Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was also dumbfounded.

"Didn't I tell you to wait at the door? You just eavesdropped on our conversation?" Kato Hui was a little angry.

"No, I just heard Ying Lili shouting inside. I was afraid of something, so I rushed in." Xiaoshan Yangsuke smiled a little embarrassedly.

All three girls closed their mouths in good time.

To be honest, they don't know how to face Yosuke Koyama now - the three of them are discussing how to be Yosuke Koyama's harem here, how to give it to him for free, and then they are discovered by themselves?

really embarrassing...

It was as if I was talking to my best friend about her husband's birthday gift. She planned to give it away for nothing, but it turned out that it was her birthday.How embarrassing it is to open the cabinet and find a bunch of contraceptive protections.

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?"

Yosuke Koyama was a little strange.

"You go out first, and after we have finished talking, we will go to you - Ying Lili should be able to get out of bed, Ying Lili just has a fever, and she is here to take care of her for a while because she is afraid of complications. I asked the doctor and said that there is no problem and you can leave the hospital at any time, and the three of us will go to you for dinner and talk about what we really should talk about."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a little embarrassed looking at the three of them.

So he took the initiative to break the silence.

"Okay." Koyama Yosuke nodded, turned and left.

After the man left, Kato Megumi moved a bench and sat in front of Ying Lili's hospital bed.

"So how do you solve it in the end?"

"What are we going to do in the end?"

"The conflicts between everyone, the problems between everyone, and how to deal with the relationship between us?"

"You can't really push it directly to Yosuke Koyama, can you?"

Kato Megumi asked.

"Yosuke Koyama has no memory in reality, so even if we ask him, he will panic. It's better not to ask, and let us solve it ourselves."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said.

"So what should we do?" Kato Megumi looked at the time.

Three women in one scene, after chatting for so long, I'm really tired of not reaching a conclusion.

"If not, try it first."

At last.

It was Yingli who broke the silence.

"Try? What does try mean?" Kato Hui was at a loss.

"As Yosuke Koyama said - the trial operation of the harem, it's rare for him to have this kind of thought, and he probably wouldn't have such an idea at other times, only at this time, he would have such an absurd idea. Then We might as well cooperate."

"As he said, if we can accept it, we will accept it, and if we can't accept it, we will break up."

"Anyway, it's a dream..."

"It shouldn't be a big deal."

Ying Lili said with a guilty conscience.

Chapter 47 Harem Date Day


For girls, it is obviously a bad vocabulary.

Let yourself choose to be someone else's harem, and go with other girls to accompany the man you like, no matter who it is, it will feel uncomfortable.Of course, men may be more comfortable, but it is only a relative possibility.

For a male.If the harem is really opened, it may cause pain.

Like now...

"Trial run...how is it a trial run?"

Yosuke Koyama blinked.

He had just discharged Ying Lili from the hospital, and left the hospital with the three girls, intending to celebrate Ying Lili's recovery-but on the way, Koyama Yosuke heard the girls' compromise.

Choosing one person will bring pain to the other girls, and if you want all the girls to be happy, you have to open a harem—Yosuke Koyama temporarily had such an absurd idea.

But when this absurd idea came to reality, Koyama Yosuke felt at a loss.

Open a harem?

How to open it?

Can someone teach me?

Just like you need a driving school to learn to drive, and a teacher to study in school, if you work, there are old people to educate new people.Engage in a new thing, you need someone to guide you, this is the truth from ancient times.


The matter of opening the harem...

Can anyone teach?

Koyama Yosuke blinked, looking at the three girls' outstretched hands towards him, suddenly a little dazed.

As the first day of the trial operation of the harem, everyone discussed it, like ordinary lovers, try to date four people together first-but something went wrong on the first try.

For a girl, when dating a boyfriend, it is a matter of course that she will hold the boyfriend's hand.

So, what about three people dating with a boyfriend?

Koyama Yosuke blinked, looking at the delicate and flawless hands of the three girls, suddenly fell into a daze.

Whose hand should I hold?

"Quickly, make a decision."

Seeing Koyama Yosuke blinking and hesitating, Ying Lili couldn't help urging, and at the same time sent her hand a little forward.

For her, of course she hoped that Yosuke Koyama would hold her hand - this would prove one thing, that she was more important in Yosuke Koyama's mind.


Seeing the desire hidden in Kato Megumi's indifferent gaze, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa's impatient and uncontrollable eagerness to move, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart...

It doesn't look right...

The so-called trial operation of the harem may not be the first time it will go bankrupt.

Everyone has their own ideas, and everyone doesn't want to be wronged - such emotions are piled up together, and they will definitely not tolerate each other. Harem life looks good, but that's just what it looks like.

