At least I was moved by the girl's story.

Ogiso Yukina rolled her eyes, why is her nominal boyfriend so stupid.

How can such a simple lie not be seen through?

and many more……

Ogiso Yukina looked from Miyazono Kaoru to Koyama Yosuke.There was a gentle light in Yosuke Koyama's eyes, as if he was very moved.But in the depths of the eyes, there also seemed to be such a hint of humor.


He saw through.

But he sees through but doesn't tell.

He seemed to know that the girl was lying, but he didn't care about the girl's lies at all—because the contract was originally concluded temporarily and would expire in a month, he didn't care whether these things were lies or not.

As long as you are not ashamed of your own heart, there is no problem.

Seemingly understanding what Yukina Ogiso was thinking, Yosuke Koyama turned his head and smiled at Yukina Ogiso. The smile looked stupid, but it had an indescribable charm.


Ogiso Yukina didn't know what expression to make.

There are many smart people in this world, but very few people who are smart but rarely confused.

There are even fewer people like Yosuke Koyama pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.


If Ogiso Yukina encountered such a thing, she would definitely expose the girl's disguise on the spot, and she would definitely not be allowed to sign a contract.But Yosuke Koyama was different. He seemed to understand the fragility of the girl's disguise, so he deliberately didn't make it clear.


This guy……

It's quite gentle.

Ogiso Yukina thought that even though she was her boyfriend in name, with such a good personality, it was not impossible for her to get along with her.

If you don't have a man you like in a while, why not try to be with Yosuke Koyama.

Anyway, they are now aboveboard lovers.

It would be fun to be together.

Chapter 51 I love you

of course.

If he wanted to become a real girlfriend with Yosuke Koyama, he had to solve the trouble in front of him first.

Ogiso Yukina frowned slightly, her white and tender nose was raised quietly, and she stared at the girl sitting next to Koyama Yosuke with fiery eyes.

Sensing Ogiso Yukina's gaze, Miyazono Kaoru glared back a little complacently, with no sign of weakness in her gaze.

This guy……

Undoubtedly a very troublesome guy.

The truth of her illness is unknown, her identity is also a mystery, and even her life is unpredictable.

But one thing is very clear, and it is as clear as breaking apart the bones.

That is……

The relationship between Koyama Yosuke and Miyazono Kaoru is very good.

It's more than good, the relationship between two people is as strong as steel.

What happened between Yosuke Koyama and Kaoru Miyazono that she Ogiso Yukina didn't know about caused the relationship between the two to heat up so violently.

In the face of a solid relationship between two people, does she, Ogiso Yukina still have a chance?



Of course there is.

And it is a must.

This is a matter of course, after all, she is the real girlfriend who is dating Koyama Yosuke—although it is only a name, but she comes earlier than this girl who has one month left, and Touma Kazusa has witnessed all this.

In addition, what the girl said is true, then this

Girls obviously don't have enough time to live.

After a month she could win without a fight.


She didn't want to wait that long.

In the beginning, she established a relationship with Koyama Yosuke entirely because the other party could be her shield.But even if it is her shield, she will not simply hand it over to others, especially when she finds out that her shield is a very high-quality boyfriend candidate, her thoughts are surging.

You're going to die in a month?


What does that have to do with me?

You can say that you cherish life very much, you cherish your own life very much, you will die in a month, you want to have a vigorous love with someone else, all of this is fine, but you use someone else's boyfriend to have a Vigorous love, this is very problematic.

Ogiso Yukina believed that Yosuke Koyama had definitely told the girl in front of him that he had a girlfriend.But even so, the relationship between the two people has still reached this point.

From this subtle action, Ogiso Yukina sensed that this girl named Miyazono Kaoru had more than pure intentions.

Although I don't know if you are a fairy jumping or if you are really about to die...

But take my boyfriend from me and have your sweet dreams! ! ! !


Sensing Ogiso Yukina's intense gaze, Miyazono Kaoru raised her head and snorted coldly.

Looking at the corridor, and found that Touma and Sa were still in place, not daring to come or leave, Miyazono Kaoru couldn't help feeling disappointed.Obviously you are my body, how come you are so tied up when you fall in love with someone?


She wasn't too surprised.

