【Megumi Kato】: "I think this is a good thing—at least it makes you sober from your obsession with that scumbag."

Ying Lili laughed: "Sober? I've never been intoxicated—the incident with you today made me really realize that I have to solve the matter with him quickly and let him become my family. ——Only in this way, when you and I are camping outside, I will not have a home and cannot go back."

Girl: "..."

Koyama Yosuke was a little annoyed, this guy looked just like his girlfriend.As a result, her head was dizzy, she couldn't understand everything clearly, and she was still tempted by that scumbag—[Megumi Kato] camped with her all night, and it actually made her become more addicted?

Sober up! ! !

"What charm does he have that makes you so addictive?" [Megumi Kato] questioned.

"Charm? Maybe never." Ying Lili thought carefully and gave a strange answer.

"The reason why I like him is because of the despicableness in my character-I'm sorry for him and did very despicable things, but he is very tolerant."

"His tolerance is naturally not the reason why I like him, but I have always wanted to find something to make up for him, but after making up for it, my heart was stolen by him."


【Megumi Kato】: "..."


She shook her head suddenly, expressing that she couldn't understand at all.

"You don't need to understand, just tell me his whereabouts, otherwise I will continue to follow you."

Ying Lili stared at her.

The reason why Eriri didn't follow Kasumigaoka Shiwa, apart from a small part of her dislike for that woman, was largely due to [Megumi Kato]'s movement towards Yosuke Koyama.

She really wanted to find Yosuke Koyama.

Then take advantage of this dream.

Take him down completely.

Although this dream is for [Megumi Kato]—but for Eriri, it is also a rare opportunity, and it is also an opportunity to give everything without reservation and bottom line.


The most important thing is to get Koyama Yosuke's secret from the tight-lipped 【Megumi Kato】.

"Then you will drown with your sweet dreams." 【Megumi Kato】glared at her.

Although Yosuke Koyama didn't know who the man Eirari was talking about, nor what Kato Megumi's secret was, but he didn't bother to ask, nor did he rarely ask.

Such a demagogue.

It's better to destroy it as soon as possible! ! !


"I've already got the material I want, and I won't go camping until some time later. During this period of time, you should stay at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's house."

Kato Hui said coldly.

Originally, according to her plan, she should continue to shoot camping materials, and as for editing videos, it should be done in the Internet cafe.

But helplessly, Ying Lili is really annoying.

She doesn't want to take guys camping anymore.

And this guy has the face of his girlfriend, but he does it so stupidly, and it's not him who likes it-it makes him upset when he sees it.

So I simply pushed Ying Lili to Kasumigaoka Shiwa.


"Just post the video."

Just like that for a few days.

Koyama Yosuke created an account called Ordinary Kato Megumi, and posted the first camping video of him and Einari.


Sota Nakajima is a very ordinary social person.

The so-called ordinary life is to live an ordinary 996 life, take the tram to work every morning, then spend an hour wasting time on the way to work, work overtime every night, and then panic when the last tram is about to miss Zhang’s back home——only with his friends, and then at home, he will happily drink a glass of beer with his friends in the izakaya, and the two of them will talk about your boss and yourself What about his friends, then a little contempt for someone, a little flaunting of his superiority, and his day is over.

His life was full of mundane, useless, but very laborious life that took up all his time.

He has worked very hard in order to survive, and wants to become more valuable in life. If it is not so hard, he needs to work hard to improve himself-but he has already worked very hard, so he has no time to improve himself at all, even Every minute and every second of rest time is precious.

So it created a very special contradiction.

If you want to get rid of the hard life now, you need to study hard and improve yourself.

But because of the hard life now, he has no time to improve himself.

——This is the life of 996.

But this kind of life is also his own choice - because only by doing so, his salary will be relatively higher.

This is something that can't be helped.

He often checks Twitter and watches some videos—for those people with special hobbies, he has always paid attention to them with his own eyes, and he also wants to do things beyond himself, but there is no time or opportunity at all. I can watch some videos during my break to envy other people's lives.

——This is very bad.

He also knew it was bad.

But he is powerless to change.

this evening.


He ordered a glass of beer with his friend. The friend seemed to be drinking too much, and then went to the toilet several times - because he had important things to do on the second day, he didn't drink too much. The friend often went to the toilet, which caused him to become sick. It was very boring, so I started to brush up the video.

"Ordinary Megumi Kato?"

What is this?

Why does it look so funny.

He clicked on the author's personal account and found that the author had only one video - the author's avatar was a girl with a gentle smile, and such a girl touched him a little.

Anyway, just take a look.

he thought.

Then click on this video.

