And besides the huge flood—"Boom!!"

In the sky, thunder and lightning rushed down at this moment, instantly bombarding the massive flood!

Moreover, it spread throughout the entire water body in an instant!

The body of water, with violent thunder, rushed towards Yu Hihong on the opposite side.

Thunder escapes water escapes.Thunder Water Waterfall Art!

"!!!!" Opposite, Yuhihong's beautiful red pupils couldn't help shrinking.

If you are swept in by such water.

That was not only a water escape attack, but also his own lightning attack!

That Terumi Mei found a complete countermeasure in an instant. Not only did he seal quickly and launch a counterattack against himself, but he even used his own lightning!

As for myself, it was a little too late to get out of the way!

After all, her physical skills are not very strong now!


A huge flood, with thunder and lightning in an instant, has already hit the front.


But at this moment, a figure appeared nearby.

At the same time, a looming goddess statue also unfolded instantly.

And then, stretch out a hand.

In her palm, a large vortex soon appeared.

In an instant, like a black hole, it quickly absorbed the surrounding water.

In a blink of an eye, all the thunder and lightning floods that were overwhelming were all sucked up and disappeared before the eyes, like a big fireball turned into a lighter, only a few remnants remained on the place close to the ground!

"!!!" Seeing this scene, on the opposite side, Terumi Mei's eyes couldn't help but move. "Could this be...?!"

The blow that flooded Wuyin Village thousands of miles away!

"Sure enough, I rushed over here. It seems that I care about her..." Outside the battle circle, Tsunade was talking to himself at this time.

The one who arrived at that moment and absorbed the flood of thunder and lightning was undoubtedly Qing Yun!

In other words, with the fairy mode on, there is a faster Qingyun!

After all, knowing Terumi Mei's strength, it is impossible for him to really ignore Yu Hihong's side.

Although Terumi Mei would not fight Konoha's people with all his strength at Konoha's home court, and did not bring out any of Rongdun and Bodun, even if Kuroyuki was defeated, it was impossible for him to be seriously injured or even killed. …

No one wants the woman around him to be beaten, right?

Face is still very important!

"Hokage-sama, next time you match your opponent randomly like this, I will flood your house." Qing Yun glanced at Tsunade not far away, and frowned.

Leapfrog fighting monsters is not for everyone!Even if it's not a game of life and death, who wants to be defeated in public?

"Well." Tsunade was slightly embarrassed.

Then I made a haha. "Hahaha, it won't be like this next time!" "..." Qingyun was slightly speechless.

"Qingyun, that... Thank you for your shot." Behind him, Xi Hihong said a little embarrassedly at this time.

It's not that it's embarrassing to ask him to rescue him, but that the first time I used the skills he developed to fight, I was almost completely defeated by my opponent.

It's so embarrassing.

"It's nothing, you've just learned a new technique, you haven't really mastered it yet, and you were directly brought by a certain guy to fight against top experts." Qingyun said softly.Said softly, while casting another glance at Tsunade not far away.

Tsunade quickly turned his eyes to other directions, not looking at Qingyun. 480 Don't look at me, I don't see anything, I don't hear anything.Qingyun: "..."

Just like the skill setting in the game, Yuhihong cannot perfectly control the lightning fall area in the early stage, and it takes a little time for the thunderclouds to collide, so the thunder may be transmitted by the enemy with water, or even reversed back, learn the fairy mode, chakra After the strength is increased, several lightning pillars can be realized at the same time to form a thunder array, and the falling lightning can be controlled within the area of ​​the thunder array, forming a closed lightning area, which will not be transmitted, which is the complete [Unlimited Thunder Control]. And the more In the later stage, the thunder formation will appear faster.

"The trick you just did was the trick to transfer the flood to Wuyin Village?" Terumi Mei said at this time on the opposite side.

"That's right." Qingyun said.

"Then where did you transfer the water just now?"

Wouldn't it be transferred to Wuyin Village again?

This time it's with thunder, turn it again, that's it.

"Ghost knows!" Qingyun spread his hands, "I said it all, that is random, I only know that it will be related to [water], or inversely related, maybe it is the sea, maybe it is a desert. With Lei, maybe it is possible to go to some place related to Lei!"

"Is that so..."

