"That surprised me a little."

The ghost sword couldn't help feeling a little surprised after seeing this scene.

He just thought that Shinji had no choice but to block his attack, and he would be instantly killed by him.

Unexpectedly, the opponent directly resisted his attack.

It's just that his surprise only lasted for a while.

After that, a sneer soon appeared on his face again.

Because he is not without backhand.

"It's just that if you resist it, what can you do?"

Therefore, in the next second, Shinji soon began to notice an extremely strong sneer on the opponent's face.

Then, accompanied by this kind of sneer, this ghost sword violently pried the ninja sword in Shinji's hand.


The sound suddenly sounded.

Then, accompanied by this burst of crisp sound, a clearly visible crack appeared very quickly on the ninja knife in Shinji's hand.

Shinji's pupils exploded, and he quickly opened the space with him, and was shocked when he looked at the Ninja Sword opposite him.

"It's so sharp?"

Seeing this, the ninja sword burst out laughing proudly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm a ghost knife."

"It's not the broken copper and iron in your hands."

"With my ability, I can easily crush any weapon."

"It was just your luck just now, next time, the weapon in your hand may be useless!"

This ghost knife said to Shinji extremely arrogantly.

When he looked at Shinji, his eyes full of lifelessness were full of extremely strong contempt.

This is also very normal, after all, for this ghost knife, he is very confident in his sharpness

In the previous battles, every time he possessed the Jonin of Sand Hidden Village, he would destroy the opponent's weapon. After that, the opponent who lost the weapon would naturally have no fighting ability.

This is also one of the main reasons why this ghost knife likes to face swordsmen.

Because all the abilities of a swordsman can only be used through swordsmanship.

A swordsman, with a sword in his hand, and without a sword in his hand, is completely two people.

Therefore, this ghost sword has always been enjoyed very much. After destroying the opponent's favorite sword, what kind of despair does the opponent look like.

And at this moment, for this ghost knife, he has basically seen Shinji's end.

So at this moment, he started to yell at Shinji with great pride.

"It's just that I underestimated you."

"It's just that after this, I won't continue to make such stupid mistakes!"

Seeing this, Shinji just shook his head lightly.

Although at that moment just now, he also felt a little surprised because of the terrifying sharpness displayed by this ghost knife.

However, this kind of surprise was only for a while.

Because Shinji, it's not that there is no way to deal with it.

As far as teammate Shinji is concerned, the best way to deal with this ghost knife is to use the armed color domineering directly.

As long as he uses the armed color domineering, his blade will become sharper and indestructible.

Unless the opponent uses a more powerful armed domineering to crush, basically there will be no problems.

And this is the Naruto God Realm, not the Pirate God Realm, so in this case, for Shinji, the situation of being crushed by the opponent because his armed color is not as domineering as the opponent is completely complete. All of them don't exist anymore.

Therefore, although Shinji was shocked by the ability of this ghost knife for a while, he didn't feel the slightest fear.

Because at this time, he was already in his heart, and he had a certain way to deal with it.

"Hehe, I'm still talking hard."

"I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut."

This ghost knife, with the help of a ninja from Hidden Sand Village, expressed his inner thoughts.

Afterwards, Shinji was able to see very clearly that on the other side, Sand Hidden Murakami Shinobi started to wield the ghost sword in his hand again.

Then the ghost knife, like a python with life, rushed towards Shinji very quickly.

Shinji didn't have the slightest worry or fear about this.

He just used his knowledge and arrogance and enhanced perception to predict in advance that the opponent was about to attack and arrived at the ghost knife.

After that, he directly injected his armed domineering spirit into the Ninja Sword in his hand.

Immediately, the ninja knife in Shinji's hand turned into a pitch-black black knife extremely quickly, and the sharpness and hardness of the whole knife changed extremely drastically.

"Turned into a black knife?"

"What kind of ability is this?"

Holding a ghost knife, I was a little surprised to see this.

But without thinking too much, he quickly rushed towards the black knife in Shinji's hand.

Chapter 120 Two: How many blood successors do you have?


In the next second, the ninja sword in Shinji's hand, which had been transformed into a black black sword with the use of armed domineering, completely touched the blade of the ghost sword in front of him, and a violent sound suddenly sounded, The terrifying impact ability, with the contact surface between Shinji and this ghost knife as the core, began to spread in an extremely crazy way.

