But it is precisely because it is from the heart that Xixiang feels the chills.

This guy is actually the same as the second true ancestor, not only likes women, but also likes men!

It seems that the two beautiful young vampires who were with him before have a relationship with him between stabbing and being stabbed.

Aurora, who was still angry before, was dumbfounded at this time.

In any case, her personality is also female, and she was confessed by Dimitri before, and the next moment the person who confessed expressed love to another person, which made her deeply doubt her own charm.

It would have been fine if Dimitri had confessed to a woman, but the person he confessed to was Saigo, which made Aurora start to doubt herself.

"It's disgusting, Dimitri Yeqing...I can't even stand you anymore."

Xixiang shook his head in a bit of trouble. It was the first time he had been confessed by a man after living for so many years.

Even though he is indeed handsome now, he is really not interested in men.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Are you going to flog me? Lord Zaratul... I can't wait!"

"...I can't wait to devour you, I want to integrate you into my body, so that you, whom I love deeply, can be with me forever!"

Dimitriye looked crazy, and the madness turned into solemnity in the next moment. This is the posture of the Duke of the Warlord Domain when facing a strong enemy.

"Come on, Bananda!! Tear my beloved Lord Zarathu apart, and let me have a romantic night with him!"


Following Dimitoriye's loud command, a pitch-black snake composed of countless sharp blades emerged from his blood!

As soon as this big snake monster appeared, it spit out its message to the sky, and then the big snake curled up its body, turned into a terrifying sphere formed by sharp blades, and spun towards Xixiang.

The terrifying giant snake is arrogant and arrogant with a viciousness that can tear everything apart.

"In the past, I only wanted to get the Flame Yebo because I lacked large-scale attack methods, but this does not mean that I am weak."

0 ......... 0

"...My strength does not come from the 'World Tree' game. For me, the limit of the World Tree game is too weak. Even if all the players are added together, it is barely a four-digit number. Bar."

"My power comes from the mother of the evil gods of Zoroastrianism. I am the great demon who masters 'aging'!"

Saigo whispered as if meditating, and he took a step forward in a chic posture, and at a speed that was absolutely impossible for a vampire's body, he staggered the giant snake's attack in an instant.

Bananda's sharp blade rolled over this deck, tearing up the cruise ship in an instant, splashing countless sawdust and steel bars.

While Xixiang strolled in the courtyard, under Dimitrie's dumbfounded, he lightly swiped the dull black jade dagger in his hand.

"Here, give you the end of your life span!"

The blade cut across the giant snake's body without leaving any scars.

But the giant snake's body stopped in mid-air. This beast made of magic power actually showed signs of aging and decadence. All the sharp blades were rusted, and the giant snake's body turned into flying ash.

In less than a second, this powerful beast lost its life.

At this moment, Dimitrie finally saw the essence of Saigo's power.

He couldn't help but took a step back, and said in amazement: "...you didn't defeat the magic power, nor did you simply kill the beast."

"...you gave the end of life, you let my Bananda die naturally!"

"What you have mastered is the ability to manipulate 'life'!"

"...You defined Bananda's lifespan as ending in the next second, so it died!"

Xixiang played with the dagger in his hand and said with a light smile, "...that's right, this is the true face of 'Destined Death'."

"...The so-called inevitable death is naturally the end of life, and I can shorten that eternal life to an instant."

"Even if the star with the longest lifespan reaches 1500 billion years, as long as those 500 billion years are converted into a second, it will instantly age and collapse."

"...My sharp blade is enough to collapse Chen Xing!"

This is the essence of 'aging'!Of.

Chapter 96 The True Body of the Great Demon

"It turns out that the lifespan is manipulated... This is really an unimaginable ability."

Dimitrie's receding body stopped, but the vigilance and surprise in his eyes became more intense and solemn.

The sense of surprise was quickly suppressed by the Duke of the Battle King Domain, his expression gradually became fanatical, and his breathing was filled with burning excitement.

