
"Naruto, do you like the fragrance on my body?" Xiaoxue whispered in Naruto's ear, her tone was a little different from before, with a seductive tone. .


"I always think you like to smell my body! And it's all very strange places..."

"Illusion, your illusion!" Naruto denied.

Xiaoxue kicked Naruto's feet with her toes, and at the same time blew softly in Naruto's ear, "Do you like my feet, huh..."

Flirting between couples in the passionate love period... It is not an exaggeration to describe them this way, the words have become so numb that even Kakashi, who has read pornographic books, can't listen to them.

Although it was whispering, the voice was very small, and it was far away, but Zuo Yue could still vaguely hear some of it.

Koyuki's flirtation with Naruto continues....

"Naruto, do you know how many ways there are to kiss? We can try them all tonight... But don't worry too much, the time is still very long..."

Zuo Yue lowered her head gradually, and Liu Hai just covered her sharing eyes.

At this time, Sakura, who came to look for Sazuki, just came over...

"Sayue-kun?" Sakura saw Zuoyue greeted, and trotted over.

Sakura came in front of Zuoyue with a twisted posture...

"Sazuki-kun, um, um...I want you to guide me in my practice..." Sakura said.

"Go away..." Zuo Yue said.

She faintly uttered these two words, then turned around and left without looking back, leaving only Xiao Ying who stood still and hadn't recovered.

"Sazuki..." Sakura's eyes wavered.

She couldn't help but look at Naruto again, after all, it has become a habit for her to ask Naruto for help.

However, when she saw Naruto flirting with other girls, and the other girl was a noble princess, she always felt that there was a hard stone in her heart and she couldn't breathe.

It's okay for Zuoyue-kun to ignore me, but even Naruto, who has been by his side all the time... Sakura feels more and more uncomfortable.

After Kakashi Sazuki and Sakura left, and the servants also received Xiaoxue's order to leave the room temporarily, there were only Xiaoxue and Naruto in the living room, and Xiaoxue no longer had any scruples.

That's right, the intimate behavior in front of Kakashi Zuoyue and the others before was already so scrupulous that Xiaoxue suppressed herself with their presence, but now...

Naruto's ears were sucked by Xiaoxue, and her hands had already penetrated into Naruto's clothes, groping up and down Naruto's body.

From the neck of the ear, the hickey marks left by Xiaoxue can be seen every inch of the skin.

"Naruto..." Xiaoxue called Naruto softly from time to time while kissing.

At night, in Xiaoxue's room...

There was warm heating in the room, and Xiaoxue was wearing a thin nightgown.

However, this pajama dress seems a bit too see-through, and the sexy-style underwear she is wearing can be vaguely seen.

Naruto was sitting cross-legged on the ground and arranging the ninja gear, while Xiaoxue was sitting at the dressing table and combing her messy hair in front of the mirror, explaining the floor heater to Naruto by the way...

Now the season is approaching the end of August, but the Snow Country is still frozen for thousands of miles, and the effect of the geothermal heater is only temporary.

It takes only a few days to change the climate and environment of a small country with decades of chakra reserves... that is, the activation of this machine requires a huge chakra...

"Is it a huge chakra... how many chakra do you need..." Naruto replied absent-mindedly.

For a moment, Naruto was thinking about using Tailed Beast Chakra as an energy source, and whether this black technology can bring the ninja world into the era of industrial punk.

After all, Chakra changes the weather environment to make all things grow. If you think about it this way, Mudun also makes plants grow. Then... the birth of the Mudun grain world will solve the food problem in one step?

"How many calories?" Xiaoxue stopped her hands and looked at Naruto, "Is it a unit of measurement?"

"That's right, literally, the Ninja Hatake Kakashi is used as the Chakra unit, and one Kakashi is the Chakra amount of one Kakashi..." Naruto said.

In another room, Kakashi stayed with Sazuki Sakura, and explained to them the situation on Naruto's side, planning the next action, but Kakashi started to sneeze while talking .

"Oh? Haven't the locks been unlocked yet?" Sakura asked in surprise.

Kakashi nodded, while observing the reaction of Zuoyue at the side.

Because Zuoyue has been reticent these days, and her personality has become more and more gloomy, Kakashi even regrets her behavior of fighting the fire before, I'm afraid it was too much...

But Kakashi didn't know that Naruto, who hadn't seen them all day today, was now trapped in the tender land of a foreign princess who didn't want to return.

In Xiaoxue's room, this beautiful girl walked up to Naruto and sat on the floor like Naruto.

There are blankets on the floor, which are washed and changed every day, as are the sheets and bedding. In addition, Xiaoxue doesn't have that kind of serious cleanliness, so she doesn't stick to these details.

