"Although it is a very stupid decision for you not to become a blood race, I will not stop you, let alone force it. After all, after we completely conquer this place, we still need a large number of human beings to serve as our blood food, and children Although the blood of the strong ones is not as delicious as those of the strong ones, it also has a special flavor."

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on this vampire's face. The sharp teeth and flashing scarlet pupils made the two six-year-old boys start crying immediately, even their parents were trembling with fright.

If you don't become a blood clan, you will become a blood food in the future? !

Wang Mang looked over at this moment, and persuaded: "Don't hesitate, the upper-class people in this country will all be blood clans in the future. If you don't become blood clans now, you might not have a chance when you want to be in the future."

Some people make choices amidst struggle and hesitation, but most of them still have weak bones.

But at this moment, an old man rushed in from outside the palace. He looked at the human beings who were transformed into blood races inside, and hated the iron without steel.

"How can you stupid people who give up their identities, a bunch of soft bastards, give in to these evil vampires?"

People in the palace looked over one after another.

The three white-skinned vampires frowned coldly.

"Looks like there's another idiot"

The old man scolded angrily: "This group of evil aliens invaded our country, occupied our land, and destroyed the inheritance created by our ancestors. How can you take the initiative to join them? Are you worthy of your ancestors? There is Wang Mang, you are a sinner, a traitor, you are connected with foreigners, you betray your country, you are a son of man in vain, how is your conscience safe?"

The old man's passionate and awe-inspiring words made many people in the palace feel ashamed, but quite a few people were willing to pretend to be ostriches, and were even aroused by the old man's words.

"Mu Zhanfeng, you old bastard, shut up. Since ancient times, the weak have preyed on the strong. The Han Dynasty is a thing of the past. What is wrong with us embracing a new future?"

"You're right, old man Mu. It's useless for you to say these things now. The whole world is in chaos. The Han Dynasty has fallen. For a better future, we are just making the most correct choice."

"The most correct choice, you just succumb to your own weakness, abandon the dignity of the country, what better future, what do you think these vampires will treat us, when they occupy this land, our country will have no future, Damn it, if my Han Dynasty was in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, I would never have succumbed to these dark alien races. My blood and vitality have been ruined by you soft-footed shrimps." The old man scolded furiously, and his words made some People who become vampires are outraged.

Don't they know what their behavior means?

Of course they know.

But they are willing to believe in something easy and seemingly beautiful, even if these things may bring some irreparable consequences.

"¨`Mu Zhanfeng, you old bastard, you don't want to become a vampire. If you want to die, don't come and pull us."

"That's right, why give in to my weakness, look at how good I am now, I feel full of strength all over my body"

"Old man Mu, are we soft-footed shrimp, you can experience it for yourself."

Several people who had just become vampires rushed over.

They were ordinary people before, but now, they all seem to be transformed into martial arts practitioners, with quick and powerful movements, and two pairs of fangs in their mouths.

Mu Zhanfeng was easily knocked to the ground by several people, spitting out blood. After seeing the blood Mu Zhanfeng vomited, these people instinctively had a desire to suck blood.

"I, my big fellow, will not be destroyed by you group of alien races. Our country is built on the basis of the injustice of oppression and exploitation, and the peace of troubled times. The sense of indomitability will never be lost from this land. You vampires , Don’t even think about absorbing the life in this land, just wait, someone will definitely take care of you.”

"I, a big man, will definitely drive out all of you vampires."

Mu Zhanfeng roared at all the vampires in the palace.

Even though he was weak, his inner tenacity and unyielding consciousness echoed in the palace with the sound, and it lasted for a long time.

The faces of the three white-skinned vampires instantly darkened.

How dare a weak human being speak such nonsense.

One of them said coldly: "Unyielding, resisting, you can't wait for that day, let me suck his blood dry"

"The forehead is handsome"

The few people took a deep breath. The old man's shout made them feel turbulent, but they quickly calmed down. Now that they had made a choice, they went all the way to the dark. They immediately bit Mu Zhanfeng. Immediately, he let out a painful scream, and his already aging body became dry little by little, but his eyes never showed surrender.

"You will not succeed and you will definitely suffer retribution".

Chapter 226

Most of the blood from his body was absorbed, and the dry corpse of the old man lay coldly on the ground.

