I haven't finished yet, you came out so soon, aren't you the king of the dark dimension?Where's your guts? "I accept your terms!"

Because in Dormam's opinion, the proposal Luo Chen just made escaped from his grasp?Such a simple matter is an insult to his dignified ruler of the dark dimension!Even if it is a frontal battle, it is much better to die in your hands dignifiedly than to accept humiliation in your hands!

Dormammu feels that there is nothing wrong with respecting and submitting to the strong, but if the other party proposes any more stringent conditions, Dormammu will definitely fight to the end! "Oh, are you sure you don't think about it anymore?"

"Just tell me your conditions, what do you need me to do?"

Luo Chen's body gradually shrunk until it was the same size as Dormammu, which made him look more equal.

???·Ask for flowers·0

"It's actually very simple, just sign a contract with me!" Luo Chen made this contract emerge and sent it to Domamu. "Equal contract? Summoning? Experiment?"

Dormammu looked at the contract with a strange expression, it seemed to be different from what he thought!

I thought surrender was either following him to fight, or asking for a large amount of material resources, but this contract, whether you sign it or not, basically makes no big difference.Hi!If I had known this, I wouldn't have fought this guy!

No, this kind of strong man took so much trouble to come here, it can't be just for such a trivial matter, could it be that the other party is playing tricks on him again?


"Is there something wrong?"

Luo Chen's voice brought Domamu back to his senses, and he said quickly, "Please tell me, what exactly do you want to do?" "Stop teasing me with such things!" Domamu's voice There was even a hint of anger in it. "That's what I need you to do!"

"Because there are many selves of the same origin as me, who are in other worlds now, and I can't perceive them myself, so I would like to ask you to help me perceive those people through this contract!" Body?Are you in another world?

Dormammu seemed to feel that he was approaching some hidden knowledge.

"Excuse me, are the other worlds you mentioned parallel universes in the multiverse?"

It's okay if it's a parallel universe, but if it's outside the parallel universe, the background of this adult in front of me is probably far more terrifying than what I imagined! "No, it exists outside the multiverse that you and I know!" Ten.

Chapter 404 What happened to giving you a space gem?

"Gu Yi Mage!"

Luo Chen was sitting in the room at this time, flipping through some magic books, and Mage Gu Yi was sitting opposite him. "Among so many magics, isn't there any magic that looks for itself?"

"It does exist, but at the current stage of development, it can only be found in the same universe, not even in parallel universes!" Regarding Luo Chen's matter now, Master Gu Yi is really helpless, after all, what he has learned The magic mastered is not omnipotent.

"Your strength and talent are excellent. Here are all the magic books about searching for items and finding people. I hope they can help you!" "[-]" can only let Luo Chen create magic by himself,

"The universe is so big, full of wonders, you can go to other places first, such as Asgard, Holtam, and other places where strong people live!"

Master Gu Yi also knew that Luo Chen had just gone to the dark dimension once. Although he didn't know what happened there, according to Luo Chen's current power, the universe is so big that there is no place Luo Chen can't go to.Luo Chen nodded, then bid farewell to Master Gu Yi and appeared at Tony's home. "What***"

Tony had just taken a sip of red wine and choked him half to death.

What the hell is this guy, he just showed up at his own home without calling out hello! "Warning, if the intruder is found to perform the cleaning procedure!" Jarvis's voice sounded.Tony's steel suit is also ready to move.

"Doesn't that friend over there know that it is very impolite to break into other people's territory suddenly and disturb others from enjoying a good meal?" "Sorry, I was a little abrupt, I think, let's go The topic will interest you very much." Luo Chen smiled, sat in front of Tony, and poured himself a glass of red wine.Tony: "."

I don't even know you, but you didn't treat yourself as an outsider when you came here. You thought I was shameless enough, but I didn't expect that in front of you, I was still a little bit pale. "Tell me, who sent you?"

