Unless she surpasses human beings.

——However, she couldn't surpass humans.

Human beings cannot surpass themselves.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that the delusional love story that she would write manuscripts for the fan club while studying well while saving the manuscripts of the passionate love novels was simply outrageous.

Ridiculous beyond reach.

Due to staying up all night, her skin is about to deteriorate. If you look closely at the skin, the complexion is not very white. Her appearance is almost inferior to that of Yukinoshita Yukino—and it is even more impossible to double open the same person. Society script.

That would kill.

And that kind of fan club doesn't even pay wages.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is not a money fan, but she is also a mature commercial author after all. Can you get rid of a commercial author by relying on love, friendship and family affection?

If you don't pay, you don't talk.

It's like inviting someone you know to eat at home. It's okay to have a meal, but if you invite someone you know to eat at home every day, even the gods can't stand it! !

She felt that she was not so kind-hearted and could help others write scripts for free.

At least, it has to be someone she trusts and likes.

But where is the person she likes?


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu emptied the thoughts in his head indiscriminately, and it was already time to leave school.

The junior high school girl told her just now that someone was waiting for her.

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

She frowned slightly. It wasn't the first time that she encountered this kind of thing where someone was looking for her. There were countless people who came to look for her alone, and she had even summed up a set of experiences.

But there is no doubt that these people looking for her are not good things, they are often troublesome.

"Hit up?"




The people who came to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can be said to be various, some came to strike up a conversation with her, some came to confess to her, and some even had malicious intentions and wanted to trick her into going out at night.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, a social person, has long been extremely vigilant against these malicious guys. She has already bought anti-wolf electric sticks.

Of course, such people are still very few.

However, that doesn't mean there isn't one.

"If it's those bad things, I'll have to trouble my editor sister again."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa took out her mobile phone and pressed her hand on the dial key, ready to call her editor Machida Sonoko at any time.

She needs help.

No matter how good Kasumigaoka Shiyu is, she is just a very ordinary high school student now.

The one who is really capable is her editor sister. Although this editor sister usually urges her, she can also protect her at critical times from being persecuted by these evil guys.

Getting the phone ready, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still not at ease. At the same time, she put her other hand in the bag and pressed the switch of the anti-wolf baton.

Ready perfect.

She walked out boldly.

After she went out, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, because she found that the person waiting for her outside was not the vicious bad boy she imagined.

But a man and a woman.

No confession letter either.

Nor did he hold his own book.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she also felt a little strange, why was she so cautious?

But in the next second, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's nerves tensed up again.

"I'm sorry for the sudden presumptuous request, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu."

"Although it is presumptuous, there is still a need to raise it."

The man extended his hand politely, intending to shake her hand.

"I want to ask you."

--"save the world."

Chapter 4 3 minutes to go, the end of the world

"I'm sorry, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu classmate."

"Although it is presumptuous, it is still necessary to raise it."

"I want to ask you."

--"save the world."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: ?


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt a trace of fallacy, and this trace of fallacy made her feel a little dazed.The two people in front of them looked serious, as if they were not joking at all, but it was precisely because they did not seem to be joking at all that Kasumigaoka Shiwa felt a great sense of disobedience.

save the world?

Which movie do you watch more?

Is it because you are too obsessed with Two-dimensional that you have a problem with your thinking?

What about the villain Boss who destroyed the world?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that the two people in front of her were simply crazy. If she hadn't known these two people, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu might have just tossed her hair and turned away.

It is precisely because Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knows them that she has the patience to listen to them.

These two people are not ordinary people.

In a sense, they are all celebrities of the school.

The girl is a small girl with a height of about 155 cm and wearing glasses.The white coat over the school uniform is very eye-catching.The standing posture with the head up and chest out makes people feel a little handsome.

His long brown hair is loose but not obtrusive. He wears a white coat over his school uniform, and his eyes reveal a look of wisdom.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knew that there had been several power outages in the school, and it was all caused by the girl in front of her.

