At the same time, in the training ground of the Hyuga Clan, Hanabi is practicing Baguazhang.

"Damn it, how dare that guy haven't come to see me for so many days! It's my birthday in two days...that guy..."

The more Huahuo thought about it, the angrier she became, she angrily hit the stake in front of her with her soft fist, or rather, in Huahuo's eyes, this stake was Naruto.

"Damn, hate, hate, dead Naruto stinky Naruto!"

With the last palm of the Eight Diagrams 32 Palms, the stake shattered.

Obviously, Huahuo at this time was affected by her anger, and she forgot that she is not alone now.

Her father...the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hyuzu, and other Hyuga clansmen knelt around and examined her practice results.

Although her words just now were very quiet, they couldn't escape the ears of the people around her, and she could still hear some of them.

But this is not surprising, as long as anyone with a discerning eye can see that the souls of the two eldest ladies of the family have long been hooked by the fox kid, and they don't know what kind of sorcery the kid used.

Reward announcement

All old bounties have been returned

The deadline for this reward is until 2:23 pm on February 5

Recommendation ticket: add 1000 more for every 1

For example: now the recommendation ticket is 1437, add one change to 2000, add one change to 3000, and so on

5000 will add two updates (special case)


Monthly ticket: over 100 plus 1 update

For example: the current monthly ticket is 126, one change will be added when it reaches 200, and one more change will be added when it reaches 300


Reward: Add 10000 update for every 1 cat biscuits, add 20 updates for a big treasure chest

For example: Now that the reward is 161288, one update will be added when it reaches 170000, and one update will be added when it reaches 180000, and so on, but Nero with five updates or more can only be cleared on the day it is put on the shelf, umm ( ??ω?? )


Just to be on the safe side, if there is a rewarding local tycoon, remember to confirm with Nero (meaning that Nero has entered a state of explosive liver and life, umm)

Blade: add 100 for every 1

For example: now the blade is 50, if it reaches 100 plus 1 update, the cap will be rewarded


Group number: 587286593, you can join the group to remind Gengmu

Chapter 041 Reminiscing about how Little Huahuo was "deceived" by the demon fox kid

"Patriarch, do you really want to let it go like this?" A person sitting next to Hyuga Hyuzu couldn't help but whispered in his ear.

Rizu didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something.

Getting closer to the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki... This will only make the Hyuga clan fall into the public eye in Konoha, but to be honest, Hyuga is the largest existing family in Konoha, and it would be a lie to say that he has no ambitions.

Even if the lessons learned from the demise of the Uchiha clan were there, it would not be able to extinguish Hinata's ambition as a big clan.

Rizu was silent for a long time...

"Don't intervene, keep monitoring, report the situation regularly... Also, let Xia follow her..." Hinata Hizuru said.

The next thing to stabilize the old bigots in the family...those stupid old bigots are only going to corrupt the family.

Nizuzu has always been watching Huahuo's thoughts on that little ghost with nine tails. Even though he is not smart, his white eyes are still very useful.

Every time Hanabi meets Naruto, she will persuade Naruto to move into Hyuga's house with various reasons, such as...

"If you move to the Hyuga Clan, those guys won't dare to harass you anymore..."

"I see you, you don't know anything about aristocratic etiquette... How about it! It's not that I, Hanabi-sama, can't teach you!"

That's all for nothing, she even directly suggested that Naruto change his surname to Hinata, and she almost asked Naruto to marry her.

And the reason why Hanabi fell in love with Naruto is also very simple...

This is already what happened two years ago, and it is also two or three years after the Uchiha extermination incident.

That day was winter, it was the end of the new year, and the snow was flying. Naruto was walking on the street in a down jacket, and he was just wandering around with nothing to do (to solve his stomach problem)...

That's right, even Naruto will have to change into warm winter clothes due to physical limitations at this age.

'Hey!Go buy that for me! '

'And that!And that! '

'Well, buy them all for me! '

In my mind, these voices came continuously, chirping, but Naruto was unmoved, just pretending not to hear, quickened his pace away from the market and shops, and walked in the direction of the park where no one was.

There is no other reason. As early as a few days ago, his pocket money was deducted and his wallet was empty.

A dead old man will pull sideways, that group of bullying brats can collect protection fees, but can’t collect the protection fees of these bullying brats?What the hell.

But fortunately, I have a wide network of resources, and I can barely maintain it by relying on Cengfan.

In school, I just rub Shikamaru Choji Ino and the others. If I stay overnight, I go to Sazuki. Anyway, Sazuki is alone at home, ummm...

At this time, Naruto has completely ignored the constant noisy voice in his mind, just thinking about solving the problem of the next meal.

Walking and walking, it was time to pass the park, and then, the following scene appeared.

"Run away!"

"Help! Naruto-sama!"

"very scary......"

Three children who were about the same age as Naruto ran out of the park, as if they wanted to find a savior, they grabbed Naruto's arm or a pair of trousers and hid behind him.

Naturally, Naruto also knew them, the three people who always liked to bully their peers in the past, that is, the short, fat and thin trio...

