"Do you eat Hunan food or Sichuan food? Or Shandong food?"

"Can you give me the whole duck?"

"Okay, I want to eat duck too."

The conversation between the two was as usual. After opening the door, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was arranging and sewing clothes in the room. The greenness of the student days on her beautiful face had long since disappeared, and a pair of big black eyes like glass were quietly staring at Xiao Shanyang Jie, saw Yosuke Koyama come back.

Help Koyama Yosuke take off his coat, Koyama Yosuke put on his shoes, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa plans to go to the vegetable garden to get some peppers.

"I'm going to catch ducks and I'll be back in half an hour."

Koyama Yosuke put on his coat again, Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded, her long black hair was loosely scattered behind her back, and there was no emotion in her eyes.

"I'm only waiting 25 minutes."

"After 25 minutes, I won't see you again."

"I could cry."

"How many times have I said this..." Koyama Yosuke helplessly spread out his hands, put on rubber gloves, and prepared to catch ducks.

The two people do not know when an unwritten rule came into being. Every time Yosuke Koyama and Kasumigaoka Shiwa separate, they will agree on a time. If Yosuke Koyama and Kasumigaoka Shiwa do not come back within the stipulated time, Yosuke Koyama Kasumigaoka and Shiwa will look for each other.

Originally, there was no such regulation at the beginning, but since Koyama Yosuke accidentally fell under the high platform, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke made such an agreement.

But it's kind of weird.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa likes to bargain very much.

Every time Yosuke Koyama spoke for half an hour, Kasumigaoka Shiwa would actively bargain for 5 minutes.Even Yosuke Koyama has already summed up a set of rules, as long as Yosuke Koyama and Kasumigaoka Shiwa make an appointment for an hour apart, and if it exceeds 20 minutes, Kasumigaoka Shiwa will come to him on his own initiative.

Only when two people agree on half an hour, Kasumigaoka Shiyu will deduct 5 minutes and wait patiently for 25 minutes.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't know where he learned his eccentricity. This kind of weird agreement lasted for nearly a year. To be honest, Koyama Yosuke sometimes couldn't stand Kasumigaoka Shiyu's weird agreement.

Good thing...

It will be free tomorrow.

Koyama Yosuke looked at the calendar, which was clearly marked.

This is Kasumigaoka Shiwa's birthday.

The two can finally end everything and return to the normal world.

Koyama Yosuke wanted to tilt the corners of his mouth to show a smile, but Koyama Yosuke found that he was showing a bitter smile.

Why do you feel a little sad?

Koyama Yosuke was stunned.

"What's the matter?" Realizing that he was in a daze, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned around, and looked at him with concern in her beautiful eyes.

"If you don't go, 25 minutes will disappear."

"Okay." Koyama Yosuke responded to the girl as usual, but at some point, there was a hint of bitterness in his mouth.


"Maybe I have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?"

"If you talk about surprises, then surprises are not surprises."

"Isn't it just a birthday?"

"In an apocalyptic situation, what surprises can there be?"

Although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said so, there was still a crooked smile on the corner of her mouth. She was very happy to hear that Yosuke Koyama had a surprise for her.

But in an apocalyptic situation, what could surprise her?

Is Koyama Yosuke planning to increase the population?

Have a baby with her?

Chapter 44 Do you dare to measure how much I have grown in the past year and a half?


Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't have any expectations for the surprise that Yosuke Koyama said.


Every day is a surprise for her.

For her.

It is already very happy to be able to see the sun of tomorrow every day alive - there is no need to look forward to anything.

Instead of looking forward to these things, it is better to pick up more chopsticks and eat more peanuts.

A year and a half ago, Kasumigaoka Shiwa was still entangled in whether Yosuke Koyama was behind the end of the world, and had to use her own little thoughts to think about how to get the words out of Yosuke Koyama.

—but now.

This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore.

When her parents passed away, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was devastated; but after only a few months of her parents' death, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have forgotten that her parents had just passed away.She was dazzled by the busy things, and she didn't have much time to grieve the death of her parents and recall the little things with her parents.

She is very busy.

Cook every day.

To tell a story every day.

I have to secretly turn on the computer every day to see how far Yosuke Koyama's comics are going.

Of course, she is not just telling stories, she is also responsible for half of the basic life of the two of them, and she has no time to remember the past at all.

Half a year ago, if Yosuke Koyama hadn't reminded her of her parents' death day, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would have really forgotten about it.

——Is this considered filial piety to a daughter?

But even if it was the anniversary of her parents' death, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was only a little taciturn on that day, and didn't even cry out loud.

