But my daughter is 5 years old!

And it's so cute!

He is also loved by the captain - or, in other words, his future husband.


Huahuo felt ashamed for a while. se. At the same time, it feels like eating honey.

The only pity is that it seems to have to wait for a long time.

Because in reality, I am only 9 years old now.

And the video also said that her daughter, Hua Ling, seems to be the youngest, the last born among the sisters.

In other words, if sister Hinata and teammate Xiaonan haven't "liked" the captain, they are still far from the time.

——So sister, hurry up!

Huahuo quickly glanced at Xiaonan not far away.

Obviously, it was also revealed in the video just now that she will have a daughter with Captain Captain in the future.

It is because the confession video mentioned that she and the captain "did even that kind of thing", and it seemed that she was pregnant at the time (although there was no obvious sign at all)

, Moreover, a certain name mentioned in the video just now is undoubtedly a perfect match for her.

"Little Blue..."

Xiao Nan muttered to himself for a while.

The child named [Xiao Lan], eight or nine out of ten, should be...

from myself.

After all, Qingyun is the only one who has something to do with [Lan].

In the original future, it seemed that the assassination failed, but her daughter still lived well.

After all, she is also his daughter!

The self at the time of this video should no longer be alive, right?

I really want to see my future daughter...


On the other side, Chimeweed from the water village was in a trance at this moment.

Well, originally, beside Mr. Qingyun, he was not the only one who didn't have a confession video, after all, there was another Huahuo who also didn't have a confession video!but now…

Huahuo has already fast-forwarded to the time when her daughter is 5 years old.

and I?


Sure enough, he was alone, and nothing happened to Qingyun-kun. ..."Chickweed..."

Not far away, Xi Hihong looked at Shuicun Chiwei, thinking to herself.

In fact, I think that [Jian Jin] mentioned in the video just now has something to do with you?

Blue-purple flowers, isn't that your hair color and how you name it?Of course, all of this depends on Qing Yun's intentions... "Xiao Nan..."

In the Land of Rain, Yuyin Village, and a certain tower, Nagato was also slightly in a daze at this time.

In the original future 293, it seems that Xiao Nan not only failed in the assassination, but also gave birth to that guy's daughter for nothing. ...In addition, her daughter's strength seems to be quite strong...

After all, it is mentioned in the video that at the age of about 5 years old, [Hua Ling] could blow up a hill a kilometer away with one punch, and [then I’ll go hit the hill again] when he’s fine,— This is obviously already terrifying.

As a result, her strength seems to be completely inferior to her sisters [Jan Jin] and [Xiao Lan] and others? !

What kind of terrifying ability does that Goddai Qingyun have? Not only has he raised the women around him to be extremely powerful, but also his daughters are all monsters! "[I want to go out with Kaguya to do something]..."

On the other side, in a dark place, where black and white are perfect, the black half is silent, and a certain sentence mentioned in the video just now echoes in my heart.


Go out with Hui Ye to do something?That Kaguya you mentioned...

Is she the one with silver hair, white pupils, and a reincarnation writing eye on her forehead?

But it's impossible! ! !

How could it be possible that Kaguya Hime was also with that Kaminari Haruka...

It must have just been a name hit.

I don't know where there is another woman named Hui Ye.

Next, you can look for it when you have time.

If he could find that Kaguya, maybe he could use her to ambush Kamidai Haruzu.

After all, although I have been adhering to the principle of "you are strong and you are strong, and you are old and dead, I am king" for thousands of years, and I will never come out from behind the scenes to do anything unless I am sure. It makes me feel more and more that I can no longer spend my life slowly with the other party.

That guy is really likely to end the battle between Indra and Asura in this era, and even change the whole world.

The Kaleidoscope Sharingan in the previous video, the Samsara Eye on Yunyin’s battlefield, the thousands of hands of Mu Dunzhen in front of the five-sealing barrier, and the amazing sword that easily broke the five-sealing barrier in reality, and the amazing space-cutting sword, There is also the special ability to train women and daughters into monster-level masters. That man, his strength may have even surpassed Indra and Asura in the past, and he faintly has the posture of chasing the Sage of the Six Paths and even Kaguya Ji!

No, it should be said that even Sage of the Six Paths and Kaguya Ji can't match that cultivation ability!

That powerful ability, maybe even Kaguya Ji will be envious when seeing it, and then let him.

etc!This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

I am the only heir of Kaguya Ji's will, and after Kaguya Ji recaptures the world, I am the only actual agent, in charge of this world, how could it be possible for that sudden appearance of the god Haruhito to seize all of this, Even Kaguya Hime. …

I will definitely stop all of this!

"Black, why do I feel that you are in a hurry?" At this time, the white half beside you said leisurely.

"Huh? Am I in a hurry?" Hei Jue said.

"Well, I can understand it too!" Bai Jue said, "After all, even a five-year-old daughter can blow up a hill a kilometer away with one punch, that Kamyo Harumo is indeed a terrifying opponent." There is also a new woman [Kaguya], I don’t know who she is, when will there be a video of her confession!”

As Bai Jue spoke, he was filled with anticipation again.

After all, even though he is Madara's manager, Bai Jue, who doesn't even know what it's like to poop, usually doesn't have much fun. Watching a movie is also a great pleasure!

Hearing Bai Jue's words, Hei Jue remained silent for a long time.

I just cursed secretly in my heart.

If it was translated into the language of a country with a history of thousands of years in the three-dimensional world, it would be—Nima!

Chapter 141 Over a dozen Kaguya Princesses were born overnight!

Different from the previous videos, this time, the video about Huahuo not only hints at the whole process of [Huahuo's confession], [Huahuo's marriage] in the form of [fast forward to the child's 5 years old], but also for the first time. , implying the existence of other women who have not appeared in the video before.