In practice, there are many problems.

"See what you do..."

Ying Lili narrowed her eyes, she waited for Koyama Yosuke to choose one person, and then the other two became irritable and the stock price collapsed in the next second.

If she is left out, she will undoubtedly slam the door and leave - she believes that other people think so too, of course Kasumigaoka Shiyu may be an exception, after all, she is a dog lick...

Although it is a bit impolite to say that, Eirari also defended Kasumigaoka Shiwa before, but deep down in her heart, Eiriri still feels that Kato Megumi is right-Kasumigaoka Shiwa has a good personality. kindhearted.However, in this kind of situation, this kindness can only become a hindrance, and can only be regarded as a dog licking.

But if the licking dog is left out in the cold, it will also be sad.


How to choose?

Koyama Yosuke?

Ying Lili's eyes were full of joy, she didn't know why, she seemed very happy about the scene in front of her - she was very happy to see Yosuke Koyama embarrassed, she was undoubtedly sick like this, but a sickness is a sickness, but she still very happy.

Letting Koyama Yosuke, who had opened the harem, be deflated, she felt unspeakable happiness from the bottom of her heart.

After all, who let you open the harem?

If you want to open a harem, you have to pay a price.


At this time, Koyama Yosuke made a choice.

"I remember that there is a drying rack in the house. Wait a minute, I'll go find a drying rack, and you can grab that one together—this way I won't be partial..."

Kato Megumi: ?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: ?

English pear pear: ?

Seeing Yosuke Koyama running to find the drying rack, the three girls couldn't help but twitch their eyebrows subconsciously.

"What's this guy thinking, what to do?"

The three girls were a little helpless at this moment, but they couldn't help smiling, and the original tense atmosphere was somewhat relieved. At this time, Kato Megumi raised his eyebrows:

"Don't embarrass him so much, it's not normal not to hold hands..."

Yes, no one stipulates that lovers must hold hands.

It's just that everyone naturally wants to fight for breath.

The final result can only make things difficult for Yosuke Koyama.

Hearing Kato Megumi's words, Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded—and Eriri saw that she couldn't change anything when she saw the two-on-one, so she just let it go.

Afterwards, when the three girls saw that Yosuke Koyama really ran over with a drying rack, they couldn't help but cover their foreheads at the same time.

"Forget it, we're not that serious—it's okay not to hold hands."

Koyama Yosuke's expression suddenly became relaxed, just now, it can be said that he was sweating because of making things difficult.

"Then I should go to the hotpot restaurant next...Walk or take a taxi?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked.

"Let's go. There's no room for four people in a taxi." Xiao Shanyang showed embarrassment.

It is obvious that four people can sit down if they squeeze together, but someone must sit in the front seat—but in this situation, no one is willing to be left behind. Koyama Yosuke guesses that no one is willing to sit in the front seat. It will be even more embarrassing.

In the end, it's better to walk.

"You really have an idea to make the girl feel wronged and walk."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stared at him with a bit of yin and yang.

Koyama Yosuke looked up at the sky and didn't answer her.

"Forget it—everyone prepare your things, see if there is anything to bring? Be careful not to leave things behind when you go to the hot pot restaurant, and there is also a unified survey on the taste. Some people have taboos, and the body is The most important thing is that everyone must not underestimate the health of the body." Ying Lili said.

The three of them nodded, and each went to pack up their things.

Koyama Yosuke also planned to run to his room to get a power bank or something - but Kato Megumi grabbed his sleeve when no one else was paying attention.

"Come here, let's go first."

The girl stared at him, looking very pretty.The black broken hair splashed, and the faint body fragrance from the girl made people feel a little lost.

"It's a bit inappropriate..."

Yosuke Koyama was a little embarrassed.

"There's nothing inappropriate, let's go first—"

However, Megumi Kato played a trick:

"I don't have anything to pack, so I'll go first—after you two pack up, come along, and we'll gather behind the wall at the door."

She yelled at the two girls, and there was a response from the two girls in the room. At this time, Megumi Kato tugged on Yosuke Koyama's sleeve.

"Come on, let's go faster—and avoid them kissing for a while."

Kato Megumi's voice was unusually firm, and Koyama Yosuke hurriedly followed her out.The two of them ran for two steps, and after turning a few turns, they arrived at the meeting place that everyone had scheduled.

Then Kato Megumi turned his head.

He immediately put his arms around Yosuke Koyama's neck, and hung it up like a koala.

The girl's lips are very fragrant, very sweet, and even taste like lipstick.

"Are you wearing lipstick?"

The two kissed for about half a minute, and the time was almost up—Kato Megumi gasped and let go.

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