O to achieve their expected goals.

As a 'servant', Luo Hou retreated respectfully, and he still had to clean up the fallen leaves, which was also a practice for him.

"Taiyi, Diqun, what's the matter with you two? 2.0"

The flame spirit burned its golden pupils with extreme flames and looked in one direction.

The two timid congenital golden crows seemed to be hiding in a corner and looking at him, as if they had something to do.

"Mother God...?...I want to understand the law."

"Father God said that in order to become the strongest quasi-sage, three conditions must be met at the same time."

"I haven't thought about the other two for the time being, but we want to understand the law of fire."


Taiyi and Diqun said in a low voice.

They are creatures conceived from the Fusang sacred tree, and they are best at the fire of the sun.

Instead of comprehending other laws, why not just try to comprehend the laws of your own natal supernatural powers, so that the speed and efficiency will be much faster? ? …

Chapter 111 Corpse Killing Magic Weapon!Pan Gu Banner and Tai Chi Diagram!

"Do you understand the law of fire?"

"You two are innate Golden Crows who are good at using the fire of the sun.

"It's only one step away from understanding the law."

"It's also a pretty sensible choice."

Yan Ling said lightly.

With a wave of her little hand, she took off two leaves from her companion magic weapon, the Hibiscus tree.

It exudes a pale golden light, covered with patterns of flames, and even small pale golden flames can be vaguely seen dancing quietly on it, which contains the breath of extreme inflammation.If ordinary prehistoric creatures held onto the leaves of the Hibiscus Sacred Tree, they would be swallowed up by the small flames in an instant.

The power contained in it is enough to make ordinary Da Luo Jinxian terrified.

However, as Taiyi and Diqun of the same origin.

Not only did I not feel any burning, but I felt like returning to the pregnancy period.

"One piece per person, just eat it." Yan Ling said.


"It feels a little hot."

"The blood of the Golden Crow in the body seems to be burning."

"This is..." Taiyi and Di Que each took a leaf of the sacred hibiscus tree, and ate it without hesitation.

A burst of extreme flame immediately enveloped the bodies of the two of them, but it did not cause any damage. Instead, it poured into their Golden Crow's blood, activating the fire of the sun within.

Pale golden flames slowly appeared on the foreheads of the two of them.

As if they had peeped into one of the roots of the Three Thousand Great Dao, the two of them seemed to have realized something at this moment.

"Hoo_" The golden flame spit out with breathing.

In the burning fire of the sun, there is a trace of the law of fire.

"Is this the law of fire?"

"Even if there is only a trace of power, it makes the burning of the real fire of the sun much stronger."

"Wait?! After comprehending the law, the strength seems to be breaking through the quasi-sage."

"Well... the mana is starting to surge."

With the flame spirit to give them two hooks, the two innate golden crow lolita who were originally fire attributes quickly realized the 'law of fire'.

This is the method of 'proving the Tao with strength'!

At the moment of comprehending the law, the accumulation of [-] million years of mana is also surging along with the current.

It is possible to break through the current realm at any time and enter the early stage of quasi-sage!

"No, you can't break through the quasi-sage so quickly, you need to suppress it again."

"Father God said that three advanced conditions must be met."

Mobilizing all the mana in their bodies, Taiyi and Di Qun suppressed their breakthrough with all their strength.

If it were other prehistoric powers who were able to break through from the peak of Daluo Jinxian to the early stage of quasi-sage, everyone would be happy. It is probably the first time that such a behavior of actively suppressing one's breakthrough has occurred.

"Spitting out a little mana and blood essence can temporarily suppress the breakthrough."

Flame Spirit reminded.

Although it can't fundamentally solve the problem, it can also suppress the breakthrough time of hundreds of years.

"cough cough__"

After hearing the mother god's suggestion, Taiyi and Diqun immediately followed suit.

Forced out the excess mana and a few drops of blood essence from the body, and forcibly suppressed his cultivation level by this method, so that he would not immediately break through to the early stage of quasi-sage.

Mana and blood essence fused together.

Soon afterward, ten little Golden Crows of the 'Taiyi Golden Immortal' level were born, and flew out of the Tiandao Dojo in an instant.

"A slightly weak state."

"However, the breakthrough was finally suppressed."

"The next step is the method of beheading three corpses, using three magic weapons of the same root and origin to break through the quasi-sage realm."

"Do you have a suitable magic weapon in your hands?" Yan Ling asked.

In her impression, she just gave the two little guys a magic weapon respectively.

Chaos Clock, Heavenly Book?Hetu Luoshu!

And every time a corpse is killed, a new Lingbao is needed. If the quality is too low, it will affect the combat effectiveness.

"I got the congenital treasures one by one: the gourd of killing immortals, the gourd of recruiting demons, and the gourd of heavenly emperor."

"I also have Xiantian Lingbao [-] scattered red gourd, water and fire gourd, and chaotic gourd."

"These gourds have the same root and origin, but they are only at the level of innate spiritual treasures. They are not enough to kill three corpses." Yanling shook his head and said, sending a bunch of magic treasures, including a few innate treasures. treasure. "

Are all the money-giving boys these days so rich?

There are a few innate treasures at every turn, and they feel as worthless as Chinese cabbage.

However, what Di Qun and Tai Yi didn't know was that even the six sages of the prehistoric future, after Hongjun bestowed the treasure, beheading the three corpses would be an innate treasure, even to guide and quasi-promote Taoists, poor ones could only Use three innate spirit treasures to kill the corpse.

