After Luo Chen asked, even Rogia had nothing to say, and it really was like this. If he wasn't with Luo Chen, he wouldn't even have the confidence to face this battle alone.Sure enough, is there a reason for the existence of human beings?There are human beings who can cause all kinds of disasters, and there are human beings like Luo Chen who are exceptional in every sense.One cannot be hostile to all humans just because of the existence of evil humans, nor can one be friendly to all humans just because of the existence of friendly humans.However, one thing is certain.

Luo Chenyiyi will be his eternal life and ally.

Luo Chen is the strangest human being he has encountered in his career as the god of the sea. Whether it is character, temperament, or strength, they have all been tested. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! ~~~

Suddenly, a sound of dragon chant from high above interrupted Luo Chen and Sirona's mood.

Looking into the air, sure enough, the only Pokémon that can make such an iconic dragon chant sound!

In front of the Rifting Space, a Xanadu kept teleporting, keeping itself at a distance that could attract the Rifting Zone, but would not expose itself to the threat of attack.In Xanadu's hands, a Deoxys meteorite that has been transformed into a prototype is releasing information that drives the Rift Seat crazy, chasing Xanadu non-stop.

As it approaches the battle location, the meteorite fluctuations of the Deoxys prototype are gradually weakening, and the stronger the fluctuations, the more hostile it will be to the Rift Seat. Luo Chen asked the Ripper Seat to come over to clean up the mess, not let the He came over and became part of the problematic elements.

"Sha Nai~~,"

Using teleportation, Xanadu appeared in front of Luo Chen. After looking at Luo Chen, she turned into a red light and entered the Pokémon ball on Bai Yuanyang's waist, leaving only Download the Deoxys Meteorite you just got.

"Luogia, do me a little favor," Luo Chen said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the empty seat that was attacking him. "Understood, people of destiny, let the super ancient dragon do what he should do!" "Lugia! Super resonance! Then use mental force!"

Luochen's superpower and Lugia's superpower were combined together, and the resonance formed a more powerful wave, which easily hit the Rift seat that was in a state of rapid advance!After being repulsed for a long distance, Likongzao regained his composure and launched an attack again towards the place where the extraterrestrial life was.But one by one he discovered something very strange.It seems that the fluctuations of extraterrestrial life forms have completely disappeared?

In the hands of that human man, the guy who was eliminated by him more than ten years ago lost all signs and breath again!It was a different person from the previous state of being about to be resurrected. "Likongzuo, go do what you should do~" Luo Chen held the meteorite and looked at Likongzao quietly.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to release Deoxys. Although Deoxys did not show any hostility to the rest of the planet's life forms, he attacked the Rift Seat because he was attacked by the Rift Seat, so he counterattacked.

But—after all, he is still a life form in the universe, and he may have some unknown influence on this world. It is the responsibility of the Rift seat to intercept this life form outside the ozone layer, and it is also something that is beneficial to all Pokémon, Luo Chen There is no reason to protect Deoxys.

The reason why Deoxys' meteorite is needed is, of course, because... Deoxys is also a Pokémon of the superpower system, and he can adjust his superpowers to achieve consistent fluctuations!The breath of Deoxys that Liekongzuo felt was never the real Deoxys' breath, it was a fake made by Luo Chen using his super power to change and fluctuate!

After understanding what the human male said to him, Rikakuza stayed where he was, watching him quietly, without taking any action for a long time.He understood, he finally understood, it turned out that he had asked him to come here to work.

Seeing the God of the Sea next to him, if he wanted to make a move, the God of the Sea would definitely make a move, Li Kongzao understood even more.They saw that the God of the Sea had cleaned up his little brother, and asked him to come over and clean up the mess on his side.He is hesitating, he is thinking.

After more than ten seconds, he finally responded.

"Angangangangangang!!~~~" After bursts of Long Yunsheng resounding through the sky, Likongzao left quickly surrounded by rainbow-colored light!This is a move called finishing touch.

When using the move called finishing touch, Rikakuza.. will perform mega evolution! "It seems that he has made up his mind, let's do what we should do~" Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Bishas.