Terumi Mei murmured.

At the same time looked at him again.

I saw that the other party's face did not seem to be lying.

And with his ability to flash over and shoot just now, there is no need to make up any lies about this kind of matter.

Because, the shooting speed that guy showed just now——really fast!

He is no longer below the Kage class who has been designated as the Fifth Mizukage by default!

"Well, I'll just believe what you say."

"However, where did it go this time..."

The country of thunder.Yunyin Village.

"Have you heard that Wuyin Village recently sent envoys to Konoha, and I heard that it is Konoha's god Haruzu, who flooded Wuyin Village thousands of miles away. This is amazing."

A certain high platform, at this time, a brown skin.The man with white skin, short white hair, and BB candy in his mouth said nervously - "That Kamyo Haruno is so powerful at such a young age, if I face him in the future, I will Will he chop off his arm first, and then soak it in the water...ah, that's really miserable. What should we do then?"

"Stop saying annoying pessimistic things there!"

Beside him, a red-haired woman with dark skin, heard the man talking more and more later, and said loudly impatiently.

"Thousands of miles away, flooded and hidden in the fog? This kind of thing sounds like an excuse. How can someone be thousands of miles away and flood others! Why don't you say that he can also set off thunder from thousands of miles away! If you have the ability, start from Konoha Village, just throw a thunderbolt over my head, and I'll believe it! Don't you think so, Samui?"

As he said that, he looked at another woman with a model that was a circle bigger than Tsunade, taller, and with blond hair.

"This kind of thing..." The blond woman named Samyi thought for a while before opening her mouth to say something.

But at this time, I saw a sudden change of light and shadow in the sky.

"!!!" Seeing this, several people frowned, and quickly looked towards the sky.

After all, this has happened many times in the past few months, and a new video will appear next!

But this time, there was no video in the sky.

Instead, a strange maelstrom appeared.

And then—"Wow!!!!!!!!!"

In the maelstrom, as if the sky had been pierced, a large amount of flood suddenly poured down in an instant.Let it out!

Moreover, it also carries the thunder and lightning of "Ziz"! !


Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

The water came not only suddenly, but also in a large amount. In an instant, the few people who were waiting to watch the video and watch the show were caught off guard, and before they could even react, the water had flowed from the water in the blink of an eye. In the sky, tilt.Drain near the ground.

And then—"Wow...!!"

The pessimistic man, the impatient woman, and Samuel next to him who is a size bigger than Tsunade, and a man in sunglasses not far away who was holding a small notebook and writing something in the notebook, everyone, In an instant, he was drenched in water.


"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Karui, you're right! I'm going to be doomed!!"

There was thunder and lightning in the flood, and amidst the flood and thunder, there was a pessimistic man's pessimistic cry.

The woman named Karui, on the other hand, grinned her teeth from the lightning, while frowning tightly.

"What kind of situation is this?!!"

Chapter 93: White Fang Slashes Two Stages!Yun Yin came to the door!

Sudden flood and lightning.

In an instant, the pessimistic man, the impatient woman, and Samuel who was a little bigger than Tsunade, and a man in sunglasses not far away who was holding a small notebook and writing something in the notebook, all swept away go in.

Among them, the first three were instantly shocked, while the man in the sunglasses was also struck by lightning soon after, and he didn't seem to have suffered any obvious injuries.

Fortunately, the place they were in was a circular high platform.

The flood came suddenly, but soon, it receded from around the high platform.

Only a few drenched men and women were left behind.

"Is it an enemy attack?!" The blond woman Samui quickly looked around warily.

But there was no sign of an enemy around.

"Yo, Yo, I was overwhelmed by the sudden thunderstorm, and I was at a loss for a moment... Ah, this sentence seems to be okay." (For rhyming questions, please automatically imagine that the other party uses other paraphrased sentence patterns in the current world)

The man in the sunglasses danced, and then put the pen in his hand on his tongue.A little ink was added to the tip, and then he quickly continued to write on the small notebook with special ink.

Then he looked at the crowd.

"Everyone, are you all right?"

"Fortunately, I didn't die..." Brown skin.The pessimistic man with dark skin said, "But next time I might not be so lucky, especially if there is a Karui who is talking about something..."

