Naruto's foot stepped on the scroll, and the spells began to crawl back as if responding to Naruto's movements, just like a ship retracting the anchor's shackle, the scroll was recovering the spells released just now.

Accompanied by the wailing sound that resounded through the forest, after a burst of light, the spider was sealed into the scroll along with these incantations.

With a light kick of Naruto's foot, he kicked the scroll into his hand, at the same time he took out a ribbon with runes on it from his pocket, packed the scroll with skillful movements, and then straddled his back, using time It's only a second.

From Naruto's real counterattack to the end of the battle, it took less than a minute, and the moves used were no more than four moves, but these moves were far from the ninjutsu that the ninja in the future could use.

Obviously, even if there is no sealing technique, Naruto has a variety of restraint skills that are so rich that they are not repeated when dealing with such a huge monster.

It can also be said that Naruto did not lie to it just now, it was indeed letting it go in another sense!If there is no option of sealing, then there is only one end for this monster, and that is to be sent to see Liudao by Naruto.

Afterwards, Naruto also began to restore the aftermath of the terrain with the earth escape. After he finished the seal, he patted the ground with one hand, and the wet and soft swamp began to dry up, gradually turning into normal soil, even in rainy days. turned into a swamp.

Immediately, although there is no guarantee that the terrain will return to its original state, for example, the fallen trees will grow again, but it is better than leaving it alone.

Mu Qiang, this is human nature, but to be more accurate, it should be a common characteristic of mammals, for example, hunting groups will identify with powerful ones as leaders.

In human society, this kind of strength is not limited to strength, a strong body, a noble personality, a clever mind, and the courage not to fear death...

It is very common for a person who has outstanding ability in a certain field to happen to admire someone who is outstanding in this field.

Just like the person who shouted "Love is infinite", practically used Dionysus curse, did not talk about martial arts, cheated and attacked scientists who used scientific axioms to prove that the earth is round, or like someone who compared strength with old people and primitive people Like the man of skill, being strong does not stick to any form, being strong is unlimited.

Just like the terrifyingly strong man in the security field, he is generally called the security captain, the owner's nemesis, Tang San with one punch!Carrying a gun is a soldier!

Like biting a lighter, Ye Kai kicked Li Ning off the line, and caught the golden flash that fell into the darkness with his bare hands!

All in all, in the eyes of those who like them, these are all extraordinary abilities, and they are all people who have a bright future and a bright future!

Since Qiang is infinite, Mu Qiang is also infinite!

There is no doubt that in the eyes of Fei Ye and Quan Nai, Naruto is the strong man in the eyes of beholders.

He possesses great strength, but at the same time is kind and Asahi, and has a very interesting personality... What a fascinating man full of virtues...

Chapter 288 Except for Ye Cang, no one would dress like this

After dealing with these matters, Naruto will go to the cave to confirm the seal of the Box of Elysium.

But this time, Toiya and Quanna would not trust him to act alone, let alone let the other party have the possibility of being alone with Naruto, so it became like this, the three of them walked into the cave together.

Quan Nai and Fei Ye stood on the left and right sides of Naruto and followed him, walking for several minutes.

If the previous cave passage could only accommodate a large psychic beast, then the grotto they arrived at now could accommodate nine tailed beasts together.

And because of the braziers hanging on the stone walls of this cave, even ordinary people can see the scene in the cave with enough eyesight. It can also be seen that although the cave is deep, the vents are enough to ensure sufficient oxygen.

A box is placed in the center of the grotto. This black box is also very huge, and it is a little smaller than that spider, but its aura seems to be stronger than that spider. Even Quan Nai couldn't help sighing: " Such a terrible evil breath..."

She asked Naruto: "Is this the monster you said was locked in the box..." While speaking, she took the opportunity to hold Naruto's hand, showing a somewhat Afraid but a little embarrassed to show it, but the instinctive fear finally defeated this reserved look.

Do you think this is simple tsundere?Naruto thinks so too, but this is the wrong answer!