"How? Are you coming here by yourself, or let me come here and do it yourself?" Luo Chen looked at Bixias who was isolated by the protective shield of superpowers, and asked with a smile.

"Luo Chen, the legendary genius trainer, champion of the Quartz Conference, who fought against the Three Sacred Birds in the Orange Islands, actually appeared here. It's really interesting~ interesting~" Bixias smiled, as if Not too nervous.

"Bixias, a senior cadre of the Rockets, the inventor of the Dark Ball, the most powerful Pokémon is a Bangira, and now, he is the chief culprit of the abnormal regional destruction." Looking at the other party, he reported himself. Luo Chen also reported the other party's information.

Chapter 152 The Real Three Holy Birds!

"Can you tell me, how did you come up with such an idea? This idea of ​​fusing the three holy birds." Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and asked. "You should know my answer." Bishas replied with a dark face.

Originally in Sirona's hands, she was still sure to escape, but who knew that Luo Chen rushed towards him like a dog smelling shit, even if he was fighting the three holy birds, he would not hesitate to come to him here.

It's very unlucky to be targeted like this. There is no doubt that Luo Chen came after him!It's strange that he can give Luo Chen a good look.

"It doesn't matter, it's fine if you don't want to answer, let me find the answer by myself~" Luo Chen narrowed his eyes, and there was a burst of superpower light in his eyes.

"Wait! You can't do this! If I say, you do this, the consequences will be very serious, will you still do it?!" Bixias took a step back "[-]", he was also a little guilty, this kind of Shouldn't it be time to transfer him to the league?Why did he think of attacking him alone?The use of lynching is too disrespectful of martial arts.

"Of course I will!" Luo Chen never accepted any threats.

Because he is very clear that the other party is not the kind of person who will give up the threat if he accepts the threat. If he accepts the threat, then what he will face next will be endless threats!

Furthermore, Luo Chen has very strict protection for the people he cares about, Bixias is not like the kind who knew from the beginning that he would come to solve this incident, as long as the people he cares about will be fine, He still cares about the flood?

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if something happened, the current Luo Chen has the qualifications to save it. Using [Sacred Conquerment] and the power of time, he can save everything he wants to save.So Luo Chen would never accept his threat from the very beginning! "Then don't blame me!"

Bixias pressed the remote control hidden in his pocket, and in this case—don't blame him for doing it!Because you, Luo Chen, did even better!However…

Press... Can't press it?Bixias discovered a fact that made him doubt his life, but he couldn't hold it?

"Don't think about it, do you think I won't be able to guess what you will do? Want to threaten me? Should I change to a more concealed device?" Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and said.Bishas looked into his pocket from time to time, it was too obvious.However, what happened next made even Luo Chen panic for a moment.

"Huh~~" After a muffled snort, Bixias tilted his head and fell down, disappearing all life activities in an instant. "I wipe?!" Luo Chen repeatedly confirmed that his perception was correct, what the hell?That's it?

"It is indeed dead, but people of destiny, we don't have much time to stay here, and the three holy birds have already reacted!" Rogia said in a deep voice.Just now, he temporarily gave up the suppression of Sanshengniao for the sake of Luo Chen's side. Time is limited, and now he naturally has to return to the work just now.However, it seems that he does not have the leeway to do so. "Boom! One~~"

Not far away, the body of the three-in-one divine bird that was in a three-way melee exploded and turned into three energies, rushing towards the three holy birds respectively!

Although the three holy birds were not in that extremely weak state, they were still severely suppressed by Rogia and Luo Chen, and they were all preparing to counterattack against Rogia at this time. The accident did not come back to his senses for a while.

Three silly birds were hit by three rays of light without any suspense!There were bursts of screams! "This feeling is!"

Rogia watched the three silly birds turn into three energies and converge towards the center, reacted suddenly, and used mental force towards the center.It's a pity that when the mental force just arrived there, the three energies had already converged!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!~~" The cold and stern strange bird let out a creepy roar. After being hit by a strong mental thought, the sound it made was even more terrifying.

However, what Luo Chen and Rogia cared more about was another point. Before Rogia's mental force hit any of the three holy birds, it would cause effective damage, but the newly born three-in-one god in front of him Bird didn't seem to care about the injury at all!