"That's not what I said!!" The impatient woman Karui said angrily, "If I say anything, I will be hit, and I will say that gold is falling from the sky!"

"If you say good, you won't hit. If you say bad, you will definitely hit." The pessimistic man said, "This time it's a flood, next time it will be a volcano or a meteorite... Ah, next time I will definitely die deal.…"

"That's what you're talking about!!"

"But, what's going on?" Only the blond woman, Samuy, thought seriously with her eyebrows frowned.

"The sky was pierced, and the flood fell wildly. I searched quickly, but I didn't find the whereabouts of the enemy!" (The rhyme question is the same as above) The man in sunglasses said again.

"Bi-sama didn't even notice the enemy's whereabouts. It seems that the enemy is really not nearby." Samuel said, "If that's the case, is it really the one from Konoha..." There happened to be an example of Kirigakure in , the only thing I can think of now is the guy who is said to be thousands of miles away and flooded Wuyin Village.

Konoha Haruno, Kamyo Haruto!

"Shu!" "Shu!"

And at this time, on the periphery, two Yunyin ninjas quickly rushed over. "My lord, did something happen just now?"

"Floods from the sky, but I'm an eight-tailed ox ghost," said the man in sunglasses. "Including thunder, but I'm... er, I can't rhyme."

"Obviously this is the same situation as Kirigakure!" The impatient woman Kalui said next to him, "Floods fell from the sky, and lightning fell directly on our heads. Fortunately, the thunder and lightning inside were not It’s too strong, otherwise you’ll be caught off guard!”

"You mean, it was Konoha's Kamyo Harugumo who attacked Yunyin?" a ninja asked.

"His intention is still uncertain, and the intensity of this attack is not lethal." Samui said calmly, "But the process of the matter is almost like this." "This kind of thing needs to be reported to Lei Ying immediately. Adults can do it." Another ninja said, "Then, let's report first." After speaking, he swished a few times and left quickly.

After a while.

"What?! Konoha Haruko Kamiro attacked Yun Yin?!" "And launched an attack on Bi and the others?!"

The Fourth Raikage, who had nothing to do today and left his secretary Mabui to take care of things, immediately perked up when he heard the report. "How's the damage?"

"According to Mr. Samui, the intensity of this attack is not lethal, and almost none of them were seriously injured," Ninja said, "Although the attack came suddenly, it is not possible to determine the intention of Jindai Qingyun, and it is impossible to determine whether it was intentional or not." attack."

Hearing the ninja's answer, Fourth Raikage took a deep breath. "That Goddai Qingyun."

"Mabui, immediately arrange for the messenger team to go to Konoha!" Then he looked at Mabui beside him and said, "This incident, we can't let it go like this!" "Master Raikage means..."

"Apologize! Of course, I want that Kamashiro Haruka to apologize for the attack on Yun Yin!" Fourth Raikage shouted aggressively.

"Tell Konoha, either they will deal with Haruka Konodai in front of our messengers, or they will let Haruna come to Konoha, and I will deal with him personally!"

"By the way, this time, send two teams at the same time, one to negotiate with Konoha, and the other to form an alliance with the Kirigakure team that is about to reach Konoha recently! At that time, if Konoha refuses to deal with this The culprit who has repeatedly attacked Wuyin and Yunyin, then Yunyin and Wuyin will join hands to attack Konoha with the power of the two villages!"

"Both teams are dispatched as soon as possible, taking advantage of Kirigakure's envoy just near Konoha, to negotiate with Kirigakure!" "...Yes."

Hearing the order from the Fourth Raikage, Mabui hesitated for a moment, but immediately responded obediently.

Obviously, Lord Raikage of the fourth generation is going to seize the opportunity this time and make use of it. Although Haruka Kindai's attack is not serious this time, Lord Raikage wants to take this opportunity to join forces with Kirigakure to force Konoha to commit suicide. Even if he can't execute him by breaking off an arm and dealing with Haruka Kindai, he can use the power of joining forces with Kirigakure to force Konoha to give up the corresponding benefits.

Although I feel that Raikage-sama is making a fuss out of a molehill this time and taking advantage of it, this behavior is not very bright, but the world of ninjas is like this. From the village's standpoint, these actions are understandable, even taken for granted.

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