"...The Ministry of Heaven has many names, such as the ancient superhumans of prehistoric civilization, or the Ministry of Heaven is the so-called gods."

Saigo looked into the slightly tired emerald eyes of the third primogenitor, and said.

"Well, this description is not wrong. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Ministry of Heaven has mastered 073's technology."

"...Actually, Tianbu is not a native species of this planet. Tianbu once went to the 'Eastern Land' to plunder some of the humans in that world, and then fought with the dragons in that world."

"After completing the purpose of plundering human beings, the Tianbu left the eastern land, came to this planet, and cut off the connection between this planet and the eastern land."

"...Actually, some dragons came here chasing Tianbu, but in the long time, most of the dragons have died, and the remaining dragons on this planet can probably be counted on one hand."

Garda spoke eloquently, telling the true history of the creatures on this planet.

"Why does the Ministry of Heaven want to plunder humans?"

Xixiang asked the most critical point.

"Ha, your consciousness is really sharp. That's right. In fact, the most important thing is not the news that Tianbu and humans are alien species, but why Tianbu wants to plunder humans."

Jiada suddenly smiled coldly, and said: "...It's very simple. Although the Tianbu has powerful magic technology, all members of the Tianbu, or races, have huge flaws."

"...The Tianbu must suck human blood to survive, and it cannot be exposed to sunlight. Under the sun, the members of the Tianbu will be reduced to ashes."

"The so-called human beings are actually the food raised by Tianbu. Tianbu lives by devouring human blood!"

"... Does this situation sound familiar? That is the oldest vampire story. In the oldest legend, vampires must drink human blood, and vampires cannot shine in the sun."

"But for modern vampires, their main food source is grain and meat like humans. The blood-sucking urge is a manifestation of sexual desire, and vampires will not die directly in the sun."

"...So this ancient legend is only regarded as a legend, but in fact, the vampire in this legend actually refers to the Tianbu that humans regard as 'gods'!"

"The Ministry of Heaven also wanted to use its powerful technology to change racial defects, but even at the peak of technology, it couldn't do it."

As if the Third True Ancestor had really experienced a scene in that ancient history, he unfolded the past story in the form of a scroll for Xixiang to read.

No, it should be said that Garda survived from that era.

And the words of the third true ancestor undoubtedly explained one thing.

Xixiang said with certainty: "...so that's the case, the True Ancestor is the Tianbu, and all the vampires today are also the Tianbu."

"...It's just that the current vampires are inferior to the former Tianbu in terms of technology, but they have also abandoned most of their defects in race. Is this evolution or degeneration?"

Garda asserted: "...this is evolution!"

After a pause, she continued: "... According to human legends, God Cain is the ancestor of the Demon Race, and some even say that the current Demon Race is the fallen gods of the Heavenly Tribe."

"... But this is actually wrong. All the demons today are actually just the creations of the Heavenly Ministry."

"The strong orcs are laborers who dig ores, and the treants are used to plant forests. Each race has a corresponding job."

"...The Ministry of Heaven lives in the castle in the sky, the human beings on the earth (ahfi) are the food, and the other races are the slaves created by developing this planet."

"This is the true history of this planet!"

Jiada cruelly told the side of the prehistoric civilization that this land was once tyrannically ruled by the Ministry of Heaven.

All people are slaves and food, not even pets. Every creature has to serve the Ministry of Heaven since its birth, contributing its flesh and soul.

And those members of the Heaven Department live high in the sky, enjoying all the splendor and wealth.

Xixiang laughed mockingly when he heard the words: "...'Gods'? It seems that your Tianbu is the 'demon'."

Garda does not deny this, judging from what the Celestial Ministry has done, their actions are no different from demons.


Jiada let out a breath, probably telling a stranger a secret known to only a few people in this world, exposing all the secrets hidden in her heart, and giving her rare relaxation and joy.

"Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The Ministry of Heaven does not care about the ants living on the earth."

"...But human beings are a highly adaptable race. When human beings existed as food, they obtained the technology of the sky through various methods, and developed part of it into their own technology."

"Humans finally established their own civilization on the earth. They want to build towers that go straight to the sky, and they want to let the high gods fall into the earth."

"...Men finally rebelled, and all the other slave races of the land were united."

"Humans provide technology, and other races provide their own abilities to compete with the Ministry of Heaven."

"... At the beginning, Tianbu thought that this was just a small fight like in the past, thinking that with his own technology, he could easily wipe out the resistance."

