???·Ask for flowers?0

As for Luo Chen's physical strength - even if he stood in place, it was impossible for Tong Mo to release ice crystals in the air for a whole night without causing any damage to him. "It seems that you are not unprepared~" Tong Mo narrowed his eyes and silently expanded the scope of the blood ghost technique.Now that the other party already knew the news about his blood ghost technique, it was even more impossible to let them go!

"For you who use such a blood ghost technique, I want to ask a question." Luo Chen suddenly remembered something that made him happy, and showed a playful smile. "It's ok~ Just treat it as a reward for finding me~" Tong Mo said with a smile.

She noticed the extraordinary killing intent of the girl next to him, and also noticed the sudden rescue measures that the girl took after hearing about his blood ghost ability.


But...he didn't care too much, he just did it, and he also needed time to arrange the vampire technique and erode their bodies.

Although this man revealed his ability of vampirism, and looked like he had already prepared for it, it was impossible for him to give up using vampirism.He even suspected that this was the man's trick to make him wonder if his blood ghost technique was useless and not use it.

The purple-haired girl's reaction reassured him. If that man had the ability to deal with his vampirism, he would definitely tell his companions. Doesn't the purple-haired girl's panic at this time mean that they didn't deal with his vampire technique? method?

"What I want to ask is, if you use such a blood ghost technique, it doesn't seem to have any effect on ghosts, right? Then how did you defeat those upper strings and become the second upper string? Could it be that you used your body to fight? , to bite, to tear off the opponent's body, and at the same time let your own body be torn off by the opponent's body, right?"

Luo Chen asked with a smile.

In fact, Tong Mo's blood ghost technique is not as bad as he said, but... this does not prevent Luo Chen from saying that Tong Mo and his blood ghost technique are terrible,


Tong Mo's voice was a bit off.

Obviously, Luo Chen's voice reminded him of some not-so-good memories. "Die!"

[Blood ghost art Manlianhua! 】

The ice crystals in the air exploded!ten.


Asian ◇

Chapter 76 Diamond Stardust, Bloody Butterfly

"Prick, prick, prick!~~"

The vines condensed from ice crystals wrapped around Luo Chen's body, shrinking and gathering continuously.pity.…


When he wanted to pierce and crush Luo Chen's body, the ice vines wrapping around Luo Chen's body shattered inch by inch!Ice of this strength is completely incapable of piercing Luo Chen's outer skin!

"What!? Are you really a human?! Not a ghost?!" Tong Mo's eyes almost popped out.

He swore that he had used all his strength, his lungs were eroded by ice crystals, and his body was surrounded by cold ice. With the strength of a human body, he would definitely not be able to bear it! "Of course not, do you want to try again?" Luo Chen gave Die Ren a reassuring look, and slowly walked towards Tong Mo, who had retreated tens of meters.Butterfly held back her desire to make a move, and took a deep look at the back of Luo Chen's "[-]".What is contained in the eyes is trust and entrustment. It seems that she has not trusted others like this for a long time. "Since you said let me try, let's try! You have to pay for your arrogance!"

[Blood ghost art: the cold white concubine! 】

Behind Tong Mo appeared two giant ice lotuses in the shape of a girl!Bingzhi Baiji blew bursts of cold air from her mouth!

In an instant... the cold air that could freeze the entire lotus pond hit Luo Chen and the others!

[Breath of Time · Two Shapes · Mirror! 】

Under the green radiance of time, the cold air, ice crystals, and space were all frozen in place! "What kind of ability is this?!"

Tong Mo's eyes are full of fear of the unknown, he is the type who can expand his advantages when he has an advantage, but when he has a disadvantage, his mentality will easily collapse.When he found that he couldn't control the ice crystals that were part of his body, he really panicked. "Compared to this, aren't you curious about a question?" Luo Chen smiled and shook his head. "what is the problem?"

Tong Mo frowned and asked calmly.

On the surface, he was calm, but in fact he was already ready to run away.

"Do you know why I know you are using your abilities secretly, but you haven't taken any measures?"

