Although I didn't have any information about him before starting the fight, but my high-defense type had more chances of trial and error to test the opponent's skills.

If both sides know the intelligence of the other side, fight again...

Unless you explain it yourself.Unleash more power to guard the crane, otherwise, I am afraid it will be far more difficult than this one.

Is that thick eyebrow just a ninja of Konoha?

And——it seems that he is still a good friend of that Jindai Qingyun.

That's right, although this time the video, from beginning to end, only has a close-up shot of Haruno Kamdai.

However, just like Temari just now, at this time, the people who participated in the Chunin Exam finally remembered another thing.

That is, that Li Luoke seems to have a very good relationship with Jindai Qingyun!

Not only did Locke Li regard Qingyun Jindai as the most difficult opponent to challenge in the video just now, but he also said to Qingyun Jindai in public during the first round of the Chunin exam, "It's Qingyun-kun, not only Work hard, and your talent is also outstanding. I heard that you recently even demonstrated kage-level ninjutsu! Is this a unique move that is guaranteed to kill? I didn’t know it before. I really want to have a chance to see it in this Zhongnin exam. Let's do it!"

...0 That is to say - that Rock Lee who beat Gaara to that extent, actually...

Haven't seen the ultimate move of Qingyun Kamdai!

Qingyun Jindai hit him without even using his ultimate move!


No wonder, it was mentioned in the Temari video earlier that Haruhiko Kamashiro "let Gaara go".

Now think about it, everything is entirely possible!

Jindai Qingyun has a good relationship with Li Luoke, and they should have fought against each other, and Li Luoke regards him as the most difficult challenge object. It can be seen that the two of them usually compete with each other without making any ultimate moves, and Jindai Qingyun is stronger than Li Luoke.

And both of them have hidden tricks. If there is not much difference in the level of the unique moves, then the state of the ultimate move Qingyun Jindai is still greater than the state of the ultimate move Rock Lee.

In the state of the ultimate move, Rock Lee almost knocked out Gaara. Although Gaara made a comeback, he was once cornered.

So that means...

If it was Haruno Kindai who came up with a unique move...

It's not impossible for Gaara to be blown up! ! !

It is entirely possible that Kamdai Harumo, who is in the state of a unique move, can also push Gaara into a desperate situation, and, even unlike Rock Lee, give Gaara a chance to come back!

Even stronger than that watermelon rind with thick eyebrows, Haruko Kamiro!

Can blow up Gaara's Kamdai Harumo! ! !


Just thinking about it is terrifying!

Fortunately, I haven't rashly fought him in the death forest yet!

"Listen well, if you run into Jindai Haruyun or that watermelon rind with thick eyebrows, immediately give up all ambush and run away!"

"Especially that Jindai Haruno!"

In the death forest, a ninja team was ambushing somewhere, one of them quickly released the lurking at this time, and waved to the other two teammates, gathering them together.


Regarding the ninja's proposal, the other two teammates deeply agreed.

If you don't run away, are you waiting to be beaten? !

In the battle between watermelon rind with thick eyebrows and gourd baby without eyebrows just now, if it was me, no matter whether the opponent was watermelon rind or gourd baby, I would probably have died dozens of times!

What's more, that Kaminari Haruno whose strength is still above the thick eyebrows of watermelon rind!

Although he only took one shot this time, it seemed like he took dozens of shots!

Temari's confession video earlier clearly mentioned that in the original future, he did beat Gaara!

One can imagine the strength!

Of course, in fact, Qingyun wanted to say that the reason why there was only one close-up shot of himself in the video just now was because it was an intercepted original work, not a game.

It's just that in order to enhance the sense of participation, I took a close-up shot of myself from the game and mixed it in.

In fact, there is not so much special significance.He and Xiao Li just ran laps together and competed in endurance.

Others, you all think too much.

But he obviously won't say these things.

"Do you want to sneak attack him and become famous in one battle?"

Death Forest, another team, was also discussing the same thing at this time, and someone had a whim.

"Are you stupid? With his strength, he was even nominated for the Sixth Hokage a few years later! Do you want to try your hand in front of Hokage?!"


"All in all, retreat when you see him, without looking back! If you want to sneak attack him, go by yourself, and don't blame us for not saving you if he kills you back. We don't want to court death!"

"……Ok.".What to share

Chapter 61 Hinata's Strengthening!Gossip field!Coercion!locking!

In the Forest of Death, apart from Konoha 12 Xiaoqiang who has some acquaintance with Qingyun, all the teams quickly reached a consensus on what to do if they encounter Qingyun next time!

When you meet him, give up the ambush and run away immediately!

The abbreviation is four words one - run away when you see the cloud.

After all, the battle between Rock Lee VS Gaara has once again confirmed the reliability of the information indirectly mentioned in some previous confession videos!

Nominee of the Sixth Hokage, the man who defeated Gaara, Rock Lee's friend and biggest opponent - Haruhiko Kamdai, that is not someone at his current level who can provoke him at all!

"Are those thick eyebrows so powerful..."

