking him for, because Yosuke Koyama had been persecuting Yukina Ogiso all along the way, and even twisted the meat inside Yukina Ogiso's waist in Touma Kazusa's house .

But such Ogiso Yukina actually said thank you to Koyama Yosuke?

Thank him for what, thank you Koyama Yosuke for persecuting Ogiso Yukina?

Ogiso Yukina silently shook her head.

Yukina Yukina was half-pushed and half-drawn by Yukino Yukino to participate in this small gathering. Although Ogiso Yukina really wanted to see Touma Yoko, Ogiso Yukina who came here was not mentally prepared. There were many polite words. Words also became a little useless in front of these three crazy women.

Even Ogiso Yukina couldn't talk for a day.

So Yukina Ogiso felt her powerlessness for the first time.

Fortunately, Koyama Yosuke helped her.Basically, after entering Shizuka Hiratsuka's house, Yosuke Koyama stayed with Yukina Ogiso all the time, which alleviated Yukina Ogiso's embarrassment to some extent.This made Ogiso Yukina very grateful to him.

Of course gratitude is one thing.

Enmity is another matter.

Ogiso Yukina will never forget that just before Yukinoshita Yono met her, Koyama Yosuke actually blocked her in the alley.He intends to let her pay the price with her own body.

This bastard is not human! ! !

Obviously, he has already developed a good impression of Touma and Sha.

This guy actually wants to shoot himself! ! !

Koyama Yosuke looked at Ogiso Yukina who was bowing his head, and shook his head, not understanding what Ogiso Yukina was thinking.However, the noisy situation on the side became louder and louder.


Koyama Yosuke suddenly heard someone crying over there.

The crying voice was not Shizuka Hiratsuka, nor could it be Yokinoshita Haruno.

It was Yoko Touma who came out crying.

Touma Yoko's voice was full of miserable cries, maybe she was completely drunk, the drunken blush on her blushing face was easy to leave people in reverie.

"You know what? I've been afraid, I've been regretting one thing."

"This incident is like a nightmare, holding me tightly like a gangrene, and I often have it in my own nightmares."

"My mother died. When my mother died, I was abroad and didn't have time to come back..."

"My mother is in better health than me. Before I had leukemia, my mother would go out for a walk every day, running 5 kilometers a day."

"She was very energetic and almost never got sick."

"That's why I am very relieved to go abroad to study and learn my music. The pursuit goes further and surpasses my previous self."

- "But who would have thought."

Having said that, Touma Yoko uttered a mournful cry.

Suddenly, she started beating her chest and stomping her feet, her two slender legs kicked wildly, even kicking Hiratsuka Shizuka's chest, causing Hiratsuka Shizuka to stagger and fall on the sofa, and kicked her butt angrily.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the child wants to support but doesn't want to be loved - after my mother left, I was not very painful, but I was constantly afraid, because I was afraid of myself, my physical condition was not as good as my mother's, I was still Got leukemia. Suddenly one day I passed away inexplicably, my beautiful and lovely daughter, how can I survive in this world!!!”

Chapter 22 I, too, can be a dream actor! !



When Ogiso Yukina heard Touma Yoko's drunk-like words, she felt horrified in her heart.The astonishment revealed in a pair of brown pupils is like traces carved on rocks, which is very difficult to smooth out.It was obvious that Touma Yoko was drunk and crazy, but Ogiso Yukina was shocked and speechless.

"Is this true?"

Although Yoko Touma's words were heart-wrenching, Yukina Ogiso couldn't believe it at all—for Yukina Ogiso, human life and death are still very far away from him. The thing happened was the last time Ogiso Yukina went to attend the funeral of her mother's best friend, dressed in black, and mourned silently.

At that time, Yukina Ogiso was watching her ashes come to the cemetery in the crowd, and then was blessed by others—it was only then that Yukina Ogiso felt that someone had left.After all, this close friend of her mother has almost never met, and Ogiso Yukina doesn't know what the relationship between her and her mother is.But Ogiso Yukina knew one thing when she saw the tears in the corners of her mother's eyes.

One person dies.

Usually someone is sad about it.

And often it is the person's relatives and friends who are very sad.

The so-called happy death of the dead and the suffering of the living in this world, that's it.

"This matter is true - and because of this matter, I invited her to return to China." Seeing Ogiso Yukina's question, Koyama Yosuke did not choose to answer Ogiso Yukina, but seemed to be drunk Yukinoshita Haruno suddenly looked this way with clear eyes, and said to Ogiso Yukina.

Hearing Yukinoshita Haruno's answer.

Ogiso Yukina remained silent.

