He looked at Taoist Raising His Eyebrows and said to him, "I've really neglected this matter, and it's true that I haven't been in touch with them for a long time." But Qin Xi immediately looked at the mountain of things in front of him copywriting.

He said to him: "It's a little later, there are still a lot of things now."

Then I heard the disciples outside proclaiming: "There is someone asking to see you at the gate of the master Qin Xi's sect."

Qin Xi thought it was very strange, and he didn't expect who came to see him, and the disciple who reported to him was also a newcomer who had just arrived at the Tiandao Dojo. understanding.

He said to the disciples outside: "Okay, let him come in."

When he heard what he said, it was Yuxue who walked in directly.

Seeing Yuxue like this, Qin Xi felt a little strange.

Because Yuxue has always been by Chang'e's side, why did he return to the Tiandao Dojo today instead of returning to the human world.

When Yuxue walked in, she immediately lowered her body very respectfully.

He looked at Qin Xi and said to him, "Please see Mr. Qin Xi, see Taoist Yangmei."

Taoist Raising Eyebrows was really very happy, he hadn't seen Yuxue, a clever and eccentric little girl, for a long time.

But I feel that the little girl's appearance this time seems to be a lot more melancholy, and it can be seen from his eyes that she lacks the cleverness of the past.

Taoist Raising His Eyebrows was already looking at Yuxue, and said to him: "It's good to be able to return to the Tiandao Dojo, and then I will have someone to play with me."

Because Yuxue was a Jade Rabbit before, he was always naughty and cute, playing with Daoist Raising His Eyebrows was also very happy.

Yuxue really looked at Taoist Yangmei and said to him: "I have something to ask for boss Qin Xi when I come back this time."

When he heard what he said, Qin Xi had already stood up, looked at Yuxue and said to him: "? Come talk to me here."

It had already walked in the direction of the round table, looked at Yuxue and said to him, "Sit down and talk."

Because he could see that Yuxue was really tired looking at this.

Yuxue really didn't dare to cross the line, after all, there was a big difference in status between Qin Xi and her, and she was just a maid by his side.

He looked at Qin Xi (Wang Zhao) and said to him: "No need, Mr. Qin Xi, I can just stand here."

Qin Xi didn't speak, but said to Yuxue: "Tell me, what's the matter with me this time."

Yuxue bluntly knelt down with another plop and said to Qin Xi: "I want to beg you, please pull Chang'e into the group chat.

Hearing his nonsensical words, Qin Xi felt very strange. What did he mean by saying that all of a sudden? ?

Chapter 2425

Taoist Yangmei also watched Yuxue do this, and for a while he really didn't realize what he meant.

Qin Xi looked at Yuxue and said to him, "Why, did you just say to let me pull Chang'e into the group chat?"

Because Qin Xi never imagined that Yuxue came back this time for Chang'e. She thought that Yuxue and Chang'e had ended their fate, so she came back.

And Taoist Yangmei was even more strange at this time, because he had heard from Qin Xi before that he was by Chang'e's side at this time, so he really wanted to know what happened.

Yuxue had already told Qin Xi about Chang'e's depression for a while.

Yuxue made a direct plop and knelt down on the ground again.

Then he looked at Qin Xi at 647 and said to him: "Boss Qin Xi, Chang'e is actually very pitiful. Since he was on the moon, he has always been a very lonely person, and there is no People are by his side."

"I was by his side for thousands of years. Later, because of his overthinking, he started to become more and more depressed. I want to change his current situation." When I heard him say this , Qin Xi already knew this characteristic of Chang'e.

So he looked at Yuxue and said to him: "What are you talking about these things with me for?"

Taoist Raising His Eyebrows also looked at Yuxue beating around the bush at this time, he must have something to say.

So he was also very anxious, looked at him and said to him: "You start talking, I am really anxious to death."

Taoist Raising His Eyebrows, he knew that the reason why Yuxue had made so many foreshadowings was that he must have something real to say next.

Qin Xi knew Yuxue very well, so he had already thought of this possibility.

He looked at Yuxue and said to him: "Yuxue, you have been with me for a thousand years, so if you have anything to ask me, just say it."

Hearing what big brother Qin Xi said, Yuxue's voice of crying like pear blossoms and rain has gradually (cecb) begun to calm down.

He prostrated himself on the ground, and then without looking up, he said to Qin Xi in a muffled voice: "I want to ask Qin Xi's big brother, La Chang'e, to enter the group chat. I know this request is really too much, but he He has always been living on the moon, and he can’t leave any place. Not many people know him, and there is only one way for him to get in touch with others and untie the knot in his heart.”

When Qin Xi heard what he said, she really didn't expect that Yuxue came to Tiandao Dojo this time for Chang'e.

But Qin Xi didn't know Chang'e very well, and she was afraid that he would reveal her secret. After all, the people in the group chat were all her good friends.So at this moment, Qin Xi really started to think about it.

