There are traitors among their CCGs, it's unimaginable that human beings will report to the ghouls who are at odds with them!ten.

Chapter 319 Siege, Trap

"I really didn't expect that someone would be able to get the news in advance of the secret mission decided by the CCG temporarily!"

"What's even more unbelievable is that the guy who got this news is actually a ghoul!" The members of the Bronze Tree dressed as ordinary pedestrians outside the encirclement were slowly approaching here.Tatara, Takatsuki Izumi and several leaders of the Bronze Tree were standing on the roof of the tall building where Luo Chen was.

They set up this trap to wait for the CCG investigators to come and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

It turned out that these investigators seemed to have received the news in advance, and did not enter the trap in large numbers, but instead sent a person to investigate alone.There are hundreds of kilograms of explosives hidden in this building, which is enough to wipe out all the people who enter the building. Now that one person has come in, using these explosives is really overkill.

"There are ghouls in the upper echelons of CCG, so, are there guys in our bronze tree who are on the human side?"

Duoduoliang thought carefully, the Bronze Tree has many people with mixed eyes, and it is inevitable that a few guys who don't know the details will get mixed in.

Takatsuki Izumi, who was covered in bandages, didn't pay attention at all. She quietly walked off the roof, wanting to see that CCG newcomer, Luo Chen, because his performance during this time was really amazing.

It's so interesting that people can't help being curious and exploring.

"It seems that it is necessary to clean the inside of the Bronze Tree, but this is something that will happen later, now..." When Tatara was about to discuss the future plan with Izumi Takatsuki, she was nowhere to be found on the rooftop. "The leader has gone down!" "Go down and kill that human?"

This kind of thing is also a common thing. Apart from having a weird personality, this leader is quite powerful in other aspects, especially his own strength! "You guys, go down and have a look! Get ready, we should be leaving here too!"

Then he walked to the edge of the roof and looked down at the CCG investigators who were as small as ants.

When these investigators were surrounded, especially surrounded by a large number of powerful wreck ghosts, the first thing they thought of must be to occupy a favorable terrain!And this building is a natural fortress for them. As long as they guard the entrance and the stairs, they will be invincible and the losses will be minimized.

And that time was when they died.

The only ones who know that there are explosives in this building are myself, the leader, and a few cronies under him. "Come on, kill these people!"

After Luo Chen greeted the investigators below, Duo Liang's figure appeared on the edge of the roof, and the ghouls who used Duo Liang as a signal also launched an attack at this time. "Not good, there is an ambush, use the vehicle as a cover, stop them!"

Although there were a large number of troops, rifles, and ammunition, this number of ghouls suddenly appeared, and their speed was extremely fast. By the time the fire network was completed, the distance between them was less than 200 meters!

According to the speed of the ghoul, this distance can be rushed up in less than ten seconds. Once there is a gap in firepower, these soldiers will face a huge crisis!With such fierce firepower, it was impossible for the ghouls to charge them stupidly and find cover.

"Brothers, when they run out of bullets, rush up with me, they are already in our encirclement, it is impossible to escape!" What to do?Do you want to enter that building?

"What's going on with you? Why are the guns and guns so dense?"

The temporary change made Marutesai feel flustered. How is it possible? This plan was decided by him in the morning. The relevant personnel were called one by one to notify them. The army also applied to the superior for temporary deployment. How could the ghost know the news so quickly!

Damn it, what link went wrong?

"The situation at the scene has changed. We have entered the encirclement of ghouls. Now there are a large number of ghouls outside. We can still suppress them with our superior firepower. Once the ammunition is exhausted, these soldiers will be in danger!"

Ordinary soldiers are not trained enough to fight ghouls!

"You try to reduce the consumption of ammunition as much as possible. See if there are any abandoned factories or high-rise buildings around you. If you can go in and occupy a favorable position, maybe you can turn passive into active?!"

"Tall buildings..."

There is one on the tall building, but Mr. Luo Chen just signaled to them from the top of the building that they must not come in!What's in it?

Shinohara Koki couldn't make a decision for a while, so he could only tell Marutesai about the situation here!

