The fact is: he helped Kasumigaoka Shiwa not turn into steam when the end of the world came.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't feel that she was a special individual, and should have become steamy in that situation, but Koyama Yosuke obviously gave up his girlfriend for some reason and kept Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

How much sacrifice does he need to make when he pays that kind of awareness?

When Rio Futaba sacrificed herself, how conscious was she?

That's giving up the life of your girlfriend, giving up your own life, to save others.

So now, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is very hesitant.

Are you going to knock down Yosuke Koyama?

"Here we are, at your house."

When Kasumi Hill Shiu was still hesitating, Koyama Yosuke stopped the motorcycle.

Here he is.

This is the home of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, which is located on the other side of the city, next to the current library company.

Hop Bird Apartments.


Hop Bird's Apartment

Things are as Koyama Yosuke thought.

After entering the room, when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu saw the stack of parents' clothes on the sofa, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu suddenly lost the strength to support herself.

It can be said that her eyes have permanently lost their highlights, experienced great changes, and the pain of the absence of relatives - Yosuke Koyama can also imagine.

Because this is not the first time Koyama Yosuke has experienced this kind of thing.

He shook his head slowly, sighed,

Knowing that it is useless to enlighten Xiazhiqiu Shiyu at this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu obviously wants to vent. When human beings continue to be under pressure, it is very scary, like a spring that is constantly accumulating, and the pressure of the spring needs to be released all at once.

Now there are only two people in this world, Yosuke Koyama and Shiwa Kasumigaoka, and the target of Shiwa Kasumigaoka’s pressure relief, if nothing else, is Yosuke Koyama,

So Koyama Yosuke had to stay away for the time being.

But staying away does not mean avoiding.

Koyama Yosuke gestured to Kasumigaoka Shiwa, then opened the door and went to the kitchen.

70 years of life experience brought him not only the relationship with his wife, but also a more sensitive heart.

It is the best way to release the pressure on appetite.

——Although for girls, the subsequent weight loss may be more painful.

But anyway, it's much better than venting your anger on others.


Kasumigaoka Shiwa was sitting on the sofa, her eyes were a little blurred.

She hates her parents.

Because she doesn't earn as much money as she does, and she's always pointing fingers.

When she was very young, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and her parents were stuck together all day long.One of her parents is an editor at a publishing house, and the other is a novel author.When the two met each other, they entered the palace of marriage directly. This made Kasumigaoka Shiyu look forward to it very much, and it also laid the foundation for Kasumigaoka Shiyu to be exposed to literature since childhood.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't expect that this contact would become his lifelong love.

She is a little older, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is a little more sensible, and her body has also developed - she has developed a great interest in those indescribable small books, just like before, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is upright She asked her parents for it, but this time her parents were unwilling to give it to her anyway. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very strange, so she asked her parents why,

But even if the parents blushed, they were unwilling to answer Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.


This time Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very angry, and because of this, she had a rebellious mentality-you told me everything in the past, and you told me everything in the past, why now you don’t even give me this time to tell me .

The relationship between Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and her parents was not good for a period of time, and it also started from that time.

Later, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu grew up and understood her parents' considerations, and also understood why her parents didn't buy her a small h book to read.

But the seeds of the gap had already fallen, and the gap between the three of them was getting deeper and deeper. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu never lied in her mother's arms and acted like a baby.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't regret her decision at all. It was during her adolescence that she came into contact with otaku culture.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not know where to find the manga magazine that his father bought many years ago.

There are works of Osamu Tezuka in it, and Osamu Tezuka's works have also become the inspiration for her growth.In that era when the grading system was not yet perfect, the national-level manga master, Osamu Tezuka, gave Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who peeked at the palace of adults, an extremely profound shock.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's parents didn't let her watch it, but the itchy girl wanted to watch it.

Surreptitiously saving pocket money to buy this kind of comics is also an interesting memory of a girl when she was young. Thanks to her parents' coercive policy, she has a deep memory of these sneaky fun.

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu was young, she fought wits and bravery with her parents for her dream, and confronted her parents. It can be said that she has never thought of it now. When she thinks of the past, Kasumigaoka Shiyu will be deeply shy.

Her childhood experience also became the reason for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu to start writing novels.

But since then, with Kasumigaoka Shiyu's gradual growth, her relationship with her parents has also deteriorated.

It even turned into a nuisance in the end.

Chapter 14 Parents ([-])

"How did you study today?"


"Do any boys like you?"


"Talk to us more."

"it is good."

"Can't you talk more?"


The deteriorating relationship between families makes Kasumigaoka Shiwa feel as if she is living in an abyss of suffocation, especially after Kasumigaoka Shiwa finds another person she can rely on—the editor Machida Sonoko, the existence of parents seems to be no longer possible. No more.