In the school of Zongwu High, at least five people are needed to establish a club before it can be approved by the student union.Even if it is an interest group, it needs three people to be recognized by the student union.

However, the girl Futaba Rio in front of me is obviously an exceptional existence—in this Sobu High School, there are two clubs with only one person, one is the famous service department, and the head of the service department is Yukinoshita Yukino— ——And the other one is the science club where the girl in front of me belongs, she is full of strange science madmen.

Rio Futaba.

The purpose of the Ministry of Service is to help others, and Yukino Yukino uses methods to solve the problems raised by others.

The purpose of the Science Society is to help others, but it uses quantum mechanics to solve the problem.

This is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's own evaluation of these two prestigious associations.

After finishing Futaba Rio, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the boy next to him, with even more strange eyes.

He was even weirder.

Boys are not the kind of handsome people. In terms of appearance, they are just pure and handsome. If you don't pay close attention, you will never find such an ordinary person in the crowd.

But it's just such an ordinary boy who confessed on his own initiative and provoked Yukino Yukinoshita, the flower of Kaolin who is well-known in the whole school.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knows that her personality can be said to be very bad-but the woman named Yukinoshita Yukino has an even worse personality. It has been 9102 years, and there are still people who can't think of telling Yukinoshita Yukino to confess to that woman The chance of success is not as high as the chance of the end of the world.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu heard that this man’s confession failed, but she didn’t know that Yosuke Koyama was successful in some ways, Yukinoshita Yukino even gave birth to him a daughter, and even the two were married for 70 years .

What she cares about now is why these two people came to her.

These two people who seemed to have no way to get together, actually came to the door at the same time, and even sent a strange invitation to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, this kind of thing can't be weird.

Moreover, this content is really too strange.

It can't even be said to be peculiar, it should be said to be ridiculous.

"save the world."

What the three-year-olds didn't believe was actually brought up by them in a serious manner. Looking at the extremely serious expressions on their faces, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that she had fallen into a huge abyss, an abyss full of absurdity and nonsense.

When can the destruction of the world be brought up so easily?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that she really couldn't understand.

She looked at the date carefully, confirmed that today is not April Fool's Day, and thought over what the other party said.

Only then did she realize that this might be a pure prank.

"Stop making such bad jokes!!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's voice was a little cold.

She plans to drive people away, she still has work to do, today she is going to finish the finishing work of the sixth volume of the Love Metronome manuscript, the editor sister Machida Sonoko is already on her way with a blade.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu doesn't have the leisure and time to relax and listen to a man and a woman talking nonsense about saving the world, at least not now.

She has to rush the manuscript.

People in society have jobs.

However, her movement to leave was stopped by someone, and a delicate and small hand blocked her way.

——It was Rio Futaba.

This girl with glasses is smart and knowledgeable, but there is no absurdity on her face,

"I hope you can understand that saving the world is no joke."

"My boyfriend and I are extremely serious."

"If you don't believe me."

"Please feel it carefully, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu."


What do you feel?

——"Feel this school, how is it different from usual."

Rio Futaba said silently.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu subconsciously felt it, but she couldn't feel anything.

The clock on the teaching building is still at the moment of 16:14, and the two light spots of the electronic clock are flashing, indicating the passage of one second.

The clouds that have been flowing in the sky are still flowing, transforming into various shapes,

The club is bustling with people, with the sound of breathing and talking, loud and quiet as usual.

And the wind.

Originally, the thin wind filled the entire corner of the campus with the aroma of cherry blossoms. Kasumigaoka Shiwa carefully inhaled her small nose, and could feel the wonderful aroma of cherry blossoms.

The setting sun is also as usual, rendering the west for half a day, low and slanting.

Same as yesterday.

It doesn't make any difference.

For Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, the only difference is these two people in front of him.

——These two extremely ridiculous people.

"Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Can the joke be over?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu no longer wants to make this joke, she just wants to go home and work now, this kind of joke has no nutrition or value.

Futaba Rio nodded in satisfaction, she just wanted this result, because it would be strange if there was an abnormality.

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