In this way, the servant who was supposed to be reincarnated from the dirt obeyed the orders of the summoner master, but now he, the master, obeyed the orders of the servants instead.

Naruto held the mirror in front of her, and Ye Cang also started to tie his hair into a ponytail before his death in front of the mirror, and began to arrange his makeup.

Although she is a ninja, she is also a woman. Even without heavy makeup, she still cares about her image.

"In short, as you can see, you who are dead are reincarnated..." Naruto said, and lifted the ban on Lin Yuyu...

But in the next second, Naruto regretted it... She started cursing Naruto with a fluent greeting from Kirigakure's hometown as soon as she opened her mouth.

No, it's not Naruto who regrets, it's her who regrets it!

In the next few minutes, from the individual to the family, from the family to the family, from the family to the ancestral grave, and then to Ninja Village... How can I think about the body of this village, down to the style of clothes and personal appearance? ......All were stinked by Naruto.

Yuri Lin's proud venomous tongue is like a child in front of Naruto at this moment... no, it's the level of a baby.

Just like that, after a while, her eyes were red and her eyes were filled with tears.

Based on her height and appearance, if people who don't know see this situation, they will think that Naruto is bullying girls of the same age.

"Bastard... bastard, old lady, I must kill you!" she said in a crying voice.

The ninjas cultivated in the era of fog and blood are all murderous, with blood on their hands, and their personalities are also extreme.

According to Naruto's words, that is...somewhat bewitched.

Ordinary people, not to mention being able to scold her like this, even if they just talk back a little, or even make her unhappy, they will almost become her ghosts under the sword.

Even the other members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not dare to scold her without hesitation like Naruto...

"Ahem, well, this is the end of the in-depth and friendly exchange of views..." Naruto said, and he took the initiative to end the farce.

Naruto made a sword fingerprint with one hand, pointing at Ringoyu Yuri, and arranged a silence package for her, and it was just when she was about to speak.

"Yeah, sure enough, power can only make people lose themselves..." Naruto said while blowing on his fingers.

"If that's the case, don't abuse it..." Ye Cang said.

"How is it abuse? This is a reasonable exercise of my legal rights as a master!" Naruto said.

Suddenly, Naruto felt that something was wrong, and always felt... an inexplicable sense of disobedience?

Naruto looked at Ye Cang at the side...She sat gracefully with her legs together, staring at the outside of the cave with dull eyes, holding the sand hidden forehead that she took off from her head at some point in her hand.

Hakura, who noticed Naruto's gaze, turned his head and met his gaze.

"What's wrong?" Ye Cang said.

"I've already introduced myself, now it's your turn!" Naruto replied.

"Ye Cang...Ye Cang from Burning should already know it, just call me by my name..." Ye Cang said in a flat tone.

Naruto nodded, in fact, what Naruto is thinking now is...

Why do I always feel that there is an inexplicable sense of disobedience when talking to her and seeing her words and deeds, especially the way she looks at herself, as if... Knowing yourself, there is no strange feeling at all... ..Is it an illusion?

Before Naruto opened his mouth, Ye Cang's eyes turned to the legal loli who had just been silenced by Naruto.

"Even if you ask this guy, he probably won't answer you honestly..." Ye Cang said.

"Well, that's true..." Naruto said.

Sure enough, this familiar tone...

"Short in stature, good at lightning escape...According to my guess, she should be one of the seven members of Kirigakure Ninja Swordsman, Hayashi Yuri who has the name of Kirigakure Raijin..." Ye Cang said.

Although Hakura has never met Hayashi Uyuri, they are from the same era, and Sand Hire and Kirigakure are the two sides in the war, and naturally they all know each other's intelligence about the elite ninjas of the other side.

"One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen? Kirigakure Thunder?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

He dragged his chin with his hand, and looked at the girl who was shorter than himself with fierce eyes who had just been silenced by him, and his face was full of doubts... I can't imagine that this guy is as famous as the ghost of Wuyin Seven Ninja Swordsmen...

"Four-star SR..." Naruto whispered.

But he didn't believe it, after Ye Cang's reminder, he also remembered the information about the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the previous generation, which was also consistent with her.

"So you have to be very careful... You should not be this guy's opponent right just need to rely on me..." Ye Cang continued.

"Yeah!" Naruto closed his eyes and nodded seriously, looking like this is the way it is.

In fact, this was just Naruto's passive perfunctory when he was distracted. After a few seconds, Naruto suddenly raised his head.

Wait, did she just say to let herself depend on her?For a while, Naruto wondered if he had lost his hearing when he was thinking about other things.