"It's great, Lord Zaratul! You are more terrifying than I imagined, although I don't know if the death you said about giving stars is just a description or reality."

"...But now you are like this, I can't help but want to fight, even if I pay my own life for it."

"I will do my best, no, this is simply an insult to you, because when I face any opponent, I will use all my strength, this is the respect for the opponent!"

"...So trying my best to say something to you is the greatest disrespect!"

Dimitri Ye murmured, and with his fiery "zero nine zero" words, his blood as a vampire roared to the boil.


A shocking column of water exploded on the sea surface near the cruise ship, and a huge green snake emerged from the bottom of the sea with a roar.

With the appearance of this green snake, the surface of the sea froze. Although it was not as exaggerated as the Enchantress's Blue Ice, it was still enough to be called a disaster at sea.

At the same time, a piece of sea water seems to have gained life, and the serpentine shape made of sea water spreads its teeth and claws from the sea level. The huge air pressure oppresses this space, bringing super high pressure enough to make blood boil.

Followed by the huge black snake transformed into a wild ocean, the turquoise serpent with destructive rays of light in its eyes, and the sacred snake exuding golden radiance all over its body.

And an evil snake with purple patterns on its body and sharp scales on its back, brewing deep purple poisonous gas in its mouth.

All kinds of big snakes with various dark colors appeared around the cruise ship.

It is said that Dimitri had a total of eight beasts. Except for the one that was wiped out by Saigo just now, Dimitri now summoned his own six big snakes.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, it's still not enough... How can you make Lord Zaratul look at you with such power alone!"

"...The reason why I can devour the first generation of vampires is because of my unique ability, which is the ability to fuse beasts!"

"Master Zaratul, look at me. I once devoured the strongest vampire under the true ancestor with this trick, took away the blood memory of the other party, and gained the strength close to the true ancestor."

"...I have been looking for the Forgotten War King, hoping to have a desperate fight with my 'king', but that king has never seen me."

"I understand that the long life makes me have the need to seek death. The king actually has pity on me and doesn't want me to seek death so soon."

"...But fighting, fighting against powerful enemies is my never-ending footsteps. I, who cannot confront the king, will fight with you, who can be called the fourth primogenitor, with the power of the Flame Yebo Bar!"

Dimitrie covered his head and laughed wildly. He didn't care whether he was Saigo's opponent, or whether he would be destroyed by doing so.

For a vampire like Dimitrie, who has only had the desire to fight and lost his desire for life, the excitement of fighting a powerful enemy and before destruction is like a drug that makes him addicted.

It can be said that fighting with people is a drug to Dimitrie, and his body and will have been severely worn out. Only by tasting these drugs can he gain the understanding of life.


There was a disgusting, extremely disgusting sound of snake spitting out letters. It was not one snake spitting out letters, but hundreds of snakes spitting out their own letters at the same time.

Above Dimitri's head, a huge group of snakes appeared, thousands of poisonous snakes gathered together as if they were mating, and those ferocious snake heads were all purple and green and extremely poisonous.

There are so many disgusting snakes together, it makes people's SAN value go crazy.

And Dimitriye still didn't think it was enough, a shocking magical power erupted from him.

With the eruption of this magical power, even the vampire Dimitrie was pale and his body was crumbling, which showed that he had used all his strength.

The six snakes he summoned before began to fuse, and these snakes all merged into this group of twisted and disgusting snakes.

It was like a hairy sea urchin, each protruding spine turned into a giant snake's head.

The seven snakes fused together and turned into a huge mass of flesh, and Dimitriel himself was also integrated into the twisted mass of flesh, and the face of one of the giant snakes changed into his appearance.

"You are like an alien creature from outside the planet."

Saigo sighed as he looked at Dimitrie, who had been swallowed by a giant snake and turned into an ugly monster.

Although he is a devil, he is not interested in turning himself into this disgusting appearance.

