As for why all sects are afraid of losing their luck.

For example.

If the world's luck is successful, the passing luck will not disappear.

That would strengthen other races, and even cause some unnecessary losses.

So I don't care what plans I have.

At least the current impact is good.

After a moment.

The people above the void have also completed their Daoism, and then they glanced at each other and said to Fu Xi: "The Emperor, I will take my leave! We will meet each other if we are destined in the future??'."

After speaking, they dispersed.

As for why everyone didn't go to meet Fuxi in person.

Everyone still knows something in later generations, and Fuxi must be accompanied by great power.

Although the prehistoric here is different from the one in the video, such an inevitable character must have different opportunities.

That's it.

As for Lao Tzu, of course he also left with everyone.

With so much luck lost, the income must be guaranteed, so I naturally need to leave with him.

This is all a joke. As the leader, I can feel that the luck of the human race at this time begins with the connection of hundreds of schools. As long as there is no accident, this wave of Lao Tzu will definitely make money!The main reason for following everyone is also to be able to communicate with everyone at any time.

By the way, let's see if we can get some innate magic weapons and save them for Xuandu.

In the prehistoric Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi Tongtian looked at Lao Tzu's aura that was strong and sometimes weak, wisps of coercion were constantly circulating around him, and the space was broken from time to time and then bridged again.

This sudden change made the two of them a little annoyed.

Originally, the two wanted to ask about the luck that belongs to the Taoist sect, but now they divert it to several unknown sects.

In this situation, the two had no choice but to wait.

After a moment.

Lao Tzu opened his eyes, his eyes were like ancient wells, unstained by dust.

"Yuan Shi Tong Tian, ​​what are you two doing so close!"

Seeing the two of them almost lying on his face, Lao Tzu's complexion turned black instantly.

Before I could say anything, Tong Tian said in a muffled voice: "Brother, do you want to deceive even your own brothers now? What's the situation with that Baijia, and why your cultivation base has improved so fast recently?"

Yuan Shi was also a little dull, just watching Lao Tzu wanting him to give him an explanation.

The luck of the Daoist sect is shared by the three religions, but now it is put together by my brother, and I am naturally upset.

Hearing this, Lao Tzu quickly checked his current cultivation.

It's just an instant to understand the cause and effect.

And the expression on the face of the back was horrifying, and he muttered to himself: "? The sixth heaven of saints! How is this possible? A clone in the long river of time can bring so much growth?"

"No, no, the most important thing is the comprehension of the Tao, the real mastery. Compared with these thoughts, I just lost a little luck. This time it is worth it!"

"However, the loss of luck made the realm stop at the sixth heaven, otherwise it would still be able to hit a higher level (Zhao Liaohao)."

There seemed to be a gleam of light in Lao Tzu's eyes who wanted to understand.

In contrast, the strong and weak momentum just now is naturally a large loss of luck, which has resulted in it being only maintained in the sixth heaven of saints.

This is a real state and understanding, there is no falsehood at all, and there is no phenomenon of unstable state.

Overjoyed, Lao Tzu's aura changed again.

——The law of Taoism is constantly circulating, and then Lao Tzu gently blew a breath of fresh air.

Note that this is the original Qi of Taiqing, not the breath.

In an instant, three figures appeared in front of the three of Lao Tzu.

"Fellow Daoist, I am Lao Tzu!"

"Fellow Daoist, I'm Li Erdi!"

"I am the Supreme Lord!".

Chapter 218 I don't speak strange powers!

Seeing this scene, Yuanshi Tongtian and the two froze in place for an instant.

"Is this the three corpses?"

"No, it's not the three corpses. Each of these statues is in the realm of the third heaven of saints, and the three corpses are basically in the realm of quasi-sages."

Hearing the voices of the two of Tongtian.With a wave of his hand, Lao Tzu put away the Taiqing Qi, and then said with a smile: "Second Brother, Third Brother, this is a Taoist method I have newly comprehended.

"Oh! Congratulations brother!"

Tong Tian and Yuan Shi said casually, without the shock of just now.

He said to Lao Tzu again: "Brother, what's the matter with all the schools of thought? Don't say you don't know, you were talking about trivial things at that time."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu also knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he had to ponder for a while and then solemnly said: "Second brother, third brother, I will return double the luck of the Taoist sect in the future, and now it is just a temporary borrowing."

"These schools of thought have a great relationship with me, and they can help me to stabilize the luck of the human religion. When I really succeed, as long as the human race exists, the human religion will prosper. There is no need for the treasure of the human religion!"

"At that time, the human race will be taught by the human race, and the human race will be the 723 human race!"

"To express my apologies, all the innate magic weapons I harvested this time belong to my second and third brothers, and I don't want any of them."

"Okay, deal!"

"No problem, remember what you said, double return."

Yuanshi's tone was a little bit heavier on the idiom "return double".

It's no wonder that Yuanshi and Tongtian are like this, it is really related to the luck of Taoism.

Now the luck of the entire Daoist sect is occupied by the three of Lao Tzu, of course, occupying is occupying rather than possessing.