Luo Chen was also extremely afraid of this strange bird below, because this strange bird already had the strength equal to or even surpassed Rogia.In other words, maybe it is at the same level or even higher strength than Maga Rikuza.

Looking at the big bird in front of him, and the Bishas who was going to die just now, Luo Chen felt an indescribably strange feeling... This strange bird has the characteristic feathers of the three holy birds on its body, and , the three heads are also completely installed together.

Below are the Flame Bird and the Lightning Bird, and the top is the Frozen Bird... That's why Luo Chen felt very weird. These are all non-mainstream assembly methods. "The man of destiny... even if the three holy birds are combined into one, they will not be our opponents."

Rogia flew quietly and steadily in front of the three holy birds, and the power of the sea god flowed in the blue and white streamlined body. "But I'm sorry... Man of Destiny, I couldn't stop him."

"It's okay... Rogia, what we should think about now is how to solve this problem." Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and said, let alone Rogia, he didn't feel it either~

"The three-in-one bird, after turning into three rays of light, possessed the god of thunder, the god of fire, and the god of ice, and formed a new three-in-one bird. This should be Bishas' last The method of triggering this method should be triggered by Bishas on his own initiative, or after death, this should be the means by which he threatened me just now."

"I didn't use this method before.. I guess it's because the three holy birds can't be controlled after being fused, and they will become quite violent. Just look at his current state." Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

This Bixias really gave him a big gift before he left!

[Really, I want to use the descending saint, use the time ability to revive him, and then pay the price for what I have done! 】 Luo Chen was a little annoyed. "Jie!!~"

Triple attack!

While Luo Chen and Lugia were discussing, three powerful forces, ice energy, fire energy, and electrical energy came out of the strange bird's mouth!

"Lugia! All-out supernatural power! Let's see if we can defeat him together!" Luo Chen and Lugia have always maintained a state of super resonance, they can communicate with each other, and their reaction speed is extremely fast.

"Jie!! Heart One"

Under the unreserved killing of magical powers, even the three holy birds uttered painful cries!Just this cry set off a tsunami of unknown extent! ·

Chapter 153 Chaomeng Appears!track of fate

However, after a blue light flashed on Rogia's body, everything calmed down again. "Lugia! Supernatural power!" "Jie!!!~~~"

The strange cry of the three holy birds spread from the surroundings again.

"The divine bird...

The three sacred birds used a divine bird with slight side effects. It was originally a divine bird that needed to be charged, but it was infinitely reduced in the battle of the first-level god. "cut!…

Luo Chen knew that it would take a certain amount of time to defeat the current three holy birds.Even now, Rogia has spent a considerable amount of energy to calm the sea.

Although the vast majority of Pokémon have been dispelled, it still requires the power of the God of the Sea to really not affect other places.

It is conceivable that the three holy birds' singing containing power can cause a tsunami of tens of meters. It is conceivable that without Rogia's rescue and the power of the sea god, I don't know how much impact it will cause.

Although the Kanto region and the Yoshien region may not be severely affected, it is extremely simple to destroy the Sending 13 volcano and several nearby cities.

"If you keep trying to calm down the tsunami and reduce the destructive power, it will be very troublesome if you can't fight with all your strength, Rogia, you must fight wholeheartedly!" Luo Chen said with narrowed eyes.

When the supernatural power hit the three holy birds, the triple attack also bombarded Rogia's barrier. Although the superpower barrier was not broken, it was also quite damaged. If it wasn't for the two of them supporting at the same time, Rogia The original power, maybe the barrier will be completely shattered in this attack!

While maintaining the superpower barrier, calming the tsunami, and supporting the protective shield, there are too many things that Rogia, a mythical beast, has to carry.

"Fighting wholeheartedly? Indeed, man of destiny, after resonating with you, I feel an unprecedented improvement in strength. However, it is precisely because I can do more things, so when I can pursue perfection To be perfect, I will suppress the Three Holy Birds, and I will calm down the tsunami."

Rogia's voice was flat, but he showed an unprecedented sense of pride and responsibility.

