The real information is placed in the Dongdu Research Institute!The so-called black under the lights!That's right.

The information is in the Dongdu Research Institute.buried in the soil.And this.

It was learned after Kiryu Sentu defeated the slugger transformed by Katsuragi Qiao's mother.

The ice room fantasy that doesn't talk about respecting the old and loving the young at all, turned Katsuragi Takashi's mother into a slugger.I don't know if it's because of age.Although it absorbs the nebula gas.

But Katsuragi Qiao's mother lost her memory.

Unable to tell Kiryu Sentu about Yaba's true identity.

Of course, they can tell them where the information left by Takashi Katsuragi is.Ever since.

Next, Kiryu Zhantu and the others headed to Dongdu Research Institute. ".々 is here, I leave it to you!"

An "I believe in you" look.

Kiryu Sento patted Manjo Ryuga on the shoulder hard.It's not that I don't want to do physical work.

It's really Wanzhanglong. My equipment is used for this kind of thing!

"" Wearing a workman's uniform, and holding a small shovel.

If you don't want to do this kind of thing, it will definitely not work.have no choice.

He had no choice but to become a construction site expert.soon.

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

looked down.Dig below the place.

(Owned by Zhao) It's a USB flash drive! "found it!"

Kiryu Zhantu, who had been staring at him for a long time, suddenly became energetic.Quickly took the USB drive over.But he just reached out.

one hand.

Suddenly took Wanzhanglong's USB flash drive from my hand like a ghost? "Eh!"

With a face full of astonishment, he tilted his head sideways.immediately.

Xue Qian's familiar figure came into view.

"It's you, Blood Diver!!"

"Thank you for helping me find this information, goodbye, cia0~" Just.



The locusts all over the sky rushed towards the face, turned into silver spears and stopped in front of the blood diver. "Eh." The snake skin monster was stunned.

Next to the ear, a voice came faintly.

"Thank you for the information, can you give me that thing? After all, it is something I entrusted!" The cobra catches the rabbit, and the locust is behind! ·

^! ^

Chapter 310: Always get smart in some inexplicable places~

Dongdu Research Institute.

Zizi one by one

The locusts all over the sky are right in front of you, and they look like they will eat themselves raw at any time.The snake skin monster couldn't help shivering.Su Mo's faint voice also came from beside his ear.

"Thank you for finding this thing, but can you give it to me? After all, I entrusted it!" The snake skin monster smiled bitterly, holding the USB flash drive, as if hesitating.No choice was made.Zizi one by one

And this time.

The metal cluster locusts in front went one step further.

This is forcing the snake skin monster to make a choice between fighting or handing over the USB flash drive!

"Hey hey! I surrender I surrender!"

The very conscientious snake skin monster raised its arms decisively, raised its hands and surrendered.

"Really, why do you come here by such a coincidence every time! Obviously you only missed getting the information!" He sighed helplessly.Su Mo shrugged noncommittally. "Hand over the information!" He held out his hand.

"It's's strange!"

Xue Qian moved extremely fast, and the USB flash drive that was originally handed over suddenly changed hands and threw it aside.Although that direction is. Kiryu Sentu and Manjo Ryuga!And at the moment when everyone's attention was diverted. 173 The blood dive is very decisive to slip away! "See you next time, Zero One, cia0~"

The smoke rifle quickly released a burst of thick fog, blocking the line of sight and covering the snakeskin monster from disappearing without a trace.As for that document.

Originally, I planned to take it back and let Namba Heavy Industries study it.But there is no way.

In this situation, it is still too difficult to forcibly take away the data.

But I have to use Ishido Soichi's identity, maybe I can find opportunities again sometime! "Is the USB drive okay?"

Kiryu Zhantu carefully picked up the USB flash drive, and Wan Zhanlong next to me leaned over and asked curiously.

"It should be fine." He shook his head.

Then, out of curiosity, he still gave Su Mo the USB flash drive.

"This is what you asked for, and we got it, but what kind of information is in it?" Katsuragi Takashi is also a physics genius.

Naturally, Kiryu Sentu, who is also known as a genius, was very concerned.heard the words.

Su Mo played with the USB flash drive and smiled slightly.

"It's about the Kamen Rider build and the smoke system!"

"The Kamen Rider build you used was developed by him, as well as the blood dive (??i), and the night bully."

"Besides, there are some special materials. If you want, I can make a copy for you!" "But you'd better be careful, don't let...other people steal the materials!" He seemed to have something to say. Pointing and talking.The meaning is naturally obvious.Be careful with that store manager.

But Kiryu Zhantu couldn't understand.

He still has no doubts about the store manager who is like a family member.Thinking of Su Mo as a simple reminder, he nodded slightly.

"I see, don't worry. I won't let the information fall into other people's hands!" He said seriously.

But Su Mo saw through it at a glance, he didn't understand the most important point at all.certainly.

He also has no intention of exposing it directly.He shrugged noncommittally.

"OK, I will give you a copy of the information later, that's all, goodbye~"

He waved his hand.

He turned around and left with Yaz.

Compared with this information, I still pay more attention to the 3.0 version of Humagia!

the other side.

Faust's temporary base.