Except for the happy smiles on the faces of a few vampires, everyone else in the hall fell silent.

Of course, it was only superficially quiet, some people still echoed various voices in their hearts, which were some weak but precious unyielding hearts awakened by the old man just now.

A lady hugged her child tightly, looked at her husband, and whispered: "Husband, why don't we forget it, I don't want to be a vampire anymore"

The husband held his wife's hand tightly, with a struggle on his face. Just as he was about to nod, his wife suddenly screamed and was entangled by a blood-red rope.

A white-skinned vampire with a murderous look on his face pulled the rope, and the noble lady flew over immediately, and then clasped her head with his palms.

"I whispered something that shouldn't be said, and thought we couldn't hear it"

"Ah ah ah"

"No, stop"

The husband rushed over screaming, but was kicked by another person, and his body flew out with a bang, and then half-embedded on the wall of the palace not far away with a bang, without any breath.

As for his wife, the blood all over her body was flowing backwards crazily, and her facial features were bleeding red rapidly.

This vampire is so powerful that he doesn't need to use the teeth in his mouth, he can suck out human blood with just his palm.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, the lady's body turned into a dry meat cloth in less than ten seconds, which was more terrifying than the death of the old man just now.

As for the children of the two of them, they naturally did not escape bad luck, being split in half by a blood whip.

The instant tragedy made the palace completely quiet. Whether they had not become vampires or had just become vampires, they all looked at the three of them in fear.

The member of the blood clan who killed the lady slowly licked off the blood left on his wrist, then looked at the crowd, raised his hand, and showed a kind smile: "See, this is the power of the blood clan, mere human beings. We are as weak as an ant in our hands, resisting will only bring bad luck, unyielding will not usher in any good results."

"Give up your resistance and become a member of our blood race. From now on, you will be masters, and you can enjoy youth and lifespan far beyond human beings, as well as powerful strength."

"And if you still try to have thoughts that you shouldn't have, then I will suck out your blood little by little, and let you embrace death in the most painful way."

The smiling expression instantly turned into bloody killing intent.

Three pairs of scarlet pupils looked at them, making the people in the hall terrified. Some people who were hesitant at first, tremblingly walked to the side of the vampires, expressing their willingness to join the blood clan.

Then a few more people walked out, and then more and more people came out.

"Yes, that's it. This is the most correct decision you have made in your life. No one can stand against us, even if there are some stupid rebels, the final result is inevitable."

A bloody light leaped quickly from outside the palace.

"Covey, there is a situation on the main street. Someone is beheading members of our blood clan, it seems to be the group of blood killers"

Blood Slayer, this is the name of a group of rebels led by Dao Mo disciples who dared to fight against the Blood Han regime in the Central Plains in recent years.

The vampire's words were interrupted, and he turned around with a gloomy face.

"Blood Slayer, those guys are really getting more and more courageous, and now they dare to take the initiative to come out in the dark night. It's okay to solve these unstable factors at once."

"Covey, some of those blood killers are very powerful, we still need to inform the two princes as soon as possible."

"Of course I know"

The main street in Chang'an was in chaos at this moment, and the common people stayed away in horror, but there was a hint of pleasure in their eyes as they looked at the screaming vampire in the field.

Tianming stood here with a group of Dao Mo disciples. Under his feet was a vampire whose hands and feet had been cut off. Mo Mei pressed on him, and the black true energy seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties, making the vampire's whole body Blood was continuously squeezed out from the limbs.

Vampires have strong regenerative abilities, but it also depends on their overall strength. The vampire under Tianming's feet obviously doesn't have very strong regenerative abilities. At least in this situation, he can't stop the bleeding at all.

"Is it finally here?"

Tianming looked at the dozens of blood shadows jumping forward quickly, except for a few of them, there were no vampire masters that he cared about. Of course, he knew that the most difficult thing for vampires was regeneration, especially in places with many people, even if they were constantly As long as someone is injured, it is equivalent to having a blood tonic anytime, anywhere.

But even if you can suck blood tonight, it will be your end.

Tianming looked at the vampires in front of him firmly, the black true energy on his eyebrows erupted, and with terrifying power, he directly blasted the vampires under his feet.

