She moaned excitedly and longingly, and just opened her upside-down golden pupils that were gentle only when facing Xixiang, and stared at Xixiang with distorted and loving eyes.

Saigo's hand was like stroking a puppy or cat, stroking Albedo's smooth black hair, and rubbing the demon's seductive face with the back of his hand.

The pair of demon wings on Albedo's waist swayed gently, like a begging puppy.

The seven Pleiadian sisters all looked at Albedo with envious eyes, subconsciously imagining in their minds that it would be themselves who were enjoying the caress in front of the Supreme Being.

Entoma felt even more that, what is so good about Albedo, she is more beautiful than herself.

Thinking of this, Entoma tried her best to make the mimetic bug on her face show a sweeter smile, and the red eyes full of cracks were shining brightly.

And her pair of beautiful legs wearing red and white stripes and stockings full of charms are also tightly close together~.

"Get up, Albedo."

Xixiang patted Albedo on the head, the pure white demon stood up from the ground reluctantly, and stood beside Xixiang respectfully again.

"As His Excellency said, Lord Albedo, you should give us 'unfavored' subordinates some opportunities."

Demiurge stroked his glasses, and said with a smile.

Albedo withdrew her gentle expression when facing Saigo, turned into that stern manager again, and snorted coldly: "...don't blame me, Demiurge!"

"...You don't have to repeat Lord Zaratul's words. Also, you are not an unfavored subordinate. Otherwise, how could the Lord entrust you with this initial stage play?"

"This is the adults' love for you, how can you not be grateful."

Hearing Albedo's words, Demiurge saluted Saigo in fear and trepidation: "...I was the one who was rude, Your Excellency!"

"...Your love for us is so deep, and we want more, it is too greedy."

Xixiang said calmly: "...greed is a virtue of the devil, there is nothing to blame, Demiurge."

Xixiang felt that even the ancient emperors would never have encountered such a scene of courtiers vying for favor.

Those human ministers have selfishness, and they will fight for their own interests when facing the emperor.

But the NPCs of the Great Tomb, Albedo and Demiurge, were different. They had no selfishness, and were devoted to themselves wholeheartedly.

No matter what they say, they will find a suitable reason for you, and they will always be in a position to please you.

To be honest, if a person with unsteady will is here, after a long time, he will definitely become swayed, lose his rational thinking, and become a fool who only knows how to be flattered.

Under the leadership of an idiot, it would be fine if they could be crushed, but if they really encountered an evenly matched enemy, it would probably be beyond redemption.

Fortunately, Xixiang was determined, even if he was flattered by everyone in the big tomb, he remained calm as usual.

"Is there any news from Shalltear?"

Xixiang asked at this time.

Albedo bowed and said: "...there is no news about Shalltear yet, Lord Zaratul."

"In this world, sending messages requires very troublesome ritual magic, so it's not an important thing, and Shalltear will not send messages at any time."

"... Presumably that Sevengill... Shalltear is living a luxurious and rotten life outside at this time. Although she will not forget your order, Lord Zaratul, Shalltear is too selfish in her actions."

"Compared to Demiurge, who is quick and easy, Shalltear is always too slow in doing things. You should punish her!"

Albedo knew Shalltear's rival in love very well, so she guessed Shalltear's current behavior pattern all at once.

That must be to find a few beautiful human virgins and turn them into vampires, while serving their own lady-like life, while completing Xixiang's mission.

Demiurge bowed with a smile on his face, expressing his gratitude to Albedo for her compliment.

Xixiang thought it was quite interesting that these people were jealous in front of him.

"Her punishment will wait for her to come back. Demiurge, I'm afraid you've found more information than that. What else haven't you told me?"

Ulbert, who created Demiurge, was a man with a sinister and cunning personality, and this demon must have the same temperament.

Although Xixiang has only seen the first season of the animation, he has only a half-knowledge of this world, but he has generally seen some other information about Overlord.

For example, the King of Eight Desires is one of the information that Xixiang knows.

With Demiurge's method, since he obtained the information from the high-level human beings, it is impossible not to know about it, but Demiurge did not report it to him.

Hearing Saigo's words, Albedo's upside-down pupils were like a giant dragon, and she sternly said to Demiurge with incomparable majesty: "...Demiurge, do you have any? What is hiding Lord Zaratul!"

