The same is true for Fox Fox, who later attacked Takiyin Village, and captured Nanao Jinchuriki...a veritable S-level mission...

Of course, all of the above are unknowing to Tiantian... He has not seen Naruto's mission history...

As for the authority to inquire about ninja mission history, only the team leader in charge of the task team can view the resume information list of his team members... The department head also has the resume information of the personnel in his department...

Obviously, Tiantian does not have these permissions. If you want to know how many tasks Naruto has done, you can only find out when you listen to Naruto’s complaints, but it’s just a rough idea...

Ning Ning's mood didn't fluctuate much, she wasn't as excited as Tian Tian who expected to do high-level tasks...

At this moment, Naruto patted his thigh and said slowly, "Then, I have one last question..."

"Excuse me, Your Excellency..." Qiandao bowed.

"Is the employer of this task really your name?" Naruto asked.

The look is serious, the eyes seem to reach people's hearts, giving people an invisible oppression... completely different from the unreliable look before...

Qian Dao was stunned for a moment...was he seen?But I shouldn't have revealed any telltale signs, but this kind of look...he is serious...

That's right, although Qiandao had a very low attitude and respect for Naruto before, it was only because of the clothes on Naruto... If you take off that clothes, then Qiandao will only treat him as An ordinary kid looks at...

And he was very disappointed that Konoha only sent these few seemingly unreliable ninjas, but as a small country, he couldn't expect much...

Now Qiandao looked squarely at the young Konoha Zhongren in front of him...

"That's right, Lord Bailu actually doesn't want foreign ninjas to intervene in this matter..." Qian Dao admitted with a nod.

He got up from the ground and said to Tiantian and Ningning: "Everyone, please rest here..." Then he said to Naruto: "Your Excellency Naruto, please come with me... "

Naruto nodded, stood up and prepared to walk with the other party.

When Tian Tian was about to stop Naruto with a worried face and reminded him that it was too dangerous to go alone, Naruto signaled her not to act rashly with gestures and whispers, and stayed with Ning Ning on standby.

As soon as Ranmaru saw Naruto walking out of the room, he immediately perked up and got up to follow.

With sharp eyesight and quick hands, Tiantian grabbed Ranmaru by the back collar and grabbed her, "Where are you going! Didn't you hear that guy let Naruto go alone?"

Ran Wan kicked his little feet and waved his hands indiscriminately, and said like a child: "Let go of me, let me go!"

Naruto followed Qiandao out of the post, Qiandao dismissed all the guards here, and then led Naruto to the gate of a temple.

"Master Meng Zong is a highly respected eminent monk. He usually lives a hard and simple life... At the same time, he is in the supervisory position, and he is trusted by the previous generation of daimyo..." Qian Dao introduced.

Naruto nodded... He still knows a thing or two about these situations, such as these high-ranking officials in Bird Country... Konoha's intelligence department is always not in such a place error.

"But if I remember correctly, it is rumored that Meng Zong of your country seems to have saved the life of the previous Daimyo a few years ago, so..." Naruto paused after saying this, waiting for the other party's response .

"That's right, Mr. Big Lu was attacked when he was visiting abroad. Thanks to Mr. Meng Zong who rescued him...Since then, Mr. Big Lu has trusted Mr. Meng Zong very much..."

Naruto followed Qiandao into this temple... Although the temple looks ordinary from the outside, but...his fighting instinct told Naruto that here... ..not easy!

Although he had doubts in his heart, Naruto still pretended to be nonchalant on the outside... That's right, from the moment he first met, he didn't believe in Qiandao in front of him... Or maybe Naruto doesn't trust everyone here...

However, Naruto's defense seems to be redundant, at least for Qiandao in front of him, because...he is indeed an honest man, and he is full of thoughts about the picture of Naruto driving a big car, but he looks serious on the surface Very boring honest man...

Chapter 231 About This Lolita Wanting to Be Used by Naruto

At this time, Qian Dao continued to explain the situation while leading the way, and it was not difficult to hear his respect and admiration for Meng Zong from his words...

"In short, no matter how this matter develops and is left alone, it will definitely lead to very serious consequences..."

"The benevolent Lord Mengzong is very worried about the safety of the country and the people... If there is a civil strife for power, the peace of this country will no longer exist, and the people will also be caught in the flames of war... .”

"Since the assassination incident, Master Bailu's temperament has changed drastically, and his ruling style is completely different from before...Master Lu is unwilling to let foreign forces interfere in domestic affairs, so..."

When Qiandao said this pause, Naruto just followed his words.