"Because—you think my ability has no effect on you?" Tong Mo frowned fiercely. For now, it did not cause any harm. "That's just one reason, the more important reason is

"I'm waiting for you to transform this place into your own cemetery~" Luo Chen said with a smile.

Now, the transformation is complete!

"Who will die in the end, I don't know yet!" Tong Mo said, his feet exerted strength instantly!Get ready to go!

It is absolutely impossible to fight head-on, and to deal with such a perverted person should be a sneak attack!

He has made up his mind, he must kill this person!The way to kill it is also very simple, as long as you have time and patience.

Tong Mo has already remembered his scent, as long as he can escape smoothly, he will always follow Luo Chen from a long distance, people always have flaws, and he will seize that flaw to give this person a fatal blow!Tong Mo has such confidence!

Unfortunately, he never had such an opportunity again. "Tong Mo, have you heard of diamond dust?" Diamond dust is also called diamond star dust.

Of course, not the stardust in Stardust Crusaders, but a physical phenomenon.

Diamond dust refers to the water vapor in the low-altitude atmosphere directly condenses into tiny pieces of ice crystals floating in the air at low temperatures. It is generally difficult to see with the naked eye. It is due to the reflection of sunlight that it forms a diamond-like brilliance.He is also known as Diamond Dust and Diamond Morning.

"Diamond dust?" Tong Mo didn't care about this, he only knew that he was about to escape successfully!At this distance, the other party will never be able to catch up with him! "Since you don't know, the only way to study your death is after you go down." Luo Chen shook his head, uneducated, it's scary~ "Go!"

Pull out the sun blade in your hand, and a ray of light flies out from the sun blade!

Because the ice crystals themselves are extremely translucent, the flying sunlight undergoes countless refractions and reflections in an instant between the ice crystals!The ice crystals arranged by Tong Mo himself are the cemetery he prepared for himself!Tong Mo's speed is very fast, but no matter how fast, can it be too fast?

Even if it is the light that has been refracted and reflected many times, it is still a speed that Tong Mo can't reach.In an instant, the sunlight that was refracted into countless segments filled the entire ice crystal field! "Canthus canthus canthus canthus!~~"

Tong Mo's body was hit by countless rays of sunlight, and his body, which was running away, fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string! "Yang... Sunshine?!" Tong Mo knew that this was the reaction of the sun shining on the ghost.The other party can use sunlight? !

It is not the power of sunlight simulated by breathing method, but the purest and most natural sunlight!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Tong Mo could feel his internal organs being burned and his body melting away, and subconsciously spat out a mouthful of black blood from his mouth... "I, I haven't... There are still so many delicious girls wait for me."

Tong Mo's thoughts gradually weakened, and within a few seconds, it weakened to the extreme.As he lost his ability to think, his body also turned into a burst of ashes. "I'll take this thing."

Luo Chen walked in front of him, watched Tong Mo's body gradually disappear, and silently took out something from his clothes.

A hairpin in the shape of a butterfly.

A hairpin that subconsciously shed tears of elites when Butterfly Shinobu saw it.

She also has a hairpin of the same style.

That was one by one the hairpin that belonged to her sister Butterfly Kanae! "Xiaoren, can the agreement between us be counted?"

Butterfly Shinobu was immersed in the sad memory, and suddenly felt a burst of warmth, and wiped away the tears on her face with one hand.It's Luo Chen.

Luo Chen looked at her very seriously, hoping that she would agree to what he had proposed before. "Yes, I swear, I will not participate in Kamizuru's crusade in the future." "The person who asked me to do this is a tough idiot~" Butterfly Shinobi said with a smile while wiping away tears .

Butterfly Ninja agreed??.

Luo Chen also knew very well that Die Die Ren was serious.

Because when Die Die spoke with a smile holding back his tears, he heard the voice of the realm of nothingness telling Luo Chen.


[The first vision is achieved! 】

[The first vision—a blood-stained butterfly. 】

[The ability is being unlocked! 】

[Congratulations to Ghost Slayer World Luo Chen for gaining the authority to share the god endowment authority of all the worlds one by one, share the skill authority of one person, and have a chance to descend to the saint! ] "Mr. Chen, you, have you changed again?" Seeing Luo Chen whose temperament had changed again in front of him, Die Die couldn't help asking.Become more mysterious, more handsome, more temperamental, more attractive. "Xiao Ren, I have a proposal here, what do you think?"