Xiaoxue just sat beside Naruto, leaning on Naruto's shoulder...the two were talking like this, telling each other their hearts, pouring out their hearts to each other...

At the same time, on Zuo Yue's side... She stood by the window in the corridor, staring outside in a daze, not knowing what she was looking at.

The original normal pupils have also turned red, showing the shape of a jade...the fists are gradually clenched...

She closed her eyes, and the rumors that had been heard among the maids during the day gradually emerged in her mind.

"Have you heard? Snow Princess...no, Your Lady Queen...with that Konoha ninja..."

"Well, I've heard about it too! The child beside Her Lady Queen is so cute... Even if it were me..."

"You think so beautifully..."

"That poor child was just like that by Her Majesty Queen... oh..."

She opened her eyes again, and the Ergouyu in her pupils was spinning at an extremely fast speed, and she was going to find out tonight.

Although there are maids guarding the door of Xiaoxue's room, it is very easy for Zuoyue to avoid them from being discovered.

Listening to the indescribable voice coming from the room, finally, Zuoyue's Sharingan has evolved into... Sangouyu Sharingan...

Another day passed, and on this day Kakashi received an order from the Konoha Elders to bring Fuka Koyuki and Naruto back together.

The Land of Snow may not have a big name for the time being, the ruler is San Taifu, and there are other Konoha ninjas stationed there, anyway, Koyuki is just a sham... But Konoha must not take the risk of losing her ninchu power.

It has taken nearly a month now, and it will be mid-September at the earliest if we go back to Konoha by sea.

So now Kakashi is planning a route back by land. With the speed of a ninja, she will be able to return to Konoha very quickly, although it will take some risks...

Kakashi was worrying about the route planning, while Naruto and Koyuki on the other side were living a romantic life.

For example, now Xiaoxue takes Naruto out of the city to play without any worries, to see the snowy scenery of the Snow Country... Well, to put it bluntly, it is a date.

On the sled, Xiaoxue just hugged Naruto by the waist and let him sit on her lap, while she drove the sleigh.

This is also the advantage of being a lady, you can enjoy the meaty seat of the big sister... In short, Xiaoxue's girlfriend is full of strength now.

Along the way, Xiaoxue enthusiastically introduced to Naruto's ears the advantages of various xu and various you in the Snow Country, and promised various benefits...

"Naruto, what's the matter, isn't the scenery here great?"

"What do you want to eat today? I told them to do it..."

"Drink with me at night? I haven't had a drink for a long time!"

Naruto didn't know why, at this very moment, he always felt like he had met a chatterbox version of a purple-haired old woman.

Just as Xiaoxue was still talking about love in Naruto's ear, suddenly, Naruto hugged her back and flew her out of the sleigh.

Boom!There was an explosion, and the sleigh was blown to pieces.

Before Xiaoxue, who was brought to the snow by Naruto, could react, Naruto made mudras with both hands, wrapped Xiaoxue in the cocoon with her hair, and tied it to her body with a hair rope.

At the same time, a few more shots of Kunai were fired towards Naruto... Naruto just rolled and easily dodged.

"Hey, it's not bad to reach out, Konoha's ninja, but that's it! The point of understanding is to surrender!"

Accompanied by the voice of an immature girl, a girl's figure emerged from the snowdrift not far in front of Naruto.

With short black hair, black pupils, and a handsome face, he looks two years older than Naruto.

On his forehead is the forehead guard of Yanyin Village, wearing the winter uniform of Yanyin Ninja, and his Yanyin vest can prove that he is at least the level of Zhongnin and above.

"I, Konoha, can't bear to kill the unknown person, quickly report the name!" Naruto shouted.

Rewinding the time to 10 minutes ago, a girl was walking on the snowy mountain road outside Daimyo City of the Snow Country, kicking the snowflakes under her feet from time to time, and she seemed to be sulking.

"Hmph, a group of cowards, looking forward and backward... What are these Konoha ninjas worth being afraid of! This is clearly the sphere of influence of our Land of Earth..."

"How can I say that I am also a genius of Yan Yin's younger generation, are you still afraid of these guys? I can complete the task alone, hmph!"

This chattering and complaining girl is the granddaughter of Iwagakushi's third generation Tsuchikage Onogi, a genius who has been rarely seen in ten years in Iwagakushi, and the genius ninja Kuroto of Iwagakushi who has the limit of melting and escape blood inheritance...

Chapter 187 About Having Two Princesses Be My Wife

Of course, this is the girl who is now lying on the ground with Naruto kneeling and pressing her neck, the corner of her mouth is still bleeding.

"Ahem, it's too heavy, I can't breathe..." Heitu said with difficulty, at this moment she just felt out of breath.

That's right, as soon as they met each other, Naruto gave her a quick slap.

Rewind time to 1 minute ago...