Daoist Changmei was originally a person with a bad temper and a very cheerful personality, so when he heard Yuxue say this, he thought it was not a big deal, so he already looked in Qin Xi's direction.

He looked at Qin Xi's eyebrows, and they started to frown slightly, as if he was thinking seriously. .

Chapter 2426 This matter is difficult to handle

The Taoist raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Xi, and said to him, "Why, is it difficult to do this?"

When he answered Taoist Yangmei, he had already expressed his concerns, and said to the two people, "Maybe after he is brought in, it will have a certain impact on us." Taoist Yangmei heard what he said. At that time, he also knew that none of them knew Chang'e very well after all, so he also looked in Yuxue's direction.

Yuxue knows Qin Xi and Taoist Yangmei very well. After all, how long have they been together?Millennium time.

So he quickly looked at the two people, and said to them: "It is definitely not possible. Chang'e has never been able to leave the moon. This is also an order from the Jade Emperor. Don't worry, he is a very Lonely man, I just want him to be able to reach other people."

Hearing what he said, Qin Xi also felt compassion.

Although it is said that everything that Chang'e did was her own fault, if it wasn't for eating that elixir at the beginning, she wanted to become a fairy, and finally lived on the moon, such a thing would not be possible now .

Qin Xi looked at Yuxue and said to him: "Since it's for your sake, I agree to this matter."

After all, at the beginning, he and Taoist Yangmei wanted to chat with a few people in the group, and it was Yuxue who suddenly delayed their matter just now.

Qin Xi made a decisive decision, and looked at Yuxue and said to him: "In this case, I will pull Chang'e into the group chat in a while, and I agree to this matter."

Because this is really very easy for Qin Xi, after all, he is a god's means, not everyone in the whole prehistoric can have it.

When Yuxue heard Qin Xi say this, she was really grateful, and hurriedly kowtowed to Qin Xi again.

He said to Qin Xi: "Thank you, Mr. Qin Xi, I really appreciate it very much. I will definitely repay you for this kindness even if it is a ox or a horse."

Qin Xi also knows that Yuxue is a kind and righteous person, otherwise, she would not beg herself for Chang'e's affairs.

Because in the thousands of years before, Yuxue has always been a chatty and lively girl, and she has never asked herself. Now that she has something to ask for, he must agree.

...Ask for flowers? …

He looked at Yuxue again and said to him: "Will you go back to the moon again next time?"

After all, Yuxue has been there for several years in that place, and at this time in Qin Dao in the world, I don't know if she has entered the age of old age.

After hearing what he said, Yuxue really shook her head and said to him: "As long as he enters the group chat, I still miss Bai Xiong and Qin Dao very much, so I want to go back."

"I'm going to the world to see them, that's why I'm here to beg you."

Qin Xi didn't expect that this little girl had already thought about everything, so she wanted to entrust Chang'e to herself.

Qin Xi agreed immediately, and knew that this little girl's life was not easy, so she said to him: "Well, if this is the case, you can rest here for a few days and then leave. "So.

Chapter 2427 Chang'e wants to enter the group chat

After all, if one day is spent in this place in the sky, it will take ten days for the underground world, so Yuxue really doesn't want to delay any time.

He hastily looked at Qin Xi and said to him: "No, big brother Qin Xi, I'm going to the world in a while, what kind of explanation do you have for Bai Xiong and Qin Dao?" Taoist Raising His Eyebrows, when he heard Yuxue doing this on "June [-]th", he really admired Yuxue, a little girl. He felt that this little girl was really affectionate and righteous.

He also looked at Yuxue and said to him: "You should also pay attention to your own body. I don't think you have any intention of cultivating now. You must remember that your own strength is the most important thing."

Yuxue is very grateful to Raising His Eyebrows Dao Renzi. Although the two of them used to play together often, but at this moment they have really calmed down a lot.

He looked at Taoist Yangmei with his fists in his hands, and said to him, "Thank you Taoist Yangmei, I will definitely pay attention."

Qin Xi knew that Yuxue, a little girl, had already made up his mind to go, so he looked at Yuxue and said to him: "Since you have already made a plan, then go."

Yuxue knelt on the ground once again, kowtowed three times to Qin Xi, and then said to Qin Xi: "Thank you, Mr. Qin Xi, for your fulfillment this time."

Standing up again, looking at Taoist Yangmei, he cupped his fists and said to him: "Since the matter has been settled, I will take my leave first. See you two when we have a chance."

Qin Xi waved his hand, looked at Yuxue and said to him, "Look at how Qin Dao and Bai Xiong are doing in that place in the world, is there anything else that needs our attention."

What Qin Xi was referring to was of course the masked man, because he has always caused a lot of trouble to himself, but for some reason, this guy has suddenly calmed down in the past few years.

He was also afraid that he would go to the human world again and disturb Qin Dao's very peaceful life.

Of course, Yuxue knew exactly what Qin Xi was thinking, so she looked at Qin Xi and said to him: "It's Qin Xi's boss, I know, then I will leave first."