"What time is it now?" Ye Cang asked.

"Ah, it's the 63rd year of the Konoha calendar, after the end of the third Ninja World War..." Before Naruto could finish speaking, he heard Hakura talking to himself... "Is there another year..."

"What's one more year?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't..." Ye Cang replied.

Ordinary scrolls and sealing techniques cannot seal living creatures in it, but Reincarnation itself is lifeless, so there is no need to worry about this.

Just let the dirt reincarnation fall into a state of unconsciousness, seal them into the scroll and you're done.

At this time, Naruto was sitting on the ground, and the scrolls in the ninja bag and the scrolls channeled from the scrolls by Naruto's matryoshka style were scattered all over the place, and Naruto was rummaging inside, while Naruto He is also explaining the situation to them.

"You will temporarily lose consciousness after entering the scroll, but this should be the same as sleeping, without pain..." Naruto explained to them.

Ye Cang didn't have any resistance to Naruto's decision, and followed Naruto's wishes, so it was fine.

And Yu Yuli on the other side!She just... she doesn't seem to have any opinion, if she doesn't say anything, she just acquiesces (convinced)

After all, she is now in a state of being restrained from speaking, and that kind of look that wants to kill people is not painful to Naruto at all.

However, although it seemed that Naruto was discussing with them, in fact it was not their decision whether to agree or not.

As we all know, according to the first law of Uzumaki Naruto, unanimous opinions reach a consensus, and disagreements are dominated by me. This is Naruto, a symbol of wisdom, bravery, justice, and human perfection!

Chapter 211 Even if restrained by the big sister, Naruto is still the tsundere buster

At this time, Naruto was checking the spells on the sealing scroll, while Ye Cang stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the scenery outside.

She raised her hand to touch the rain that was falling outside.

This sense of reality...not a dream...

"Hey, is the fourth Kazekage already dead..." Hakura suddenly asked.

"Well, the fourth Kazekage died in the battle with that lord..." Naruto replied.

"That lord?" Ye Cang asked suspiciously.

Naruto didn't talk to Ye Cang again, he pointed at Uyuri, and lifted her ban first, but... it was just a ban.

"I must kill you! Your family, your friends, you..."

Before Uyuri could finish speaking, Naruto pasted the scroll paper on her mouth, and now she could only make a humming sound.

"Yes, yes, you can tear up my household registration book as you please, that's fine!" Naruto said while perfunctorily wrapping the scroll around her mouth and neck twice.

A few seconds after Uyuri was lifted from the ban, he was physically silenced by Naruto.

That's right, whether it's Tsundere or Explosive, they can only be restrained by Naruto.

After all, the experience of living with Xiao Jiu for more than ten years is not for nothing, and this guy can't hurt himself.

After a few seconds, there was only a bang, and Yu Yuli disappeared. Naruto tied the scroll that sealed Yu Yuri, and put it in the ninja bag.

This is a special sealing scroll, which is just a carrier. You don't need to rely on this scroll to get items from the psychic, even if it falls, it's okay...

The only disadvantage of this kind of scroll is that it is only a one-time consumable. Once it is sealed and psychic, the scroll is useless. It is a rare luxury in itself, so this is why Naruto has been looking for it for so long. .

Of course, Naruto's ability to afford such an expensive luxury is naturally due to the little rich woman every day.

Naruto packed up the other scrolls one by one, at this time Ye Cang also walked towards Naruto.

"It's my turn..." Ye Cang said.

Naruto stopped packing the scroll with his head down, and looked up at her with a surprised should I put it?Why is she so active!

Naruto picked up another scroll, pulled it apart, and surrounded Ye Cang.

Ye Cang also cooperated, and directly reached out to support the scroll attached to his body, so as not to let it fall.

"Okay, see you next time!" Naruto said.

Naruto made seals with his hands, and with another bang, Ye Cang disappeared in place, and then Naruto put the scroll that sealed Ye Cang into the ninja bag.

Naruto didn't waste the next time, he first went to scout the surrounding area to check the situation.

The ninja's footsteps are very fast. It belongs to the kind that can travel [-] kilometers a day and night under the premise of a rapid march, and can travel from Konoha to Sand Hidden in three days and two nights... Of course, this premise is day and night. , and the premise is to overdraw the ninja's own body.

For example, eating military food pills, or overdrawing physical strength, etc., these all affect one's full strength.

Fortunately, a small group of troops, if it is a large group of troops, it will be difficult to carry out such a rapid march if it has to carry a large amount of supplies and logistics.