The video begins with a bleak autumn scene, and the camera keeps showing the surrounding mountain roads and yellow leaves—it seems to tell him that it is already autumn.

Yes, it is autumn now.

There are few people outside, but the izakaya is full of people.

No one wants to travel far.

But unexpectedly, in this video, after Qiu Jing, the footsteps of two people sounded.

Very light and soft, it looks like a girl.

"I said, how long will it take us to reach our destination?" The little girl seemed a little impatient.

"Soon, there is Mount Fuji in front of you - soon you will be able to see the panorama of Mount Fuji." Said the girl on the other end of the camera.

At this time, the camera showed their profile faces—the delicate faces looked extraordinarily beautiful in the autumn scenery, the black eyes of the short-haired girl were as quiet as a lake, she looked at Mount Fuji, Nakajima Sota seemed to be able to see in her eyes In the eyes, I saw the reflection of Mount Fuji.

She quietly raised the corners of her lips, and then stroked a strand of hair beside her ear.

Breathe out a mouthful of morning mist.

Eyes clouded.

Nakajima Sota felt that his heart suddenly stagnated in a certain place at this moment.

Because the girl in the video...

It is really beautiful.

Chapter 14 Empathy

Beauty if there is a sin.

Then the girl in front of her will bear half of the world's sins.

Nakajima Sota thought inexplicably.

I mean, I'm too excited.

Sota Nakajima felt strange. To be honest, the girl with black hair was actually not very outstanding in appearance. She had ordinary facial features, ordinary eyes, ordinary nose, ordinary red lips, and ordinary red lips. Shimamune dared to say that if he met such a girl in the crowd, he would definitely not even glance at it—but somehow she was very good-looking, without heavy makeup, and her makeup was natural.

Here is the video.

This girl is the absolute protagonist.

The two girls didn't stop for a long time. After taking a look at Mount Fuji, they turned around and left. The girl with short black hair frowned slightly. At this time, the camera was shown on Mount Fuji. Today, Mount Fuji is not very sunny, with a slight Thick fog and light stratus clouds.They couldn't see the whole mountain clearly, which disappointed them a little.

The frown really seemed to have magical powers, which made people feel distressed.

"A little tired."

"Hold on a little longer."

The two girls encouraged each other, both of them were panting heavily because of the heavy loads on their backs.The gas formed by the carbon dioxide they exhaled condensed into clouds in the icy air, and a blush appeared on the girl's lovely and delicate cheeks, but her eyes still shone with a very dazzling light.

It seems that there is something in the heart.

Seeing the girl's eyes, it's obviously just the person in the video—but inexplicably, Sota Nakajima felt ashamed.He has spent many years of his life in a daze, and it has been many years since he had such a firm gaze when he was a teenager.

Even if I am young, I have ideals that people yearn for.

Now the edges and corners of the pebbles have been smoothed by the torrent of reality.

——There is no way to go back to my youth.

Thinking of this, he lost his spirits a little, so he took a big sip of wine for himself.

"There is still work tomorrow, don't you not drink?"

The friend came over drunk and asked curiously when he saw him take a big sip of wine for no reason.

"I'm inexplicably upset right now," he replied.

He continued to click on the video and watched it.

The two girls discussed the division of labor, one to collect firewood, the other to find a camp to build a camp - they rented a hotel and put their things there.

Then the two went out.

"Is it winter camping?"

The so-called winter camping does not necessarily mean that it is winter camping. It can also be counted as winter camping in autumn. As long as camping is in the off-season, when there are few people and the weather is cold, it can be counted as winter camping.

When Sota Nakajima was young, he also dreamed of carrying a bag on his back, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, reaching his destination, and then enjoying his own life.


It was too cold outside.

Nakajima Sota approached the hot soup in front of him, as if the only way to dispel the coldness in his heart was to do so, but it was useless.

Even though he was in a warm species, his heart was very cold, but because of the video in front of him, a small gap was opened.

——Teenage Dream.

The past will always be missed.

Turning the perspective to the black-haired girl, it can be seen that she is not very familiar with doing things, and she doesn't seem to go camping much—but she is very stable. After arriving at the target camp, she did not rush to open the tent first.

Instead, start exercising your muscles.

It’s like warming up for a while before swimming. Even camping, you need to do more activities to soothe your body—especially after a long and stiff trek, your body is very stagnant. Do some activities, yes. The body is very good.


"What kind of gymnastics is this?"

Sota Nakajima laughed inexplicably.

The girl stretched her body on the spot, yelling [-], [-], "broadcast gymnastics" and so on--the movements she did were weird and peculiar, not like the gymnastics that outdoor sports should do at all.

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