The next day she was back to her busy routine again.

——This is too much.

Also very realistic.

Humans are always looking forward.

When the society collapsed at the beginning, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke couldn't react. She still wanted to find out the truth and dig out what was going on at the end of the world.

Trying to go back to the original society.

But now, after a year and a half of growth, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has adapted to the society after the end of the world.

——Adapted to this "Xanadu" where there are almost no human beings.

She and Yosuke Koyama are now conjoined twins who share a respiratory organ. Without each other, the other will die.

At first, Kasumi Hill Shiyu had an idea.

It seems so ridiculous now.

She planned to wait for a year and a half before deleting all the manuscripts in Yosuke Koyama's computer, and use this to press Yosuke Koyama for the truth.

But as time passed, the busy Kasumigaoka Shiyu gradually felt that the truth didn't matter anymore.

— This is not surprising.

It is as if a human child has been raised by wolves for decades, and he becomes a wolf child. When he returns to human society, it will be difficult for this child to continue living in human society.

Just like Kasumigaoka Shiwa, a beautiful girl.

She has been assimilated by the most stable daily time in the end of the world. Now that she opens her eyes, she has to confirm that she is alive instead of thinking about how many books she has sold.

She can never go back to her original self.

I can never go back to the self who can only write novels.

The dream of Kasumigaoka Shiwa who has died has been shattered, and now he is still alive, how is Kasumigaoka Shiwa who struggled to survive.

"Anyway, let's prepare the ingredients for the duck first."

The girl skillfully put on her apron, ready to go to the yard to pick peppers and green onions.

Her hands are now calloused.

The skin may also loosen over time.

But she couldn't help it—she wanted to live.

The current home of Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke is a small villa by the sea.

- Of course they didn't buy it, they were intruders.However, the owners of the villa are already dead, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Koyama Yosuke naturally settled in with peace of mind.

This villa is not big compared to other villas, but it is already very spacious for two people, even Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked around the villa, a little out of breath.

This villa is expensive.

Not just villas.

But it's very expensive, and it's useless to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.Not as valuable as a sheep,

The original flowers and plants in the yard, all kinds of things worth hundreds of thousands of neon coins, were pulled out by Koyama Yosuke and Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and replaced with green onions, garlic and other plants.

—and peppers.

—and pepper.

Sometimes Yosuke Koyama thought of it, and would use these hundreds of thousands of neon coins to feed cattle and sheep.

They are still drying sea salt in the yard to ensure their own salt supply. I don’t know where Yosuke Koyama tinkered with a bunch of equipment, but they can actually make sea salt.

of course.

This is just the simplest change that Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke have made in the past year and a half.

There are more changes, and more subtle things happened to Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Koyama Yosuke.

For Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, there is one very important thing that happened in these subtle changes, which must be worth mentioning.

——She can cook now.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't know how to cook before, or the dishes he cooked couldn't be eaten. Even if the dishes were carefully studied, they really couldn't be said to taste so good.

She used to be busy with work and had to go to school - and she didn't have time to delve into cooking.But now at the end of the world, Kasumigaoka Shiwa has a lot of freedom and plenty of time.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu spent all this time studying cooking.

On the other hand, human extinction, while tragic, has also left a valuable legacy.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa is free to dig out human heritage and explore recipes like a treasure.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's work is very important.

Because she shoulders the burden of regaining the confidence of the two of them living in the last days.

For them whose world is destroyed, only a little bit of daily life can be lived a little more comfortably, which can ensure that the two of them can continue to live in the last days.

Eating is the most important thing in daily life.

Only when the cooking is done well and after a busy day of work can Yosuke Koyama and Shiwa Kasumigaoka be able to rest well.

So Xiazhiqiu Shiyu tried his best to break through himself, and cooking was one of them.One and a half years is not enough for a girl to develop all her skills, but it is not a problem to become proficient in cooking.

Different from the light neon cuisine in the past, Kasumigaoka Shiyu began to try to study the cuisine of the Celestial Dynasty.Because both sides use chopsticks, it is easy to learn, and the spicy food of the Chinese people is a must. In the end of the world, spicy food is very useful.

Eating chili is a very good way to vent your emotions.

It's so hot that you lose your mind, it's so hot that your chrysanthemum hurts, and it's so hot that you go to the hospital.

You won't have to worry about it.

Chapter 45 The Last Man

The progress of Kasumigaoka Shiwa's Sichuan cuisine is particularly obvious.

In this short period of one year, the growth of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is not just this part.

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