"Yo! The lecherous sage is here too!" Naruto greeted Zilaiya in front of him.

"Bastard, you did it on purpose!" Zilai also replied angrily.

When Jiraiya was about to teach Naruto a lesson, he suddenly saw a purple-haired young girl on Naruto's back...very cute appearance, but her whole body was tied up with a rope and her mouth was gagged... ..

"Naruto, this is..." Jiraiya asked.

Then Naruto began to explain to Jiraiya...Of course, eight out of ten sentences are bragging about his achievements...

The Spring and Autumn strokes are a big book, what is the enemy is strong, how is he risking his life, the plot is ups and downs, those who don't know think he is performing an S-level mission...

On the other hand, Ranmaru, who knew what had happened on Naruto's back, couldn't listen to it at all, and was struggling all the time, making a whining sound from his gagged mouth, as if he couldn't wait to expose his lie.

At this time, Naruto is still making up stories, "It's too late, but it's too soon, his lightning five whips and my lightning whirlwind hit, I..."

Finally, Tsunade couldn't stand it anymore, and interrupted him impatiently, "It's alright, alright! I'll raise the mission level for you!"

In fact, as a Konoha ninja, he acted against Hokage's orders. It stands to reason that Tsunade can punish him, but...

People are not equal, and ninjas are not equal... don't say punishment, every time Tsunade sees Naruto, he holds him in his arms and ravages him impulse......

At this time, Jilai also walked behind Naruto, "Naruto, how can you be so rude to children!" Jilai also criticized.

He acted as a good guy and took the initiative to untie Lanwan, but when he took off Lanwan's mouth ball, he regretted it the next second.

"Wretched old man! Your mother's body wax!" Ran Wan scolded Zilai.

At this moment, Jilai also fully understood why Naruto blocked her mouth... The mouth is indeed too smelly, and it can compete with Naruto back then... Zilai also Without hesitation, he stuffed the mouth ball he just took off into Ranmaru's mouth again.

Chapter 219 Do You Want To Open A Harem Or Want A Sister?

In the mission report, Naruto only referred to the existence of Uyuri and Hakura as "ninjas of Wuyin Village" and did not mention their names.

After all, Ye Cang didn't wear a forehead protector on his head, and Uyuri wore a Kirigakure forehead protector on his head, which was detected by the Black Hoe Clan.

Now that Hong has been investigating in the village, she brought Ranmaru back to Konoha... After all, she wants to report this matter to the end.

It doesn't matter if you can't make it seamless, and it doesn't matter if you are suspected. Naruto is very aware of the temper of Konoha's high-level executives... what matters are closed eyes, what things have touched the bottom line..... .

As long as the dirt reincarnation technique in his hands is not exposed, then it is considered a victory.

In the Naruto room at this time, Naruto was standing in front of Tsunade's desk, and Tsunade, who was sitting on the seat, looked at the mission report submitted by Naruto with doubts, and at the same time, he and Konoha Ninja who rushed over to submit the report Contrast and confirm each other.

But it's okay if you don't look at it like this, as long as you look at it carefully...

"So, you brat, did you take my order as... empty air!" Tsunade said with gritted teeth.

Naruto swallowed, and couldn't help taking a step back, stretching out his hands unconsciously, showing fear on his face.

"Well, these are force majeure, force majeure...I swear, I absolutely did not intend to violate the order intentionally!" Naruto said weakly.

That's right, if there is anything that can restrain Naruto, it is only the aggressive and powerful "big sister".

Tsunade took a deep breath to calm his mind, put the report in his hand on the table, and began to gear up.

"It's okay to act without authorization, and the ninja knife was also given to the ninja of Kirigakure, when did you have such a good temper..."

Obviously, today's Naruto is unlikely to walk out of the Hokage room unscathed.

This is Tsunade's "love" for Naruto...Let the child be ravaged by himself in his arms and let him vent his long-suppressed desire on this child. Leave your mark on your body...

At the same time, in the training ground of the underground base in Root, the sound of fierce fighting and the destruction of buildings continued one after another, accompanied by miserable shouts...

Because of the dusty sky in the training ground, it was impossible to see what was going on inside with the naked eye alone.

After a while, all these chaotic sounds stopped, and the dust gradually began to dissipate...

After a while, you can already see some corpses lying on the ground in a mess. They look strange, at least in appearance, they can't be described by normal people.