Luo Chen stretched out his hand, and on his hand, on the hairpin of Butterfly Chana Hui, the green brilliance bloomed


people announced

Asian ◇

Chapter 77: Teacher Competition!Defeat Luo Hao!

Godslayer World.



Hearing the voice from the realm of nothingness, [Killing God] Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

Of course he remembered what he wanted to do most in the world of Demon Slayer: Blade of Demon Slayer, and this notice meant that Ninja Butterfly in that world was completely out of danger.But in theory—this vision can only be achieved when there is no tragic death and all ghosts disappear?

And a tragic death was also one of Luo Chen's visions in that world. If there was a tragic death, he should have been notified before. "No, there seems to be another way." Because of similar thinking, [Killing God] Luo Chen quickly thought of his possible approach.Yes, just let Butterfly Ninja get out of the battle sequence directly.

"Chen'er, what are you thinking about? Wu Dao is a little distracted." Suddenly, an extremely serious voice came from the side.This is Luo Hao's voice.

Seeing that Luo Chen was distracted while enlightening the Dao, Luo Hao was a little angry.

In the past, Chen'er never got distracted when enlightened, what's wrong?Now that you are a godslayer, you don't care about things like enlightenment?Do you think you can only become stronger by killing gods by 13?No, this is absolutely not the mentality.

"Master, I think it's more appropriate to call this state of wandering in the void. It's not a distraction, but a projection of one's mind into the space between the heaven and the earth, to comprehend the heaven and the earth, so as to break through and become stronger." Luo Chen said to himself. With a reclusive and independent temperament, he said with a smile.

Hmm. To be precise, it is to project one's mind into the realm of nothingness, and let Luo Chen, who is also himself, experience other worlds, so as to obtain various possibilities and ways to become stronger.For example [Zhan Chi] Luo Chen, he was not the strongest at the beginning, but because he quickly completed the two visions and directly achieved the hidden achievement, he has now become the most powerful powerful individual.

Although in theory, other Luochens have a higher guarantee, so that they can gain stronger strength when using [Sheng Sheng], but originally this kind of thigh is usually done by oneself, and now suddenly Having been robbed of his position, [Killing God] Luo Chen's mood is still a little delicate.

"Fantasy wandering too empty?" Luo Hao's beautiful eyes slightly frowned.She suddenly remembered a question.

It seems that now Luo Chen has surpassed her in martial arts, and she has nothing left to give Luo Chen.So, when Luo Chen has nothing to teach him, it's normal for Luo Chen to develop his own way to become stronger, right?

When he thought that he had nothing left to give to Luo Chen, a sense of pride and loneliness arose in Luo Hao's heart at the same time.Chen'er, she has grown to this point~~

Luo Hao looked at Luo Chen quietly, the handsome young man from before had retracted and returned to an ordinary posture.She knew that this was the absolute control over her own aura and power, and as long as Luo Chen wanted to, she could return to the original state at any time.

Even if Luo Chen hid his mysterious aura from other worlds to the extreme, Luo Hao could still see the charm of this young man. It was not an inner charm, but a pure outer charm. The fascination of wanting to get in touch with this boy and further develop various events.

In the past three years, a lot has really changed! ~

It has been more than three years since Luo Chen killed the gods. During these three years, Luo Chen stayed by Luo Hao's side and continued to learn this martial art, using up all of Luo Hao's two hundred years of experience.In addition to learning martial arts, Luo Chen's killing of the gods certainly did not fall behind.

The most impressive thing, of course, was to snatch the god of the old man Wolf King and then fight him.It was in that fight that Luo Chen felt the difference between the godslayer world and other worlds.The godslayers are too fleshy, too difficult to be completely wiped out.

This is no longer simply a matter of physical strength and power, but a matter of luck.

In terms of luck, of course, Luo Chen in the [One Punch] world must be stronger, so strong that he has obtained the strongest pass in that world—the qualification to break through the limiter one by one.However, the luck of the godslayers in the godslayer world is definitely not weak.

