"That's right, Xiao Nayue."

Xixiang's answer made Nangong Nayue feel cold.

"Can I have a discussion, don't you follow me when I go to the bathroom and take a shower?"

Nangong asked with a rare lowered attitude that month, knowing that she has always had a strong personality since she was a child, so it is difficult for her to act in such an attitude of begging others.

"You can't discuss it. I said that I am your monitor. As a monitor, you must follow you step by step. You are not allowed to have any possibility of betraying the contract."

"...Humans really have a strange sense of morality and shame in some places. If you can't stand it, then don't take a shower or go to the bathroom, isn't that all right?"

Xixiang is also a pure human being ideologically, but this does not mean that he can't pretend that he has nothing to do with human beings, so as to fool Nangong Nayue.

"Since you know that I am a human being, you should understand how human beings can do that kind of thing!"

Nangong Nayue blushed and said.

As a human being, we have to eat, drink, and produce excrement. Even if she is a beautiful girl, she can't violate this natural law!

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it won't be long before you have nothing to do with human beings, even if you are now, you are still a witch who sold her soul."

Xixiang said without hesitation.

What he said was Nangong's silence that month.

That’s right, if you don’t use yourself, you will have no chance with human beings.

After becoming a witch, she will naturally take over the duties she promised a long time ago and become the key to the 'prison barrier'.

At that time, her real body will be asleep in the enchantment, and in reality she can only rely on her fake body to act.

At that time, she really no longer needed to eat and take a bath.

Thinking of this, Nangong lost interest in bickering with Xixiang that month.

"Could it be that Xiao Nayue, do you think my current appearance makes you a little unacceptable?"

"...If that's the case, then I'll temporarily appear in a form you can accept."

As Saigo said this, his body made of flames suddenly twisted and changed.

Then what appeared in front of Nangong Nayue was a young man with a thin and tall figure, a handsome face, black hair and black eyes.

After grabbing the nutrition of the world and starting to grow, Xixiang has been able to use the basic mimicry ability of the devil.

But now it's just a mimicry, his body essence is still the devil's fire, his human body is just a change of the devil's fire.

Seeing that Xixiang suddenly changed from a demon posture to a human posture, and he was still a man, Nangong couldn't help opening his mouth that month.

Now that Xixiang looks like this, if she follows her to the bathroom, it will make her even more ashamed!

"Can't you be like a woman?"

Nangong was slurring like a child that month, and couldn't help asking.

"Devils also have genders. I am a male great demon, so I will naturally appear as a male."

Xixiang's words left Nangong Nayue speechless.

She learned a new knowledge point. It turns out that demons also have genders, although this knowledge point is useless.

"It's up to you, I'm going to sleep first."

Nangong felt that she was even more tired that month. She waved her hand in a dispirited manner, without taking off her clothes, and fell into the soft bed.

Seeing the delicate and beautiful girl lying on the bed, wearing a gothic dress, stretching her straight legs like a doll, Xixiang sat on a chair beside her and looked at her quietly.

Chapter 21 Little Nayue is so pitiful!

In the high school of the private Caihai Academy, Nangong Nayue rested her cheeks in her forehand, turned her delicate face sideways in boredom, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

She sat in the penultimate seat by the window, a special protagonist seat.

With Nangong Nayue's height, she should be sitting in the first row, or even by the podium.

But Nangong Nayue refused that position righteously, and "forced him to die" to the teacher.

She had a strong personality, so the teacher had no choice but to agree to her request to sit in the back.

Anyway, Nangong's academic performance was very good that month, so the teacher just turned a blind eye.

"Jingle Bell------"

The lunch break bell rang, and the quiet classroom suddenly cried and howled.

After greeting the teacher, the students chatted in groups of three or four.

Or go to the cafeteria to eat, or go to the canteen to buy some bread for lunch, or find a place with few people and use the bento from home.

"Xiao Nayue, let's go to lunch together, how about my treat today!"

Just when Nangong Nayue slowly stood up and was about to eat, a hearty girl's voice came.

In the next moment, Nangong Nayue felt a huge weight on her body.

A girl with ball hair, brown red hair and a cheerful smile is wrapping her seemingly thin but powerful arms around Nangong Nayue's neck.

The force at that moment made Nangong Nayue suffocate for a while, and almost couldn't catch her breath.

Nangong Nayue struggled to break free from that arm, clutched his throat, and said in a rather cold tone: "... Misaki Sasaki, go and eat by yourself, I won't go with you."

The person who came was Nangong Nayue's good friend since elementary school, and there were only one or two friends that Nangong Nayue could consider as friends.

She has an awkward personality, and she is cold when talking to people, and sometimes she is too strong. This kind of personality can easily alienate others.

Only people like Misaki Sasaki who has a carefree personality, and people like Aya Sendoumu who regard her as an ally, become friends with her.

"Don't be so indifferent, Xiao Nayue! Why are you always walking alone recently? You are too withdrawn but you will be bullied on campus!"

Sasaki Misaki was still smiling, and didn't care about Nangong's indifference that month.

And there was a secret joy in her smile, as if she was going to play tricks on Nangong Nayue at any time.

Misaki Sasaki was one of the most troublesome people in Nangong that month, like a dog's skin plaster, always sticking to her and even teasing her.

Nangong put his hand on his forehead helplessly and said, "...I just like to be alone recently."

"... Sasaki Misaki, I like to eat by myself, so go by yourself."

Sasaki Misaki took a deep look at Nangong Nayue, and saw that the other party's blue eyes were full of stubbornness, and this time the other party really became tough, Sasaki Misaki was not a person without eyesight.