"So this matter that should have been decided by the daimyo was done by your Lord Meng Zong?" Naruto asked.

Qian Dao nodded, "Yes, Lord Meng Zong is willing to take the risk of being punished by Lord Bailu for the sake of the peace of this country..."

What Qiandao didn't know was that the more he said this, the more suspicious Naruto became... Although it was well hidden, it is not difficult to see that there are signs of ninja activities in this temple...

At this time, the two had already entered the house, Qiandao took Naruto into a room...

As soon as they entered the door, they saw an old man kneeling cross-legged beside the tea table facing them...

He is dressed in a monk's robe, his body is plump and round, and he has a kind smile on his face, giving people a kind impression, quite a demeanor of a warden...

"Guest from Konoha, please take a seat... Your Excellency is really wronged by the humble house, I hope you don't dislike it..." said the old man.

The humble and kind old man in front of him must be the so-called eminent monk Meng Zong that Qian Dao mentioned... Naruto thought.

That's right, if it is in the eyes of others, maybe they really think that the one in front of them is a kind old monk, but Naruto's words...don't let Ning Ning and the others follow, it should be because Ning Ning has the ability The white eyes that detect everything...

Naruto and Qiandao took their seats here... After chatting briefly with him for a while, I learned something from him... Wandering samurai like to come out at night, these days they come out at night …

"Please find out the real identity of that warrior, let the warrior incident go away, and let the common people live a peaceful life, please..." Meng Zong said with a stern voice.

Naruto returned to the residence hall to meet Tiantian and Ningning, and at the same time, he briefly explained the situation to them.

"In that case, Hong Ming is the most suspicious one?" Tian Tian asked.

Ning Ning held her chin, she was analyzing and thinking about the situation Naruto said...

"No, I can't easily draw conclusions from this, it should be..." Ning Ning was interrupted by Naruto before he could finish speaking.

Naruto patted his thigh and said directly: "It's decided! Go to the Hongming Mansion to ambush at night!"

Tiantian and Ningning looked at each other, they were both puzzled or dissatisfied by Naruto's decision...

But even so, they didn't say anything, and they still chose to believe in Naruto, even though Naruto's unreliable and funny appearance...

After all, at least this time Naruto is willing to take them along...

It's night time, now is the time to go....

In the room, Naruto Tiantian and Ning Ning and the three sat around the tea table, with a map spread out in the middle, and Naruto was assigning their tasks.

"So, according to what Mr. Qiandao said, Hongming is behind the scenes?" asked Tian Tian.

"Maybe, maybe not..."


"That's not the point, yes or no doesn't matter..."

At this time, Ranmaru was sitting alone... After all, she was not interested in these things at all until...

"A team of two, act separately! You lie in ambush here, and I will bring Ranmaru here..." Naruto said.

Hearing that Naruto was going to take him with him, Ranmaru stood up and walked towards Naruto.

Although she talks about revenge every day, she doesn't dare to kill a chicken if she really wants her... Just like her now, she still has that bad attitude towards Naruto on the surface, but she is most afraid of it Naruto left her...

Tiantian nodded to express his approval of Naruto's plan, and Ningning had no objection either.

"But having said that, Naruto, when did you get this map of the capital of the country of birds?" Tian Tian asked.

In her impression, Naruto has never been separated from them since he arrived here, and such a detailed map is classified as a top-secret, and will not be circulated in the market...and look at the ink that is still wet. .....

"Well, that's not the point, I have my own way!" Naruto said perfunctorily.

That's it, after packing everything up, they are ready to go.

"Hey, do you really want to take this child with you? Let her stay, it's so troublesome..." Tiantian said to Naruto who was about to carry Lanwan on his back.

When Tiantian said this sentence, Naruto could clearly feel the sudden force of Ranmaru's hand grabbing his shoulder......

Having been with Ranmaru day and night for a month, Naruto has already figured out her character habits, knowing that this is a symbol of insecurity, obviously because of what Tian Tian said...

In fact, because Ranmaru was still a child after all, Tian Tian tried to be as tactful as possible, but she could clearly hear the meaning of her words...

"Of course I have to bring her with me, otherwise, would someone steal my home and give her head? And I don't have any perception ninjutsu, so I just need her!" Naruto said.

The reason is sufficient and reasonable, and there is no reason to refute it every day, "But...but..."

At this moment, Ning Ning, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly offered a suggestion.

"In this case, to be on the safe side, let this child exchange with me..." Ning Ning said.

Tian Tian looked at Ning Ning with incredible eyes... At the moment when the two people's eyes met, Tian Tian seemed to understand something from her eyes... The rival in love seemed to have increased... .