Tony is also big-hearted, is it because this is in his base?Luo Chen slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, and looked at Tony in front of him. "I think, you should know, what is in my hand?"

Luo Chen slowly spread out his palm, a dazzling blue gem was emitting a breathtaking light. "This is... a space gem, how could it be here?"

The space gem was brought back to Asgard by Thor, should it be there?

But the way this person appeared in front of him should also use the space gem, what happened.Tony doesn't think anyone can bring the space gem out of Asgard.

"Hello, let's get to know each other officially. My name is Tony Stark. I believe you should know me too, and most people prefer to call me Iron Man!" "Hello, I'm Luo Chen, I'm just a vagrant!"

"Then can we talk about the origin of that thing in your hand?"

This is the year [-] in the Marvel world. After experiencing the New York incident, Tony entered into crazy research.Looking at his situation now, he should have achieved good results, otherwise he wouldn't be in the mood to drink here! "Of course you can!"

In the timeline of different developments in the future, Luo Chen saw a glimmer of possibility, that is to gather the strength and wisdom of some people in this universe, and there is only a glimmer of possibility in countless branches!Luo Chen wants to push his world line to develop in that direction!

"I believe you should get along too. This one in my hand is a genuine space gem!"

how is this possible?The real space gem is in the main body, and this one is the same as the one in Asgard. It is a fake made by Luo Chen with six infinite gems... "The one in Asgard is made of reality gems If it comes out, it must be a fake with the characteristics of the space gem's ability!"

All the fakes are connected to Luo Chen's body and can provide unlimited energy. Even Luo Chen, if there is no special mark, it is difficult to identify. "Your Excellency is joking, how could the one in Asgard be a fake?"

Or was it made with Reality Gems?The reason for the compilation should be more reliable. They have studied the Space Rubik's Cube for a long time. Could it be that someone has collected all six infinite gems? "I know, what I said is indeed unconvincing!"

Luo Chen smiled and put the fake space gem in his hand into a box, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Tony. "This is a gift from me when we first met. I believe we will cooperate again next time!" Tony looked at the box on the table, and then looked in front of him. At some point, Luo Chen had disappeared. "Hum one

Tony picked up the gem on the table indifferently, and gave it to others so easily, who would believe that it was a space gem?Tony just wanted to throw it in the trash.

"Wait a minute, sir, I think what Mr. Luo Chen said just now may not be groundless!"



Chapter 405 Five Great Gods

"Jarvis, what do you mean?"

"Although I don't believe this is a space gem, but judging from the data, the stone in the box is indeed no different from the Space Rubik's Cube!"

Jarvis called up the database on the screen and compared the space gems.It cannot be said to be exactly the same as the parameters initially detected by this stone, but it can only be said to be completely consistent! "Does that mean that your instrument is malfunctioning? How could there be two space gems in this world?" Although Tony said so, in his heart he had already begun to care about this gem. "Jarvis, prepare the laboratory, and help me notify others!" "Yes sir!"

Every infinite gem cannot be copied, and he has never heard of someone who can imitate infinite gems 13 times.In terms of the energy contained in it alone, it is enough to supply the earth's energy consumption without limit!And the easiest way to detect it is to let it release the maximum energy!

"With Tony taking the lead on the other side of the earth, there should be a result soon. Maybe I can advance the plot of Avengers II!" In an unknown corner of the universe, Luo Chen used a huge barrier to cover A moon-sized planet.But in front of Luo Chen, there were countless precious stones!

"Although these shoddy things are not as good as the first ones!"

But he wins in quantity, casting a wide net in this universe, he can always find a few genius-like characters, and... "Now it's time to go to other universes!"

During this period of time, Luo Chen successfully entered the seventh dimension from the fourth dimension. Although he was able to beat the five gods of the tenth dimension in terms of strength, there was still a huge gap between him and the life court. "Maybe I can choose to lie dormant for a while, and wait until my strength reaches the almighty cosmic level, and I can even challenge the heart of the universe!" But after all, I still haven't persisted in that level of power, and I have no way to make reference and comparison!