Demiurge hurriedly said: "...Please calm down, Your Excellency, Lord Albedo."

"...It's not that I deliberately concealed it, but that this information is just my guess, and I dare not judge the authenticity, so I can't tell the Supreme Supreme Lord."

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"If my guess is wrong, then wouldn't it be a deception to the Supreme Being."

"...Your eyes are as bright as a torch, and I did get some content, which is about the long history of this world over the past thousand years."

"In these histories, there have been six gods, eight desire kings, and thirteen heroes. According to my guess, these people are probably related to the enemies who invaded the tomb."

Demiurge's eyes behind the round-rimmed glasses sparkled, and he said in a low voice.

And the so-called enemies in Demiurge's mouth are naturally the former 'players'. Back then, more than a thousand players had invaded the Great Tomb.

"Your reason is sufficient, so I forgive your deception."

"...But remember, Demiurge, don't hide anything next time, even if it's your guess, you have to tell it. Whether it's true or not will be judged by me."

. . . 0

"do you understand?"

Although the NPCs in the Great Tomb are loyal enough, loyalty doesn't mean they won't do stupid things.

If you trust them too much, these NPCs may go their own way, and they will do things that they think are good for the Great Tomb and the Supreme Being.

You can't say they are betrayed, because they did it with loyalty, but the result is likely to bring unpredictable disasters.

Xixiang likes subordinates who have their own opinions, which represent the ability of the other party.

But he also doesn't like subordinates who are too assertive, which will go against his will.

Demiurge's head was sweating coldly, and he was tamed and obedient, resisting the great oppression brought by Saigo's words, and respectfully said: "...I understand, Supreme Being!"

The demon's words were filled with intense excitement and admiration, this is what the supreme being in Demiurge's fantasy should look like.

God's might is like a prison, God's grace is like a sea!

His reprimand can make thousands of mountains collapse, and his grace can make the sea give birth to new life. This is the mighty power of the supreme being!

At this time, the seven sisters of the Pleiades also knelt on the ground trembling when Xixiang reprimanded Demiurge.

They were fearful, but at the same time they also had fanatical admiration and admiration for Xixiang. The seven sisters wished they could take Albedo's place and enjoy the violation and love of the Supreme Being.

"Then go and complete your mission, Demiurge and you seven sisters."

"...This is the performance of the first act, don't mess it up!"

Xixiang ordered in a deep voice.

"A gift of loyalty to the Supreme Being!"

Everyone between the thrones shouted loudly.

Chapter 150 Six, Dedicate the Holy Queen to the Supreme

The Holy Kingdom of Robul is the territory of the southwestern peninsula of the Kingdom of Eli Yestij.

Because there is a mountain range between the Holy Kingdom and the kingdom, and the southwestern peninsula is far away from the mainland, this keeps the Holy Kingdom of Robul away from the disputes between the major powers of the human regime.

In this country, the holy king who practices the belief in magic is supported as the king. The two major forces of the monarch and the temple rule the country together. Although the religious color is strong, the kingship and theocratic power are quite harmonious.

The entire peninsula is separated by a huge strait. The holy king lives in the north, while some nobles with real power live in the south.

This caused the severe division of the Holy Kingdom between the north and the south, and many nobles simply did not obey the orders of the Holy King, so the country was in a semi-divided state.

The most distinctive feature of the Holy Kingdom of Robul is the only one-hundred-mile border between the southwest peninsula and the mainland. A huge Great Wall has been built here, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Although the strength of the Holy Kingdom is weaker than that of other countries, other countries have little interest in the Kingdom of the Holy King "[-]" because of the existence of the Great Wall, and they are unwilling to spend a large price to invade the city and plunder the land.

Of course, the function of the Great Wall is not only to block other human nations, but also to block those sub-races.

It is impossible to send a large army to garrison such a hundred-mile-long Great Wall border line at all times, which will cause huge financial difficulties.

Therefore, usually the Great Wall is only stationed with a legion.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack here, and to break through the Great Wall requires several times the strength of the Holy Kingdom.

And this kind of troop mobilization, whether it is a human country or a demihuman, will inevitably leak information, and it can give the Holy Kingdom enough time to support the Great Wall.

Since the establishment of the Great Wall, it has been infallible here, and the Holy Kingdom also believes that the security of the homeland will always be infallible, until this country encountered those inhuman monsters.


