Qin Xi and the others were in this place, and they started searching very seriously.

I saw tents pitched in the distance.

He already looked in that direction and said, "It's on the other side, let's go over quickly."

Because it has been seen from a distance, the flag of the heavenly court is standing there. .

Chapter 2454 Five Generals in Armor

When they heard what he said, everyone has already galloped in that direction.

—When Lu came to this place, Qin Xi had really seen the majestic nine-to-five general in silver armor.

Qin Xi whispered to Di Qun and Ao Xin, "You and Guangmu Heavenly King will enter the big account in a while, and I will go talk to him."

Of course, the two of them knew what Qin Xi meant at this time. If others knew about their friendship, it would be very troublesome. Maybe it would have a certain influence on both Qin Xi and the nine-to-five general. .

So Di Que responded in a low voice: "Okay, I understand. Don't worry, Master Qin Xi."

When Qin Xi flew in that direction, King Guangmu saw the tent from afar.

On the other side, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was very lively and intelligent, and he quickly said to King Guangmu: "The other side is the coach's tent, let's go, let's go there."

While talking, the two of them landed beside the general's tent.

He walked in the direction of the general's tent.

Due to the arrival of Monkey King, the tent was really lively for a while.

Qin Xi was just at the entrance of the tent, and when he saw that everyone and Guangmu Heavenly King had started talking to each other, he had already walked in the direction of the Nine Nights and Five Great Rivers.At this time, he was leading the soldiers behind him on patrol, so Qin Xi, wearing a white robe, suddenly landed beside him, which really surprised the general who worked from nine to five.

He hastily looked at Qin Xi in a low voice and said, "Why did you come to this place?"

The two of them knew that it was not particularly convenient to talk in this place, so they had already walked in the direction of a forest.

After seeing that there were no suspicious people around, Qin Xi looked at the other party and said to him: "How is it? something suspicious happened."

When he heard what he said, the nine-to-five general did not expect that Qin Xi came this time for such a thing.

He looked at the owner of the valley and said suspiciously: "Why, do you think something very strange happened?"

Qin Xi also knew that as long as she told him about this matter, she would definitely not be able to hide it.

He still talked to the great elder just like he did before, and he told the whole story of the incident that he suspected was caused by the masked man with the general at nine to five.After the other party heard it, he never thought that there are masked people making trouble here?

So he has already started to think about it very seriously.

He immediately looked at Qin Xi and said: "? I think it's really weird that the demons are fighting with us this time (Wang Wang's), and it's completely different from before. Could it be that this place is really It was his involvement."

When hearing what he said, Qin Xi's face became serious.

He looked in the distance and there were many people being cleaned on the battlefield, and they were all dead at this time.

Qin Xi really didn't expect this war. If the masked man really started it, then how ambitious this guy would be. .

Forced to report, reward and share

Chapter 2455 Mask Man's Ambition

The two people have already exchanged all the information they know with each other.

Moreover, Qin Xi has already decided to stay in this place for a while longer, and when the next big battle comes, he will go to this place to see if there is any influence from the masked man, and the other party has already completely agreed.

After the two discussed everything, Qin Xi hid her identity and settled down in this army.

Qin Xi saw Monkey King and Di Qun walking out from a distance.

He walked 660 in that direction, and asked, "How is it, what kind of situation is it now?"

After all, it is the time of war, so everyone is very nervous at this time.

Monkey King also looked more serious and said: "I didn't expect this demon race to be really weird. There have been three major battles, but each time was very tragic, so this time it seems They are really ready to attack the heavens."

Although Monkey King said that he doesn't care about these things now, when he heard that so many people were fighting again, he was really very concerned.

But the other one, Di Qun, asked in a low voice, "What about the general who works from nine to five?"

What he was referring to, of course, was whether the general who was in charge of nine to five had any inside information.

Qin Xi shook his head slightly, only waiting for the war to happen before he could know.

Qin Xi had already said to the Monkey King again: "Since this is the case, we have arrived. If you have something to do, you can go first. I will wait for the next big battle."

Monkey King has always been a very laid-back person, and he has a rebellious personality about everything.

He looked at Qin Xi and replied: "Since I have come to this place now, of course I want to have a good time in this place to see what kind of demons and ghosts the (cecb) demons will be next. It has been thousands of years I haven't tried it for a while, and I want to try it."