"But in the end Tianbu discovered that this time is different. The races all over the world are united together. No matter in terms of ability or technology, their strength is no less than Tianbu."

"...This is a protracted war, a war in which the Heavenly Ministry is retreating steadily."

At this time, Jiada curled up on the chair, she hugged her legs, and her ten toes tightly clasped the corners of the chair, it could be seen that she was not at peace.

"The first true ancestor, Zii Julan Barada, was a general of the Tianbu at that time, leading the army of the Tianbu to fight the 'Rebel Army'."

"...The Second True Ancestor Eswaldgul Yajiz is a well-known researcher, and he works in the research institute of the Ministry of Heaven."

At this point, Garda paused.

Xixiang looked at her thoughtfully, and said, "...What about you, Garda Kukokan!"


The third true ancestor laughed at himself, "...the ruling regime of the Tianbu is headed by the royal family, and there are thirteen clans under it."

"...and I am the successor of the Tianbu, the former royal princess, who should be the king of the Tianbu!"

In fact, Xixiang had guessed Jiada's identity. He stared at the Chaos Princess in front of him, and said with a smile: "...So your title of Princess came from here, you are the real 'Prince'!"

"...the one who once ruled this planet and all living beings, the princess of the Heavenly Ministry!".

Chapter 70 Beasts Are Nuclear Weapons

"Queen of Tianbu? Hmph, this word sounds really mocking now."

The Third True Ancestor Jiada smiled sarcastically, which was not only a sarcasm to Tianbu, but also a sarcasm to himself.

"The next thing is the important point, Mr. Zarathustra... The Heavenly Department is losing ground in the war with the allied forces of hundreds of races headed by humans."

"...Even many 'death capitals' have been breached. As for what the 'death capital' is, you can understand it as a kind of fortress, and it is one of the strongest weapons in the hands of the Ministry of Heaven."

"Under such circumstances, the pampered Tianbu finally panicked. If this continues, the Tianbu's rule will end, and the Tianbu itself will be destroyed."

"...the royal family held a meeting with the patriarchs of the thirteen clans, and finally they decided to use the secret weapon that has been banned by the Ministry of Heaven—the family-beast!"

Garda's body leaned forward slightly, her tone was low, and she couldn't hear the emotion contained in her words.

"Familiar beasts are a kind of magical aggregation. Although the members of the Tianbu claim to be immortal and have a strong recovery ability, that is just a claim. No one in the Tianbu can really live for tens of thousands of years."

"...But the beasts are different. This is a twisted monster made entirely of magic power. A part of them combines with the 'law of heaven' to form many incredible special abilities."

"And the most frightening thing is that the beasts cannot be truly wiped out, unless you let all the magic power of this planet and this universe disappear."

"... This kind of monster that exists in the foreign space itself has no entity, but Tianbu used its own technology to summon it, and made the beast appear in this material world."

"In the beginning, some people opposed the use of the beasts, because the beasts were out of control, they were purely destructive monsters without much self-awareness."

"...As long as the beasts are released, these monsters will destroy and destroy endlessly."

"Even if the Ministry of Heaven uses the beasts to destroy the enemy, so what? The Ministry of Heaven itself is powerless against these beasts. The beasts will destroy the earth and destroy all the material and living beings we see."

"...After releasing the beasts, what you get in the end is nothing but land, and this planet will only become a dead place that cannot be suitable for life."

"The Tianbu itself is a wanderer, and finally found a planet that can survive. Therefore, some members of the Tianbu objected to this proposal, and some members opposed it with the excuse that if humans were destroyed, the Tianbu would lose food."

"...But the opposition still failed. Even if this planet is lost, Tianbu can continue to wander in the universe; even if human beings perish here, Tianbu can still find opportunities to go to the 'Eastern Land' to continue plundering."

"But if those 'slaves' of the Ministry of Heaven are allowed to rebel, the Ministry of Heaven itself may perish. In this life-and-death crisis, the 'Familiar Beast Warhead' is activated."

Jiada paused for a moment, her right hand was trembling slightly. I am afraid that she had experienced the World War of Destruction and witnessed the World War that destroyed civilization with her own eyes.

"Seal the beast in the body, that is, the technique used to make the Flame Yebo body, and then seal the body in the warhead, and launch it to all parts of the world through the warhead."

"...These beasts will appear all over the world, and they will carry out destructive damage without purpose. This is the 'beast warhead', the ultimate weapon of the Ministry of Heaven, which is similar to the weapon of mutual destruction."

