The little money that Hongdou gave Naruto was not enough to hire a boat for sure, and Naruto only had a little money for food, after all, he was squeezed out once a day before leaving the village...

Therefore, Naruto, who believes that as long as the task is not led by himself, he can lie down on his own, was just pulled out of the red bean's field of vision by Ino, and he just sat on a cargo box, looking like the world would destroy himself. It looks like I won't take another step.

"Naruto, what's the matter! Don't worry! I'll pay for the boat later!" Ino said.

That's right, Ino didn't mean to teach Naruto a lesson at all, what he said just now to teach Naruto a lesson was just to let Captain Hongdou calm down and not punish Naruto.

And Naruto eats soft food with confidence, he put his arms around his hands like a normal scumbag and nodded, "Well, of course..." After all, he doesn't have enough money at all Employment of large ocean-going vessels.

And now is a rare time alone, it is a good idea to enjoy a romantic date with your lover!With this intention in mind, Ino sat next to Naruto, his body tightly pressed against Naruto's arm.

"There's still a lot of time, shall we go on a date?" Ino said.

While Naruto just arrived at the port and was still looking for a ship, Snake Princess and Sazuki on Otoyin's side have already made moves...

Orochimaru's secret bases spread all over the ninja world, and at the same time, he also recruited Scientologists from all over the ninja world who held some extreme ideas like him.

However, Orochimaru did not use any method of controlling them with a spell...the actual subordinates, but in name they gave them the equivalent status of "partners"...and their experiments It also has full autonomy...

Manipulating the mind, inducing the mind... This is also Orochimaru's style of doing things... and the country of the sea has the human experiment base left by Orochimaru before...

The person in charge of Orochimaru's base in the country of the sea is a scientist named Tianzhi. He is conducting research on murlocs. The purpose is to combine humans and fish to create monsters like Kisame that are unimpeded in the water. …

And the purpose of this trip with Snake Girl with Zuoyue is to confirm the latest research results, or to confirm whether this research has any value...

In terms of ninja's actual combat tactics or theoretical learning, Ino may not have any outstanding talents...

That is, during the Zhongnin exam, Sakura fell into her trap and fell into her hair trap... That is, the planning of tactics is not as good as the extremely talented Shikamaru, but it is good enough.

If it weren't for Sakura's unexpected character, Ino would have easily won the battle at that time.

Ino's top skills are emotional intelligence and teamwork and leadership, that is, secretly leading the girls' group, guiding the class and even the whole school's girls' atmosphere to create a Zuoyue fan circle...

Well, to put it bluntly, Ino focused all her skills on love tactics, and the resourceful tactics she used in those battles were all by-products of pointing on love tactics, that is, they were opened by the way when pointing the skill table... .

For example, designing to lead Naruto into various "traps", and then suddenly appearing to rescue Naruto... During the ninja school period, Ino used this kind of trick to Naruto no less than a hundred times up.

It's just... because of this, Naruto's defense against her has been deepening. Every time he sees her, he always says "Why are you so proficient? How many times have you done this kind of thing? " looked at her.

And Ino's studies are actually similar... In order to ensure a good image in front of Naruto (referring to prepare for Naruto's tutoring), his own academic performance must naturally not be bad.

It's just... Surprisingly, Naruto, who is often late and absent from class with a zero score in the exam, not only does not need her tutoring, but can tutor her in turn...

Just like now, on the boat, in the cabin room where Naruto lived, Naruto and Ino Ranmaru sat on the ground, surrounded by a circle.

At this time, Ino and Ranmaru were listening to Naruto explaining the situation of the country of the sea and the cold knowledge about the relationship between the country of the sea and the country of water.

The Land of Water is an island country with a unique culture. It is located deep in the mountains, its territory is often covered by thick fog, and it is completely isolated from other countries.