She nodded slowly and said: "...Okay, then I'm going to eat, Xiao Nayue, although I don't know what happened, but if you need my help with anything, you must come to me."

"I see, you don't have to worry about me."

Nangong didn't seem to appreciate it that month.

It was her attitude that made her unpopular among her classmates.

But Misaki Sasaki knew that in fact, Nangong listened to everything that Yue said, and she was a standard knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

"By the way, Ah Ye hasn't seen her for a long time, and she doesn't come to school either. What happened?"

Misaki Sasaki suddenly thought of something, and asked Nangong Nayue.

"She seems to have something to do with her family. She should be in Europa for a while."

Nangong Nayue said ambiguously.

Sasaki Misaki didn't delve into it either, just nodded and said: "...So it's something at home, I'm really hungry now, see you in the afternoon, Xiao Nayue!"

Sasaki Misaki and Nangong Nayue waved their hands and ran out of the classroom in a hurry.

Nangong Nayue continued to slowly take out a cutely decorated lunch box from her desk, and walked out of the classroom where there were not many people.

When she came to a place where there were no cameras and no one else was paying attention, she directly activated the spell, and the ability to control space made Nangong Nayue go from the corridor to the roof of the school in an instant.

The roof of the private Caihai Academy is usually sealed, and students are not allowed to go there, but this is difficult for Nangong Nayue, who is proficient in space control techniques.

Since signing the contract with the devil, Nangong never worried about magic power that month.

Her magical power is simply inexhaustible, as long as her mental and physical strength can keep up, she can almost use this extremely complicated spell in the eyes of humans without restriction.

Nangong Nayue knew that her nearly endless magic power did not belong to her, but was a gift from the devil.

Thinking of the devil, Nangong turned his delicate face sideways that month, and sure enough, he saw the devil who had been lurking in her shadow all this time, standing beside her at this moment.

The demon is appearing in the form of a human being. He is standing on the roof of the school building, with his hands resting on the railing on the roof.

He was wearing a delicate and gorgeous black long dress like a dress, with a tall and slender body and a slightly feminine handsome face, making him look like a nobleman.

From a human point of view, the human form of this demon is really handsome. He used to walk in the private Caihai Academy before, which made many young schoolgirls excited, and secretly asked who this senior was.

However, Nangong Nayue will not be fascinated by the demon's "outer form". She has a deep understanding of the character of this demon, that is crumbs, the absolute crumbs of crumbs!

Speaking of which, it has been several months since I signed the contract with the devil, how time flies.

When Nangong was in a trance that month, Xixiang, who was lying on the railing, looked at the cherry blossom trees in full bloom on the campus, and he sighed: "...In that month, the cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming!"

"I just found out now that the devil also has a hometown. Is your hometown an island country?"

Nangong let out a 'huh' that month, she was used to the strange words that this demon would always utter.

Nangong Nayue carried the cute bento box and sat down on a clean step.

She opened the bento box, took out the chopsticks to hold the food inside, covered her mouth with her hands and ate in small bites.

The way she eats is extremely elegant. Seeing the delicious food being delivered to her moist red lips, reflecting her gorgeous beauty as exquisite as a doll, people have a deep understanding of what it means to be "beautiful and delicious".

But seeing this beautiful picture-like scene, Xixiang was indifferent, and instead gave a nasty smile and said: "...Everyone has friends to go to the cafeteria to eat together."

"...Even if you don't go to the cafeteria, you can still buy some bread at the canteen. Let's eat happily together. Listen to the laughter below."

"The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, but Nangong could only be alone in that month."

"...By the way, those students who brought bento from home are also delicious bento made by their parents."

"But Nangong could only cook by himself that month, without even his parents. Even a demon like me would cry out in distress."

"...It's so pitiful, little Nayue!"

Xixiang showed an expression of crocodile tears, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It was so much fun teasing Nangong that month that he got used to it.

"Shut up, you nasty devil, and don't call me Xiao Nayue!"

Nangong had blue veins popping out of his forehead that month, wishing he could poke this demon to death with the chopsticks in his hand! .

Chapter 22 The contract between the devil and the witch

It's a pity that Nangong's expression that month might be very intimidating to other people.

But to Xixiang, it was a kitten calling, even if the kitten's claws were sharp, as long as he paid a little attention, he wouldn't hurt himself.

Seeing Xixiang just leaning against the railing and looking at her with a playful smile, Nangong tried hard to suppress his restlessness that month, and continued to lower his head and sip his meals.

After spending several months with Xixiang, Nangong Nayue felt that bickering with this demon had become a daily routine.

As the witch's watcher, Nangong Nayue was ready to get along with this demon for a long time.

She thought that demons should be indifferent and ruthless, and would only come forward to remind her when she had problems with the contract.

But who would have thought that this demon was not only bad-mouthed, but also very annoying, forcing Nangong to quarrel with him every day that month.

Sometimes if Xixiang is silent for a day and does not speak, Nangong Nayue will even feel that something is missing that day, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

But for Xixiang's attitude, Nangong was more fortunate that month.

At the very least, Xixiang's posture was completely different from the 'Maharaja' she met in that dark space.

That terrifying existence didn't have any human cognition and sensibility in Nangong Nayue's perception, it was a pure monster.

When faced with such inhuman monsters, no matter how tough humans are, they will feel fear in their hearts and their minds will collapse.

But this 'big old devil' is different, at least Nangong felt humanity in him that month.

Being human can communicate, and being able to communicate will not let fear swallow up reason.

Although the devil spoke harshly and disdainfully, and behaved like a devil, Nangong Nayue was still willing to chat with him to relieve boredom.

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