Saigo leaned forward slightly, staring at Albedo's alluring face.

His words brought tears to Albedo's excited eyes, her white knees rubbed against the ground, and moved little by little in front of Saigo.

This pure white demon, who was as beautiful as a goddess, lowered her head respectfully, kissed Xixiang's feet, and said in a trembling tone: "...Your trust in Albedo will never be forgotten!"

"...Your gift is the sweet spring we are waiting for!"

"I am a person who serves the Supreme Being. Even if the sun and the moon are reversed, and the sea is changing, my loyalty and respect will remain the same!"

Albedo's delicate face was pressed tightly against Saigo's instep, expressing her sincerity hoarsely.

Flame Yebo, who had already belonged to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, knelt on the ground respectfully like Albedo at this time, and shouted:

"...We are the ones who serve the Supreme Being, until the stars shift and the world ends!"

Sitting on the throne, Xixiang looked down at the guardians. He raised his right hand and said in a loud voice: "...Get up, my loyal servants!"

The guardians all stood up. At this time, Xixiang's heart moved and he let out a soft 'huh'.

He found that he had an extra invitation letter that could be posted! .

Chapter 110 Three: I Will Surpass the 'Mother of Evil Gods'

Xixiang felt a little joy when he found that he had another invitation letter.

Before that, he only had three invitation letters, and then distributed the invitation letters of these three chapters randomly like drifting bottles.

But in the end only Nangong Nayue responded to Xixiang, which made Xixiang very regretful.

He waited for so long, and he didn't wait for any other invitation letters to respond. Xixiang also had his own understanding of this, and even took it for granted according to logical reasoning.

Xixiang once asked Nangong Nayue why she opened that invitation letter.

And Nangong's answer to Xixiang that month was also unexpected and reasonable.

That is, Nangong was too weak that month, so weak that although she knew that the owner of the invitation letter seemed scary, she couldn't clearly understand how scary it was.

So out of curiosity, Nangong opened the invitation letter that month, and the next series of events happened.

At that time, Nangong Nayue only had the characteristics of a pure blood witch, but she was not strong herself.

According to Nangong Nayue's cognition at that time, the most powerful existence in the world is the three true ancestors, and how strong the three true ancestors are, because the three true ancestors have not fought for thousands of years, and the outside world has no way of knowing.

This is an absolute cognitive difference, which made Nangong Nangong not have a correct understanding of the invitation letter that month.

In her mind, that invitation letter might be some kind of wonderful magic formula. Could its owner be as strong as the True Ancestor?

Facts have proved that the owner of that invitation letter is not only better than the True Ancestor, but even compared with the True Ancestor.

So when Nangong saw Xixiang who appeared in front of her in the spirit of the "mother of evil gods" that month, she regretted, feared, and despaired.

Because of his own reasons, he opened Pandora's box and brought almost irresistible extinction to his own world. One can imagine how desperate Nangong was that month at that time.

Although the final result is very good, as long as Nangong Nayue, who signed the contract with Xixiang, completes the contract, the world she lives in will always be in danger.

And in the contact with Xixiang, the witch gradually developed a strong feeling for the devil, and because of the gift of the devil, her life changed greatly, and she got rid of the life of being manipulated by others.

But even though the result was good, Nangong Nayue still blamed himself for his carelessness at the beginning.

This time she can be said to be lucky, because the 'dark lord' is a pure fun person, so there is no killing and destruction.

But if you encounter a similar situation next time, you may not have such good luck.

Therefore, Nangong is very cautious in doing things that month.

In the final analysis, the reason why Nangong opened the invitation letter that month was because her personal knowledge was too shallow.

And what if the other invitations he sent fell into the hands of someone stronger than Nangong that month.

Those beings must be able to perceive the boundless power of the owner of the invitation letter, so it is reasonable to be cautious and not dare to open the invitation letter lightly.

Even Xixiang wondered whether the other invitations he sent would be sealed by someone, so that there would be no subsequent content.

Xixiang has nothing to do about it. Although the 'Mother of the Evil God' is powerful, it can connect countless worlds and universes.