After all, the two are essentially the same person, and she is the mirror of Touma Kazusa's heart, which can clearly reflect every hair on her body.Whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage.Everything about the girl will be fully revealed by what she presents.

Of course, mirrors cannot act.

But she is different, she can act now.

Although there is only a short period of one month, the time is very short, but such a short time is enough to fulfill her inner wish.

There are only a few things to fulfill a wish in a person's life.She can accomplish the biggest goal in her life in just one month of life, and of course she will be satisfied.

The premise is...

To eliminate these opponents.

Miyazono Kaoru looked coldly at Ogiso Yukina, and Touma Kazusa who was stunned in place.

Ogiso Yukina is of course her opponent, and so is Touma Kazusa.Although they are the same person, they have different feelings. Although Kaoru Miyazono said that he would help Touma and Sa, it does not mean that he will give up the person he likes.

Rather, in her opinion, making Touma Kazusa feel broken in love is the greatest help to her.

Human beings are animals that have been purified for many years. The best thing humans can learn during these years is to grow up in adversity. Only when they fail can they learn a lesson, and only when they fall can they discover their innermost feelings.

For Koyama Yosuke, Miyazono Kaoru only has pure love in her heart, and she only has a short time, so it is doomed that her love is like a moth to a flame.

Although it will kill itself, it must also burn fiercely.

Therefore, her body moved a little closer to Yosuke Koyama.

whatever guy...

He who can't take her away now.

within this month.

She is invincible! ! !


What kind of existence should I be?

Touma and Sa are still in a trance.

Her body was wobbly, and she looked a little unstable, and her spirit was wobbly, and she had become precarious.Her heart has become so torn apart that it would shatter at the slightest touch.

Humans are creatures that have a hard time accepting failure.

So does she.

She was confused and didn't know what to do.At this moment, she was completely crushed by someone who fully knew her character and inner heart. Her feelings of hard work, sadness, and secret love during this period of time have been sealed in her heart, but at this moment, she has become someone else's. wedding dress.



Although Touma Kazusa knew that the girl named Miyazono Kaoru was the one who gained part of her feelings and character.But she already regarded her as someone else, and could no longer count herself as herself.

The hostility between the two is very obvious, and she is not stupid, how could she still believe in Miyazono Kaoru?


Thinking of everything that happened yesterday, and the warm feeling of holding Yosuke Koyama at night.That kind of warm feeling is like new firewood that dispels the cold on a cold winter night, the last sip of old wine in the arms of a person who has traveled a long distance, and the last blooming flowers at the end of autumn, making her full of nostalgia.


All of this doesn't belong to me anymore.

When all this belonged to her, she didn't know how to cherish it. When all this really disappeared, she would have a feeling called regret.

Humans are such despicable creatures.

Hesitantly, she thought so, but found that someone suddenly patted her shoulder.

"What are you doing standing there? If you don't go back to eat, the food will be cold."

Koyama Yosuke stood gently beside her, and said helplessly.His eyes were full of helpless feelings, and he seemed reluctant to come, but when he did come, his tone was full of concern.

It is this short concern, do not know why.

Dongma Hesha's heart warmed up.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about me."

But even though her heart felt warm, she still spit out these words stiffly.

The moment she uttered these words, she was full of regrets, her heart would be grabbed by a huge hand, and then crushed hard, full of pain and suffering like being crushed.

Why is this so! !

I'm a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool! ! ! !

She scolded her heart fiercely, but her surface was still so stiff.It's hard for a girl who has a crush on her to be honest, especially for Touma Kazusa. She can only feel the sorrow welling up in her throat repeatedly, hitting her heart.

"You don't have to worry about it, you come with me."

Koyama Yosuke was a little angry, he took Touma Kazusa's hand, and went directly to the bathroom.

"You didn't notice, did you cry?"

Avoiding the flow of people, dragging them to the bathroom where the two of them get along, and facing the mirror, Dongma and Sa can see their appearance clearly.

Tired, sad, full of pain.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her lips were very dry.The whole face was deaf and pulled, and the skin was not as fair as before.It was hard for her to imagine that this was herself in front of her eyes.


Are you used to nightmares?

Didn't I get used to a lonely life when my mother left day after day?


Why is it like this?

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