After hearing what Monkey King said, Qin Xi certainly knew that the reason why Monkey King said this was actually to ensure his safety in this place.

Moreover, the general who is in charge of nine to five is also in this place. He is a very loyal person, and he will definitely not stand idly by.

Qin Xi understood and was very grateful in her heart. She cupped her fists and said, "Thank you."

Monkey King and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and didn't say much more.

As time passed, Qin Xi and the others had already settled down in this place.

In order to avoid suspicion, everyone at the nine to five didn't have a lot of time to socialize with Qin Xi and the others.

But I didn't expect that the few of them had lived in this place for three days, and nothing happened.

Daoist Raising His Eyebrows was still on Qin Xi's mind, wondering why he hasn't come back yet?

When they had lived in this place for the ninth day, the nine-to-five general was very anxious, and had already arrived at Qin Xi's tent, and said anxiously, "The demon master has begun to invade." "

The general at nine to five was really in a hurry. Now that he had put on all his velvet armor, he was in a state of combat readiness. .

"Everyone, get ready

Chapter 2456 Don't act rashly, it depends on the situation

So he immediately saw Di Qun and Ao Xin, and suddenly stood up from the bed next to him.

Qin Xi was sitting on the bunk on the ground and was practicing, when she suddenly opened her eyes and stood up with a bang.

And Monkey King was even more interested, looking at the general who worked nine to five, he said to him: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go out and have a look now."

A few people were already late at this time, so when they rushed towards the battlefield, all the soldiers in the Heavenly Court had already started to get ready to go, and the video of the magic bead?are confronting each other.

When seeing such a scene, the generals on both sides were all standing in the air and talking to each other.

But what Qin Xi didn't expect was that he actually saw a very familiar person in the enemy's camp. That person was none other than Taoist Yangmei.

He stood behind all the demon soldiers, commanding everything on the scene like a military adviser.

Qin Xi was already very strange, and on the other side, Di Qun and Ao Xin also saw this scene, and they didn't expect Taoist Yangmei to stand in the team on the side of the demons.

Ao Xin was originally an impatient character, and immediately wanted to go forward to question Taoist Yangmei.

After Qin Xi stretched out her hand to block his way, she shook her head slightly, fearing that he would expose her target, and then all the people in Tianting would definitely chase and kill Taoist Raising Eyebrows first.

So after Qin Xi stopped the two of them, he whispered to them, "Don't act rashly, let's see the situation later and then talk about it."

Unexpectedly, at this time, the general of the demon clan looks like a snake with a human head, and he is talking with the general of Tianting, which seems to be shouting.

When Qin Xi saw this scene, Monkey King also saw him. Although he didn't speak, he couldn't help being shocked.

When the people on both sides were talking, they could already see that the swords had suddenly started to be tense, and the forces of the two sides had already begun to hand over each other.

Qin Xi and the others were originally observing the situation at this place. If it wasn't for the general who is in charge of nine to five, and when the lives of a few of them are in danger, Qin Xi would not have taken action, and would only have helped a few times behind the scenes. That's all.

...Ask for flowers? …

So when they saw this scene, all three of them had already begun to hide their identities.

Sure enough, the battle between the two sides soon began to become very anxious.

Qin Xi looked at the emperor's skirt and said, "Don't startle the snake by making mistakes."

... Zero Emperor Qun nodded, because he had already started attacking in the direction below just now.

At this moment, he was really anxious, but in order not to affect the Tiandao Dojo, he could only tolerate his excitement to go to the battlefield.

Qin Xi saw that Taoist Yangmei had been standing behind without moving, as if he had been manipulated, watching all the people on the scene fighting.Qin Xi looked at the two people and said, "You two wait a moment, I'll go over there."

Because everyone is fighting at this time, no one is watching everyone's movements, so he is going to take advantage of this time to pass.So.

Forced to report, reward and share

Chapter 2457 Occupied by the masked man

When Qin Xi was speaking, she had already circled to the back and walked towards Taoist Yangmei.

He landed beside Taoist Yangmei, looked at him and said, "What's going on."

But when Taoist Changmei looked back at him, Qin Xi already felt that his whole eyes were wrong.

Qin Xi was very sure once again in a hurry, and said to him: "You are not the Taoist "[-]" with raised eyebrows, you have already been occupied by others."