The important point is that if one day the three religions perish, no disciples will survive in name only.

It doesn't matter, the luck of the Taoist sect can block the backlash of luck for the three of Lao Tzu, and can be used by the three of Lao Tzu at any time.This is why later generations enshrined the gods, and the Jiejiao perished, but Tongtian was still fine.

It is precisely because of the luck of the Taoist sect that protected Tongtian, otherwise Tongtian would be cold.

If Laozi were replaced by anyone at this time, I am afraid that Tongtian Yuanshi would not let him go at this time.

And as the crowd left.

The image of Fuxi in the void also began to dissipate.

Until the light emitted by Cum Tongyin disappeared.

Feeling the experience just now, Fuxi couldn't help but feel a little lost: "Master, what do those fellow clansmen do?"

Qin Xi looked at Fuxi with a smile and said, "You will meet each other in the future."

"Master, what is the emperor? I saw they called me the emperor, why?"

"The emperor, the status is similar to that of the patriarch, but the responsibility is even greater. You will need to lead the human race to fight against the ten thousand races in the future."

"Well, Zhu Xianghaoying, and Xuandu said they would always follow me in the future. But my current cultivation is too low, and I can't follow Xuandu and the others to resist other races. I will stop here, Fuxi I don't know why I fell into thinking again.

In fact, apart from the demon emperor of the demon clan, no other race has ever said what kind of emperor they are.

Most of them claim to be patriarchs, such as Zulong, and the current titles all evolved from that time.

Qin Xi looked at Honghuang again.

Confucius and others are all in the borderlands, the junction of the human race and various races, each occupying one side (ceca) o Then they said in unison: "People who live here, who are not human tribes, need to retreat thousands of miles, only for a moment, if Those who do not retreat will bear the consequences!"

After speaking, all the creatures who were still observing Confucius and others were speechless for a while.

Most creatures are impotent and furious.

"It's too arrogant, I really want to go up and compete with it."

"Come on, you are going to go on, but there are more than 100 Daluo peaks, and the average medium-sized tribe has this strength, and the human race still does not have quasi-sages." That is, races without quasi-sages dare to be so arrogant? ! "

"I really don't know what to say!"

It's not just the prehistoric creatures who are discussing.

Sun Wu and others are still discussing this issue.

"Brother Zhongni, after my investigation, these races in the surrounding area all have examples of feeding on human races, and they will come out to hunt and kill human races from time to time."

"These races should be killed!"

"If you want me to say, destroy it directly and expose its body to the sun."

"Brother Zhongni, you stand at the head, and I'll make the move later! For this kind of thing, you, a scholar, are more suitable, and you can give a good impression of gentleness to all ethnic groups. The famous Gongsun Long laughed and urged Confucius to make a move.

"Brother Zhongni, this time it's best to have a peaceful life for hundreds of years, and let's train a few disciples well. When the time comes, let the disciples compare who wins and who loses, and everyone is talking and laughing for a while.

Imagine what the future disciples will be like.

He didn't pay attention to the changes of many races.

Confucius also didn't say much, waiting for the time silently.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that this fight must be fought.

All the clans want to kill the vigor of the clan, and Confucius and others want to let the clans weigh their own strength again.

Time flies, and a moment has passed in a blink of an eye.

Confucius had an aura of grandeur mixed with the law of righteousness, and he said lightly: "I, don't talk about strange powers and gods!

Don't be afraid!

Isn't it more interesting? "

Chapter 219 Ten generations of hatred can still be avenged!

As soon as the words fell, white rays of light in the void covered the various races around the human race.

The creatures in it are all roaring with all their strength.

"What is this? Why did my mana disappear?"

"Call the patriarch quickly, all mana is blocked, this? What should I do?" At this moment, the creatures of the race that were shrouded all looked shocked.

Want to escape, but can't move.

this moment.

Both Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian are controlled by this force and cannot move a single bit.

Then above the white light, it seemed to be burning, and the white flame would burn the shrouded creatures from the inside out!

Just for a moment!

All living beings completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"What kind of flame is this? There has never been such a strange flame in the prehistoric world. It burns a little bit from the inside to the outside, but no blood can be seen.

"Hiss, ruthless, some fellow daoists will suffer a lot!"

"Don't worry, this is just a branch of some races, and it will definitely be a big battle in a while!"

"It's just a good time to see the fighting power of the human race. Now that some small races have been wiped out, the next round of the human race will definitely end." Among the human race.

- Some innate human races watched this scene silently for a long time.

Although the innate human race cultivated quickly, their combat power was not that strong at all.

To force millions of souls to die at any price is easier said than done.

Especially this hand, it does not occupy blood, it seems that it has not been contaminated with any cause and effect, it is simply terrifying!

Youchao looked at Suiren who was also playing with fire, with a look of curiosity in his eyes, he couldn't help asking: "Sui, can you do it so easily and freely?"

The flames of the Suiren Clan are not tainted with cause and effect, which is the consensus of the entire prehistoric people in contact with the human race.

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