That's right, she is really good at it. Although her appearance is very similar to that of the later generation Sazuki who belongs to the Uchiha clan, and she is also tsundere, but in fact...

If Zuoyue's Tsundere is [-]% arrogant and [-]% coquettish, and has a dangerous elf in reverse form, then this Uchiha girl is the opposite in front of Naruto...

Moreover, at this moment of competing with Fei Ye, Quan Nai, who has entered the state of competing for a spouse, has made a decisive and rational choice to abandon her proud side...

However, you Quan Nai is so wise, it doesn't mean that I have no plans at night!That's right, how could Quan Nai's small thoughts escape Fei Ye's eyes?

Before Quan Nai could continue to use this cruel trick on Naruto, Fei Ye's unceremonious mocking voice came: "You stupid idiot, this is the box of bliss!"

Quan Nai was stunned for a moment, and just about to speak back, Fei Ye's voice interrupted her again: "Listen up, ignorant guy... This is the rumored weapon used by the Immortals of the Six Paths in their lifetime. Whoever opens it and walks into the chest, the chest will grant one of the visitor's wishes..."

As soon as the voice fell, Fei Ye immediately made a bolder move than her: hooked Naruto's arm, and leaned her whole body against it!

You don't need to pretend to be panicked or scared, it's just such a simple and direct straight ball attack!

Looking at Quan Nai's resentful eyes, Fei Ye couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth to show a smug smile, as if telling her that you are still far behind.

Is this confrontation Fei Ye's victory?No!As we all know, using the way of the other to return to the other body is what the Uchiha family is good at.

How could Quanna, who was able to remain invincible in several confrontations with Fei Ye and was evenly matched with him, be defeated so easily?

Just like that, before Fei Ye had been complacent for a few seconds, the other party had imitated holding Naruto's hand, making the same intimate movements as himself.

This kind of Shura field is obviously not suitable for him to think calmly (referring to stealing the battery car).

After trying to send them out, Naruto stayed alone, thinking about how to remove the box in front of him.

There is a red torii gate standing on each of the four sides of the box.Unlike the torii gates outside, these four torii gates are a bit dilapidated and decayed.

These torii gates are covered with talisman papers. Although these talisman papers are already damaged, the effect of the confinement seal is still there, and it is impossible to take this box away.

Naruto held his chin and thought for a while, and finally made a difficult decision, "Let's put aside the controversy, maintain the status quo, and trust the wisdom of future generations..." Naruto murmured.

At this time, Naruto walked to the torii gate, closed his eyes, put his hands on it, and began to check the circuit of these torii gates just like before.

The first torii, the second torii, and the third torii, have not found any problems until the last...

At this moment, a voice came: "My lord..." It was Mito's voice.

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired girl came to Naruto's side, and asked with concern: "My lord, are you not injured?"

Logically speaking, Mito, who is more concerned about the safety of her elder brother than Toiya and Quanna, should only arrive before them.

However, this obedient touch made more sense to take care of the daughter of the soil spider patriarch entrusted to her by her elder brother as a higher priority.

Naruto said, "Now there are only you and me here, and you don't have to hide your purpose from me anymore..."

Mito had a startled expression at first, but within a second, he smiled as expected and said, "As expected of Master Ashina, just like the rumors..."

With a bang, the sound of the transformation technique being released, as the smoke cleared, Mito, who was originally standing here, had turned into the appearance of the leader of the soil spider.

It's just that, compared to the usual formal attire before, he was wearing the clothes and armor that he would only wear in war at this time. Obviously, the visitor was not kind.

The patriarch of the soil spider said with a smile: "You don't seem to be surprised to see me, Master Ashina..."

Naruto didn't continue to speak, but responded with silence, and his body also maintained the calm posture of closing his eyes while holding the wooden stake to test the Torii Chakra circuit.

The patriarch of the soil spider paced back and forth behind Naruto, and at the same time threatened the boy with a mocking and playful tone: "Speaking of which, Master Ashina, you are also a smart person, so let me just say it straight! Those ladies are already dead. In my hands, you don't want those ladies to suffer any harm, do you?"

