"Then you..." Koyama Yosuke looked at her in surprise.

Koyama Yosuke couldn't figure it out, Kato Megumi told him that today he came to deliver the lost things, so why there is nothing in the bag-isn't this deceiving him?

"Yeah, I just lied to you."

The girl smiled contentedly.

She caught a piece of meat for herself, stuck out her immature tongue, and bit down in small mouthfuls, revealing her white teeth.

As if remembering something.

She stood up and put the tableware aside.

Then lock the door.

Put on a cute smile.

But this smile seemed a bit creepy to Koyama Yosuke.

--"You now."

"There is nowhere to escape..."

She said with a smile.

Chapter 57 I'm Curious

"When I was born. My father and mother were very happy. They always wanted a daughter. My mother was sick at the time, so she couldn't be in the same ward with me, so my father took care of me. However, because I Weird physique, my father often forgot to feed me three meals, either in the morning, at noon, or at night.”

"When I was three years old. My mother and I went out to the park to play, and my mother told me that she would buy me an ice cream and ask me to wait for a while-and I waited for a while, sitting there and didn't move at all. Leng was holding two ice creams in his hand, and couldn’t find me.”

"I went to kindergarten when I was 7 years old. When someone called the roll, although I was often called, it didn't matter if I was absent or not."

"In elementary school, I fell down. There was crying and no one would help me - not because they were cold-hearted, but because they just ignored me."


Kato Megumi carefully recalled what Koyama Yosuke said when he found her and had a long talk with her a few days ago.

Then she unconsciously brushed her hair by her ears.

—she lied.

She has a careless movement, that is, when she is lying, her hands will subconsciously look for something and grab something.After she discovered this, she found that she couldn't overcome it, so she let herself scratch her ears. Although it was only for a second, in the eyes of outsiders, she was just pulling her hair.

After coming to Koyama Yosuke's house.

She just kept brushing her hair.

As she herself said, her past life can be said to be quite bleak.It can be said that a life that is ignored and not paid attention to is quite excessive.

But the most excessive thing, she didn't explain it to Koyama Yosuke.

It was also because of that incident that it affected her life.

When she was a child, when her mother came to pick her up from kindergarten after school.

It's not that her mother can't find her.

——but she was abducted.

The term abduction and trafficking seems a bit strange, and it is even more bizarre when it happened to her.But it was true at that time that when my mother came to pick me up according to the agreed time, someone had already picked her up in advance.

This is the responsibility of the teacher.

But the strange thing is that she didn't have any fear of traffickers as a child.

——Rather, a tinge of compassion arose.

Because the trafficker coaxed her into the car and was about to abduct her—the trafficker went to the toilet temporarily, and when the trafficker returned, the van she was in disappeared strangely into the sea of ​​cars.

This is of course a very odd thing to do.

But the problem is.

She didn't notice the weirdness when she was young.

She was locked in the van for two days with no ammunition or food.

——No one came to rescue her, even if her mother called the police to rescue her, the police couldn't find her who was ordinary like a drop in the ocean in the vast crowd.

Fortunately, the traffickers had some junk food in their car.

Relying on the junk food, she spent two days like an island in the cramped van in despair and fear.

Find an isolated island in the torrent of the modern city.

It sounds like a very romantic thing.

But she knows it.

That's obviously not romantic at all.

Because of this damn disease.

——Because wherever she is, there is an island.

Later, the trafficker found her, because the car was the last property of the trafficker, and the moment the trafficker found her, she was captured by the police—— according to the trafficker, she was so miserable that she had nowhere to go , so the first attempt at trafficking.

Then I met her.

—That is really unfortunate.

Looking back now, Megumi Kato had time to mourn for that woman.

Such an experience is ironic.

But it also added a wish to Megumi Kato's life.

- I want to be different.

This is the deep desire buried in her young heart.

Although wishes are the prayers of human beings, they still have to obey the call of fate in the end—Megumi Kato is just an ordinary girl, how can she resist fate?

Destiny is such a thing as to be unclear. The only thing a girl can do is to carry out the so-called resistance.

