The grades on the stele were thus finalized.

Sakya and his party cheered excitedly!

At the same moment, Qin Feng was also amazed.

It turns out that the blood talent at the peak level of the SSS level can reach level 33!

Then, can his SSS-level extreme level reach a higher level decoration?

It seems that he is going to earn a lot of points this round!

With this thought, Qin Feng's eyes showed anticipation

Chapter 680 Seventh Bloodline Talent!Gods and beasts appear frequently!

Of course, in addition to earning a lot of points!

He should have won this bet!

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile.

He thought of Yexi's source crystal of fire!

At the same moment, Yexi also slowly opened his eyes, and the phantom of the angel behind him automatically disappeared.

Afterwards, he looked at the grades on the stele and smiled with satisfaction.

Blood power level 33!

This is two levels higher than Qin Feng's soul power!

He has won!

This time, not only could he win back the supreme prestige card, but he could also cause Qin Feng to bleed, losing 2 points of prestige.

The more Yexi thinks about it, the happier she is!


At this moment, the divine tablet shook again, and a dazzling golden light lit up on it!

Immediately afterwards, lines of information emerged...

[Congratulations to player Yexi, who created the best result in the history of Guangming God's Domain in this test, rewarding reputation +5 points, combat power +2 stars]

[Congratulations to player Yexi, who created the best result in the hall's history in this test, rewarding reputation +1 point, combat power +5 stars]

This hall is the first in history!

Sure enough!

The crowd was silent!

Especially those new spectators, they were completely shocked, and they didn't even dare to breathe!


At this moment, the sky shook!

A dazzling golden beam of light fell on the top of Yexi's head, and the reward of heaven came...

Soon, Yexi finished accepting the reward, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked slowly off the testing platform...

After a while, Yexi walked back to the crowd.

Sakya and his party greeted them happily,

"Congratulations to the young master for winning the first place in this palace!"

"No. 1 in this palace! That's the No.[-] of the Hundred Great Starfields! In this blood power test, no one can surpass you."

"Young master! You are sure to win this time!"

The subordinates were very excited.

Yexi also smiled.

He also felt that he had won.

At this moment, there was a commotion among the 730 people.

"Look! Master Qin Feng is going to test!"

Hearing this, Yexi and the others followed the sound, and they saw Qin Feng walking towards the test tablet...

Looking at Qin Feng's back, the corners of Yexi's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes full of disdain.

This kid is really positive!

However, no matter how positive this kid is, it is useless.

This time, he won the first place in the history of the palace.

In other words, he is the most powerful genius in history!

He doesn't believe that Qin Feng can surpass himself!

At this moment, Sakya's voice sounded in his ears.

"Young master, let the old man see, this Qin Feng is dying!"

At this moment, Sakya also looked at Qin Feng's back with disdain.

His achievement for his young master is full of confidence.

All the followers also joined in.

"That's right! The young master is number one in this hall! No matter how much this kid jumps around, he can't catch up with the young master."

"Of course! This kid is also good at soul power. If it is replaced by the blood power test, I am afraid it will be much worse. Even if it is not bad, it is the same as his soul power, and it is only level 31. The young master's blood power is not good. Level 33! Can he compare?"

"Hehe! He still wants blood energy level 31? Go ahead and dream! As we all know, the blood energy strength of the peak of the sky level wants to reach level 30 or above. At least he must master the blood talent above the early SSS level. Do you think that kid may have it? ?”

As soon as the words fell, the followers nodded again and again.

They also find it impossible!

Bloodline talents are rare!

It is already extremely remarkable for a person to have an S-level bloodline talent.

Wanting to have an SSS-level bloodline talent is simply a dream!

Even if the young master of their family can possess SSS-level blood talent, it has a lot to do with his birth status.

At this time, Yexi also sneered and said: "A child born in the bottom forces can have an S-level bloodline talent, that is the limit. Even if it is me, it is only because of great luck that I have obtained the SSS-level bloodline talent !"

Speaking of this, Yexi's tone was full of complacency.

For millions of years, among the children of the same clan, he is the only one who can reach the SSS level blood talent.

At this time, Qin Feng had already walked to the test monument.

The audience's attention fell on him again.

Various discussions followed.

"Everyone, Master Qin Feng is about to test!"

"Yes! Tell me, can Master Qin Feng beat Young Master Yexi?"

"Hey! It's hard to say! This time, the old man is not optimistic about Mr. Qin Feng!"

"Indeed! It's not that Mr. Qin Feng is weak, it's because the blood power of Young Master Yexi is too strong!"

"Blood talent at the pinnacle level of the SSS level! Can anyone compare to it? I can't imagine that Young Master Yexi's blood talent is so strong!"

"It can be seen from this that Young Master Yexi definitely has a great relationship with the Lord of the Light Territory!"

"Hey! It seems that Master Qin Feng is going to lose! I hope he doesn't lose too badly. It would be nice if he could have a level 30 blood power."

"Level 30? This is too difficult! You need SSS-level bloodline talent to do it! Master Qin Feng doesn't look like he was born in a big force, so it's impossible to have such a high bloodline talent!"

At this moment, the crowd sighed!

Many people felt sorry for Qin Feng.

In fact, many people expected Qin Feng to win.

After all, Qin Feng was also born from the bottom forces, if he wins, it will be easier to arouse everyone's sympathy.

But the facts are in front of them, they can't be optimistic about Qin Feng!

In the midst of everyone's worry, Qin Feng stepped onto the testing platform and activated the divine tablet.

At this moment, he had already placed one hand on the crystal ball.

A golden light lit up on the divine tablet, and information began to emerge...

[Blood strength test begins...]

【Age of player: 22 years old】

[Blood Energy Strength: Testing...]

The test is about to start again!

Everyone held their breath and stared closely at the monument!

At the same moment, in Qin Feng's mind, a reminder from Tiandao also sounded...

[Test time 60 seconds!Countdown starts: 60...59...]

As soon as the timer sounded, Qin Feng poured blood energy into the crystal ball with all his strength!


His energy and blood burst out instantly with this input!


The crystal ball vibrated with a long sound, and lit up a blood-red aura that stretched from sky to earth!

Its momentum is more violent than Yexi's start!


In the next second, the divine stele flashed with golden light, and the numbers on it jumped wildly...

[Blood Energy Strength: Level 1...Level 2...Level 3...]

[Score statistics: 1 points...2 points...3 points...]

So strong!

Everyone exclaimed incessantly!

Especially for those new spectators, they are even more pleasantly surprised!

This is really a visual feast!

Master Qin Feng is indeed a monster-level genius!

In a blink of an eye, 30 seconds passed!

The value on the stele has undergone a huge change!

[Blood Energy Strength: Level 28...]

[Score statistics: 62 points...]

Seeing this data, the audience was shocked!

"Oh my god! It's level 28!"

"Master Qin Feng is indeed the number one genius in the star field!"

"However, he seems to have reached his limit! His level is stuck at level 28, and he hasn't melted for five seconds!"

"It seems that he is no match for Young Master Yexi after all!"

"Yes! Young Master Yexi's blood power has reached level 33, which is five levels short!"

"Hey! It's a pity!"

Everyone sighed!

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