"You said that the building that was originally the headquarters of the Bronze Tree was empty, and Luo Chen went in alone, and I asked you not to run into that tall building..." "Empty, encircled...someone leaked the news, it must be Will prepare in advance!"

Chapter 320 This is unscientific, monster!

At this moment, the results of the investigation by Marutesai's subordinates came out.

"You mean, there is a large amount of gunpowder and explosives traded underground in District 24? And there have been many fuel robberies and theft of gunpowder raw materials before this evening!" "Yes, it should be that some people or an organization want to collect a large amount of explosives !" Seeing this, Marutesai figured out why those ghouls would give up the favorable terrain!

"Shinohara Yuki, don't go near that building, it's a trap filled with explosives!" "Explosives?!"

Yamen Kotaro looked solemn, frowning, and looked at the ghouls lurking around, as well as Luo Chen who was still in the building. "Hide in the building, don't need it, just put them here and do the Fa-rectification on the spot 13!"

Mado Wu Xu still had that superficial smile on his face, making it impossible to guess what he really thought.Anyway, I can only stick around here... I just don't know, Luo Chen, what happened to him.


"Ha ha ha..."

Just as Luo Chen was about to go to the rooftop, a burst of ethereal laughter echoed in the corridor, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

Coupled with the setting of the abandoned building, and the dark surroundings without lights, people can't help but think of ghost stories one after another in their minds.

A figure covered in bandages walked down the stairs leading to the rooftop step by step. "I'm going, it really smells like a ghost story!"

But this is not a ghost, but a mummy, a bit of an ancient Egyptian background! "Ghost story?"

Luo Chen's whole body had been strengthened, and his eyes were no exception. Even in such dim conditions, he could still see the figure in front of him very clearly. "Ah, in this situation, I really look like a ghost when I appear like this!" Takatsuki Izumi's voice also deliberately changed from the ethereal before to the now permeable laughter.

"There are no ghosts in this world, it's just that your way of dressing up and appearing on the stage reminds people of some horror movies!" At the same time, Luo Chen complained in his heart: ghosts are also ghouls that move at night.

"Oh, you just talked about ghost stories with me so heartily, don't you want to know who I am?"

Takatsuki Quan was curious, this should be the first time she and Luo Chen met, and it was still in the base of the Bronze Tree, why this person didn't seem scared at all. "The leader of the Bronze Tree, a one-eyed ghoul, the offspring of the combination of humans and ghouls!" "It seems that you know a lot!"

The girl wrapped in bandages slowly walked towards Luo Chen, but the next sentence made the girl's body freeze.

"At the same time, you are also the manager of an antique shop, the daughter of Kozen Yoshimura, and as a human being, you are a famous writer and writer, Ms. Takatsuki Izumi!" Luo Chen continued,

"Actually, I quite like your works, but I really didn't expect..."

In an instant, a gust of wind blew towards Luo Chen fiercely. One second he was still chatting and laughing, and the next second he met directly with swords. Alas, this woman turned her face more than she turned a book!Luo Chen held the big knife horizontally in front of him, and a huge force came from the knife. Luo Chen's legs were buried in the ground, his center of gravity was forward, and his feet left two gullies several meters long on the ground.

Gao Guiquan had covered Hezi all over his body at this time, and the bandages on her body were still scattered on the ground. Luo Chen regretted in his heart that he had put his attention on other places just now, otherwise he would have seen the name of Takatsuki Quan's transformation. scene!


"Are you a human?"

Takatsuki Izumi's attack just now, although it was launched suddenly, at least [-]% of his strength was used to hit this human body, since it only repelled him!It doesn't make sense!

And the two feet made two deep ravines on the ground, which is unscientific!

The forward strength of the two feet must be at least hundreds of catties, or even thousands of catties, to be able to achieve this level. According to the 557 analysis based on the angle he tilted just now, the strength of the countryside must be thousands of catties!This is completely against the principles of mechanics!

This human being can't possibly weigh a thousand catties!Newton, your coffin can't bear it anymore!

Wait, the feeling of repelling just now is indeed extremely heavy!