Black Soil is here!Black Earth used Melting Escape!Rong Dun hit it!It's a doppelganger!

Then it was like this now, Naruto who had already circled behind her directly kicked her in the side of the face with a knight, and knelt her down like this, without any intention of pity.

At this time, Xiaoxue had also come out of the cocoon, and she recognized this forehead protector at a glance...

"This forehead protector, she is a ninja from the Land of Earth, but how could it be..." Xiaoxue said.

She doesn't know much about ninjas, but it's not to the extent that she doesn't know anything about ninjas.

Naruto skillfully summoned the chains from the scroll, tied her up and put on a mouth ball.

In this way, Naruto captured Tsuchikage's granddaughter alive so simply.

Afterwards, Naruto didn't delay any longer, and directly knocked her unconscious, and finally put a blindfold on the list, with Xiaoxue on his back and the black soil in one hand, and rushed back to the capital of the Snow Country.

When Naruto brought the Iwagakure ninja back, and Kakashi confirmed his identity from Naruto and the Iwagakure ninja, her face was full of disbelief.

Should it be said that Naruto is strong... Or should he be said to be lucky...Although luck is also a kind of strength...

In the front Danzo and Jiraiya-sama's army of Konoha ninjas confronted the army of Iwagakure ninjas led by Tsuchikage Onogi. At this time, Tsuchikage's granddaughter was captured... Everyone knows what this means with what...

"We must rush back to Konoha immediately..." Kakashi said.

"But..." The third wife on the side wanted to say something, but Kakashi explained before he finished speaking.

"The Snow Country doesn't have the military power to deal with Iwagakure, it's too dangerous to stay here..." Kakashi said.

It has only been half an hour since Naruto captured Kuroto back, before the other party found out and reacted, he left the Snow Country, rushed back to the Fire Country, and brought Kuroto to the Konoha Ninja Army who were confronting each other on the front line as a bargaining chip ...This is a decision she made after careful consideration.

In this way, Kakashi and his party set off... Although the third wife still wanted to stop them, what Kakashi said was well-founded: the chains cannot be opened, and if they stay behind, they will only be in danger of being wiped out , only with Xiaoxue...

And San Taifu wanted to say that Naruto should stay alone. After all, he hadn't heard about the matter between Naruto and Koyuki, so he thought it was okay to let Naruto stay with Koyuki... ..

However, it wasn't that Kakashi didn't think that San Taifu would tell Naruto to keep this.

However, it is unacceptable to let Nine-Tails Jinchuriki stay in the Snow Country... The value of a single Jinchuriki is much greater than the value of a remote small country, and Kakashi will not Put your own disciples in danger of their lives.

Kakashi motioned for Naruto and the others to go ahead, and then said to San Taifu.

"Iwain should send envoys to negotiate with you, the minister of the Snow Country... Regarding the disappearance of the black earth, I will not admit that I don't know about it, and promise to send people to find it. Delaying time..." Kakashi said.

The ninja's land travel is very fast, and they can cover thousands of kilometers in just a few days. Soon they changed from cotton-padded winter clothes to summer clothes.

The snow on Naruto's back is also changed into unlined clothes, and the skin-to-skin relationship with Naruto is even closer.

Xiaoxue, who has completely belonged to Naruto physically and mentally, has no objection to leaving the Snow Country with Naruto. In her eyes, no one can break the chain between herself and Naruto... No matter what happens Whatever happens, Naruto will always be with him, live and die together... There is nothing more reassuring than this.

So along the way, not only did Xiaoxue not feel any uneasiness, but she kept whispering love words in Naruto's ear, and secretly kissed Naruto's ears and neck from time to time...

"How is it, is it comfortable, huh..."

This has caused Naruto to dare not give Xiaojiu visual permission and hearing permission these days, and Naruto has always had a premonition that he will be caught by Chai Dao...

Along the way, Xiaoyuki's intimacy with Naruto was able to hide from Sakura, who was not observant enough, and Kakashi was also concentrating on the vigilant surroundings, deducing the contingency methods for emergencies in her mind, so she also Only Zuoyue, who was paying attention to Naruto, saw Xiaoxue and Naruto's words and deeds.

what is this?Heartache?This is the first time that Zuoyue feels very painful in her heart because of something other than genocide revenge, and the Sangouyu Sharingan in her pupils appears and disappears from time to time.

As if Sharingan was responding to her inner emotions, Zuo Yue could feel her pupil power growing rapidly during this time.

This also led to the premise that Naruto did not notice, and even Zuo Yue himself did not notice that his strength had improved rapidly during this period of time.

Naruto carried Koyuki and Kakashi on his back, and they had almost arrived at the Daimyo Castle in the Land of Fire...

Along the way, Xiaoxue talked and laughed with Naruto, and the conversation continued.

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