One by one Kaguya!

This is important information!

In the past, Temari and Konan were involved even in Samyi’s confession video, but at that time, Temari and Konan had already had a formal confession video, and they had already officially appeared on the stage. Temari and Konan’s names appeared in the When Samui confessed in the video, people already knew who Temari and Xiaonan were.

Only this time, that [Kaguya] who was mentioned by Qingdai Qingyun himself and called him by his name, appeared in other people's videos before the confession video came out!

Moreover, Kaguro Haruhime's wife, Hinata Hanabi, also seems to be very familiar with her. When she heard her name, she didn't have any "strange" reaction at all. Obviously, Kaguya and Hinata Hanabi were also acquaintances.

And at the same time, she can be acquainted with Qingyun Jindai and Hanabi Hinata who is raising children at home. What kind of existence would such a woman be like?

As we all know, the women who are close to Qingyun Jindai are basically his wives.

Of course, it may also be the wife's older sister or sister or something.

As for his wife.Mom, it's impossible, because Jindai Qingyun called that [Kaguya] by his first name, which obviously wasn't to his wife.mom. The way to call it,—unless that guy turned out to be a stalker.

As for the family backgrounds of Qingyun's wives, because the whole world is concerned, the corresponding information has already been spread out.

The information that can be made public at present——among the wives of Jindai Qingyun, Hinata, who was the first to make a confession video, has only one younger sister, which is the "children are five years old" Hanabi in this video.

The second Uzuki Xiyan who was on camera has no sisters.

Temari, the third one on camera, is the eldest sister herself, and has two younger brothers named Kankuro and the well-known Gaara. She has no sisters.

Uzumaki Karen, the fourth to be photographed, was a homeless person before joining Konoha.

Then there is Konoha Princess Tsunade Hime who released the famous mission "Being the husband of the Sixth Hokage or the Fifth Hokage". die.

Then there is Yuhihong who has the classic saying "I want to have a child with you". Her father died in the Kyuubi Rebellion, and she is the only one in the family.

Then there is Xiaonan who "does even that kind of thing", who is a homeless person like Uzumaki Xianglin.

Then there is Terumi Mei of the Fifth Mizukage who "want to marry a Mizukage".

And after hearing that the other party had accepted Temari and Konan, the two beauties from other villages, I also offered to send up the Yunyin beauty Samui who was slightly older than Tsunade.

There is also a Chizume Mizumura who is known as the "woman who signed a contract with the sea" although there is no confession video. At first glance, she has the ability to be the person of Haruka Kamidai.

And among these 11 people, except for the sisters Hinata Hanabi, none of the others have sisters!

In other words, that [Kaguya] is the "wife's older sister or younger sister" of Kaguro Haruhime, this possibility basically does not exist!

And besides, "I want to go out with Kaguya to do some errands". ——What kind of person is Haruka Kamidai?If he wants to do business, can the people he brings be ordinary people?

That Kaguya, if he didn't have enough strength, not at least equal to Hinata Hanabi and others, why would Kaguro Harumo do it with her instead of directly with Hinata Hanabi, or any other powerful wife around him?

There is only one possibility - that Kaguya, the strength is quite extraordinary!

But is there such a powerful woman named [Kaguya] in the ninja world now?


Before Jindai Qingyun led the wives around him to rise rapidly, everyone knew that the first sister in the ninja world was Tsunade Hime!

Then came the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei!

That's about it!

In this world, although there are quite a few female ninjas, there are only a handful of them who can reach the top level and reach the level of "being able to work with Haruno Kamashiro"!

And, not to mention female ninja, even male ninja, if they want to go from being unknown so far, to a few years later in the video era, they will suddenly grow to a level of strength that "can work with Kamashiro Haruno". almost impossible!

Unless——like the other wives of Qingyun Jindai, she was developed and strengthened by Qingyun Jindai!

There is only one possibility!After all—[Obviously agreed, if I can blow up a hill a kilometer away with one punch, I can stop first and play with my father! 】

[They are older than me and stronger than me... I will play with them after I catch up with them. 】Listen, is this a human language?

The 5-year-old daughter punched a hill one kilometer away and thought she was too weak! !

And although it's not a human language, it further proves how terrifying the development and training ability of Qingyun of the Age of God is.

Only with such a terrifying cultivation ability, can that [Kaguya] grow rapidly from the current completely unknown to the top.Therefore, it can be deduced from all aspects that [Kaguya] is the 12th lady of Kagumo Haruno, who has not been known to the world so far!

Although it was just a short message, because there were so many people watching the show and eating melons, the corresponding in-depth information was quickly analyzed and disclosed by professionals from all walks of life around the world.out!

Bai Jue also deeply agrees and looks forward to it!

Looking forward to Kaguya's official confession!

As for Heijue, although he secretly scolded "Nima" in his heart, he soon pretended not to know a woman called [Kaguya], and solemnly proposed to Obito and Nagato to look for the unappeared girl one step ahead of time. [Hui Ye], maybe we can lay an ambush.

Regarding Hei Zee's proposal, Nagato said it made sense.

After all, we can no longer completely rely on Xiao Nan to deal with Jindai Qingyun, if this continues, Xiao Nan and that child [Xiaolan] of Jindai Qingyun will soon come out.

We must find another way to interrupt the plot!

So the Akatsuki organization quickly acted.

While looking for Renzhuriki, they were looking for [Kaguya]. Their search was very effective.

a few days later.

"How is the result?"

Akatsuki organized a remote meeting, Payne asked slowly.

"I found it!"

Among Didara and Scorpion who managed to escape and survived this time because they watched the future video before the war, Didara said proudly.

"Is that so..."

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