Ning Ning sat at the tea table drinking tea while waiting, "It's very late..."

Tian Tian was bored at this time trimming the toenails of his white and tender feet, and was also waiting for Naruto.

"Yeah! Really, I don't say anything important..." Tian Tian replied.

But for them, this is not in a hurry... The consensus has been reached, the determination has been made, and the plan has been drawn up. If it doesn't work today, there will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow...

In short, Naruto must be taken down in this mission, otherwise I don't know when I will have to wait in the future.

Obviously, they haven't given up on their previous plan, and are still looking forward to the possibility of doing it today...

The same is true for Toki, flushed and red-faced, her mind is full of fantasies about what that person will do to her at night, how she will abuse herself... ordering herself to lick his body like a dog... .choose this stick or that stick...

Tonight is destined to be their sleepless night...

First, Naruto came to Meng Zong's temple and waited for a long time. Then he waited for the opportunity to sneak into the underground secret room that Ranmaru mentioned... With Naruto's skill, it was easy for him.

He took some symbolic weapons from the secret room, and then left directly, preparing to go to the mansion where Hong Ming lived to assassinate Hong Ming.

The most obvious method of framing is also a very old-fashioned method, but it is simple, direct and effective...

Is Meng Zong a wandering ninja?yes!Did you assassinate someone?Killed!That's it!

It's like a person who has feces in his crotch, and then put a handful of yellow mud on his crotch...

It can even be said... the Lord framed you openly, you say a hammer?You're next on the list...that's it.

Hongming himself was born as a samurai, and his strength is very strong. This is why Toki is not bad at defeating Ningning, but he has been unable to successfully assassinate Hongming. Although Toki's strength mostly depends on that set of armor... ...

This is the mansion where Hong Ming lived. In the study, Hong Ming had already died under Naruto's sword. He didn't even see who the murderer was when he was dying.

For Naruto who seriously wants to cheat and kill a person with a sneak attack, it's that simple...even if the other party has the strength of a ninja...

The 13-year-old Uchiha Itachi easily slaughtered the Uchiha clan with the help of Uchiha Obito, and now the 12-year-old Naruto will not do what the new generation likes to do by borrowing power to brush his form and call him a senior (finger tail Beast Transformation Dirty Soil Reincarnation Spiritualism) Although it is not yet possible, it is not far behind......

In fact, Naruto had no intention of killing Hongming. After all, Naruto's goal was to leave quickly in order to complete the task, that's all.

But during the day, Xiaoxue conveyed Heying's instructions, asking Naruto to stabilize the regime in the country of birds and let the current daimyo take a firm position. That's why Naruto made this move...It will threaten Toki's daimyo The person in the position had to deal with the power minister and sent it to remake......

Naruto then began to fake the crime scene and collect the intelligence documents he needed.

"Yeah, it's almost done!" Naruto said after setting up the scene, clapping the dust on his hands.

In fact, Naruto didn't take it seriously when he arranged the scene. If there are some masters of magic judgment or experienced ninjas, they can see the clues, but so what?Just according to Naruto's words...

You are Edogawa, come to the country of birds, I will wash your hairspray and knock off your glasses!The public prosecutors and the law are all my master's people, what are you fighting with my master!

Chapter 238 About the Queen's Awakening of Slavery

"Then it's time to wipe out those wandering ninjas..." Naruto murmured, and disappeared in place as soon as he finished speaking.

Time passed by every minute and every second, whether it was Tiantian, Ningning, or Toki, they all didn't sleep all night, but they didn't wait for Naruto to appear this night, it seems... .This time is the victory of Ranmaru, who slept soundly......

At the end of the night, just when Toki was sleepy enough to sleep under the covers while playing hutch, her feet had just been pulled out of the wooden clogs, and only the sound of the windows opening and closing could be heard.

She looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Naruto closing the window right there...Toki remembered what he said before, and wanted to call him master...but this kind of address didn't mean much to her. It's hard to say...

Before she could speak, Naruto got to the point first, explaining to her that Hong Ming had already been dealt with by himself.

Hearing this, Toki felt unbelievable, like a dream... This is how the big revenge was avenged...

At this time, Naruto was at the tea table, with his back to Toki, pouring tea for himself, while explaining the situation to Toki, and by the way, put some documents from Hongming on the table.

Toki nodded, as if he had made some kind of awareness...that is, the price of making a deal with the devil...

"Master, please enjoy me..." At the same time that Toki said this, Naruto also said, "By the way, Komei was not the murderer who killed the previous daimyo!"

Naruto's voice just overshadowed Toki's, and Naruto's back was facing her, so he couldn't hear what she said just now.

And Toki was also shocked by what Naruto said just now, "Impossible! How could..."

"Speaking of which, you are really can even screw up who is the murderer..." Naruto still taunted.