Although the land is surrounded by sea water on all sides, there are still many special terrains of mountains, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In addition, the large and small islands around the main island also have various customs and habits, and there are not a few islanders who live according to the customs. During the heyday of their country, they once owned all the islands in the southeast of the Land of Fire.

However, due to the defeat in the third Ninja World War, Konoha once counterattacked to the mainland, and finally signed a series of defeat treaties to give up the territory and make it independent. The country of the sea was an island country that was independent from the country of water at that time.

Due to the distance from the mainland and the barrier of the ocean, the Kingdom of Water in the early years did not take an active part in the disputes in the Ninja Continent, but focused on territorial expansion at sea.

Even in the first Ninja World War, Kirigakure's second-generation Mizukage was defeated by the second-generation Hokage and then he quit.

(PS: The setting in the formula book is that Tomama once defeated the attacks of various countries in Konoha)

As for the defeat and deaths of the second generation of Tukage and the second generation of Mizukage, there is such a rumor...

It is Tobima's plan to drive away wolves and tigers, using Wuhe Genzuki's personal enmity long before the First Ninja World War to bring the troops led by Wuhe Genzuki who invaded the Land of Fire at the same time into contact with each other. , This battle also caused them to die together.

Although it is just a rumor and the truth is not known, this kind of behavior is indeed in line with Tomagama's style.

"Excellent, so the former Hokage-sama is so strong?" Ino covered his mouth with a surprised expression.

"That's right, that's right! Although Feijian is more or less greedy and steals his own achievements, and he is entangled with what he is doing every day. This is my command and that is my invention, but he does have his own abilities!" Ming said the man.

While he was talking, he kept nodding with his arms around him, as if his personal experience was true.

"Steal the merits of greedy heaven for your own use? Steal what?" Ino tilted his head and asked in doubt.

Asked by Ino, Naruto held his chin and thought about it.

"Well, it seems that I misremembered..." Naruto said.

Actually...In fact, Ino doesn't care about this kind of topic at all. As for whether the second generation of Hokage is strong or invincible or cjb, she doesn't care.

Just as most women have no enthusiasm for the topic of military equipment, most men don't know anything about luxury brands of lipstick and perfume... The same is true for Ino.

"Speaking of Naruto, you really know a lot!" Ino continued to praise.

That's right, Ino's appearance like this is just an act of pandering to Naruto with her high EQ!Furthermore... Although Ino is not interested in this kind of topic itself, she is interested in Naruto!As long as Naruto said it, she would have the desire to listen patiently!

From the boring topic of other people, no!A boring topic from Naruto's mouth, okay!No matter what Naruto said, she would never find it boring, on the contrary, she also found it very interesting.

The most romantic thing is to let your boyfriend tell you stories and develop common hobbies with him...Although the fly in the ointment is that there is a small light bulb here...this is Ino's current thinking.

Naruto continued: "And the third ninja war that will follow is well known. The land of water, whose territory has expanded to the limit, occupies almost all the islands in the east of the land of fire, even the land of vortex In the end, the Kirigakure ninjas from the Land of Water launched a full-scale invasion to the Land of Fire..."

"Led by Jiraiya, with Uchiha and Hyuga as the forwards, Konoha launched a counterattack across the board...Almost all the islands other than the main island that the country of water expanded and occupied before were defeated by Konoha, and finally The Konoha Ninja Army also set foot on Kirigakure's homeland..."

"At this time, the battle line was at a stalemate, Konoha's logistics were too far away, and the geographical conditions were favorable to Kirigakure, the Konoha Ninja Army also suffered heavy casualties...

"The country of water is also willing to negotiate peace with Konoha and accept Konoha's terms of defeating the war. So far, most of the islands other than the main island occupied by the country of water before the third world war have become independent countries, and the country of the sea is these independent countries. one of the islands of..."

"Some of these independent island countries are vassals of the Fire Nation and recognize the Fire Nation as their suzerain, while others are still attached to the Water Nation. It's almost like this..."