Putting so many infinite gems that can be faked into the universe will inevitably cause chaos. The five gods in charge of the universe will find themselves one day. "Forget it, let's go find them first!"

Luo Chen disappeared, the planet under his feet exploded, and countless gems traveled through space to different galaxies.

The energy contained in each gem was released undisguisedly. At this time, Thanos was still fighting in different star fields, and a power gem appeared in his hand.

. eeee

"You came!"

In a place that could not be called a space, a woman dressed in black stood there, as if waiting for Luo Chen's arrival. "Oh, did you expect that?" "Yeah!"

Goddess of Death nodded,

"Since you created those two beings with souls out of thin air, I have noticed your existence!" "And you entered the dark dimension to fight Dormammu, and I found you!" "I didn't expect it to pass You will come to us in a while!" "Us?"

The Dark Goddess seemed to have something to say, and at this moment, several creatures with aura similar to the Dark Goddess slowly appeared behind her.They are Star Devourer, Infinity, Eternity and Annihilation!The five gods who created the multiverse are gathered here at this moment! "Luo Chen, we have been waiting here for a long time!"

"Oh, I don't know how many people are here, what are they going to do?"

Luo Chen took it calmly, as long as it wasn't for the Life Tribunal and the Heart of the Universe, even if these five gods joined forces, they wouldn't be their opponents! "We already know your purpose from the Goddess of Death and Dormammu!"

"We can help you, and at the same time, as a condition, we also hope that you can take back the fakes of the project in the universe!" The presence of infinite gems in the entire universe is bound to cause chaos in the universe, and may even lead to the demise of the universe.

"I'm afraid I can't do this, but I can guarantee that apart from this universe, I will not interfere with 640's affairs in other universes!"


The other gods didn't think much about it, so they nodded and agreed. It's just a universe, and they don't care at all. What's more, they don't seem to have much room to bargain in front of Luo Chen. "Then let's start signing the contract. In addition, Nemesis, at the Life Tribunal, we will try our best to help you fight for it!"

They also know very well that if they want to jump out of the big universe, they must win the heart of the universe if they want to do this!And they also vaguely sensed that although Luo Chen's body is a time gem, he is not a creature in this universe, he comes from outside the entire universe!

For them, at this stage, it is not clear whether Luo Chen is an enemy or a friend to them?The heart of the universe must not fall into the hands of the enemy, he can control the life and death of the universe!

"Thank you all so much, but you don't have to worry, I'm not doing harm to this universe, I just want to find a part of me!".

Chapter 406 Conan's Head Is Green


"Fuck!"? no

[Marvel] Luo Chen dared to play so big!

"Let me ask weakly, how many fake infinite gems have you made?"

[Crash] Luo Chen felt his head buzzing. He had already played big enough by making fake infinity gems and fooling everyone's eyes. He didn't expect to send the eyelid infinity gems to the entire universe now!

"I don't care about the exact number, but roughly speaking, there should be more than 1000!" With so many infinite gems, even if you only give yourself one, it is enough to run amok in a certain world! "As expected of a boss!"

[Douluo] Luo Chen is so sour, people compare to others, so mad!

"After all, this is the one with the highest success rate among the many possibilities I have seen!"

[Marvel] Luo Chen is also quite helpless. Doing so will consume a huge amount of his strength, and observing the changes in every corner of the universe at the same time will consume a lot of energy.And this is also a long selection process.

"I came here to declare in advance that I will focus on things in the Marvel universe for a while, and I won't appear here for a long time. If you haven't seen me for a long time, don't worry!"

"Come on, boss!"

"With a role model and model like you, how can those of us who want to lie down be embarrassed?"

[Punch] After Luo Chen finished speaking, he cast a glance at [Ghoul] Luo Chen next to him. "Hey, I didn't say anything.`!" "I'll work hard after the big deal..."