It's just that I was often taught by myself, and now I have behaved (Naruto's illusion), anyway, they haven't been beaten for several months.

However, judging by their bruised and swollen faces, they must have offended someone, right?Naruto judged.

But before he had time to think about it, Naruto saw the culprit who made them into this miserable state.

"Hmph! It seems that you are their leader!"

Naruto looked for the sound, and saw a little loli standing in front of him, who looked only five or six years old.

She embraced her arms, held her head high, and stared directly at him with white eyes that symbolized the identity of the Hyuga clan, and her eyes were full of hostility.

Naruto's eyelids twitched, and the corners of his mouth quivered slightly.

"So, you were beaten by her?"

Anyway, this age is too...even for the Hinata family...

The three people with bruised noses and swollen faces nodded desperately, but they didn't dare to speak, their trembling bodies had already exposed their fear.

Naruto's face was full of black lines, and his eyes showed disdain for the three of them.

"I see, you...let's remake..." Naruto said to them.

Naruto didn't want to bother with them either, originally thinking that if it was just a matter of fact, if they really changed their minds and didn't take the initiative to provoke others, if someone bullied them unilaterally, then it would be fine to teach the bully a lesson, but... ..

Six years old, still a girl, anyway too...

If I do it myself, if it spreads to the school, my notoriety will be...become a joke...

Naruto was about to turn around and leave, so let them be beaten by this little girl, which can be regarded as a long-term memory for the people, and it would be good to experience the role reversal of bullying and being bullied, Naruto thought so.

However, it is no longer up to him to decide whether to leave at this time.

"You were the one who bullied my sister with them, right?" the girl said again.

Naruto tilted his head slightly, with a puzzled look on his face, "Huh?"

"Hmph, I want you to pay the price!" said the girl.

As soon as she finished speaking, she made a Baguazhang gesture, and then quickly attacked Naruto.

The ending is of course not even a thought, it only takes less than 1 minute...

Naruto locked her hands behind her back, and Naruto knelt and pressed her petite body to the ground.

Although it was a short fight, Naruto generally understood why she was able to beat the three older guys at a young age...

At this age, you can use the Baguazhang of the Hinata family...

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

No matter how she struggled on the ground, under Naruto's absolute strength, it would be useless.

"Go away!" Naruto shouted at the three of them.

After the three of them expressed their thanks quickly, they scrambled and left as quickly as possible.

These two people, no matter which one they are, are existences they cannot afford to provoke.

The white-eyed young girl's delicate face was already red from the snow on the ground, and her eye sockets became moist.

Naruto didn't think too much to make things difficult for her, he just wanted to preach a little bit and let her go, after all, she was still young, she was just a child.

But just when Naruto wanted to just let her go...

"Bastard! Let me go!!"

Naruto's face darkened immediately, he took a deep breath, and he couldn't care about like a little ghost, it's New Year's Eve, forget it, she's just a child.

Just when Naruto was thinking this way, the next second...

"Don't touch me with your vile dirty hands!"

danger!The anger value exploded!

The cry of the little girl resounded throughout the park accompanied by the sound of papapa.

Chapter 042

Of course, it was just putting her on his lap, taking off his pants, and hitting her hard a few times.

After all, it's very cold, and the clothes are a bit thick, so if you don't take off your pants, it won't work.

While doing it, Naruto did not forget to preach the truth, but she didn't listen to these words at all.

There was only one thought in her mind, that her body...was defiled, no longer pure, and...he was responsible for himself...

The slap marks on the butt will disappear, but the girl will never forget this humiliation... She will always remember this day in her heart.

For Naruto, he naturally wouldn't write down this kind of thing deliberately, he just treated it as an ordinary fight, and taught a little devil who didn't know what to do to provoke him.

That night, at Hinata's house, in Hinata's second miss's boudoir, Hanabi just lay on the bed, buried her head in the pillow, her eyes were reddish, and the hot feeling on her buttocks still didn't subside.

Also since this day, she has been completely entangled with Naruto, almost coming to fight with Naruto whenever she has free time.

Although every time they fight, the result is the same, Huahuo will run home with her buttocks blushing, and it's like this day after day.

No matter how long the strategy progress bar is, it will naturally become what it is now after being pulled up by Naruto over time...

The time goes back to the present on March 25th. At this time, Naruto has actually graduated from the ninja school for more than [-] days. In two days, it will be the eighth birthday of the second daughter of the Hinata clan, Hinata Hanabi.

It's noon now, and this delicate, lovely, mouth-watering (Konoha Security Bureau warns: Konoha is never outside the law) white-eyed little loli is standing at the gate of the park.

She folded her hands, and held a booklet in her arms, her eyes were closed tightly, and she looked like she was not close to strangers.

Unlike usual, today's Huahuo was accompanied by a beautiful maid who stood aside respectfully. As a servant of the branch family, she naturally had no right to interfere in the private affairs of this young lady of the clan.

At this time, Naruto walked towards Hanabi, step by step, slowly.

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