In the later stage, after the godslayers gathered in Tokyo and were all exiled to another world, they also caused a lot of trouble in the different world and the God Realm.If it wasn't for the blessing of Kusanagi Godou's protagonist's aura, it's not certain who the last godslayer left in this world is.

Luo Chen once fought against the Marquis of Vauban. Although Luo Chen had the upper hand in the battle, it was still extremely difficult to kill him.

"Chen'er, today, I want to tell you something." Luo Hao's voice was very soft, a kind of softness that would never be shown normally, and Luo Chen immediately noticed the abnormal softness. "Master, please tell me." Luo Chen opened his eyes, stood up, and asked with fists clasped.

He also had psychological expectations about what Luo Hao was going to do, and if Luo Hao didn't say anything, he would take the initiative to propose it in a few days.Their current relationship needs a breakthrough one by one.

"Chen'er, I have nothing more to teach you. Now, you can become a teacher." Although Luo Hao's voice was very flat, Luo Chen still felt Luo Hao's emotions behind him.Reluctance, regret, pride, feelings...and firmness. "Before leaving the teacher, there is a final trial." "That is to defeat me one by one." Luo Hao said.

above the plateau.

On the plateau known as the roof of the world, a boy and a girl stood facing each other.Although the girl is more than 200 years old, she can indeed be called a girl.

Although a boy is only four or five years old in this world, he can indeed be called a boy.The two looked at each other, and both saw the fighting spirit in the other's eyes.

Luo Hao was born with a strong character, so it was naturally impossible for him to let water in the graduation ceremony.

Luo Chen was even more so. He knew very well that the best way to gain Luo Hao's approval and achieve his goal was to defeat Luo Hao head-on with absolute strength!Two golden giants wrapped in Yang Yan appeared from behind Luo Hao!

[War in the south of the city, die in the north of Guo!If you die in the wild, you can eat crows!Say Wu for me: let’s be a guest! 】

[Wild dead are not buried, how can carrion go and escape?The sound of water is exciting, and Pu Wei is dark!The owl cavalry died in battle, and the poor horse lingered and screamed! 】

[Very powerful Vajra magic! 】

This is the power usurped by the two Buddhist Renwangzun "Secret King Kong" and "Narayan Jianjian King" who defeated the two Buddhist kings.Host the power of the vajra warrior on the body, and obtain unparalleled rigidity and extremely pure power.

It emits golden particles of the "Essence of Vajra Power", which can transform into huge golden palms.It can also be wrapped around the body like armor to protect the body. If you concentrate a little defense, even Salvatore Tony's magic sword that cuts everything can be defended.

The summoned [Vajra Warrior Manifestation] has the power to destroy seamounts and transform terrain!

"Chen'er, today is the time to show your strength in front of me!" Standing beside the two vajra warriors, Luo Hao shouted loudly, his eyes full of anticipation and longing



Chapter 78 Heavenly Forged Soldiers!son of heaven conceived

power! [Very powerful Vajra magic skill]!launch!This is the combination of ultimate strength and ultimate defense!

This is Luo Hao's power, the divine manifestation obtained by defeating the Second General Heng Ha of the Buddhist sect!The ultimate power!

A powerful spell emanated from Luo Hao's body!It made Luo Hao's whole body show a sacred meaning.fighting!fighting!Godslayer is not good at fighting?That's definitely a fake godslayer.

Whether it is Mrs. Aisha and Kusanagi Godou, who are good on the surface, or Pluto, the role-playing hero, they will cause chaos and confusion unconsciously, and they will use it skillfully in the subsequent chaos. The physique and combat ability of the godslayer.

Chaos, destruction, domineering, self-centered, there is no doubt that this is the essence of the godslayer.Therefore, when two godslayers meet, fighting is inevitable!

[Make an undefeated oath, and the earth will become my ally!Steel tempered from the heart of the earth shall be upon me! 】Accompanied by Luo Chen's words, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and a thunderbolt several feet thick struck Luo Chen's body!Amidst the thunder, the steel brilliance on the young man became even stronger.

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