[Ghoul] Luo Chen is suffering, I want to help, but no one in my world can help!Born in a weak world, what can I do? "Stop making trouble, what's the use of our efforts?"

[Conan] Luo Chen patted [Ghoul] Luo Chen on the shoulder. In the world he was in, he could not find any extraordinary power at all. Although some things were unreasonable with scientific explanation, they were only a little bit. That's all, it's far from being possible to develop an extraordinary power system.

"And me too!"

[Giant] Luo Chen stepped forward,

"But don't be discouraged. Don't limit your eyes to one planet. Maybe the planet we are on is weak. When you have strength, go outside the universe and maybe you can find something more powerful!"

Although I have not yet completed the third vision, my current strength can already break out of the planet and travel to the universe!

"Hey, I'd better go and complete the second vision honestly!"

[Detective] Luo Chen returned to his own world a little bit disappointed,

"Set a small goal first, complete the second vision, and rush out of this planet!" However, the reality is that we must fill our stomachs first. "Hi, [-] yen in total!"

Luo Chen paid the bill and was about to leave, but saw Conan and a few others standing outside the door, as well as a little girl with green hair. "Haihara Ai?... Shirley?"

I haven't seen you for a few days, but Hui Yuanai has come here?This scene, I remembered it was a counterfeit banknote!

Luo Chen glanced behind him, and sure enough, he saw the man in the hat. "Conan, why are you here?" "Ah, it's Big Brother Luo Chen!"

Although Conan had a smile on his face, every time he saw Luo Chen, he felt unspeakable unhappiness in his heart.

The relationship between this guy and Xiaolan and Mori Kogoro is getting closer. Although they can only be said to be good friends, Conan always feels that his head is green. "So this is ah!"

Jun Ye briefly recounted the incident to Luo Chen. "So that's the case, why didn't you call the police?"

"The family has already called the police, but the police couldn't find anything, so I asked them for help!" "Yes, Brother Luo Chen, please help us too!" Ayumi and Yuan Tai also begged Luo Chen

Luo Chen has handled one difficult case after another, and his reputation now is not even weaker than that of Kudo Shinichi when he was at its peak. "Well, then this matter is covered by me!" "Yeah, that's great!"

Except for Conan and Haibara, these little fellows were all jumping for joy.

At the same time, the man with the lowered hat came over slowly, took out a banknote, and prepared to buy a pack of cigarettes. "Total 230 yen!" "Wait a minute!"

With lightning speed, Luo Chen pressed the man's (Wang's) hand holding the money on the table.A loud bang startled everyone. "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing? Let me go!" "This is a counterfeit banknote!"

Luo Chen pointed to the characters on the one thousand yen note and the watermark in the middle of the banknote. "Natsume Soseki roar!" "Fake money!"

What does Conan seem to think of at this moment?

"Why does this Natsume Soseki's head look a bit strange, as if it was drawn by hand!" Luo Chen made a slight mention, and even people with inflexible minds like Yuan Tai thought of it. "Did Junye's brother be caught by them to draw his head portrait?"



Chapter 407 I guessed

"What are you guys talking about?"

When the man saw that their plan was broken by a few children, he panicked for a moment. If this matter leaked out, the elder sister would definitely not let him go!This matter must not be leaked!

There is no surveillance system in the supermarket and its surroundings. As long as you run away, these people will never find you again! "Go away!"

But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't move his arms half a step from the table. Luo Chen's hands were like an extremely huge steel bar, firmly locking it on the table! "roll!"

I struggled frantically for a long time, but it didn't work! "Is it really what we said?"

"Quickly tell me, where is Junya's brother locked up by you?" Ayumi and Yuantai also began to question this strange man.

"Is it Police Officer Mumu? Well, it's me, Luo Chen, we discovered a 643 case of kidnapping and counterfeit banknotes here!" "The specific location is in a small supermarket near the subway!" "Well, okay!"

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