"This humiliation, I will return it with an eye for an eye, double it!!!"

Ying Lili blushed, twisting the soft flesh of Yosuke Koyama's stomach.

The man gave her a blank look.

"Okay, wait for you to repay me more, and I will pay you back at that time."

Seeing Koyama Yosuke perfunctory her, Ying Lili became more and more angry.

"Don't be so careless, the brave men of the Sawamura Spencer family will not succumb to difficulties, and the brave men of our family will become braver as they fight!!!"

The girl bared her teeth and claws.

The more you fight, the braver you are?


Koyama Yosuke gave her a white look.

Disdain welled up in my heart.

Seeing his performance, the girl became even more insane.She began to constantly interfere with Yosuke Koyama, trying to interrupt Yosuke Koyama's train of thought - Yosuke Koyama is now painting, although he has no memory in reality, but he has inherited part of the skills in reality, and the hand feeling he has in reality After a period of practice, you can easily master it here.

But Yosuke Koyama didn't know, he only thought that he was very talented and could master it quickly.


Although Yosuke Koyama was drawing, Eriri kept disturbing him.What he had in mind was not painting, either.

But two other people.

"What are Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Kato Megumi thinking?"

"Now everyone's feelings are still too fragile - although they accept each other on the surface, but when it comes to the critical moment, they still have to take into account each other's existence - this is the case with Eriri, Kato Megumi, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa .”

"How can the three of them feel like sisters and not continue to hold grudges?"

Koyama Yosuke is very clear.

The gap between his harem is unusually wide, but the harem is barely maintained through the bonding of his own tape.

If you wait until something goes wrong.

This harem will collapse and collapse.


There must be a way to unite them.

Yosuke Koyama gradually came up with an idea - as we all know, things like unity are not manifested in normal times, and they will split if there is no difficulty in normal times, but at critical moments, after encountering difficulties, everyone will work hard to unite.

No matter what contradictions, no matter what ideas.

In the face of the greatest enemy, all will work together.

Therefore, an enemy of all has to be created.

Let this enemy, help the three understand each other.

"If only I could get terminally ill." Yosuke Koyama thought jokingly.

He remembered that when Ying Lili was terminally ill, he and she worked very hard to survive—if he was terminally ill at this moment, then the three girls who liked him should also work hard to understand each other and finally make a decision. Some decision.


How can a person get terminally ill casually?

in case……

If it is true that the three girls said that this world is a dream world...

Then if you want to get terminally ill, you should be able to get terminally ill.

Although the three girls all said that this is a dream world, it is not counted—but now everyone is trying to live, and Koyama Yosuke does not completely believe that this world is just a simple dream world.

and so……

Let's put this ridiculous idea aside for now.

Koyama Yosuke just thought of this outrageous thing - when he was really sick, he might not be able to accept his suffering in exchange for harmony in the harem.

[Understood, I will make you terminally ill immediately]

A voice suddenly appeared in Yosuke Koyama's mind. The voice appeared so suddenly that he was a little confused.

Whose voice is this?

He soon stopped thinking whose voice it was.

Because his eyes went dark, he fell directly on the desk.


"Is this the end of the dream?"

"I don't see it. When I ended the dream, all of us had to die-it was impossible for Yosuke Koyama to leave alone."

"Then... is he really terminally ill?"

"It's not a terminal illness, it's just that there is little hope of a cure."

In a daze, Yosuke Koyama heard these voices in the dark, and felt his eyes were so tired and heavy, he didn't want to open them at all.

He felt as if he had been up all night for two days and two nights. Although he was lying on the soft bed, exhaustion completely attacked his body.

What do they mean?

Are you really terminally ill?

I just think about it! ! !

Koyama Yosuke was a bit at a loss. For him in this world, he had just become a big harem, he had just cured his girlfriend's serious illness, and he had just returned to a normal life—but at this moment he fell down.

Isn't this ironic! !

When he was at a loss, he suddenly heard the girls talking.

Someone said in a word:

"I've already contacted the outside—the perverted woman Yukinoshita Yono in Dreamland told me that Koyama Yosuke is indeed suffering from a terminal illness, and the only way to cure it."

"It is to make us into a harmonious and beautiful big harem without suspicion."

Chapter 57 True Evil

"Ridiculous, ridiculous, no, I want to go out - I want to leave this dream completely!!!"

It seemed that some girls had quarreled.

"In the final analysis, the reason why I agreed to compromise and temporarily live with you is because this is a dream, and because what happened in this dream is not real, I will temporarily choose to compromise and be a small mountain with you. Jie’s wife——but now, I am required to truly become Yosuke Koyama’s harem, become one of the many women, and spend my life peacefully and beautifully, I can’t accept this!!”

This is Ying Lili's voice.

"But how are you going to get out?" Kato Megumi's voice was cold.