Toki's expression is in a trance state, and his mood is like throwing an object from a high altitude and hitting the ground.

Naruto's words represent...the self who is trying to avenge Hongming, just like a joke...

Before Zhu Lu could react, Naruto continued, "What do you think of Meng Zong?"

The absent-minded Toki said: "Father and elder brother trusted..."

Before she finished speaking, Naruto who walked up to Toki's side at some point gave her a blow on the head.

"Oh!" Toki covered his head.

"Ah, it's really a headache for my slave to be so stupid!" Naruto said, covering his face.

Then Naruto directly pulled her up and asked her to read the documents on the table, and the girl let herself be led away by him without any resistance.

Naruto explained to her the identity of the leader of Meng Zong's wandering ninja organization and the identity of her who killed her father and brother.

"I killed Hongming only because he really had a plan to replace you... He has already noticed that the current name is just a replacement for someone who disguised himself as a man... "

"Really, it's no wonder you've been evaded, everyone can see it... In the end, it's because you are too incompetent in governing the country and it's difficult to convince the public..."

"Hongming is dead, you can already take back Hongming's power... You can investigate the cause of Hongming's death as usual, and take the opportunity to push it all on the head of the exiled ninja, and I will deal with it later... ..."

"Then why didn't you just kill Meng Zong? Master...Master..."

Indeed, as Toki said, if he could easily assassinate Hongming who even Toki couldn't kill, then killing Meng Zong would not be difficult... However, Naruto also had his considerations.

Power and prestige go hand in hand. Assassinating Meng Zong and Hong Ming can enable her to gain power, but she cannot build prestige...Only an upright person who takes power can make the officials fear and convince the subjects.

However, Naruto did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Don't you want to take revenge with your own hands?"

After saying that, Naruto was about to leave, "I still have some things to prepare!" As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared.

Naruto didn't expect that his high EQ answer hit Toki's heart directly, making her feel warm...

The next thing Naruto has to do is the traditional art he is good at, fishing!Anyway, I don't have a household registration book, so it doesn't matter if I sacrifice my mother or something!Naruto thought so.

Naruto, who returned to the posthouse, explained the situation to Tiantian and Ningning who had been waiting for him all night.

Naruto took Tian Tian and the others to apply to Meng Zong to cancel the mission in the name of the mission being unable to continue, and bid farewell.

But did Naruto really leave like this?No, farewell is just a play on the spot to lure snakes out of their holes and catch them all.

Naruto's plan is this style, there is no conspiracy, it is all aboveboard, simple and direct...

Speaking of flaws, Naruto's strategy is full of flaws everywhere, but it seems to succeed every time...

Because no matter what the opponent's reaction is, Naruto can make a counterattack according to the situation, and the fault tolerance rate and flexibility are quite high...

At this time, in Daimyo's dormitory, Naruto was half leaning on Toki's bed, eating an apple in her room, feeling very uncomfortable, while Toki was sitting at the desk and concentrating on correcting these government affairs.

"Hey! My legs are a little numb! Hurry up and give me a hammer!" Naruto said.

Although he said this in order to maintain the character design, it is obvious that Naruto is not suitable for playing the role of a domineering president.

At least he is the kind who can act occasionally, but as time goes by for a long time, it will become more and more embarrassing, and then his nature will be exposed, and he will be too lazy to act in the end... It’s only been like this for two days His personality has almost collapsed.

how to say?Although it is possible to fight in the red form, it is also very useful to fight in the red form, but it is not the initial form after all, and you always have to go back.

However, despite this, it does not mean that Toki dares to say no to him...

She stopped writing, stood up, "Understood, master..." She walked to Naruto's side and hammered his leg honestly according to Naruto's request.

If it was seen by other people, they must all agree that Toki is being threatened by Naruto, enslaved and oppressed by Naruto, but what is the truth...

For Toki, she seems to enjoy the feeling of serving others that she has never had before...

He is very strong, both in terms of character and strength, powerful and reliable...excellent intelligence, young body, handsome appearance...

He has easily done what he has never been able to do... I don't have to think about anything, and I don't have to bear any pressure...

Being his slave for the rest of my life seems...serving him, relying on doesn't seem like a bad choice...

The master...the master who belongs to himself alone...the master who can rely on for life...

If the current Naruto could read her thoughts, he would probably want to rant about her Stockholm-style sickness, and then stay away from her.

Because, if he wants to escape, he only has this chance now... The illness worsens with the passage of time. Either he doesn't come, or the illness comes like a mountain and is out of control.

In this way, the two live together day after day... Although it is a cohabitation life, Naruto will not overstep her...

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to share the same bed. Of course, the main reason for this is that they are afraid of being hacked when they fall asleep.

As for discipline, in fact, that kind of force was only used at the beginning, and Naruto never used it again...