Their deaths were miserable, with obvious knife marks on their bodies, most of their bodies were incomplete, and their stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground.

At this time, Sai entered the arena, holding an open folder in her hand, and she seemed to be recording something.

"Master Mianma, do you really think this is okay? Your intention is to let you practice the silent killing technique, which always makes such a big commotion..." Just as Sai said this, he suddenly felt something behind him. Bursts of coolness.

At this time, the red-haired girl wearing a root uniform and a root mask is standing here, her body is covered with blood, and the root standard dagger in her hand is also dripping blood...

Although she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her expression, but she could feel that her face was not very good.

"It's time to go..." Mianma said.

"Huh?" Sai didn't respond for a while.

"He's back..." Mianma said.

Mianma returned to the dormitory, casually threw the ninja tools and clothes on the ground aside, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Sai who followed was full of doubts... Looking at the scattered clothes... This was the first time Sai had seen a face like this.

Mianma, who has been strictly disciplined since childhood, is extremely self-disciplined in matters big and small, and it is impossible to put clothes like this indiscriminately.

"Sai, pack these things up and wait for me outside..." Mianma said.

Sai was stunned for a few seconds, "Yes, Miss Mianma..."

This kind of order is also the first time...how should I put it?Just like the order of the wayward young lady...

It took about 10 minutes to get out of the shower after taking a shower.

A single layer of white bathrobe clings to wet skin, the light in the room shines on the flawless white jade skin, it seems that small blood vessels can be clearly seen under the tender skin that can be blown away... the bright red hair is loose Yu Mei's back inadvertently revealed a fair shoulder.

She went to the closet and found out the uniforms prepared in advance...Of course, these uniforms are mission uniforms in the sense of ordinary ninjas, just like the ones worn by Ino Sakura and the others, that is, more personalized ninja uniforms One category is not completely civilian clothes.

"Which one will he like... The previous one should be good..." Mianma said.

Mianma put on his clothes, stood in front of the mirror, poked the corners of his mouth with two fingers to control the arc of his smile, and didn't stop until he was satisfied.

"Well, that's it!" Mianma said with a smile, this is the tone and smile that only when facing Naruto.

In Konoha Hospital, Naruto with a bruised nose and a swollen face was sitting on a chair resting at the door of the infirmary, and Ino was treating various wounds on Naruto's body.

"It hurts..." Naruto would yell from time to time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my first time..."

Ino smiled mischievously and stuck out his tongue, expressing his apology without sincerity...

The current Ino had just arrived at Konoha Hospital for an internship a few days ago, and Naruto came here to practice for her.

After treating Naruto's wound, Ino did not miss this opportunity, and immediately stuck to Naruto.

Ino wrapped his arms around Naruto's shoulders, and pressed his body tightly against Naruto.

"Naruto, it will be my birthday in a few days! Don't you forget?" Ino said.

"Got it, got it, I'll prepare a gift for you..." Naruto replied impatiently, pushing Ino away at the same time.

As we all know, as long as Naruto's gift to others is not picked up in the trash can, it is already a rare blow of his conscience.

"Gifts are not important, but Naruto, you must come to my birthday party! You didn't come last year..." Ino said while sticking to it again.

The father has already made an agreement, as long as Naruto is lured back home, this is Ino's small calculation.

As soon as Naruto walked out of the hospital building and walked to the gate of the hospital, he saw a beautiful girl with smooth red hair standing by the door, as if waiting for something...

This red-haired girl is none other than Mianma, but today she is dressed a little differently... Wearing a Konoha vest... Has she become a Chunin?Naruto thought.

"Huh?" Naruto instinctively stretched out his right hand to say hello, and in the next second, his left hand immediately knocked off his right hand.

It's so dangerous, so dangerous, almost... Now that she didn't notice her, she should go around... Naruto thought.

I don't know if it's because of an illusion, but Naruto feels that today's face looks extra fragrant, and his skin is fairer and more delicate than usual...

Naruto first took two steps back, and just after taking two steps, he just reached the blind spot where he was standing outside the courtyard wall to avoid the face yard.

He was about to leave in an instant, when suddenly, Naruto felt a tap on his shoulder, which startled him.

"Wow!" It was Naruko's voice.

Naruto looked back, and saw Naruto making a grimace, with both hands stretched out to scare him, just like a little tiger.