"No, because I'm too strong, and if we group up like this, the combat power will be seriously uneven!" Naruto said seriously with his hands wrapped around his face.

Although what Naruto said was very blunt, Tian Tian and Ning Ning were not angry or disgusted at all... because that's the truth, and that's what Naruto set up for himself in the past..... .

This is also where Naruto has a high EQ, but it can also be said that the two of them have reached the max level of affection for Naruto, and they will not lower the value because of some trivial things...

Tiantian and Ningning did not continue to argue with Naruto on the action plan, they directly agreed to Naruto's plan, and set off to lie in ambush at the Hongming Mansion.

Before that, Naruto also split up a few clones, and used the transformation technique to pretend that he and Ningning were still here.

This is Hongming's residence, and Naruto is holding Ranmaru in his arms and hiding in a dense tree, while Tiantian and Ningning are hiding in other places.

"Listen well, don't use red eyes when your sister Ning Ning uses white eyes, do you hear me?" Naruto poked Ranmaru's head with his fingers and preached to her.

"Hmph, my eyes are more useful, and you didn't say that just now..." Ranmaru curled her lips and muttered, looking angry.

"Just now was just now, now is now..." Naruto knocked Shimoranmaru on the head.

That's right, at this time she was feeling upset that Naruto used the blank-eyed woman's ability instead of her ability.

She used to play an irreplaceable value as Lei Ya's tool in the past, and she also felt self-satisfied in her heart because of this value being recognized, but now...

Originally, she thought that there was no difference between following this guy and following Lei Ya. If he didn't kill and take him in, he must have taken a fancy to her ability, and wanted to use herself as a tool...

But ever since Naruto caught her and adopted her until now, she has never used her ability once, and this is what made her doubt her own value again...

This person, he doesn't really need himself... Ranmaru's expression is a little lonely...

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second...

I waited until midnight, not to mention the rumored wandering warrior, and I couldn't even see any other suspicious figures.

At this time, Ranmaru was already asleep in Naruto's arms, wrapped in a blanket that Naruto channeled from the scroll...

Naruto met Tiantian and Ningning and the others according to the agreed time, but as soon as they met, Naruto ushered in Tiantian's complaints.

"Naruto, let me just say, you must have made a mistake! This method of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for rabbits will not work at all. How can an enemy be stupid enough to fall into this trick..." Tian Tian whispered.

Although Ning Ning did not speak, she nodded in agreement with what Tian Tian said.

"Is it really my mistake?" Naruto rested his chin in his hand, thinking suspiciously...

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! No one knows better than me, no! If there is, then pretend I didn't say it!" Naruto replied decisively.

Ning Ning, who couldn't stand it anymore, pinched Naruto to shut him up... Every time he saw this guy pretending to be a shameful idiot, Ning Ning felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Naruto seemed to sense something, and immediately threw the Lanwan on his back to Tiantian.

Catching Ranmaru in a hurry every day, "Hey, what are you doing!"

"I'll go back as soon as I go, you guys continue to guard here..." Naruto said.

Before they could answer, Naruto left immediately.

The fish has been hooked, now is the time to catch...

That's right, Naruto's purpose has never been here. After all, as Tiantian said, no one is so stupid as to shoot the target on the first day Konoha Ninja came here with great fanfare, but...

But not long after Naruto left, a wandering samurai came to Hongming's mansion and got in touch with Ningning and Tiantian.

Not far from the Hongming Mansion, Ning Ning put on a fighting stance, and was confronting the "ghost warrior" who was about to escape and was holding a long knife and full of armor.

Because this pair of armor covers the whole body, its face is also hidden under the mask.

Tian Tian followed closely behind with Lan Wan, but because of this burden, she couldn't join the battle like Ning Ning.

"Who are you..." Ning Ning questioned.

Although she opened her eyes, she still couldn't see through the armor in front of her.

There is no doubt that this battle is inevitable...

At this time, Naruto had already caught several wandering ninjas at the post house, and he was interrogating them at this time.

"Tell me, what is your last name? Where did you come from? How many people are there in the family and how many acres of land in the village!"

But at this moment, hoo!This is the sound of signal flares piercing the's Tiantian's call for help...

"Shouldn't it? The salty bait is hooked over there, there shouldn't be any idiots taking the bait..." Naruto murmured.

But this signal flare shows that Tiantian and Ningning have encountered a hard fight... The opponent who can make the two of them fall into a hard fight should only be Jonin...

Naruto hesitated for a while, then let go of the people in front of him, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

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