Saigo considers himself an elegant demon, not some 'old god'.

"Hahahaha!! There is no other way, Lord Zaratul."

"...Familiar beasts are not so easy to manipulate. Even if I use seven subordinate beasts at the same time, I still find it difficult, let alone fuse them all."

"So, I can only use this method to fuse myself with the beasts and communicate with them in terms of magic power and soul, so that I can barely control these beasts..."

One of the snakes that had turned into Dimitriye's head let out his still sunny voice.

"Aurora, step back for now, I will take care of this ugly monster."

Xixiang raised his hand, signaling that all the bodies of Yebo Yanguang should back down.

"Master Yuan?"

Aurora couldn't help but speak out, she felt that if she wanted to fight such twisted beasts, she still needed their parasites.

"Your bodies can't support such frequent use of beasts. Once or twice is fine, but if you use them a little too often, your bodies will break."

Xixiang ignored Aurora's persuasion.

These bodies of Yanguang Yebo are just props made by the Ministry of Heaven to seal the beasts of the fourth true ancestor.

It is okay to use props once or twice, but as long as they are used too much, problems will naturally occur and damage.

The Ministry of Heaven does not have the ability to completely seal the beasts, otherwise they would not have felt helpless because of the rampage of the beasts.

Only after the Fourth True Ancestor was fully resurrected through the feast of flames did he still have the danger of his body breaking down.

But at that time, Aurora and others will also disappear, and what will be born will be the will of the new Fourth Primogenitor.

This is also what Xixiang wants to solve. He doesn't need the so-called fourth primogenitor, what he needs is the survival of 12 people including Aurora.

"It's so gentle, Lord Zaratul, even in the face of these props, you are so gentle!"

"...Then please let your tenderness be given to me too!"

5.8 Dimitri Ye hissed and shouted, the twisted snake ball, countless snake heads launched their own offensive.

There are highly poisonous purple mist, thick beams of light, terrifying water pressure that bears the pressure of the deepest part of the seabed, and microwave vibrations that cause the heat of matter to rise.

There is an eerie light that coexists with evil and light, and there is also a cold fog that freezes the sea.

This is almost the strongest blow that combines all the abilities of Dimitrie's beasts.

Facing the overwhelming 'bullet screen' that almost blocked his sight, Xixiang burned his body and lost his human body.

The next moment that appeared on this sea level was a terrifying and evil giant hundreds of meters tall, burning with jet-black flames all over his body.

This is Xixiang's demon form, his real body and face!

At the same time, the power of the third star particle body, the third type of perpetual motion machine that can save human civilization, provides endless energy for this demon.

Chapter 97 Light the flame here!

The body of the demon, hundreds of meters high, brought endless oppression.

With Xixiang showing his real demon body, the whole world seems to be under tremendous pressure and is frightened by the appearance of the demon.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder burst through the clouds, as if a violent storm was about to come.

The sea was turbulent, and waves of tens of meters were set off. Just one wave came and completely overturned Dimitrie's already damaged yacht.

Aurora and other Yanguang Yebo's bodies fled far away under Xixiang's order. The silver mist of the carapace used the power of some beasts to turn all the sisters into mist, temporarily avoiding the abnormal force. celestial phenomena.

The terrifying meaning of aging spreads from Xixiang as the center, sweeping across the ocean and covering the continent. His existence even makes the human beings at the far end feel deep fear, giving birth to an indescribable panic.

One of the six great Zoroastrian demons reveals his true form,

Although Xixiang's demon body has not yet reached the three-digit range, there are already some clues of the "final trial of mankind".

That is the shackle that hinders the development of human civilization, the last disaster that is difficult for human beings to overcome, but only human beings can overcome!

"Ariman, the mother of the evil gods, on the occasion of this sacrifice, I raise my hands and pray for darkness and death for all the creations of Panside Mainu!"

"...Ariman, the mother of evil gods, she has arranged an eternal abyss for all pure and devout believers!"

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