Based on the height of the human being in front of him and his almost perfect body proportions, his own weight would definitely not exceed one hundred kilograms.In other words, the weight of the knife in Luo Chen's hand is close to [-] kilograms!Half a ton!

Wait, that's even more unscientific!

Takatsuki Izumi remembered the half-ton sword very clearly. When he suddenly launched an attack, the sword was still beside Luo Chen, and he could move it sideways in front of him in an instant!What a power!

It is impossible to do this without the arm strength of thousands of kilograms!

Gao Tsuiquan was completely bewildered. She found that the more she analyzed Luo Chen, the more she felt that Luo Chen looked like a monster.What kind of monster is this human being? ·


Chapter 321 Power of Infinite Gems, God?

"Who the hell are you?"

There are definitely many secrets hidden in this human being. He is indeed the person I like. Really, it seems that I will eat you now! "Ahaha one by one"

After becoming like this, Takatsuki Izumi's laughter became more permeable, and I always felt that there was a gust of wind blowing by my side. "Boom one

There was another violent collision, Takatsuki Izumi's huge body, although in a small space, may face the problem of inconvenient movement.But now her body has almost filled the entire corridor!With a huge body swooping down, Luo Chen could only be tough head-on! "Bah one

After countless collisions, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Luo Chen's mouth.Although his body has already surpassed that of ordinary humans, it still cannot compare with Hezi of the ghoul. "Are you crazy?"

Takatsuki Quan's desperate collision directly drove Luo Chen into a dead end!

In this narrow space, he couldn't use his hands and feet at all, and he was in a very passive state in the face of opponents who were bigger than him.And several times, Takatsuki Izumi hit the bombs placed here, and was severely blown up.That's why Luo Chen felt that Gao Huquan had gone crazy.

Through the window, I glanced at the CCG members who were surrounded underground and the soldiers who came to fight. This is a very difficult problem!

"Since this is the case, don't blame me!" That's right, I'm going to hug my thigh!

Luochen's power from the Marvel world directly appeared on Luochen's body in this world!

"I'm going, I'm not mistaken, using the power of six infinity gems in the world of ghouls is too much of a fuss~!"

The few Luochens who were still in the realm of nothingness felt this wave of power. This is the power of the original level of the universe, and the movement is naturally huge! "How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, yes, you really don't have a sledgehammer, but what you use is a [-]-meter-long ultra-titanium alloy diamond-encrusted machete!" "Isn't he afraid of directly smashing that world into pieces?"

This is the first time someone has used his power since Luochen collected all six infinite gems in the Marvel world.

Luo Chen, who is still in the world of ghouls, naturally doesn't know about this matter. Moreover, with great power, without using other weak powers, how could I make such a loss-making business?Takatsuki Izumi's huge body rushed towards him, but Luo Chen pointed at him with one finger. Takatsuki Izumi was stunned again. No matter how hard he tried, the human in front of him remained motionless. "Give up struggling, you can't be my opponent!"

With a flick of his fingers, the Hezi wrapped around Takatsuki Quan's body instantly shattered, and that pure white body also appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.I usually can't see it when I wrap it in cloth, but I didn't expect Izumi Takatsuki's figure to be amazing!Takatsuki Izumi's eyes were glazed over, watching his Hezi shatter, and there were countless question marks in his heart.what happened?How did my Hezi break?

I don't know how far it flew out, but I just feel that the scenery around me is retreating rapidly.In the end, she understood that Luo Chen in front of her was not human at all!The power Luo Chen displayed just now is definitely the mighty power of a god!

And I was able to die in the hands of God. What a happy thing this is, and I should be content!

Just when Izumi Takatsuki thought his life was coming to an end, he suddenly felt embraced in a huge, firm and warm embrace.Luo Chen's handsome face caught Takatsuki Izumi's eyes, "It's so good to be hugged by God..."

At the same time, Takatsuki Izumi also passed out due to the violent shock just now.Looking at the beauty in his arms, Luo Chen took off his coat and covered her.

A space wormhole quietly rose from behind, engulfing the two of them, and immediately, their figures came to Luo Chen's residence.