If there was no treasure from Hongjun, they would have lived even worse.

"Taiyi, do you have a Chaos Clock?"


"Then give you these two."

"Just in front of you is a boy who gave you money, with the configuration of two innate spirit treasures.

After searching from the space ring, Flame Spirit directly threw out two magic weapons.

- a streamer, a picture.

But it contains mysterious power.

It's not even inferior to 'Innate treasure?Chaos Clock'!

"Mother God, this is..."

"Innate treasures—an ancient banner and a picture of Tai Chi."

"°I"? ?

According to legend, the accompanying magic weapon of Pangu Great God is the ax that created the world one by one!

It can open up the world and tear apart the chaos.

Because Pangu opened the sky, the sky-opening ax was transformed into three innate treasures, the blade of the ax turned into a Pangu banner, the back of the ax turned into a Taiji diagram, and the handle of the ax turned into a chaotic clock.

'Pangu Banner' is one of the three innate 660 treasures. It has the power to tear apart the primordial chaos, the power to shatter the heavens and time and space, the power to control the profound meaning of all laws, and the power to open up the universe. The majesty of I.

Killing, attack is ranked first.

The Pangu banner is displayed, with thousands of auspicious lights and thousands of auspicious colors. On the banner body, the power of opening up the world bursts forth.

The five-color light shines on the heavens, and Pan Gu's power shakes the world.

It was supposed to be the "innate treasure" that Yuanshi Tianzun beheaded after the third sermon in Zixiao Palace!

'Tai Chi Diagram' is one of the three innate treasures.

Possesses the power of calming the earth, water, fire and wind, the power of transforming yin and yang and the five elements, the power of evolving the Tao, and the power of refining the earth, water, fire and wind.

The whole body of the Tai Chi picture is infinitely mysterious and profound. It can defuse all attacks and ignore any defenses.It was supposed to be the 'innate treasure' that Taishang Laozi beheaded after the third sermon in Zixiao Palace!

However, now there are three innate treasures after the split of the "Creator Axe".

Because Hongjun was robbed of all the magic weapons, all of them fell into Taiyi's hands now, and became her magic weapon for beheading corpses!

"The three innate treasures have the same root and origin."

"This should be barely enough, after beheading the three corpses, add the law of fire that I have comprehended before.

"In this way, in the realm of quasi-sages, the name of the strongest can be achieved."

Chapter 112 The Son of Destiny's Luck!Twelve Ancestral Witches!

Use three innate treasures to kill the corpse.

Looking at the entire prehistoric history, this extravagant treatment is absolutely unique.

After all, there are six disciples of Hongjun, it is impossible to share three innate treasures, at most one can only be given to one of the direct disciples.

However, there are only two people, Taiyi and Diqun.

In addition to the companion magic weapon of the flame spirit, it is barely enough to piece it together.

"Di Qun, do you have the Heavenly Book? Do you have the Hetu Luoshu?"


"Although there are no magic weapons with the same root and origin like the Chaos Clock, Pangu Banner, and Taiji Diagram, there are still half of them with the same root and the same origin." Yanling thought for a moment, and took out two more magic weapons from the space ring .

- One tripod, five flags!

They are all conceived from the 'Chaos Qinglian'.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as half of the same origin, and the quality will not be worse.

"This is the Qiankun Ding, conceived from the chaotic green lotus."

"It has the effect of returning to the original, improving the level and quality of magic weapons, and even transforming acquired treasures into innate spiritual treasures. The effect is somewhat stronger than the 'Emperor Gourd' in Taiyi's hands."

As the incarnation of the sun star, Flame Spirit naturally knows a lot.

Heavenly Emperor gourd can improve the level of magic weapon, but only under the 'innate'.

However, the Qiankun Ding was able to upgrade the 'Acquired Supreme Treasure' to an 'Innate Spiritual Treasure'. If the gestation time was not counted, I am afraid that the combination of the two could directly mass-produce the Xiantian Spiritual Treasure. , Separated, each piece is an innate spiritual treasure, and when combined into one, it is an innate treasure!

戊己杏黄旗青莲宝色旗离地焰光旗素色云界旗玄元控水旗掌[ ]来自小说群9:8,0!2:0。5?8,5。6中央,掌[ ]来自小说群9:8,0!2:0。5?8,5。6东方,掌[ ]来自小说群9:8,0!2:0。5?8,5。6南方,掌[ ]来自小说群9:8,0!2:0。5?8,5。6西方,掌[ ]来自小说群9:8,0!2:0。5?8,5。6北方,旗长一尺七寸,旗长一尺七寸,旗长一尺七寸,旗长一尺七寸,旗长一尺七寸,展现时金连万朵、展现时舍利毫光、展现时混乱阴阳、展现时奇象氤氤、展现时朦胧乾坤、无物可破。宁心静气。颠倒五行、天地皆明。遮天蔽日O '天书?河图洛书'、'乾坤鼎'、'五方旗',这三个同样是先天至宝,论品质完全不亚于太依。“你就用这个来斩三尸吧' 0 ”

"Thank you, Mother God."

After receiving the two innate treasures, Di Qun said with a little excitement.

In this way, he and Taiyi already possessed the magic weapon to kill the three corpses, and they are only one step away from the strongest quasi-sage-the merit and luck must solve this problem before killing the three corpses.

Otherwise, once a corpse is cut off, his cultivation will definitely skyrocket, and he will go directly to the early stage of quasi-sage.

This caused some small deviations from their pre-planned plans.

"There are many merits and virtues in you."

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