"You came in voluntarily when you first came in, but now you want to go out, and halfway through the matter, you regret it, scumbag or not, let's not talk about it, do you think you can really go out so easily? The person outside now Taking control of our lifeline, we are purely reduced to actors on this stage, and we have to desperately please and entertain her to be able to go out. Noisy emotions are useless, it will only make others isolate you and hate you, and become For that woman's laughing stock."

Kato Megumi's slender fingers tapped on the tabletop, and kept saying "tuk tuk tuk tuk...".

At the same time, her beautiful eyes looked sideways.

He looked elegant and calm.

"But..." Ying Lili hesitated to speak.

She knew Kato Megumi was right.But she couldn't calm down at all, and she felt uncomfortable when she thought of being an actor on stage in the eyes of others.

As soon as she felt uncomfortable, she anxiously stretched her tender white toes.She originally wanted to have a target in front of her for her to kick, but obviously there was no way to find this target in her field of vision.So she had no choice but to stretch her toes anxiously and keep curling up, with a thin layer of fragrant sweat appearing on her fair skin.

"By the way, where is Shiyu?"

Ying Lili was silent for a while, lowering her head and not speaking. This quietness gave her a strange aesthetic feeling like a literary girl.

But this time the silence was quickly broken, and she remembered that there was another person.

So subconsciously turned his head and looked around, trying to find the trace of that person.

"She...she went to buy a sleeping bag and food. As soon as she heard that Xiao Shanyang was terminally ill, she was ready to fight for a long time."

When Kato Megumi heard the name Kasumigaoka Shiwa, her delicate body trembled a little, she was silent for a while, and then said the next thing.

"Is that how she accepted it?"

Ying Lili looked surprised, even questioning.As if seeing something extremely incredible—no, this thing is incredible.After all, no one would accept that one's fate is restricted by others so calmly, but Xiazhiqiu Shiyu accepted it very simply, and even willingly became the other party's actor.

"I asked her, and she said that there is nothing to resist - if you have the means to resist, you can try it, because she has tried to resist before she understands that resistance is impossible, so she accepts her fate." Kato Hui was silent and slender Say the words.

The water in the cup in front of him has become cold, and there is no steaming heat anymore.

"You two, there's no need to worry..."

Yosuke Koyama on the hospital bed had already woken up.After listening to the two girls talking for a long time, he probably couldn't get any more useful information before he spoke up, wanting to comfort the two girls.

"Didn't you say that this world is a world of dreams? As a dream, there should always be a subject. The person outside bet everything on me, which proves that the subject of the dream is me. In other words, As long as I die in this dream, this dream will be resolved naturally, so you can rest assured."

Koyama Yosuke's voice was indescribably calm.

It's easy to feel reassured.

"The truth is this - but Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said that even if you die, this dream will not be resolved, and everyone must work together..."

Ying Lili saw Yosuke Koyama woke up, and the boredom in her heart disappeared a lot, so she planned to communicate with Yosuke Koyama.


Kato Megumi grabbed her and pulled her out.

Interrupted their conversation and behaved very rudely.

"What are you doing!!" Ying Lili frowned, her arms were red, Kato Megumi's force was not light.

"What are you doing, of course I want to beat you!!" Megumi Kato raised her slender fist angrily, wanting to wave it at Yinglili's face.

Fist hanging in the air, seeing Ying Lili's blank and aggrieved face, she sighed again and put down her fist.


Can't be beaten.

It's not good to be beaten.

"Why do you want to hit me?"

"Did I do something wrong?" Yinglili's eyes flashed with puzzlement.

"Of course you did something wrong——" Kato Megumi stared at her, bloodshot eyes appeared in the girl's eyeballs, "You know that, right? In this world, the three of us all have memories of the real world, only Xiaoshan Yang Jie didn’t, we also told him that this world is a dream.”

"But... no one is willing to believe that the world they live in and exist in is just a dream. Even if Yosuke Koyama said that he believed in you, he would not think that it was reality in his heart."

"That is to say..." Ying Lili seemed to realize something.

Fear flickered in his eyes.

"Well, there's nothing wrong - your behavior just now is completely low-intelligence behavior regardless of other people's feelings. Koyama Yosuke undoubtedly said this with a sad desire, because in his opinion, we Distressed, so he said with the determination to die, 'As long as I die, everything will be settled.' This kind of words, and what did you just say, you scum?"

"You said—even if you die, you don't need such words!!"

"Don't you think—that what you said is enough for me to punch you!!"

Kato Megumi bit her lower lip, her lips were bloody, full of anger.

She felt that she was really tired, why did she take part in this shit, why did she take the initiative to fall in love with Yosuke Koyama and become Yosuke Koyama's harem.

In addition to finding the position I should be in in this harem, I also have to help my best friend Ying Lili understand the situation in front of me-this guy's emotional intelligence can be said to be low to a certain extent, if he is not there, this guy Saying two words can easily hurt others.

"I'm sorry..."

Ying Lili lowered her head and apologized in a murmur.

"It's no use apologizing to me - go and apologize to him!!" Kato Megumi almost laughed angrily.


Ying Lili slowly moved into the ward, but Kato Hui did not go in.

But quickly.

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