Ranmaru on the side looked at the two chatting so happily, her small face was puffed up like a balloon.

Sensing that something was wrong with Ranmaru, Naruto asked her with a concerned face: "Ranmaru, what's wrong? Are you seasick?"

Just as Ranmaru was about to say that he was fine, Ino spoke first, "I remembered, I have medicine for seasickness! Put it in my room!"

"I'll get it!" Naruto said and stood up from the ground, patting the dust off his body.

After Ino told Naruto where the seasickness medicine was placed, Naruto opened the door and went out. At this time, only Ino and Ranmaru were left in the room.

Ranmaru just stared at Ino, his eyes full of obvious vigilance, while Ino, on the other hand, seemed much more at ease, still with the smile on his face just now.

Obviously, she didn't take this brat seriously, but soon, she would regret her misjudgment.

Ranmaru said to Ino with a look of seeing through everything: "You lured that idiot out on purpose, right? What do you want to say to me, you shameless woman!"

Ino's expression froze all of a sudden, and the corners of her mouth twitched twice. She even wondered if she had heard something wrong...

"Huh, it's obviously that guy and my room, but she still insists on staying here, what a cheeky woman..." Ranmaru continued.

Just as Ino was about to speak, Ranmaru continued, "Are you just greedy for that guy's body? You keep getting close to that idiot, I think your bottom is already wet..."

Before Ranmaru finished speaking, Ino threw her to the ground and covered her mouth with his hands, "Really, really, why would a kid at this age speak that language..." Ino smacked his lips and looked out of the door nervously, afraid that what he just said would be overheard.

Looking at her blushing cheeks and tense look, she knew that what Ranmaru said just now was not pure nonsense.

After appeasing Ranmaru to calm her down, Ino also let go of her hand covering her mouth, and the two resumed their previous posture. Then Ino explained to Ranmaru that he was dating Naruto.

"What? You are his girlfriend?" Ranmaru was shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

Ino nodded confidently, and at the same time began to preach to Ranmaru: "So! These behaviors between lovers are reasonable, and children should not meddle in matters between adults... If you are obedient and don't hinder my sister, my sister can buy you candy when I go back!"

Even though what Ino said was sound, Ranmaru was still very skeptical.

"I don't believe it, that guy never told me about it, you must be lying to me..." Ranmaru said.

Naruto's room is not adjacent to Ino's room because of the ticket restrictions.

But it's not far from each other, just a few rooms away, and the rooms of Hongdou and Shino are the same, they are both in this corridor.

In fact, it stands to reason that for the same team to perform tasks together, it should be a more secure way to live in a single room and a large room...

Even Genin, born in a wealthy family, graduated from Konoha Ninja School, and has been instilled with these professional knowledge, should not make such low-level mistakes...

Apparently, someone who hired this boat deliberately arranged this...intentionally separated people, and then achieved some ulterior purpose...that's right, Ino, it was you!

Human desires are endless like rolling stones. Once started, they can't stop... Ino is like this. After confirming the relationship, she is not satisfied with it. She soon has a new relationship. The goal......

?Not approved

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Chapter 248 The Meeting of Xiaoxue and Toki The Love War Between the Queen

"Second, she's beautiful! I'm jealous of her body!"

"Third, she likes me very much! She is very gentle to me!"

With such a blunt and shameless answer, Ranmaru was speechless for a moment... because what he said, it seemed... there was no problem at all!

Although I don't know how rich that yellow-haired guy is, but judging from the conditions she offered during the day, her Jiajing should be very rich...

And this guy is so poor, he seems to be in debt to that Maruko... Ranmaru thought to himself...

"Hmph, a guy who is greedy for profit and only takes advantage of other people's feelings..." Ranmaru said disdainfully.

But even though she said so, with an unhappy attitude, she was a little happy with Naruto's answer...