Naruto still didn't say anything, just took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh.

The patriarch of the soil spider began to persuade him to surrender: "Give me the scroll behind you, don't make unnecessary resistance... We will not treat you young masters badly..."

And at this moment, Naruto finally said, "Is that what you mean by betraying the covenant and becoming enemies of the Uzumaki and Senshou clans?" His tone was very flat, without any emotion, as if it was just an ordinary inquiry.

The leader of the earth spiders laughed twice, and at the same time reached out to take the big scroll on Naruto's back, and said at the same time: "You can't say such bad words, Master Ashina, our earth spiders have guarded the artifacts for your Uzumaki clan for many years, and we have been rewarded." It's only natural! As for starting a war..." He paused at this point.

The Senshou Clan and the Uzumaki Clan are unfailing powerhouses in the ninja world, and the deterrent power of their names alone can deter the Xiaoxiao Ninja Clan from invading.

Obviously, he was like this just now, just like a mouse's instinct to smell a cat's breath. Although he turned the table, he was still afraid in his bones.

After a few seconds, the soil spider seemed to be aware of his gaffe just now, so he could only laugh to cover up his apprehensive attitude: "Master Ashing is really good at joking, but now that you are in our hands, the Uzumaki clan must be willing to sit down with us Negotiating..."

In fact, what he said is not wrong. Both brothers and sisters who are direct descendants of the patriarch are hostages in his hands. The patriarch of Uzumaki will definitely negotiate peace with him. Absolutely will not act rashly.

At this time, the patriarch of the earth spider had also obtained the scroll that sealed the giant spider that should have been carried on Naruto's back.

Seeing that the other party has not resisted from the beginning to the end, and has not acted excessively, he only thinks that the other party has accepted his conditions, and secretly praises in his heart that he is indeed as talented as the rumors say, and knows how to judge the situation rationally.

Perhaps, in his eyes, this young master of the Uzumaki clan is a smart person, and he himself is even smarter.

Then the patriarch of the earth spider made a new request: "Then, Master Ashina, please trouble you to release all the seals of this box of bliss!"

At this time, Naruto finally moved, and slowly put down the hand touching the torii wooden post, and said at the same time: "Then, before that, I have a question, and I hope the patriarch can clarify it... ..”

The patriarch of the earth spider replied in a very polite tone: "Master Lu Ming, you are welcome, please speak!"

Naruto was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "I don't understand, did you unlock this seal..."

Yes, this is exactly the doubt in Naruto's heart. In the inspection just now, Naruto has confirmed that the torii gate of the seal was not destroyed by internal or external force, and it was lifted...

No, that's not entirely correct. It should be said that there are four locks in total, and one has been opened...

However, since it is possible to solve this one seal torii, why don't the other three seal torii not move?

When the patriarch of the soil spider was about to speak, the sound of explosions and shouts from the cave passage suddenly came.

Just when his attention was hit by the sound, at this moment, Naruto's palm was already on his chest armor, corresponding to the position of his ribs.

The patriarch of the earth spider reacted and wanted to fight back, but it was obviously too late at this time.

Boom! ! !The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the cave!

White smoke was billowing from Naruto's palm. At this moment, the patriarch of the earth spider who should have been beside him had disappeared, and dust was also rising from the rocky wall of the cave far away in the direction his palm was pointing.

It took less than a second from Naruto's shot to when the soil spider patriarch was knocked out, which also shows how fast Naruto's shot was.

This is not a novel ninjutsu, it's just an ordinary spiral pill, but to be more precise, this is the spiral pill that he has brushed his proficiency to the extreme.

Just like the simple Zape Liao light, its power is a little weaker than the normal version, but it can be condensed and rotated to explode in one go, which can be said to be the hero of the spiral pill!

That's right, although Naruto said "This era is really too thick, and now I am still too weak", but in fact, even in the ninja world of this era, there are very few who can beat him now.

Although Xiao Jiu couldn't use the Tailed Beast Clothes mode because of his deep sleep, but aside from the premise of using external forces such as the power of the Tailed Beast, he is actually much stronger now than he was in the same physical age group in that world.