Affected by this shock, many ninjas around couldn't help but start to retreat.

Then, one by one, looking at Shinji in front of him and the ghost knife in front of him, his eyes were full of deep shock.

At this moment, they understand in their hearts how strong Shinji is.

The same is true for the ninjas in the Hidden Sand Village on the opposite side.

"Impossible, how could this be?"

"What kind of ability did you use just now to turn your ninja sword into a black sword?"

It wasn't just the black knife of the ninja on the opposite side who was shocked by this. '

At this moment, for the ghost sword in front of him, he felt even more shocked in his heart.

After all, before this, the ghost knife in front of him was very confident about his sharpness, so he once thought that after this meeting, his attack successfully hit the black sword in Shinji's hand. When using a knife, it can definitely be easily defeated directly.

So at which point, he basically felt proud of it in his heart, and even started to fantasize and want to enjoy it, and then Shinji's face was full of despair.

But what made the black knife in front of him completely unexpected.

In the next second, when he successfully touched the black knife in Shinji's hand, the hardness of the opposite side surprised him.

He launched an extremely fierce attack on the black knife in Shinji's hand, but the black knife in the opposite hand was hard and scary. No matter how terrifying he launched a part-time attack, he was a little The damage was not caused to the other party, but at a certain moment, because of his excessive force, he felt a little pain from the shock.

So at some point, the black knife in the hands of Shinobu Murakami felt shocked.

When he continued to look at Shinji in front of him, his heart was filled with extremely strong shock.

He directly expressed the biggest thoughts in his heart.

He opened his mouth and asked Shinji.

"Aren't you brave?"

"What? It's not working now?"

Seeing this, Shinji also smiled lightly, not surprised by the scene in front of him.

After all, before that, Shinji had already made it very clear.

Unless the opponent crushes him with armed arrogance, it is basically impossible to break through his own arrogance.

Therefore, for the result in front of him, Shinji did not feel the slightest shock in his heart, what he felt was only reasonable.

He directly taunted the ghost knife in front of him.

And after the latter heard Shinji's ridicule, the complacency on his face also changed directly into annoyance in this extremely short moment.

"I want you to die!"

"Damn boy!"

This ghost knife also successfully realized that if he continued to attack the black knife in Shinji's hand, it would not be able to produce the slightest effect, because at which moment just now, it was attacking the black knife in Shinji's hand. Time has suffered.

So at this time, he didn't want to continue to get sick.

He attacked Shinji again.

But this time, after rushing in front of Shinji, he continued to lengthen, intending to cut off Shinji's head directly from behind.

However, Shinji has a sense of domineering.

Therefore, for the action of the ghost knife in front of him, he easily fulfilled his expectations.

Before the opponent's attack was actually used, Shinji had already used his knowledge and arrogance to form a prediction for this ability.

Therefore, under the current situation, Shinji naturally has to deal with it in advance.

"Tips for carving insects."

"The result of this battle is already obvious."

Shinji spoke indifferently to the ghost knife in front of him.

Since Shinji's full attack, this battle has become completely suspenseless.

Therefore, at this moment, he directly planned to end the battle.

"You are the one who died!"

This ghost knife yelled at Shinji extremely angrily.

Then, according to his own plan, he bypassed Shinji's side, intending to attack from behind and cut off Shinji's head directly.

But Shinji predicted the opponent's attack in advance.

Use the black knife in your hand to resist.

"How, how is this possible?"

"How could you be able to see through my intentions!"

"Who the hell are you?"

All of a sudden, this ghost knife was completely messed up.

He originally thought that Shinji was just an object that he could manipulate at will.

But he didn't expect that after the two sides really started to fight, the development of the situation was completely different from what he had expected before.

Especially at this time, he has been completely manipulated by Shinji.

So when he continued to look at Shinji, his eyes were filled with extremely strong shock.

"It's just a Konoha ninja passing by. {"

Hearing this, Shinji just opened his mouth lightly.

After that, he directly used the domineering black knife in his hand to block the attack of the ghost knife on the opposite side.

At the same time, the ability of the gravity fruit in his body is also activated directly.

"Gravity Knife!"

Shinji's voice and Kuai sounded.

After that, with the sound of Shinji's voice, a terrifying gravitational force also followed the ninja knife in Shinji's hand, and rushed downward extremely crazily.

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