There were only Konoha's teams. What was even more shocking at this time was Rock Li's explosion.With all his strength, he didn't think too much about Qingyun's strength.

After all, there was only one shot of Qingyun this time, and, a few months ago, he was not well-known in the ninja school, and everyone knew about it.

No matter how fast his strength has grown in the past few months, he can't really be stronger than the current Li, right?



Class [-], Sasuke cursed secretly.

I don't know whether to scold others or scold myself.

Jindai Qingyun, Li Luoke, in his same class, or a year or two close to him, there are so many people who are far stronger than him...


Kaiban and Neji were silent at this moment.

You practice that eight-door dunjia and open five doors. Do you really want to [defeat] me?

You want my life, right?

Of course, this is just a rant.

However, Li can be so powerful, next, even if he has learned the inside story of his father's death in the second video of Hinata a few months ago, and no longer resents the clan as before, he must try his best to become more powerful.

"That Gaara, is it really useful to carry that gourd on your back?" Beside, Li Ze thought to himself, "Next time it seems that I have to kick the gourd first."

"[Li], and Haruka Kamdai..."

Sand Hidden Group, Gaara at this time, while muttering to himself, looked at the clear clouds on the branches not far away.

"Then, do you still want to fight?" Qingyun said lightly.

Gaara didn't answer right away.The two looked at each other and stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Wait until I defeat that thick eyebrow again, next time, I will fight you again."

After a while, Gaara said slowly.

Originally, just abused.He who killed Yuyin's trio was full of momentum.

But after watching the video just now, the feeling of shock has largely replaced the previous murderous aura.

At this time, there is no certainty of victory, and at the same time, there is really no mood to fight right away for the time being.

"Then, I'll look forward to it." Qingyun said lightly.

It seems that I don't need to open up for the time being this time.

Coincidentally, the new big move that can be used to deal with the semi-awakened crane, if it is used alone, the enemy may dodge.

And if you want to ensure the hit rate, you need to have more chakras, use other skills, and first control and restrain the enemy to a certain extent.

Try your best, let's fight again after a month!

Gaara raised his hand, made a cork out of sand, and plugged the mouth of the gourd on his back.

Then, he left alone.

Behind, Temari and Kankuro followed silently.

"That guy..."

Before leaving, Temari glanced at Qingyun opposite again.

Can he really beat Gaara? …

And then you will save Gaara later?

What will happen in the future.

All the details are now unknown.

"Did he just use the puppet technique of our Sha Yin?" Kankuro thought to himself.

That Jindai Qingyun is not only proficient in the three ninjutsu of thunder, fire, and water, but also, the move that quickly pulled away his future girlfriend [Hinata] and others is very similar to the famous puppet technique of Sand Hidden Village!

And it works pretty well!

How much ability is that guy proficient in!

With all kinds of doubts, Shayin and the three finally left soon. "Qingyun-kun, thank you, thank you..."

At this moment, Hinata blushed and said to Qingyun.

"You're welcome." Qingyun said simply, "Let's go to the central tower first!" "Yes."

Everyone then went to the assembly tower in the middle of the forest.

Because it took some time to watch the video in the middle, when Qingyun and others arrived, the clock in the central tower was exactly 100 minutes past the time when they entered the death forest.

It took 40 hour and [-] minutes to pass the test, a little slower than Gaara and others who arrived first in the original book, but this speed obviously still shocked the examiners outside the death forest.

The news soon spread to the Third Hokage, and indirectly to Danzo.

"Sai and the others, did they fail..." Danzang secretly said.

He sent six people to assassinate him, but none of them succeeded!That Goddai Qingyun, it seems that he really can't be wiped out casually!

So now, continue to send people?

This is impossible.

This time the assassination failed, the other party must have become more vigilant, and with the strength of his good friend Li Luoke, Kaiban must pass the second round soon and meet at the central tower.At that time, the two combat forces of Jindai Qingyun and Li Luoke, Hinata Hinata and Ningji Hinata will roll their eyes, unless they send top-level combat forces, otherwise they will all give away their heads.

And the top combat power, the ninjutsu secret techniques he is proficient in, often have certain symbols. Through these clues, it is very possible to strip out his approximate identity.

Even if it can't be peeled off, the top combat power actually tried to assassinate the candidates in the joint Chunin exam. When the news spread, the matter spread to all countries, and Yulun was not as easy to control in Konoha Village.

And now, more importantly, have all the people sent to assassinate been killed, or is there something else going on?

Danzo frowned.

"It seems that it is not convenient to deal with him in this Chunin exam..." On the other side, Sandai Hokage thought to himself, "Then the only thing we can do is let him become a Chunin or even a Jonin as soon as possible."

Since it is inconvenient for me to kill you myself, there is only another method that is most suitable.

Murder with a knife.

Quickly give you the title of Chunin, Jonin, or even knot.Combined with the previous series of images, it is declared that you are Konoha's top elite Jonin.

Since it is an elite Jonin, it is reasonable to perform a few more A.-level and S-level tasks, right?

And then accidentally died by the enemy in an S-level mission, isn't that normal?

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