But Xixiang is not really the "Mother of the Evil God". He just has the spiritual status and partial authority of the Mother of the Evil God, and he himself cannot accurately locate the world where the invitation letter he randomly sends out is located.

All he can do is wait.

Saigo himself thought that he had to continue to wait until a certain turning point of fate before he could receive the signal.

But he didn't expect that he would have another signal beacon.

'Before, I did my best to create those few invitation letters, and I couldn't do it even if I wanted to create another one. After all, this is enough power to cross the world. '

'And now I actually have the spare energy to create a new invitation letter, which should be the capture of the world where I was in that month, so that I gained new power. '

Between the thrones, Saigo leaned back on the high chair and fell into deep thought.

Whether it was Albedo or Aurora, they were all quiet and didn't make a sound.

They all know Xixiang very well, and they know that the person they serve hates being disturbed by others when they are meditating, and that would be a great disrespect.

In the past, Xixiang's "oil exhausted and lamps dried up" was just the shape of an embryo, which began to grow rapidly after receiving nutrition.

Now that growth has come to a standstill, because Xixiang discovered that the nourishment provided by the world that Yue was in alone was not enough for his aging avatar to reach the power of the omnipotent realm.

From four digits to three digits is a qualitative change, and from three digits to two digits is an almost impossible miracle.

But Xixiang knew how to accomplish this miracle.

As long as six qualitative changes are made and all the six incarnations of demons reach the realm of omnipotence, he can try to reverse the legend of Zoroastrianism, thus completing the construction of the 'sphere of omnipotence'.

Now that the aging demon has reached a bottleneck, Xixiang can't wait to find a new energy supply.

And this invitation letter is like giving a pillow from sleepy.

'But if this invitation letter continues to be distributed randomly, it is very likely that I will still have to wait for a long time, which is not in my current interests. '

'So is there any ready-made method...'

Just thinking of this, Xixiang's heart skipped a beat.

No, although he can come to the world where the World Tree is, Xixiang can't grab the nourishment of this world to supply himself.

The main reason is that I didn't put a beacon weapon to grab nutrition in this world.

When Xixiang had three invitation letters at that time, he didn't know the specific function of those invitation letters, so he chose to distribute them randomly in order to expand his perception range as much as possible.

But judging from the feedback obtained from Nangong that month, as long as someone opens the invitation letter, Xixiang will have the opportunity to become stronger.

Then I can completely place myself in the world where the World Tree game is located, and carry out precise placement. .

The best choice for the target is undoubtedly Feishu, because Xixiang knows his character best and trusts him very much.

The only problem now is how to make Momonga open the invitation automatically after receiving it.

"Thinking too much, Flying Squirrel is just a player, and the power he obtained is bestowed from scratch. Perhaps after many years, he can rely on his own comprehension to obtain the power that truly belongs to him, instead of being bestowed by this system. '

'...But that was many years later, and his knowledge now is no different from that month back then, not even stronger than that month, so he won't notice that the invitation letter is wrong. '

'Finally, I can also fake the invitation a bit. '

Although Xixiang's power also grew from scratch, and even spanned a huge range.

But Xixiang, who has obtained the third star particle body, has superhuman wisdom (the promise of wisdom), and he is not willing to be content with what he has now. He also wants to innovate and create his own mythology.

Just like Saigo's goal has never been to get the power of the mother of evil gods, his goal is to change Zoroaster's teachings in the name of 'Zarathustra'!

This is an ambitious goal, even surpassing the mighty power possessed by the mother of evil gods. For this reason, Xixiang is also doing his best to learn and understand, and strive to enrich himself through feedback.

He has never waited for an unknown fate with the inheritance of the mother of the evil god, but is trying to take the initiative to control his own life.

"' "As long as I leave information related to other Ainz Ooal Gown members on the invitation letter, Momonga will definitely open it on its own initiative〃". "

Xixiang chuckled, he knew Momonga's character too well, he was a good guy, and he valued friendship and affection extremely.

He could only say sorry to Momonga, and use his lovable affection dog a little bit.

Everything is the means needed to allow oneself to control one's own destiny and fight against the 'true law of heaven'! .