At that time, if Naruto didn't use the power of the tailed beast, he couldn't easily deal with a large psychic beast within a few moves.

That's right, Naruto, who seems to have fallen into his trap, is actually still everything he expected.

According to Jiu Xinnai's warning quotes: the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others!

A well-known common sense: Only very beautiful women can get the passive effect of special attack on Naruto!

In other words, in fact, Naruto can only fall into his tricks under the charm of a beautiful woman, and the patriarch of the earth spider clan is a male through and through.

And the fact is the same, from the past to the present, it seems that all the successful routines of Naruto are women.

On the surface, he is not feminine, and looks like a straight man of steel, but in fact, he is unexpectedly as fragile as a paper tiger when facing the beautiful big sister, pretty little loli or pretty beast mother.

You might as well make it clearer, even if Naruto was caught off guard by the trick of the little loli on the side of the road, it is impossible for Naruto to be fooled by him.

Accompanied by two more screams, two groups of dazzling fireballs flew out of the cave passage, and at the same time a slim and pretty figure appeared beside Naruto.

Tall figure, graceful white long legs, almost the entire back is exposed, yes, this woman is none other than Naruto's four-star follower, Burning Escape の Hakura.

And in this era, no one except her would dress like this.

Ye Cang opened his mouth and said to Naruto: "Those girls are already safe, what should we do next..."

That's right, Umeyuri and Hakura were originally reincarnated bodies of the dirt, and they maintained a psychic contract with Naruto, that is to say, as long as Naruto wanted, he could channel the two of them from afar to his side.

It's just that he won't do it when it's not necessary. It's why he complained about why Yu Yuli didn't come.

After all, the ninja's normal walking speed is very fast. Who would have thought that Fei Ye would bring his sister here to catch the rape, bah, come here to make trouble?

Before fighting the huge spider, Naruto would naturally make a careful layout as usual, such as summoning Yekura and Uyuri as the general reserve team that did not move.

Just when Naruto was about to speak, suddenly, a gust of wind hit Naruto's side, and at the same time, a large amount of dust and gravel covered the sky and sun.

However, just when the wind was several meters away from Naruto, suddenly, an opposite air current resisted the dust-laden wind and waves.

Yes, this is exactly the airflow produced by Naruto's chakra eruption at that moment just now.

At this moment, he can only be described in one sentence: elegant!It is so elegant!

Chapter 289: Sarutobi Satsuki Appears!

The dust all over the sky dissipated a little due to the collision of these two air currents, and a huge black monster with a size that I don't know how to describe was flying above in the clear sky.

Ye Cang looked at the monster in front of him, and frowned, "What kind of monster is this......"

However, although the monster in front of her was strange in appearance, she was not too surprised. It seemed that she was used to it after being with Naruto and seeing all kinds of strange monsters.

Naruto's expression remained calm, but he slowly uttered two words, "Enlightenment..." Obviously, he was not surprised by the situation in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Ye Cang asked, and at the same time, she dared not take a step away from the monster in front of her.

Naruto said slowly: "Humanity is vast, immortality is insignificant, and ghosts are happy. This is also a kind of enlightenment..." While speaking, he closed his eyes with his hands behind his back, and continued to pretend to explain profoundly: "The enlightened one , Enlightenment also, born with enlightenment, moved with enlightenment, and died with enlightenment... Enlightenment is the name of this monster..."

As we all know, any enemy with a normal IQ will not give you time to speak lines at length.

Just like when Naruto was speaking, this huge black monster had already launched an attack.

It flapped its wings, and countless black feathers shot toward the place where Naruto was, like arrows.

However, don't forget that there is another reason. When you move forward with a heavy burden, there must be someone who is quiet, and vice versa.

For example, when Naruto was calmly explaining that he was going to put the Guraman on, Ye Cang beside him was concentrating on manipulating the burning flames to resist the attack of the opponent's black feather arrows.

And Naruto's ability to pretend to be cool in these years is all because Ye Cang is his bodyguard, carrying the burden for him.

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