After all, she can earn money to support herself now, and she really doesn't want to hear the annoying curses from her parents.

She doesn't have to ask her parents for money like before.

A coping answer like this has become a standard answer for Kasumigaoka Shiyu.Basically, as long as the parents asked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu what topic, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu would deal with it.

When Kasumigaoka Shiwa thought her life would continue...

When Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought that the relationship between herself and her parents would continue to deteriorate...

When Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought that he might be in such a stalemate with his parents for the rest of his life.

The end has come.

Parents died.

A relationship that has deteriorated does not need to continue to deteriorate.

Parents who used to be very annoying, don't hate them anymore,

When I got home, there was no more annoying nagging.

——This may be a good thing...

Why does Kasumigaoka Shiwa want to cry so much?

Thinking of the last sentence I responded to my parents yesterday, which was actually a faint "um", this made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu feel so sad and painful in his heart.

All kinds of heartache and pain blocked Kasumigaoka Shiyu's throat, and finally only heard a man's voice from the kitchen, this voice even gave her a vision of her father.

It was the voice that pulled her from the borderline of trance back to reality.

"Let's eat noodles."

Yosuke Koyama held a bowl of noodles in front of Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

Gently pat the chopped green onion, grind out the aroma, fry the ginger and garlic in the lard, then pour it on the chopped green onion and vegetable leaves, take out the noodles that have been boiled for 3 minutes, not sticky, chewy just right, stir in a bowl When you wake up, the fragrance is overflowing.

For 70 years, what their family is best at is noodles.

Because no matter it is windy or rainy, their family’s breakfast is a bowl of noodles. The noodles have a thick temperature, which also has thick humidity. No matter the wind and rain, the whole 70 years of life are all concentrated on this bowl of noodles.

Jiang Jie, a poet in the Song Dynasty, said in "Yu Meiren Listening to the Rain":

"Young people listen to Yuge upstairs, the red candles are dimmed, and the tents are dimmed. The middle-aged people listen to the rain in the boat, the river is wide and the clouds are low, and the broken wild goose is called the west wind.

Now listening to the rain under the monk's hut, there are already stars on the temples.The joys and sorrows are always ruthless, and the first step will last till dawn. "

For the old man in the Song Dynasty, it was rain that accompanied him for 70 years; but for Yosuke Koyama, it was this bowl of noodles that lingered in the mouth, slender and soft.

But what remains unchanged is the long years.

There is also the deep affection enshrined in it.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu ate small mouthfuls, and the eye sockets gradually became moist.She felt that this bowl of noodles had the taste of her parents.

——Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's family doesn't eat noodles, these noodles are still something given to their family by grandma.It's always been in the closet and never taken out to eat.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa seldom eats noodles.She even somewhat forgot what the texture of noodles looks like.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought of one thing.

She gets up at 6:00 in the morning. After washing, her mother will wake her up 10 minutes earlier. The bread in the bread machine is just right, and it is at a temperature that can be eaten, which is exactly the same as the bowl of noodles in front of her.

Not hot, not too cold.

Her mother has been preparing bread like this since she was a child, just as Yosuke Koyama has prepared noodles for 70 years.

Although the food is different, the temperature is the same.

Thinking of this, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes were full of bean-like tears, and the tears fell into his soup, making the soup salty and not very tasty.

It's terrible.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wiped away tears.

While drinking the soup vigorously.

Koyama Yosuke sat silently on the sofa, he made a lot of noodles, enough for Kasumigaoka Shiu to finish eating, it doesn't matter if he can't finish, anyway, now the whole earth belongs to them two.

From a certain point of view, it is a good thing.


Koyama Yosuke wanted to comfort Kasumigaoka Shiwa in this way, but he couldn't speak out when the words reached his throat.

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiwa with red eyes, Koyama Yosuke could only silently and subconsciously stroke her soft long hair.

It was like comforting Yukinoshita Yukino in the previous life, comforting Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Koyama Yosuke wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

Is Koyama Yosuke going to say—you came to this world, did I kill your parents?

So Yosuke Koyama said thousands of words, but finally turned them into one sentence.

"If you still want to eat noodles in the future."

"I'll give you...noodles to eat."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ...

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't know what to say, and her extremely dull mood was interrupted by Koyama Yosuke's weird words.Obviously she is in a very sad state now, why can this guy say such things?

Is this a straight man?

He definitely doesn't have a girlfriend! ! !

--Wait a moment.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have thought of something.

This guy seems to really have a girlfriend. Didn't the girl named Futaba Rio say she was this guy's girlfriend?

That girl looked beautiful, it's a pity she's dead now.

Why didn't you see this guy a little sad?

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