Leukemia is a malignant clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells.Clonal leukemia cells proliferate and accumulate in bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues due to mechanisms such as uncontrolled proliferation, differentiation disorder, and apoptosis inhibition, and infiltrate other non-hematopoietic tissues and organs, while inhibiting normal hematopoietic function.Clinically, different degrees of anemia, hemorrhage, infection, fever, enlargement of liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone pain can be seen.

Patients who want to treat leukemia have many methods, but the most commonly used method is chemotherapy—chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These two words that change color at first sight are the most common treatment methods for leukemia patients.Although chemotherapy and radiotherapy have a significant effect, they will also completely disrupt the secretion of the human body, causing people to age prematurely, skin wrinkles, hair loss, and even life expectancy.

Seeing the beautiful Touma Yoko showing her snow-white thighs, she collapsed on the sofa.Even drunken madness has an elegant temperament, Ogiso Yukina seems to understand something.The brown pupils silently stared at the wall, containing their own thoughts.

Next is Ogiso Yukina's conjecture.

After knowing that she has leukemia, Yoko Touma must have completely given up treatment——As a world-class pianist, Yoko Touma must not stop her pace because of a mere disease, even if the disease is incurable and can only delay Leukemia waiting to die.Yoko Touma also absolutely does not allow himself to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy—for him, it is better to let the flower of his life bloom and die on the stage than to end in such a desperate way.

"But this idea is the idea of ​​Touma Yoko in the early stage of the disease. In the past two years, Touma Yoko has been tortured by leukemia so painfully that she almost wants to commit suicide immediately—although Touma Yoko's career is getting better and better, but Touma Yoko is not. Rather than feeling happy, it’s better to say that the more successful her career is, the more fearful Touma Yoko will be about death.”

"So Touma Yoko pinned her illusory hopes here."

Looking at Yokino Yukinoshita with profound eyes, and Ogiso Yukina who was a little at a loss, Koyama Yosuke said slowly.

Yukinoshita Yono showed a smile, and because Koyama Yosuke understood this smile, he hated it even more.

——Is this treating him as a tool man?

"What do you mean by pinning your illusory hopes here?" The somewhat sensitive Ogiso Yukina noticed something in Yosuke Koyama's words—isn't this illness a terminal illness?

Why is there any false hope here?

Who can give a reasonable explanation?

Ogiso Yukina's heart is full of problems now, but Ogiso Yukina's feelings are now more and more sympathetic to Touma Kazusa - she has been away from her mother for many years, and finally saw her parents come home one day. It's the news of his parents' death.

——How great is this despair?

Ogiso Yukina couldn't imagine.

"I just want to ask a question, does Touma and Sa know about this?" Ogiso Yukina looked very seriously.

At this moment, Koyama Yosuke didn't answer her, and Yukinoshita Yonoko didn't answer her either, but Touma Yoko, who was lying on the sofa beside her, suddenly opened her mouth and muttered: "That child——if she knew about my illness, how could she?" Will you be so indifferent to me?"

On Dongma Yaozi's blushing face, there were actually tears at this very moment.

Touma Yoko didn't know about Touma Yoko's condition, and Touma Yoko was obviously happy—because at the very beginning, Touma Yoko hoped that Touma and Sa would hate her, so that if Touma Yoko died outside due to an accident, Touma Kazusa will not be sad because of Touma Yoko, and will be able to live a healthy and healthy life in the future.

But Touma Yoko is gradually becoming unhappy now—especially when Touma Yoko fell ill and had no one to take care of her when she was abroad, she wanted to find a close and caring person to chat with and comfort herself who was suffering from illness.Then Touma Yoko hesitated to hold the phone for the whole day, and finally put it down sadly.

Reason told her that she should not have anything to do with her daughter at this moment.

Human beings are always complicated and changeable——Touma Yoko used to say that she would have no regrets, but now Touma Yoko is full of regrets.Touma Yoko hoped that her daughter could hug her more, say some gentle words, and say some words that could cheer her up—rather than cursing her coldly like now.

Thinking of this, the corners of Touma Yoko's face and eyes became moist.The light blue pupils, cold like spring water flowing slowly, make people feel very distressed—but even if she is wronged, Touma Yoko has to swallow the tooth she knocked out, because this is the path she chose, even if it is uncomfortable and painful You have to choose to finish by yourself.

Seeing this world-class pianist crying in front of her eyes; seeing this elder who was much older than herself crying in front of her eyes, Ogiso Yukina was a little at a loss—she didn’t know what she should do. The experience of getting along with peers can't help Ogiso Yukina at this moment.

Fortunately, there is Yang Nao under the snow.