Destiny is such a thing as to be unclear. The only thing a girl can do is to carry out the so-called resistance—but the power of this resistance is too weak.

From kindergarten to elementary school, from elementary school to junior high school, from junior high school to high school.

She can only succumb to fate.

But she was not reconciled.

Is there any way……

How about making her stand out easily?


She noticed Yosuke Koyama.

There is no doubt that Yosuke Koyama is a guy who makes people fear.

It was described as fear because of his luck—no, that couldn't be called luck anymore.

It should be Taohuajie is more appropriate.

The reason why he described it as fear is because his peach blossom catastrophe is really outrageous. Girls who are usually regarded as goddesses by others flock to him, even his friend Yinglili is not immune-but what makes Kato Megumi feel terrified It's not as simple as those girls like Yosuke Koyama.

But Yosuke Koyama didn't know how to make those girls like him.

There is a big difference between falling in love with someone step by step and falling in love with someone inexplicably-at least, the former Kato Megumi can understand part of the reason, while the latter Kato Megumi can only be called a lowered head.

Head down.

That is, witchcraft.

In any case, Kato Megumi still fulfilled the responsibility of a friend and helped Ying Lili as much as possible in her love scene-but as the quagmire expanded, Kato Megumi found that Ying Lili was getting deeper and deeper.

For example, today is the most obvious example.

She actually lived with Yosuke Koyama's real girlfriend - and even came to steal men together! ! !

Kato Megumi thought this woman was completely crazy.

But besides the horror.

A tinge of curiosity welled up in her.

——How did this man attract so many high-quality girls?

Curiosity is like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger, and eventually it will overwhelm the snow mountain and cause an avalanche.

So, she came to the door today.

"Tell me your secret."

"Let me know how you attract so many girls and become so brilliant."

Kato Megumi sat there quietly.

The smile is weird.

Her beautiful eyes revealed a dangerous and weird light.


"Let me fall in love with you hysterically like them."

—— "In this way, I might consider letting you go."

Chapter 58 Megumi Kato's Deal

The girl in front of me is dangerous.

Although her expression is very plain, her words are very plain, and even her appearance is very plain - but when she was relatively alone, Yosuke Koyama was able to discover the shining points in this girl.

— and threats.

Under her thin lips with a light pink, there was a music that seemed to come from the gate of hell.

"What if I tell you this secret?"

"What will happen if I don't tell you?"

Like testing the temperature of the bath water when taking a bath, Yosuke Koyama asked the girl in front of him a question.

——How about a confession?

——So what if you don't confess?

After all, the girl Kato Megumi had nothing to do with him, and the two of them didn't even know each other very well. The relationship between him and her was just a few times.

The bond that maintains the relationship is only Yinglili.

Now that Ying Lili is not here, the two naturally have nothing to say.

"That's right. If a normal person has any secrets, they will definitely keep them secret. How can they easily tell others—you have amnesia but not dementia. Naturally, it is impossible to tell me..."

Kato Megumi chuckled, as if he had said something stupid.


She paused.

"I learned that you have a secret that can change my life. Do you think I will be impatient? Human beings will get angry when they are impatient, and the anger will go to the head. Once they go to the head, they will do something wrong. Sensible things, things that lack common sense..."

"For example?" Koyama Yosuke frowned.

Finding things out isn't easy.

"For example, my clothes may occasionally be poured with milk or something, and then your hand accidentally caught it, and then this piece of clothing filled with white milk appeared in the shoe cabinet of Ying Lili or Kasumigaoka Shiwa. Sometimes when they cross-examine you, no matter how much you try to explain, you can't explain it, because even after I was caught by the surveillance camera, it seemed that the surveillance camera couldn't see me at all..."

"As far as I know, although you have many peach blossoms, you seem to be quite principled..."

"None of them has broken through the last layer of relationship, right?"

"If they find out that you have such a relationship with me, even if it's fake, will they lose their minds?"

The coldness on the brow could not be wiped away from Yosuke Koyama's eyes:

"Are you threatening me?"

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