When Covey and the others saw this scene, their eyes glowed red. That was not the blood clan they transformed in this land, but a blood clan member they brought over from the west.

"Blood Slayer, you are looking for death, I will suck all your blood tonight"

"You don't have that strength yet, and all of you will perish tonight"

Tianming pulled out his ink eyebrows, and the Dao Mo disciples behind him were also running their skills one by one, looking at these vampires with killing intent.

Covey snorted coldly: "Let us perish, stop talking big, no matter how strong you are, you will die when the two princes come."

"Prince, I'm afraid they can't come now"

A sneer appeared on Tianming's face.

Just after he finished speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly shot out in the distant night sky. The golden light was like a long rainbow, flashing across the night in an instant, and a blood shadow disappeared with a scream.

time back 10 minutes

Just before Tianming and others came to Chang'an City, Ling Ye stood on a certain mountain in the Guanzhong Plain, and in his vision were red lines of cause and effect.

There are several thick lines connecting the far west, which is very far away in height.

"So these vampires were indeed not born in the Central Plains, and they seem to be far away from the Central Plains"

Ling Ye glanced at the thick lines and ignored them for now.

Take out the nearest prey first.

Among the red lines, two of them are the thickest, and they are in two different positions. Lingye judged that Tianming and Liuzhi should have told him about the two princes of the blood clan, and there were a lot of red lines and these two thick lines. Together.

"It's also very convenient for me. I can solve a batch at one time and save time."

Ling Ye randomly chose one of the two, golden light flowed all over his body, like a golden meteor, leaping into the night sky in an instant, and then approached the end of the red line at a very fast speed.

This is an ordinary city, but in a certain underground of the city, there is an underground palace, which is very luxurious, and there are more than 300 blood clan members living in it, all of them are white-skinned blood clan members.

At this time, they were drinking and chatting in the palace.

But in the next second, a huge earthquake shook the entire underground palace, and the land above collapsed rapidly.

"What's going on, what's going on, an earthquake?"

"Something's wrong, get out of here"

"Ah ah ah, this is not good, this is light, this is sunlight"

"Impossible, it's night!"

Golden light interspersed among the crumbling rocks.

I saw a vampire's skin immediately festered under the light, and was eroded rapidly, like snow meeting a raging fire, and a large amount of white smoke spewed out.

Some unlucky vampires were in such poor positions that they were illuminated by the power of light emitted by Ling Ye, and disappeared in a puff of smoke within seven seconds.

And Victor, who was hugging two female vampires in the palace, changed his face suddenly, and he felt a very bad but very attractive breath approaching

Chapter 227 The Golden Changhong That Tears the Darkness

"What the hell is this feeling, it's not right"

On the luxurious big bed, Victor sensitively sensed an extremely powerful aura.

The next moment, all the walls of the room he was in collapsed, especially in front of him. A dazzling golden glow shot out from the cracks in the broken wall, illuminating the entire hall.

The two female vampires beside Victor immediately let out a scream, and their whole bodies spewed out white breath.

"Ah, ah, Prince Victor, help me-, help me"

"Light, it's light, Prince Victor, I don't- die"

Victor didn't have time to pay attention to the deaths of the two people around him, because even he himself had certain burns.

Shocked red eyes looked at the scar on his arm. He hadn't felt the pain for more than 100 years.

"Impossible, how could I be burned by the light?!" Victor was surprised.

It is true that vampires are afraid of sunlight, it is their natural weakness.

But everything is relative. When the strength reaches a certain level, the sun can hardly pose a threat to vampires. For example, when the strength reaches the marquis level, vampires can survive in the sun, and they will be fine when they come out in the daytime, let alone the prince. .

But now, Victor was actually burned by the light.

This is definitely no ordinary light!

Victor's body shook, and a torrent of blood spurted out instantly, turning into a whirlpool and enveloping his whole body.

Victor condensed a pair of blood armor on the surface of his body with the power of viscous blood, then broke through the collapsing ground forcefully, and jumped outside.

As soon as he came out, he looked ahead in surprise.

"what is this?!"

Opposite Victor, a large area of ​​land collapsed, and in the center was a deer emitting dazzling golden light. Because the golden light was so dazzling, Lingye's white skin and hair seemed to turn into gold.

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