After all, she was surprisingly obedient, and the incident was about to end, so there was no need to use it...

At this time, Toki was still reviewing government documents, and Naruto was standing behind her, and he, who was addicted to forensics, kept pointing at Toki.

"No way, no way? All confessions have to be approved? A dead abbot has to make a report on his birthday. Does he have to hold a state funeral when his mother dies? This kind of rubbish information is really... ..”

"That's what a daimyo's job is like..."

"Don't talk back, I said yes, that's it, don't refute..."

"It would be great if my father and elder brother were here. This kind of government affairs is completely beyond my ability..."

Naruto wanted to open his mouth to continue mocking, but seeing her pitiful appearance, Naruto finally softened his heart rarely.

But even so, what needs to be said still needs to be said.

"Well, the family is the world, the farm is in charge of cattle and sheep, and he deserves to die!" Naruto said.

Naruto grabbed the girl by the collar with one hand, lifted her and threw her on the bed.

"Forget it, you wait a little later, today, I will try to govern the country and be the headmaster!"

Toki didn't react for a while, thinking that Naruto was finally going to be a beast and wanted to attack her, and she still had some expectations in her heart, but she was a little disappointed...

Naruto sat where she was sitting before, picked up the pen and started to show off!

After all, it's not my responsibility, it's not where I'm supposed to sit... just like it doesn't feel bad to spend money that isn't my own, and there is no psychological burden at all if I don't own my own save file. , even if the country is subjugated, I can't blame myself, anyway, I will leave in a few days...

Even if the whole country is subjugated because of my own mistakes, it is the fault of this world!Uh-huh!

The unconscionable Naruto was still so unconscionable, he casually picked up a file of government documents and flipped through them, imitating Toki's handwriting and writing them off.

"Did you see that rubbish memorial like this, you can just review it, and if you are lazy, just scratch it..." Naruto said.

"With such a perfunctory attitude, the ministers will..." Toki was interrupted by Naruto before he could finish speaking.

"It's a waste of time for you to approve so many words, and it's inefficient! I'm afraid that the people below won't understand your thoughts when you write in such detail?" Naruto replied impatiently.

"Father and elder brother said that to govern the country, you must have a heart-to-heart relationship with your subjects, and you must treat your subjects with a serious attitude. Only in this way can you..."

"This is true, but it is only limited to excellent leaders, like Senju Bashirama, or other outstanding leaders who can convince their subjects with their strong personal ability and charisma. ..."

"Look in the mirror and see how you meet this standard? A fool is like a fool. If you can't even make it to the World Cup, don't think about the semi-finals all day long. First, put your own style of play and your own tactical philosophy. Let's figure it out..."

"What you have to do now is to maintain your dominance. You have the power to embezzle military expenses to build gardens, and the people below dare not talk about you!"

Naruto preached while criticizing, and what Naruto said next will be words that Toki will remember for a lifetime.

"Remember, I'll just say it once...the so-called country is the name of the country, not the real country. The monarch of the territory is neither the mountain, nor the subjects of the territory are the river..."

"The ancients said that the rivers of the Kingdom of Sichuan are clear, the rivers of the Kingdom of Fire are turbid, the rivers of the Kingdom of Sichuan are flowing, and the rivers of the Kingdom of Fire are also flowing..."

"As the old saying goes, when a sage comes out of fire, the water is clear, but when will the river in the country of fire be clear? The water from the country of rain irrigates the fields of several counties on both sides of the bank, and the water of the country of fire irrigates the fields of several counties on both sides of the bank. As for partial use, it can only be neglected because the water is turbid, which has been the case since ancient times..."

"You, you don't understand this can you only think about using the water from the land of rain instead of the water from the land of fire?"

"Conversely, once the river floods in the Land of Fire, it needs to be dealt with. This is why Hokage ousted Danzo and expelled Orochimaru! On the contrary, the flooded river in the Land of Rain must be dealt with. This is why Hokage suppressed Hatake Sakumo!"

"For example, this Uchiha, who claims to be Qingliu, the police force, is upright! Comparing Hokage to a mountain, but the water submerges the mountain, this is flooding!"

Gradually, as time went by, Naruto became serious from having fun at the beginning, and stopped talking.

Just like a player who has turned on the steel wire civilization, he won't feel anything if he sits for a whole day.

And Toki, who was sitting on the bed, also saw the shadow of her father and brother from this serious and skilled Naruto... At the same time, what Naruto said just now was echoing in her mind. .....

Toki got off the bed slowly, and walked slowly to Naruto's side, she wanted to see how this man reviewed these government affairs that made her feel troublesome.

Chapter 239 Self-Strategy Isn't it what a slave should do to deal with the master's physical desires?

Played: A certain county imports local mangoes and other things...

Zhu Bi: Just draw it and get it done

Play: It is not ignorant to report that all the women in a certain village have collected money...

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