It's not that she really likes that woman, she's just taking advantage of it and acting on the occasion, hmph, that self-righteous stupid woman thought she won this guy... Ranmaru said in his heart.

At the same time, Ino, who was still thinking about how to attack Naruto at night, was sneezing non-stop.

Not everyone can open a harem...Maybe most men have fantasized about being surrounded by women, but as they grow older, they will find that their energy is too great to even deal with a woman. Difficulties.

Therefore, Naruto, who has recognized this for a long time, does not actually have a dream of a harem, and he just stays in the mouth when it comes to opening a harem, or...

Playing with each other's feelings, just teasing the heart without doing anything, just cut a wave of leeks and leave... The most cost-effective guerrilla warfare method... This is the original intention of the heartless Naruto...

but!The fate of people is unpredictable and elusive. It is necessary to consider not only personal struggles, but also the process of history.

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet?At just his age, he has already maintained a close physical relationship with two women... Although he didn't want it, it has become a fact...

And now, the two young girls, Toki and Xiaoxue...more precisely, they are the two noble lords of a country...they are also in the garden of the Birds and Flowers of the Heying Palace in the Kingdom of Fire We met.

They were sitting on the stools on both sides of the stone platform, their postures were elegant and decent, and they unconsciously exuded an overwhelming yet respectful aura...they just faced each other...

Besides, they are also queens who have been educated by the royal family and nobles. Even if they are jealous, or even rob men, it is impossible for them to quarrel and fight like shrews without worries.

Now that it's winter, Xiaoxue has changed back to the down jacket she's used to wearing, while Toki is wearing the dress of the queen of the country of birds.

In terms of the difference in temperament alone, Toki seems to be more classical, while Xiaoxue is more modern.

Toki spoke first: "Master told me everything!" Her tone was very charming, rather provocative.

"Master?" Xiaoxue raised her eyebrows.

"Sister Xiaoxue is really beautiful!" Toki continued.

"Sister..." Xiaoxue murmured, with some dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"But, I think, Master, he should like my body more, right?" Toki said.

In short, as the conversation progressed, the smell of gunpowder in the air... became more and more dignified...

Ranmaru's red eyes are not open all day long... The essence of Blood Succession Boundary is the same as ninjutsu, it is still the release and use of Chakra...

Even the body of an ordinary adult ninja is absolutely unable to withstand the uninterrupted release of chakra for a day, let alone a child whose body is not fully developed at this age...

Because when he followed Lei Ya as Lei Ya's tool before, Lei Ya didn't care about this situation, he just used her as an early warning radar, and kept driving for several hours...

This has already caused damage to the body of Ranmaru, who is already in poor health and is still in the development stage... It takes time to recover...

Of course, monsters like Hashimoto said otherwise, it’s okay to let them drive Gundam for a day and a night... Raikage’s body is naturally not considered an ordinary ninja... These banned cards can be obtained from the cemetery except inside...

In short, this is why Naruto always warns her to use less red eyes, but...Ranmaru doesn't seem to understand this, and she seems to have entered the rebellious period, and it seems that Naruto will not let her Whatever she does, the more she wants to do...

For example... in this case...

Naruto was sitting on the deck with his back against the fence, Ranmaru lay in Naruto's arms, with his head on his shoulders.

The more Naruto usually forbids her to use red eyes, the more she secretly uses them, and this time too...

"Hey, what is that animal?" Ranmaru asked excitedly.

According to common sense, when he heard Ranmaru's question, he should turn his head to look in the direction Ranmaru was looking at.

But the current Naruto was unmoved, and just asked back: "Describe the appearance..."

In fact, Naruto knew that she would secretly use red eyes, but if the frequency was not so frequent, he would just turn a blind eye and close one eye and not care about it.

That's right, although Naruto said that raising a child is troublesome, and it's over if you don't starve to death, but in fact, he has been pampering her like a daughter...

She was wrapped with a blanket, which was used to protect her from the sea breeze...

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