Put Gao Guiquan on the bed, put on his coat, and covered her with a quilt, checked briefly, and left quickly after finding nothing wrong.

Before leaving, I also measured Gao Guiquan's size. I don't have any clothes for women here, and it's not suitable to borrow someone else's clothes, so I had to measure the size and buy it myself!

".々Alternate shooting costume!"

"Reduce the tilt of the firepower by two-thirds, stay alert and pay attention to the movement around you, if there is any disturbance, shoot them all!" "Drag the injured (Li Lizhao) to the car in the middle, and deal with it simply!"

Shinohara Yuki served as a temporary combat commander. Among the ghouls, there were also a small number of Kazuko who had the ability to attack from a distance, and many soldiers were injured because of this.The investigators were also helpless, they couldn't single-handedly enter the enemy's army of ghouls, the situation at the scene could only be stalemate like this. "There was a series of loud noises in the building just now. Could it be that something happened to Luo Chen?"

That sound was definitely the sound of a bomb exploding, and now they wondered if the group of ghouls detonated the bomb in Luo Chen's area!If that's the case, even Luo Chen may be in danger.

Chapter 322 Suppression

"The firepower of those people in CCG is too fierce, they can't get out at all!"

Brother Ping led a group of ghouls, hiding behind the cover, even if he showed his head a little, the bullets slanted towards this side as if they didn't want money!

Going on like this is not an option. After a long time, CCG will definitely send helpers over, and at that time, it will form a trend of internal cooperation and external cooperation!

The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for them!

"Send a few people to climb up to the surrounding high-rises, and then watch me give orders and attack from a high place!" "Yes!"

Although the surrounding area is desolate, there are several taller buildings. Jumping from the top floor, it is possible to enter the crowd and disrupt their fire suppression.

The explosion just now should be the CCG investigators fighting their leader!Now we must act immediately and meet the leader!

But Ping Brothers and the others still worried too much. There was electromagnetic interference on the scene, and almost all communication equipment failed.Having lost contact with the on-site 560, Marutesai at the headquarters was extremely worried. When he wanted to apply for support, he encountered many obstacles!

"Several important cadres are in a meeting, and no one is allowed to disturb them!" "The meeting time, at least two hours!"

Even after explaining the situation at the scene, the person in charge of order smiled and patted Marutesai on the shoulder,

"Your worry is unnecessary, so many investigators and troops should be more than enough to deal with a bronze tree!"

The previous actions have weakened the power of the ghouls a lot, and this action will definitely damage the Bronze Book, and by the way, remove a group of stronger investigators, and that uncertain factor, for C

CG is also a big hit.

It is better to balance the two sides.

"These people didn't even enter the building, and maybe they already know that there is a (§) bomb in the building!" The explosion under the feet caused many cracks on the roof, and even holes were blown out in some places.

It seems that the battle between the leader and that CCG investigator is quite fierce!

At this moment, the few ghouls who were sent to the lower floor ran up in a panic. "Master Totara, it's not good, the leader and the investigator have disappeared!" Disappeared?

Duo Duoliang's expression froze for a moment, and then returned to normal. "Maybe he ran to that place to eat!"

Injury after battle, for ghouls, the best cure is to eat!

"The investigator of CCG may be a bit beyond my expectation!"

But this does not affect the overall situation!

The ghouls led by the bottle brothers have quietly climbed up the surrounding towering buildings. "You guys take off and jump down!"

The Hezi of these ghouls who climbed to high places are all Yuhe, who can move even in the high air, change direction, and use it to attack from high altitude, which is really suitable. "yes!"

In the eyes of the bronze tree, the following humans have all become prey! "Not good, in the air!"

Faji Xiangjie, who had been watching the surroundings, suddenly saw a few black shadows approaching them quickly in the air. Yuhe behind them reflected a faint light in the night sky, and the speed was so fast that he almost reached them in the blink of an eye!

"Damn it, it's a ghoul, all of them are Yuhe ghouls with extremely high explosive power!"

They wanted to stop them, but it was already too late, they jumped down from the sky extremely fast, and by the time everyone reacted after giving the order, these ghouls had already fallen to the ground. "Pfft one by one

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