"Master Demiurge, if you want to break through such a fortress, it is definitely not possible with the current strength."

"...Of course, no matter how heavily fortified the fortress is, it can be breached from the inside. The Holy Kingdom is severely divided between the north and the south, and the nobles in the south do not listen to the command of the Holy King."

"If we enter the human world and use the despicableness of human beings to turn them against each other, then this unfallen fortress will be destroyed by itself."

"...Or we can spare the defense line of this fortress, use the sub-races who are good at naval warfare, and under strict coordination and calculation, we can double-team from the inside and have a chance to capture this fortress."

"Of course, no matter which method is used, it will take a lot of time to prepare in advance."

Aurel Omega, the last sister of the seven Pleiadian sisters, was standing with Demiurge in the lush forest, watching the majestic Great Wall fortress ahead.

There is also a standard topographic map of the Holy Kingdom in front of the two of them.

As Aurel, who has optimized the skills of the commander department, she is best at commanding legion operations and formulating combat strategies.

With his left hand behind his back, Demiurge stroked his round glasses with his right hand and said, "...It's such a waste of time, Aurel Omega!"

"...the Supreme Being is watching us, and he is enjoying this magnificent drama that we have brought him."

"Although using intrigue and resourcefulness to capture a fortress is a good show, but as an opening ceremony, such an overly feminine behavior will definitely make Supreme Supreme unhappy."

"...We will use the fastest speed and the cruelest means to capture this fortress, and present our due performance to the Supreme Being."

Aurel, who is an immortal human being, folded her hands in front of her body, and said with a slight bow, "...Yes, Demiurge-sama, that's exactly what I'm thinking about."

"We want to give the Supreme Supreme Lord a magnificent and gorgeous drama, and we can't waste too much time in this kind of place."

"...So I hope you can give me a helping hand to help us break through the defenses of this fortress, so that these demi-race legions led by our sisters can enter the hinterland of the Holy Kingdom of Roble."

As expected, Demiurge is the devil who is best at seducing people's hearts.

In a very short period of time, he used various means to bring under his control more than a dozen large sub-human populations near the territory of the Holy Kingdom.

Some of these sub-races sent thousands of troops, and some sent tens of thousands of troops. In less than half a month, Demiurge gathered an army of 10,000+ out of nothing.

The military discipline of these demi-races may not be good, but demi-races are much better than human soldiers in fighting alone.

Without the protection of the fortress, let these 10,000+ troops invade the hinterland, the Holy Kingdom wants to drive these demihumans out of their homes, and they don't know what price they will pay.

Or, the Holy Kingdom will never have another chance.

"I understand what you need me to do, Aurel Omega... But I am just a guardian and guide, and I will complete the early preparations."

"...But the subsequent war will be handed over to you, and I will not help you at that time, because this is a task entrusted to you by the Supreme Being, and the Supreme Being is watching your actions."

"Don't let the Supreme be ashamed, and don't let the Supreme be angry, you have to take this country beautifully, and dedicate the holy princess to the great Supreme!"

Demiurge lowered his head and said with a gentlemanly smile.

"The task entrusted to us by the Supreme Being, of course our sisters will not slack off in any way!"

The eldest sister among the seven sisters, whose race is the Headless Horseman, has a mature appearance and wears a pair of glasses. Yuri Alpha, who looks like a teacher, spoke at this time.

Her producer is Ye Maizi, and Ye Wuzi's real occupation is a teacher, so Yuri Alpha's temperament and appearance are exactly what people imagine a teacher would look like.

"That's right, that's right, we will not shame the Supreme Being, we will definitely dedicate the victory and this gorgeous drama to the Supreme Being."

The second sister among the seven sisters, Lupus Regina Beta, who has healthy wheat-colored skin and a werewolf race, smiled heartily.

And her smile gradually became brutal, full of murderous intent.

"Hee hee hee~ I can't wait to eat humans. My children and I are longing for the taste of humans."

Entoma looked like a cute little girl, the worm that mimicked her hair twisted her body, and the worm-shaped mask she wore showed a bright smile, and a sweet and lovely voice came out from her throat.

"Now that you are all ready, let me start this grand ball!"

"...Master Supreme, please look forward to our upcoming drama!"

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