Yukinoshita Yono stepped forward and patted the shoulder of Touma Yoko who was crying, and sighed softly.

"Don't cry, I asked you to come back this time - just to save you."

"See if this man is in front of you, this man is the key to you - don't worry, I will let him save you."

Yukinoshita Yoshino pointed to Koyama Yosuke, Koyama Yosuke was stunned, and his pupils suddenly burned with anger——Oyama Yosuke realized that his system seemed to be up for grabs.Yukinoshita Yoshino traded his abilities with Touma Yoko in exchange for Touma Yoko returning to this country.

Koyama Yosuke felt uncomfortable, but Ogiso Yukina looked at Koyama Yosuke with an incredible expression—Ogiso Yukina respected Yukinoshita Yono and Touma Yoko very much, and Touma Yoko was Touma Hesha's mother, Yukinoshita Yang is her senior.But this time, it was also the first time that Ogiso Yukina heard such absurd words from Yukinoshita Yono's mouth.

Yosuke Koyama...

Can it cure leukemia? ? ?

"Come here, how can you tell others about this?"

Koyama Yosuke was a little angry—this secret of mine was blackmailed by Yukinoshita Yono with all his efforts, but Koyama Yosuke didn’t expect that Yukinoshita Yono would tell others this secret in a blink of an eye— Is Yang Nao helping or hindering this under the snow?

Koyama Yosuke held Yukinoshita Yono's hand, ran into the corridor of the aisle, and began to confront Yukinoshita Yono.

All that was left was Yukina Ogiso who was in a daze, and the words that kept lingering in Yukina Ogiso's mind.

——"See if this man is in front of you, this man is the key to you."

——"See if this man is in front of you, this man is the key to you."

——"See if this man is in front of you, this man is the key to you."

The rereading like a devil filled Ogiso Yukina's mind.There is no doubt that Yukina Kokiso knows that leukemia is a disease that is terrifying to the point of despair, and that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are poisons that keep dragging people into the abyss of hell, but someone suddenly told Yukina Kokiso that the evil hill Yang Jie can eradicate the disease.

One can think about the impact of Ogiso Yukina's heart.




Ogiso Yukina desperately denies this possibility in her heart—Of course Ogiso Yukina is the most correct, because science and technology have not yet developed to a state where leukemia can be completely cured, and Koyama Yosuke is just an ordinary high school student , and had no professional knowledge, not even a doctor or a nurse—and Yukinoshita Yoshino said that Koyama Yosuke could cure leukemia, but Ogiso Yukina would never believe it.


Everything has a but.

Although Ogiso Yukina's rationality told her that she shouldn't believe the words of Yukinoshita Yono and Koyama Yosuke—but what if Koyama Yosuke had a way?If Koyama Yosuke has a solution, even though Koyama Yosuke is annoying, Ogiso Yukina believes that as long as Koyama Yosuke dares to come up with this solution, Koyama Yosuke will probably change in Ogiso Yukina's heart.

—Run and eavesdrop.

Ogiso Yukina murmured such a sentence in her heart, and then quietly approached the corridor.

Then Ogiso Yukina heard a sentence that shocked her.

"I refuse to save her—she is a stranger who has nothing to do with me. If everyone saves her, all that awaits me is destruction."

"Why did you refuse?" Yukinoshita Yono was trying to tease Koyama Yosuke's desire.

"She's a world-class pianist—don't you want your company to have a world-class pianist as an alternative to support you behind the scenes?"

"But..., but..." Hearing Yukinoshita Yono's words, Koyama Yosuke trembled angrily.

Yukinoshita Yang is his ability to trade with others.This in itself is a very unreasonable behavior - and it is a transaction of saving lives.

So Yosuke Koyama was very angry.

He hasn't had a fit yet.

After all, Yukinoshita Yang is Yukino's older sister, and he still has to be tolerant to her on the basis of Yukino's affection - and even if Koyama Yosuke is hard-hearted and says he doesn't want to save people, in fact he still wants to save her. human.But thinking about what if Touma Yoko becomes the actor of his dreams, wouldn't he want to recognize Touma Yoko as his mother?

Well, daughter, wife, mother all have...

This is too TM nonsense, right?





Koyama Yosuke shook his head crazily. Originally, one daughter and two wives were enough for him—now that he needs to have an extra mother, he simply doesn’t treat him as a human being—and Koyama Yosuke still needs to Considering the thoughts of those two girls, the thoughts of Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Shiwa cannot be cooled, so Koyama Yosuke has no other energy to deal with Touma Yoko.

Anyway, Yoko Touma must not be allowed to be a dream actor.

"I really can't accept that someone like Yoko Touma should do something that transcends morality and pay such a price just to save her."

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