Moreover, everyone is a ninja, and their speed is about the same. If you dare to sneak in casually, I will dare to seal my pocket and make dumplings. Even the third generation of Raikage died in the land of land because of greed.

Therefore, ninjas like the Golden Flash can be said to be the existence of dimensionality reduction strikes in the Ninja World War... directly fly to Thunder God to intersperse, and strike at the enemy's important tactical nodes, causing the opponent to suffer in a battle. Until failure, this is his style.

I never love to fight, and I will never pick an opponent who has no complete chance of winning or is unnecessary. I can remain rational at all times...

Apparently, Naruto inherited this (probably).

The houses in these villages have mud walls on four sides, and the roofs are covered with reeds, straw or sorghum stalks. The houses are divided into two rooms with straw mats, and a small hole is opened in each wall for ventilation and light...

Naruto continued to search the villages one by one, and without exception, there was no one in these villages.

Arriving at a village again, Naruto was standing by the farmland.

It was supposed to be the autumn harvest season, and the farmland was indeed full of mature rice, but no one picked it up.

If time is counted, these villagers should have been taken away not long ago, at least before they took care of the rice fields last time.

No, it should also be possible that they will send people back to farm regularly. After all, they shouldn't be so stupid that they can't even develop sustainably, right?Naruto thought so.

Naruto's footsteps are also considered fast among ninjas, at the level of jounin, so soon Naruto searched seventy to eighty percent of villages with a radius of [-] kilometers.

Naruto was standing at the door of a house in an already deserted village. Counting the houses searched before and adding this last house, he had already searched the entire village.

"Sure enough, as expected..." Naruto said.

This also confirms the information I found out when I explored the mine with Ningning and used the transformation technique to infiltrate the mine...

The black hoe Lei Ya came here and killed the lords and officials who had oppressed the people. The villagers regarded him as a hero, but this was just wishful thinking of the villagers.

In the eyes of foreign ninjas and local aristocratic officials, the common people are like cattle and horses, and soon the black hoe Leiya revealed his true colors, enslaved them even more, and let them all go to mine...

"So, isn't Kirigakure Ninja particularly poor...always struggling with money..." Naruto rested his chin in his hand, and said to himself while bowing his head in thought.

That's right, Naruto doesn't understand that Zabuzhan and Lei Ya are running around for money, one is going to be a wage earner, the other is going to be a slave owner...

All the dignified ninja swordsmen, after all, have the great ambition to be the shadow of a country, and they did this petty thing in the end?

Looking at the structure of Orochimaru, they usurped a country anyway and built their own ninja village.

Just don't kill people like that to earn military expenses, not to mention that this little money can pull an army out, he has worked hard all his life, and it is not certain whether he will earn a lot of Konoha's mission to accept orders from Wang Zilai.

Thinking of Yu Yuli's appearance before, Naruto came to a conclusion.

"Perhaps, is there a possibility...the brains of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are not normal?" Naruto said.

But in the next second, Naruto shook his head frantically, denying his own conclusion.

Be lenient when predicting the enemy. Even if the opponent's IQ is less than 10, you still have to treat the opponent as having an IQ of 250. How can you make the mistake of underestimating the enemy?I really slack off!Lazy oh lazy!

Although no one was found, Naruto who searched these villages was not in vain. For example... Naruto thought of the ninja tutorial. It must be very convenient for census or food delivery.

As long as the use of Chakra is professionalized, institutionalized and popularized... Thinking about it, Naruto folded his hands and began to chant.

"As long as people have this new power, they will definitely be able to evolve again and become light..." Naruto said solemnly.

Well, Naruto simply can't stand this dangerous world with his head hanging on his belt every day, he just wants to lie down and enjoy the peaceful environment of entertainment.

Naruto's ideal is a reasonable system, a peaceful world...everyone enjoys compulsory education and can use that his physical fitness can reach the level of tolerance from ordinary people.

There is a qualitative difference between the physical fitness of ordinary people and those who can use Chakra. The physical fitness of the former and the latter can be said to be qualitatively different, even if the latter knows no ninjutsu...

And with this kind of physical fitness, then... working overtime every day until the early hours of the morning will not cause sudden death!

"Well, if that brave new world comes, I will definitely quit the ninja and open a factory, requiring workers to drive screws eighteen hours a day, um, good days are yet to come..." Naruto said confidently talking to himself.

Naruto came to a village again, this village is the same as the last village, dilapidated mud houses, no one, but there are some differences, such as...

The farmland outside is in a barren state. It seems that these people have been taken captive for a long time?Naruto thought so.

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