Chapter 110 The Four Supreme Beings Can Never Make Mistakes!

Having made up his mind, Xixiang looked at the message in the game system.

In the past, every time Xixiang launched a game, the mailbox was full of messages, and it took some time to check and reply.

But now there is only Feishu left among the friends in the game system, so naturally the only one who leaves a message is Feishu.

Although Xixiang didn't pay much attention to the news in the World Tree game when he went to the world where Nangong was in that month, Momonga didn't have any worries about it, and even took it for granted.

This is due to Xixiang's good 'behavior habits' in the past.

As time goes by, the playability of a game gradually becomes lower and lower, and people's attention to the game will also decrease.

When the World Tree game was in its eighth year of operation, the game had clearly gone downhill.

At that time, Xixiang didn't do anything as soon as he went online, he just locked himself in his room to study various things.

For example, his third star particle body, such as the dark space that he carries with him.

Xixiang will also tell the guild members that he is researching some inexplicable things. As a result, everyone has become accustomed to Xixiang's behavior of staying in his own house every day.

In addition to Xixiang, another person who likes to do all kinds of strange research is Cuiyulu, and the entire Anzi Wuergong members are not surprised by the eccentricities of the two.

Therefore, even though Xixiang has been shutting himself in the house now and has not responded to any of the messages of the flying squirrel, the flying squirrel does not have any doubts about it.

But this time, since I decided to take a short break in the World Tree game, I have to reply to the message anyway, and find a better 090 excuse for my next 'disappearance'.

"Albedo, is there any news from Demiurge and Shalltear?"

Xixiang suddenly thought of the task he had left for the two guardians before leaving this world. He looked at the beautiful demon in white dress standing beside him and asked.

Albedo bowed slightly, and said softly, "...Return to the Supreme Being. Demiurge and Shalltear have not sent any news yet."

"...The time they went to investigate is too short, please forgive me, if you want to use their loyalty, you dare not delay your great cause!"

"As long as there is any news about Demiurge and Shalltear, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Although the guardians have their own contradictions, because they all serve the Supreme Being, their relationship in private is still very good.

At least that conflict will not show up at work.

As long as the guardians remain loyal to the Great Tomb and don't make principled mistakes, they will maintain their relationship with each other, just like Albedo is helping Demiurge and Shalltear to speak now.

It was only then that Xixiang noticed that although eight years had passed in his own time, to Shalltear and Demiurge, it had only been a few days.

If you want to get any useful news in a few days, it is really difficult for a strong man.

This also made Xixiang warn himself, (ahfi) must pay attention to the difference in the time rate of different worlds in the future.

"I see, when they have news, you will notify me!"

Xixiang nodded slightly, although this was his own negligence, but as the supreme being, he would never admit his mistakes.

It is absolutely impossible for the supreme beings to make mistakes, and only those servants who serve the supreme beings can make mistakes.

"Albedo, you take the Flame Yebo to familiarize yourself with the Great Tomb. They have just been 'created' by me, so they are not familiar with this place yet."

"...At the same time, you have to teach them what they need to be responsible for, and I will need to use them later."

"Go and finish your own business, Momonga and I have something to talk about."

Saigo waved his hand, indicating that Albedo can leave.

The pure white demon felt a little regretful, she wanted to stay with Lord Zaratul for a longer time, and wanted to smell his wonderful scent as much as possible.

But she dared not disobey Xixiang's order.

Albedo bowed and saluted, and then said to Aurora and the others: "...Please come with me, I will pass on the necessary knowledge to you."

Albedo's tone was very gentle, completely without the distorted face she had when facing Aurora and the others.

Just like facing Shalltear, she can compete with Yebo Yanguang in private, but she must not let this selfishness affect her official duties.

Albedo could clearly distinguish between the primary conflict and the secondary conflict, and the competition between herself and Yebo Yanguang could only be a secondary conflict.

Aurora and Disanbo glanced at Saigo, and when they saw Saigo nodding, they followed Albedo and left the room with the other beasts.

They are loyal to Yuanyuan, which is Xixiang.

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