"Hee hee, what's up, you're taken aback!" Naruko said with a smile.

Just when Naruto was about to speak, another girl's voice came from behind Naruto.

"Yeah, but I was really shocked!" Mianma walked out with a smile.

In this way, Naruto was sandwiched between Naruko and Mianma one after the other, and Xiao Jiu kept bombarding Naruto with news in his head, for example...

Imitating what Naruto said before...

'Can't wait any longer, must strike hard! '


'Hurry up, take back all their strength!I can't wait!As long as I regain my full strength, no one can threaten you! '

This kind of Naruto draws big cakes...

Now she has already left behind her previous promise not to attack Naruko and Mama...

Maybe it's because I've been with Naruto for a long time, Xiaojiu has also learned a little bit about Naruto's promise to never admit it... The final interpretation rests with me... These roguish acts of rogue...

That's right, tailed beasts can grow and improve. The innocent nature of tailed beasts is just because they have little contact with the world, and their lives have been very monotonous for thousands of years...

Sleeping and looking at the scenery, and then time flies by... In the blink of an eye, human civilization has accumulated and developed to the point where it can come to the power of the Tailed Beast...

And Xiaojiu, who has been in contact with Naruto for so many years, is more or less infected by Naruto's thoughts...

But no matter what Xiao Jiu said, Naruto ignored her, which made Xiao Jiu resort to the last trump card...

'As long as you take back my power, I will agree to that exaggerated request you made earlier! '

The so-called "excessive demands" means that Naruto shamelessly applied to Xiaojiu to open a harem after the Snow Country incident...

Of course, the result is self-evident, Naruto was beaten up by Xiao Jiu at that time, and Naruto was not allowed to enter the spiritual space for several days.

'Well, really? '

The password is correct, Naruto replied, but...

'Yes!But only one is allowed, don't even dream about the harem! '

'One by one, a deal!I'll do it when I get a chance! '

This is a lie, a big lie!

Xiaojiu knew that Naruto was lying, and Naruto also knew that Xiaojiu knew that she was lying, so she must be lying if she didn't respond to the lying self...

Whether it is Xiaojiu or Naruto, neither of them has the idea of ​​agreeing to each other's conditions, and they are both drawing big cakes for each other.

Naruto and Mianma held Naruto's hand, one on the left and one on the right, and the three of them walked down the street together.

As long as passers-by see this kind of scene, they will stop unconsciously, just like this with strange eyes...

Naruto can feel this kind of stare with obvious malice... But obviously, this is not the kind of hatred that was caused by the nine tails in his body tearing up their household registration book before.. ...but kind of sour with jealousy...that's outrageous.

"Hey, Naruto, these are my clothes, if you don't mind, you can put them on first!" Naruko said and took off his vest.

Although the words also meant to ask Naruto's opinion, but in fact... Before Naruto agreed, she didn't care about 21 and put the vest on Naruto, Naruto could smell the vest Naruko's unique body odor was tainted on his body.

Naruto and Naruko at this age are about the same height and body shape, and the size of the ninja vest is also suitable.

On the other side, the face code also reproduced Naruko's operation, took off his vest, and then put it on Naruto.

"You will accept it, right?" Mianma said with a smile.

The competition between the two began.

At the same time, in the Hokage room, the two elders Tsunade and Mitomonyan, who were sleeping together, were discussing the placement of Ranmaru, who had red eyes.

"Don't rely on us for everything, you should make your own decisions..." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said.

Mito Menyan also nodded, expressing his approval of Zhuanju Koharu's words.

"Just make up your own mind about such trivial matters, don't bother us, we still have to think about how to deal with Danzo who is coming back..." Mitomon Yan said.

Now it's the evening, I've been entangled with Naruko and Mianma for a day, and at the same time I have to deal with a cute loli who is running amok in the spiritual space, and I have to talk to Xiaoxue on another channel to prevent Xiaoxue from being lonely. Seeing He Ying's intention to call Bai and Inari to the past......

In short, after long hours of multi-threaded overclocking work, he is now physically and mentally exhausted, and his cerebral cortex is about to burst into flames.

Naruto was sitting on the stairs of his own residential building, and began to doubt his life.

"I don't understand them at all... Girls of this age are really troublesome..." Naruto said.

They are completely different from the other ordinary people, they are really the kind that are difficult to deal with in the usual way, whether it is Naruko or Mianma.

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