"The information was taken away? It fell into Lingyi's hands... Now it's troublesome!" When Hanshi Fengde heard the news, a bad expression appeared on his face.

"Why are you feeling a little irritable recently? Has something happened?" The snake skin monster looked at him suspiciously. "Namba Heavy Industries is going to implement the Kamen Rider plan, and I must let them choose Toto as the core of the plan!" Himuro Huantou sighed heavily, expressing all his inner irritability.The Kamen Rider plan is to replace the guards with Kamen Riders.become the main force.

The strength of the knights is naturally far superior to that of the defenders.

In other words, the party with Kamen Rider will completely suppress the other two.Perhaps the goal of national unification can be achieved!

"I see, no wonder you suddenly became so anxious!" The snake skin monster probably understood.After all, he wants to unify the country, and it is normal for Himuro Magic to become impatient. "I'm going to take away Pandora's Box!" Suddenly, Himuro Magic said abruptly.The voice just fell.

The snakeskin monster couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed out loud.

"Oh? Are you going to take the Pandora's Box while the three cities are meeting?" "Yes, this is the best chance." Himuro Magic didn't hide it at all. "Since Namba Heavy Industries wants Pandora's Box, then give it to them. He is not in the transformation state, wearing the clothes of the research institute. Himuro Huante with his hands in his pockets, said slowly. Immediately.

He also turned and left.

Looking at Himuro Magic, who disappeared from sight.Shi Dongso leaned against the railing.

"What trouble! Kamen Rider Zero One!"

"That kind of power completely breaks the rules. The key is the danger level. It's already... 6.2!" "That guy, shouldn't it directly soar to 7.0, or even higher?" He always felt this way.

After patting his butt, the snakeskin monster, who had no thoughts at all, turned around and left.After all, it's time for the part-time job, and it's time to get off work~ The faint voice slowly echoed. "I have to think of a way." Coffee shop.

The special sound was a bit like a bird chirping, but also like a mechanical sound.It rang in my ears.

"So... what is this thing?!!"

He looked at the thing dangling beside him with doubts on his face. "This is made for you to prevent you from taking my tank energy bottle!" Kiryu War Rabbit rolled his eyes.hateful.

His energy bottle was actually used by this guy! "Huh?" I obviously didn't understand Wanzhanglong.

"Probably because of this thing, you don't need two energy bottles to transform!" Kiryu Zhantu sighed. "Ah.. wait, you mean I can transform!!" Instantly.

I am ecstatic!

"I didn't say that. I saw your situation last time. The danger level is not up to the standard. Be careful to kill yourself!" Kiryu Zhantu laughed.

But Wanzhanglong, I heard another meaning.

"Wait, what you said just now meant that as long as the danger level reaches the standard, I can transform!!" His brain, which only has protein, is also very smart once in a while! ! ·

Chapter 310 Izzy: I like the president!

01 Technology.


Su Mo felt that the city was quite peaceful.He hadn't heard what happened anyway.However, it is said that the prime ministers of Sandu will meet soon.This is probably the biggest event of late.But those things have little to do with Su Mo now.during this period of research.

The new generation of Humagia, 3.0 technology has been completed~!

The experiment has been completed, and the next step is to officially start upgrading the equipment!Izzy and Yazzy, because of the relationship of identity.

After all, it involves the work of the president, and problems cannot arise at the same time.So this time, it was Izzy who made the first technological innovation.The little secretary was promoted, so Su Mo would naturally accompany her throughout the process.I don't have the mood to care about things outside.

Sitting outside, Su Mo tapped the bench with his fingers, waiting for news from inside. "I don't know what Izzy's technological innovation regret will look like, I'm so curious!" Yazzy next to him propped his face and looked curious.

Su Mo was thoughtful, he was not good at technical matters, so he didn't speak.finally.

The door of the laboratory opened.

Then Renwei, who was in charge of Izzy's technological innovation, came out first.Immediately afterwards.

Wearing the iconic uniform, delicate and cute girls appear slowly like porcelain dolls!


Izzy smiled.

A very gentle smile, which is different from the fake feeling no matter how sincere the smile was before.this time.

A smile with so-called emotion, just like a real human being.

And her earphones have disappeared, only a tiny earphone on the left ear, which is used to connect to the satellite.Izzy now.

If you change clothes, you will be indistinguishable from a real human being!Su Mo got up and circled Izzy twice.His slender fingers stroked his chin slightly.

"Well, it's good, it feels more like a human being than before!" Regarding this, Ren Wei said softly:

"The technology of the evil path program is very special. When they become humans, they are indistinguishable from real humans." "So now Miss Izzy, there is actually no huge gap between humans and humans." Su Mo couldn't help but reveal There was a smile.He looked at Izuna's still blue pupils.Their eyes met.

Inexplicably, I can't help but think of when we first met.then.…

Su Mo stretched out his hand.

Izzy looked up.

Go both ways.

Only Ren Wei'a and Yaz looked at each other in blank dismay.

The former blushed, wondering if he had replaced himself in Izzy's place.The latter is full of taste.

If I had known earlier, she should have taken the lead in technological innovation!hateful! !

Touch the head to kill.

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