Then he walked out towards the direction of the door. Taoist Raised His Eyebrow looked at Qin Xi at this time and he became quiet again, because he knew that Qin Xi really had a lot of things on his mind...

Qin Xi sighed, feeling really helpless herself, then she looked at Taoist Yangmei and said to him, "Since the matter is over, let's open the chat group."

With a wave of Qin Xi's hand, a silver light flashed, and all the people in the group chat began to appear in the video.

Qin Xi saw that the background behind the forever + seven-year-old girl and Wanhua Tongling was still so familiar, and she knew that the two of them had already left the top of the snow mountain at this time.

He himself is really very sorry, because he has promised them all before, and he is sure that everyone will be together and keep in touch.

But I didn't expect that it was just that there was not a long time in the past. Since I was really too busy, I only contacted everyone three times in the past three months. It was really very little, and there was no additional time at all. . .

Chapter 2428 I acted too hastily and became obsessed

Qin Xi looked at the people in front of her, and said to them apologetically, "How are you all these days? I can see that the forever 17-year-old girl and Wanhua Tongling have returned to their places .”

When I heard what he said, the forever 17-year-old girl, because of her own face-helping skills, so he really looks like a girl at this time.

He looked very coquettish and aggressive, looked at Qin Xi and said to him: "You guy doesn't mean anything at all, and you haven't appeared a few times in the past three months."

Qin Xi chuckled. They have always cared about each other in their group chat, and they talked very casually.

So he looked at the forever 17-year-old girl and said to him: "This incident is really my fault."

Then Qin Xi had already clasped her fists together and jokingly said to him, "I'll apologize, please forgive me."

When Wanhua Tongling saw Qin Xi like this, he immediately started laughing, and said to him: "The two of us are at the top of the snow Lh, and we are very happy to be warmly received by the Goddess of Dawn. If you don't take this little thing to heart, don't do such a thing."

Qin Xi raised her body and looked at the forever + seven-year-old girl in a much better mood at this time, and immediately started laughing with him.

As for the general who works from nine to five, he looked at the crowd and said to them: "Qin Xi has been very busy when he returned to the Tiandao Dojo, and because of Aobai's affairs, he has also cost him a lot, so Let us all stop blaming him."

At this time, Oboi's body has begun to recover a lot, but due to some mistakes in his cultivation this time, his personality has gradually become less talkative.

So when the group chat was just opened, he was not as startled as before.

He looked at the crowd with his hands clasped and said to them: "I'm really over-hasty about these things. I never thought that such a crazy thing would happen."

Hearing what he said, in fact, he was already a big boss, so he was already accustomed to various things that would happen during cultivation, so everyone comforted Oboi when they were together.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven looked at Oboi and said to him: "This is nothing more than a small episode. As long as you work hard, you will succeed sooner or later. Don't act too hastily."

Although the Great Sage Equaling Heaven is very talented, and he has become very powerful without training at all, but he also knows the pain in their training.

Qin Xi has been suppressing a lot of things for a long time without 647 telling everyone, and chatting with them very casually.But because of the goddess of dawn, although he looks cold on the outside, his observation skills have always been very strong.When he looked at Qin Xi, he always hesitated to speak, and his whole face had some strange expressions.

He said to him: "Why, Qin Xi, do you have something to tell us?"

When Qin Xi heard what Goddess Shuguang said, she immediately shook her head, because he felt that it would be really difficult for Chang'e to enter their entire group chat, after all, he still didn't know someone. .

Chapter 2429 The Most Beautiful White Fox

Qin Xi had already looked at the goddess of dawn and said to him, "No."

Then he changed the subject, and saw the most beautiful white fox in history and said to him: "How is it after returning to the family? Are things going well?"

After all, the most beautiful white fox in history had already left the Tiandao Dojo a few days ago, and it just happened not long before he returned to the fox family.

Just hearing that Ouyang Qing was already very respectful immediately, and said to them all: "Because of my strength, I have now become the strongest person in the fox family, so each of them has become very well-behaved at this time, thank you everyone Dude cares."

When they heard what he said, in fact, each of them knew in their hearts that in this prehistoric world, the strong are respected. As long as your strength is strong enough, it is very difficult for the people below to completely obey you. Simple.

Qin Xi was really relieved, he looked at Ouyang Qing and said to him: "Has the problem that troubled you in the fox family been solved?"

Because Qin Xi knows that as long as you are strong enough, after you go back, Thunderbolt will definitely suppress those people with ulterior motives.

The most beautiful white fox in history clasped his fists in a hurry, and said to Mr. Qin Xi, "Yes, everything has been resolved, but many members of the fox family died inside again."

Although it is said that each of them has rebellious thoughts at this time, and he has resolved all their problems, but for him, it is really that he is still a little sad in his heart.

Because there had been a turmoil in the fox family before, it had already had a great impact on them at that time.

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