"No, you don't need to quell the tsunami. Leave the tsunami to my friends!" A Pokémon ball automatically opened on Luo Chen's waist, and Xanadu, who had just disappeared, returned to the field again. "It is impossible for one Xanadu to protect all the places affected by the tsunami, but it is enough to add others one by one!"

"Sana!" Xanadu nodded fiercely, then took off all the Pokmon balls from Luo Chen's waist, and disappeared in place in an instant.

One, two, three, four, Xanadu is constantly shifting his coordinates, arranging Luochen's Pokmon in different areas, and letting each Pokmon occupy a certain area, so that Luo Chen Qi Ya and Luo Chen really fought wholeheartedly.

"Huge fast dragon! Flap your wings! Set off a tsunami in the opposite direction to offset the tsunami! At the same time, you can support other Pokémon as much as possible!" A huge fast dragon tens of meters landed on the sea. "Meinas, use surfing! Also, counteract the tsunami from the opposite direction!" A beautiful Menus emerged from the water, setting off a tsunami tens of meters behind him, to meet the tsunami hitting the coastline


"Bangira! Use earthquakes! Change the terrain directly! Make the tsunami unable to rush over!" The gray-green behemoth descended on the ground, setting off waves of sandstorms. "Shuijun! Walk on the water and calm the tsunami!" The nimble four-legged Pokémon ran on the water, and the surrounding tsunami also subsided.

Each Pokémon is in charge of an area, and Pokmon that has reached the champion level have great strength, and it is not impossible to move mountains and fill seas.After ensuring that the tsunami will not have too much impact on the land, Rogia, the god of the sea, can finally fully exert his strength! "This battle may take a little longer, Rogia, are you mentally prepared?" Luo Chen narrowed his eyes and asked. "Ah, man of destiny! Subdue the three holy birds, this is our mission!

Looking at Gulardo who had returned to the original not far away, Neptune's Tooth and Rift Seat were fighting fiercely, Rogia responded loudly. "Lugia! .. do your best to deal with the three holy birds!" "High-pressure water cannon!"

"Yes!" Rogia's crisp and majestic cry resounded through the sky.One by one, he is going to devote himself to the battle!

The god of the sea, the sea is calm, and it is a hotbed that gives life to all things and allows all things to grow.But one by one the sea is also violent, and the occasional storm will be a crisis for all living beings!

The sacred bird used by the three holy birds against their magical powers, Rogia also used the divine bird at the same time! "Heavy!!!~~"

Rogia finally felt like using his full strength today. The previous fight with the three holy birds was a small fight. Now it is the real battle.If it weren't for the priesthood of the god of the sea, Rogia would really want to have a protracted battle with the strange bird.

[Actually, there is no need to fight for such a long time. 】Suddenly, a voice came into the hearts of Luo Chen and Rogia. "This voice is... No, this super power wave is!"

Luo Chen squinted his eyes. This is a sound, but it is not a sound in the traditional sense. The sound is transmitted through the 440 through sound waves and superpowers. This is telepathy!

"To be able to transmit super power fluctuations when we support the protective cover, how powerful is the super power?" Luo Chen realized the unusualness of this voice transmitter.

【I'm Chaomeng, you can call me Chaomeng, don't worry, I'm here to help you. 】The next second, there was a wave of superpowers that made Luo Chen doubt his life.Mew-two? !

No, it's not that he has any doubts about Chaomeng's help in this level of crisis.He was shocked that Chaomeng would say such a thing.

Even if Chaomeng wants to make a move, shouldn't it be the kind of shot quietly, using actual battles to explain his attitude?Why do you say such things to him?Does he know Chaomeng?That's right, Luo Chen actually didn't know Chaomeng.

When Luo Chen first started traveling, he went to Changpan City to get a green badge. At that time, he used superpowers to detect the underground of Changpan Gymnasium, and then got a negative result.

Considering that the Rockets may have made a superpower shielding device to seal a powerful superpower-type Pokémon like Chaomeng, Luo Chen didn't think too much about it, thinking that it would be fine to wait for Chaomeng to come out according to the plot. Even Luo Chen didn't have the right to have an equal dialogue with Chaomeng after he came out.