The masked man really didn't think that he had been hiding very well all this time, so why would he be exposed in front of Qin Xi so soon?

Once again, the corner of his mouth was raised slightly, looking at Qin Xi, he still said the same as before: "How is it possible, who has taken over my body? It's just hidden inside the enemy army." When Qin Xi heard what he said, Qin Xi even felt that this guy had been taken over by the masked man.

He said with certainty: "You are the masked man. I never thought that this battle between the demons and the heavens was really caused by you."

Qin Xi really didn't expect that this guy is quite powerful, but just for a while, he actually caused such disputes again.

The other party really didn't expect that Qin Xi had discovered his secret so quickly, so he felt that there was nothing to hide.

He was very dangerous, and he had already started to laugh, and the black air around his body had already started to emit.

The masked man looked at Qin Xi, his tone became colder and he said, "I didn't expect you to be so quick, but you can recognize me at a glance. It seems that the two of us really know each other as if they were the same."

When hearing what he said, Qin Xi felt really disgusted.

He quickly looked at the masked man, and said very casually: "Masked man, why are you occupying Taoist Yangmei's body, leave me immediately."

On the other hand, the corners of the mouth of the other party rose slightly, and a very insidious and confused smile appeared.

The masked man said to him: "This guy was accidentally touched by me, but he didn't expect that he wanted to kill me. It was really wishful thinking, so I took over his body." When he said this, , seems to be very relaxed and casual...

Qin Xi was really angry after hearing this.

He looked at the masked man again, and said, "You release it to me right away, otherwise, you won't blame me for being cruel."

Because Qin Xi has always hated the masked man very much. Although he said that after killing him, it would have an impact on his body, but at this moment, he really can't care about that much at all.But Taoist Raising Eyebrow is still occupied by him, and he can only deal with him like this. Taoist Raising Eyebrow is very dangerous.

The masked man started to laugh, looked at Qin Xi provocatively and said, "Yeah, if that's the case, then you can just kill him." 2.1 "If you can do it, you can just kill me .”

When he heard what he said, Qin Xi and Taoist Yangmei had been together for thousands of years, so they definitely couldn't hurt their good brother.

He really gritted his teeth in hatred, and once again he looked at Taoist Raising His Eyebrow and said: "I will definitely not let you go, in time you will definitely die in my hands.

Forced to report, reward and share

Chapter 2458 Don't let everyone think he is a traitor

But at this time, on the battlefield, the general who was at nine to five had already seen the phenomenon on Qin Xi's side from a distance.

But he simply has no skills at all, who can wait and see from a distance.

On the other side, seeing the change on his side, the Monkey King had already come to Qin Xi's side immediately.

When he was fighting very vigorously, he did not expect to see a very familiar figure on this side.

He was a little angry, his eyes turned red, and he said to 24 Qin Xi, "Isn't this guy just a Taoist with raised eyebrows?"

Because he knew that the raised eyebrow Taoist was a very important identity in the devil, so he thought he must be a traitor.

But Qin Xi whispered to the Monkey King, explaining all the ins and outs of the matter.

After he finished speaking, Monkey King was even more angry. He didn't expect that it was the masked man who was playing tricks.

Immediately, he was very angry and wanted to speak loudly, but Qin Xi stopped his movement by directly reaching out his hand.

Then he said loudly to Qi Tian again in a low voice: "You must be careful about this matter, don't let other people know, otherwise it will be impossible to keep this secret for Taoist Yangmei and the devil."

Monkey King was originally an irritable temper. When he heard Qin Xi say this, he could only smell his own heart, and looked in the direction of the masked man very angrily.

But he knew in his mind that once the identity of Daoist Yangmei was really exposed, it would definitely be very dangerous for him in the future, and everyone in the heavenly court would regard him as an enemy.

Then he said: "You guy didn't expect to occupy the body of Taoist Yangmei. One day sooner or later, my old grandson will force you out."

Because Qin Xi knew that there were many people in the Heavenly Court who had all kinds of magic weapons. As long as the Monkey King wanted to find them, he would definitely be able to borrow these things.

So after you think about it like this, he didn't intend to continue to entangle with the masked man, he just let him occupy Taoist Yangmei to recover his body, so that his life can be safe.He looked at Monkey King and said, "Let's go, let's go back and make a long-term plan before we talk about it."

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