Luo Feng began to sprint down quickly.

Luo Feng only opened the parachute when he was only tens of meters away from the ground.

The parachute had just opened, and his body had already fallen to the ground.

Tang Xuewei and Su Yunxi followed closely behind and landed on the ground.

After coming here.

They suddenly felt a heat wave hit.

The whole body seemed to come to the side of the stove.

They are in the desert.

At a glance, there is yellow sand all around.

Most people probably would not choose the desert for landing.

The hot weather alone is already making people feel very uncomfortable.

If you can't find a water source in time, you may die of dehydration.

This is the real world.

Everything feels the same as real.

However, this kind of environment is nothing to Luo Feng.

One of the special flames he mastered is Snow Lotus Binghuo.

The temperature of this flame can be very high or very low.

"It's so hot, I didn't expect the environment inside to be so hot?

It seems that we need to find a cool place to hide as soon as possible. "

Su Yunxi seems to be able to feel the sweat flowing down her head now.

Tang Xuewei didn't feel much, she had already obtained the inheritance of the Snow Goddess.

Chapter 379 Level 2 Sand Sculpture (4/5)

These heats are nothing to her.

At this time, Luo Feng started to use his Snow Lotus Binghuo.

The heat on the body disappeared in an instant.

After feeling the coolness coming from Luo Feng's side, Su Yunxi began to approach Luo Feng.

At this moment, Tang Xuewei also began to use her abilities.

For a moment, the temperature around them dropped instantly.

It will soon be zero degrees.

The temperature outside is at least [-] degrees.

You can imagine how hot it is outside.

However, this situation did not last long, Luo Feng said: "

When we first start, don't consume too much energy.

Now we have no way to get items out of the space equipment.

In case the energy is exhausted in advance.

When in danger, there is no way to deal with it.

Let's use a little bit of energy first to maintain it.

Wait until you find the energy potion and then use the energy normally. "

Luo Feng can't use any materials now, so he has to save some energy.

In the chicken-eating dungeon, not only humans are enemies.

There are also various wild monsters that are also very dangerous.

If these wild monsters are all level 1.

Naturally, Luo Feng had nothing to be afraid of.

But this time, although the chicken-eating dungeon is only level 1, the highest-level creatures in it are all level 3.

Some hidden ones are even higher.

Just like that Godzilla.

If it comes out, its strength will be at least level 3.

If Luo Feng was in his prime, he would definitely not be afraid of these high-level wild monsters.

Now not only the level has become level 1, but also the weapons and props cannot be used, and the strength is really greatly weakened.

Right now Luo Feng doesn't have much energy in his body, not even the energy to summon Binghuo Ren.

So he had to find the energy potion as soon as possible.

Tang Xuewei heard what Luo Feng said, and began to shrink the released ice energy.

Luo Feng looked at the map and said: "

The poisonous gas has not come yet.

Let's search for some supplies nearby first.

Best to be able to find a vehicle.

Otherwise, the three of us are walking in such a hot environment, and the speed is a bit too slow. "

Fortunately, after entering the game, there will be a game map with some buildings and place names marked on it.

This also makes it easier for everyone to determine their location and find supplies.

Luo Feng led the two of them towards the nearest building.

Judging by the size of the building sign, it should be a small room like a toilet.

In a hurry.

The speed of the three of them is not slow.

This is just under 1 minute forward.

Suddenly, a very loud chirping sound came from the sky.

Luo Feng and the others looked up.

I saw a huge yellow bird hovering in the air.

According to the introduction of the chicken eating copy, Luo Feng immediately recognized what kind of animal it was?

They actually encountered a level 2 sand sculpture at the beginning.

This must be a bit too unlucky.

Level 2 Sand Sculpture is a large flying creature unique to desert areas.

The attack power is very powerful.

And it can also attack by releasing the feathers on the body.

His feather attack is no worse than bullets.

If the player encounters a sand sculpture here, he has no choice but to run away.

If it can enter the building, the sand sculpture will lose the target of attack.

But now Luo Feng and the others still need about 30 seconds to get to the nearest building.

With the strength of level 2 sand sculptures, it is still very easy to catch up with them.

After all, none of them are good at speed.

And at this time, the sand sculptures had already noticed Luo Feng's existence and were attacking them.

Seeing this situation, Luo Feng's expression changed instantly, and he said: "

We don't have to run away, let's kill the level 2 sand sculpture.

I hope that after killing the sand sculpture, some good things will pop out.

Otherwise, my losses would be too great.

Leapfrog killing monsters consumes a lot of energy. "

Hearing what Luo Feng said, both of them also stopped at the speed of running away.

They didn't have any doubts about Luo Feng's strength.

The level 2 sand sculpture, after seeing Luo Feng and the others stop, they sprinted towards Luo Feng and the others.

When Luo Feng saw this, he didn't dodge in any way, a fire lotus appeared in front of him.

Going towards the sand sculpture head-on.

The speed of the sand sculpture was so fast that it didn't intend to dodge at all, and directly charged up.

The fire lotus directly collided with the body of the level 2 sand sculpture.

A very strong explosion sounded.

The body of the level 2 sand sculpture began to become bloody and bloody, and a large amount of energy on the body collapsed.

The body of the sand sculpture fell heavily to the ground.

After struggling a few times, the wings paralyzed, and he remained motionless.

Su Yunxi next to him was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Although she knew that Luo Feng was very powerful.

But now everyone has become level 1 and has come to the same starting line.

She wasn't surprised that Luo Feng was able to kill level 2 wild monsters, but it was a bit unacceptable for a while to kill them instantly.

The closer the challenge, the instant kill, if this is reported, I am afraid that some players will start complaining again.

Luo Feng was very satisfied with this attack.

Mainly, the environment here is so hot, and what if we encounter other wild monsters again?

Definitely a quick fix.

So this time his fire lotus contained a lot of energy.

This level of attack, if there is no energy supplement, he can only release three times at most.

After three times, there is no way to use it.

Under the gaze of Luo Feng and the others, the body of the level 2 sand sculpture began to disappear slowly, and some objects appeared in the place of the sand sculpture.

And when Luo Feng killed the level 2 sand sculpture, a kill message appeared in the information of all players.

After these players saw this kill record, they all became very excited, but because they didn't have a world channel, they could only chat with their teammates.

"Hold the grass, Asura is worthy of being Shura, even if he becomes level 1, he can kill a level 2 sand sculpture so quickly, this strength is a bit too strong.

How can we players compete with him?

Could it be that, this time, the last person to eat the chicken has come out, and it is Shura? "

"Is this fake? I'm still floating in the air and I didn't go down. Shura has already killed a level 2 sand sculpture?

It hasn't been 3 minutes since entering the chicken eating dungeon, right?

how can that be? "

"So what if Shura can kill a level 2 sand sculpture?

My ability is very special, I don't need to fight Shura head-on, I just need to wait for the poisonous gas to poison Shura to death. "

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