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Zhang Zhao

Asian ◇

Chapter 154 Chaomeng's kindness, subdue the cracked seat!

However, what happened to Chaomeng was indeed beyond his expectations. After the Quartz Conference, he did not receive Chaomeng's invitation letter, and Chaomeng seemed to have evaporated from the world.He also investigated the affairs of the Changpan Gym, and knew that there had been an accident in the Changpan Gym. It should be in that accident that Chaomeng disappeared.After that, Chaomeng never appeared again, and Luo Chen never received any news about Chaomeng until now.

"Chaomeng, since you are willing to help, that's really great, I will send you the order, try to cooperate with us in fighting." Luo Chen thought for a while and said. "If you don't want to, you can calm down the tsunami, so that Rogia and I can do our best." Luo Chen's words sounded very polite at first glance.

However, if the arrogant Pokémon hears this, they will definitely express their dissatisfaction.

This sentence can also be interpreted in this way-if you want to come and fight, follow my instructions and fight, if you don't want to, go and calm the tsunami.This was Luo Chen's temptation. Just now he noticed that Chaomeng's character was different from what he remembered, so he naturally wanted to make further temptations.He really wanted to know what happened to Chaomeng.

"No problem, let's fight together~ Just use the resonance method you mentioned."

Chaomeng flashed in front of the three holy birds with a teleportation, using the super power protective cover and the three holy birds to carry out the most direct installation.At the same time, bursts of colorful light flickered on his body.It is very similar to the brilliance on Likongzao just now!

After the colorful light passed, a more well-behaved Mewtwo appeared in the protective cover.

【mega Mewtwo Y!】

This is the name of Chaomeng's posture. Chaomeng's posture is a posture that maximizes its own superpowers. The posture corresponding to this evolutionary posture is the X form, which has a powerful

hand-to-hand combat ability.

"Has it already reached this level? Sure enough, Chaomeng's trajectory has also changed, but I don't know to what extent." Luo Chen narrowed his eyes, and sure enough, he was quite concerned.

But care is all about it, since Chaomeng has expressed his willingness to resonate with him in superpowers, he will not reject the door and transform part of his superpowers into Chaomeng's fluctuations.


Seeing Chaomeng also transform his posture, Rogia's psychology is a little subtle.What surprised him was that among the beasts present, he seemed to be the only one without a special form?

The gigantic green caterpillar Rikza will mega-evolve, Kyoka and Gulardo will return to their original form, and the three holy birds have also obtained this ugly but new form because of human technology.Only him, one form to the end.

Although using super resonance with Luo Chen can be regarded as his evolutionary form, but this particularity no longer exists after Chaomeng's arrival.Rogia also found it inconceivable that the majestic sea god would have such a feeling.In the end, he could only blame it on the gods fighting.

Anyway, now he and Luo Chen have the highest level of super energy resonance, which is considered to be the highest combat effectiveness, so it doesn't matter if they have a special form? !


"Super dream! Your task is to find an opportunity to use superpowers to restrain the three holy birds, and then output them together! My superpowers are limited, and I will only give you instructions when they are limited. Most of the time, you can fight freely Bar.!"

Although it was the first battle, Luo Chen felt like a duck to water when he commanded Chaomeng.

【clear! ] A powerful superpower erupted from Chaomeng's body, restraining the three holy birds in place. "Lugia! High-pressure water cannon!" Luo Chen immediately seized the opportunity to command.

According to his detection, this Pokémon's body contains lightning, ice, fire, and flying energy. Lugia is mainly good at superpower, water, and flying moves.

The damage of the moves of the super power type is 1.5 times, and the damage of the flying type is 0.5 times when it has little effect on the electric type.In addition, superpowers need to be used to restrain and interfere with the opponent's actions, so Luo Chen chose the water element trick!How could the God of the Sea not use the water element trick? "味眠眉眉寿!!!!~~Xin Yi" the high-pressure water cannon hit the part of the flame bird.

Flame Bird: Who did I provoke?Why is it always me who gets hurt? It’s okay to be seriously injured by a non-beast Pokmon just now, and now Rogia is also the first to bully me. "Jie!!!~~~"

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