"At first, the effect was very good. The coalition forces of hundreds of ethnic groups were powerless to fight back under the warheads of the beasts. One after another, the cities built by humans were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands or millions of lives died in an instant."

"...Before the Ministry of Heaven celebrates its victory, these arrogant guys have forgotten one thing, that is, human technology is infinitely close to the Ministry of Heaven."

"Humans have also developed a method of summoning beasts during the crisis, which is not an advanced technology in itself, as long as you find the different space where the beasts exist, the real difficulty is that no one can control the beasts."

"...Humans have also started to manufacture beast warheads in large quantities and launch them towards the 'Death Capital' where the Heavenly Department is located. Even if the 'Death Capital' can be hidden in a different space, the strange abilities of the beasts can break through the barriers of space. "

"By this time, the two sides can no longer stop. All we can do is to fire warheads at each other until everyone dies together."

The third true ancestor Jiada bit her lip hard, obviously now she can control the 27 beasts she owns.

But she is still afraid of the terrifying scene of thousands of beasts raging on the earth.

Xixiang completely understood at this time, isn't the warhead of this beast a nuclear warhead?

Destroy cities with one blow, and wipe out millions of lives with one blow. This is the power of nuclear weapons.

After the beasts are released, they will continue to attack indiscriminately, walking on the ground, making this planet no longer able to allow life to survive.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

This effect is not the nuclear radiation after the nuclear warhead explodes.

The reason why the True Ancestor's Beast is said to be powerful is because a blow from the True Ancestor's Beast is actually equivalent to the explosion of a nuclear warhead!

It's just that this kind of explosion is not necessarily manifested by high temperature, high pressure, or shock waves, but in other different forms under the various abilities of the beasts.

For example, the Ice of the Enchantress that Xixiang now controls is a nuclear weapon that can freeze everything.

And the reason why the prehistoric civilization of this world was destroyed was because of a nuclear war!

Why did the Empire of the Night established by the three True Ancestors have a veto power in the sanctuary treaty country?You must know that the sanctuary treaty countries almost include most of the powerful countries in the world.

0 ......  

In terms of comprehensive national strength, the three major empires of the night are really not the strongest, and their conventional military strength is not invincible.

But the reason why the Empire of the Night has a higher status is that these three Empires of the Night are the only three nuclear powers, and they have nuclear weapons!

The so-called sanctuary treaty was established under the 'nuclear peace'.

Xixiang has completely straightened out his thinking on the development of civilization and history in this world.

"Everyone is crazy, and destruction has become the main theme of the world."

"...Even if a reasonable person wants to end this war, there is no other way. The beasts have been released, and the world is hopeless."

"Even if the Ministry of Heaven and humans stop firing warheads from the beasts, the warheads that have already been fired are enough to wipe out all living beings."

"...in the midst of desperation, there was a man who wanted to end this war, and found a solution."

"He is the head of the Research Department of the Ministry of Heaven, and he disobeyed orders to study the 'taboo' Cain."

Jiada raised her head and stared at Xixiang with emerald eyes. She said word by word: "...Even if the Ministry of Heaven has developed this kind of weapon to destroy the world and launched it."

"...But there is a taboo that even the Ministry of Heaven dare not touch, that is the 'rules' of this world, the 'rules of heaven' that the world can exercise!"

"But Cain violated the rules. He touched the 'law of heaven' and invented the great secret method of 'distorting the law of heaven'."

"...he is indeed the most intelligent and outstanding researcher in the history of the Ministry of Heaven!" said.

Chapter 71 grant me true death

"Great Sage Annihilation!"

Xixiang made a sound slowly.

Rubbing the wine glass with his fingers, he gently shook the red crystal-like wine.

"Yeah, it's the Great Sage J... It seems that you have enough understanding of this world, Mr. Zaratul."

Jiada put down her legs, she leaned back on the back of the chair, half-closed her eyes and said: "...Cain has developed a technique like 'Great Sage Annihilation' that can distort the laws of heaven."

"...and the Great Sage Annihilator is the origin of our True Ancestor's birth."

"In the midst of a great war that spread to the world, Cain found a solution to a hopeless future."

"He transformed Tianbu with the power of Great Sage Annihilation, so that Tianbu, who cannot survive without human blood and is afraid of the sun, has perfected the shortcomings of his body."

"...And under the power of the Great Sage Annihilation, the changed Tianbu gained the ability to seal the beasts in the body, this is our three true ancestors!"

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