Lingye looked at the causal red lines in his vision, there were nine in total, and the directions where these nine lines connected seemed interesting.

"It seems that my luck is good. The nine lines are all in the same position, which can save me a lot of time."

Ling Ye looked at a certain city at the end of his vision, which was his prey cage.

This city is called Carleigh, and it is an important city in the Roman Empire because it belongs to a blood prince, Prince Yaan.

Today, not only Prince Ya'an, but also two blood princes, Prince Vipato and Prince Rose, a total of three princes are in Carleigh.

Inside the castle, the three princes sat on three tall and luxurious thrones, and their personal guards stood on both sides, a total of six blood marquises.

Nine people correspond to nine red lines of cause and effect.

Ya'an shook the blood wine in his hand, looked at Vipatuo and Rose who had been invited by him, and said, "You two, our blood clan is coercive everywhere, but there have been many disasters recently. The white-haired woman shot me a few months ago. Killing many members of our blood clan, the earls and marquises are very worried about this matter, but we haven't found each other until now."

"There is also that crazy wolf Mutu who attacked our border city in the north without hesitation last month and killed thousands of humans. Although it is worthless, those born werewolves have also brought us a lot of trouble. The most important thing is What’s more, many blood races have died, but these two things are not the most important.”

"You two, you already know about Victor and Camilla, right?"

Vipato and Rose put down their wine glasses respectively.

Although the matter of Mutu's crazy wolf is troublesome, it is nothing. It has happened many times in the past. It is purely a lunatic who likes to kill. It is said that he was born with the ancestor Dracula. Although it is difficult, they are the blood princes It's not that I can't handle it.

Xiaomeng's matter is relatively serious.

This human being who appeared suddenly was too weird, unbelievably powerful, but it was neither a blood race nor a werewolf, but a human being, but there was no blood prince to die.

But the deaths of Victor and Camilla were serious.

"Yan, are Victor and Camilla sure they are really dead?"

"Sure, the ancestor Draco told me this matter himself." Ya'an frowned and said helplessly.

Hearing this, the expressions of Vipato and Rose changed slightly.

"The ancestor knows?"

Ya'an looked at the two of them speechlessly, and said: "We were all transformed from blood essence bestowed by our ancestors back then, and so were Victor and Camilla. How could we not alarm our ancestors when they died?"

Vipato and Rose looked a little unhappy.

The plan to invade the Eastern Central Plains was actually not decided by all the high-level blood clans, but by the three of them, including Victor and Camilla, and the five princes, in order to expand the rule of their empire.

After more than 200 years of hegemony, the blood clans were confident that no one in the world could stop them, thinking that sending the two princes to the east to conquer that land was enough, but who knew such bad news would come.

All the blood clans who followed the past, without exception, were all destroyed. You must know that there are many blood clan marquises and earls.

All of this huge loss must be counted on their heads.

Ya'an sighed: "The first ancestor was in a bad mood, and ordered the three of us to go to the East as soon as possible, and investigate clearly what's going on."

"I see, when will we act?" Vipato asked.

Rose hesitated slightly, and said, "Wait a minute, are there really just the three of us? Both Victor and Camilla are dead. Just in case, it's better to bring two more princes with you."

Ya'an shook his head and said depressedly: "I also think about this, but the other four guys are responsible for the white-haired woman and Mutu's crazy wolf, so they can't get away, so we can only have three huh?!"

Ya'an's expression changed suddenly, and Rose and Vipato also suddenly felt something fatal.

The three of them jumped out in an instant, and their six personal guards didn't understand what happened, but the sky above the castle was blasted by a photon laser in the next second.

The powerful destructive power is enough, but the boundless light that exploded after entering made all the blood clan members in the castle scream.

The six marquises were purified by the light into a cloud of green smoke in less than half a second.

The three blood princes, Ya'an, Vipato, and Rose moved very quickly, but no matter how fast they were, they couldn't beat the scattering of the light. All three of them were irradiated by the scattered light, screaming in pain, and their skin was burned rapidly. Even with the regeneration power of the blood prince, it is difficult to recover.

"Ugh, what kind of light is this? Even sunlight doesn't have the power of 273." Rose's face was in pain as if scalded by a red-hot iron, and most of her beloved hair fell out.

Ya'an and Vipato also grinned in pain, the blood in their bodies seemed to be evaporated.

This inconceivable light contained a power that seemed to restrain them by nature.


The sky above the castle burst again, and a white shadow landed here forcefully.

The three looked in shock, they felt a blood wave that they longed for very much, and at the same time there was a terrible breath that seemed to be dead in the next second.

Ling Ye looked at the three blood princes.

"Didn't you clean it up at once? I thought it would be a perfect blow. Sure enough, it is troublesome to have the castle's barrier as a buffer."

A golden stream of light flowed all over Ling Ye. Inspired by the talent of the light attribute, the dazzling light bloomed. The three blood princes screamed in an instant, and burns appeared on their bodies immediately.


A word appeared in the minds of the three at the same time.

Although I don't know what it is, this strange beast is absolutely dangerous.

Ling Ye locked on to the princess Rose among the three, with a flash of light all over her body, she approached in an instant, and the antlers that condensed the power of light pierced through the opponent directly from behind.

"Ah ah ah"

Rose screamed in pain, her body exploded.

Ling Ye was very experienced and once again shined brightly, all the blood was purified in a flash.

A blood prince can handle it.

Looking at Ya'an and Vipato who were fleeing, Lingye attacked again.

At this time, following Ling Ye's actions, the entire city of Carleigh shook

Chapter 240 Goodbye Xiaomeng

In the city of Carleigh, everyone saw the photon laser that fell from the sky just now. The power that was like the descending of the holy light made all the blood races in the city of Carleigh terrified.

Even if it wasn't aimed at them, the aura scattered at close range definitely scares them more than the sun's rays.

"What was that just now, how could there be such a terrifying golden light?"

"It seems to be Prince Ya'an's castle over there"

"I think something big happened, the light appeared again"

The blood clans who were a few streets closer to the castle all retreated in panic, and followed them to see two blood shadows rushing out of the castle frantically.

In fact, there were three paths, but the one belonging to Rose was wiped out by the golden light that came from behind before it could go far.

Just like Victor and Camilla in the Central Plains, Ya'an and Vipato at this time were terrified to the extreme.

How can the lethality of this light be so strong, is this unreasonable?

Who is the master of this light?

Why is it here?

You must find a way to escape, otherwise something will happen.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in the minds of the two of them in a panic, and then the fear in their eyes increased, and they felt that Rose had been killed.

"How could it be so fast? It's impossible. How could the prince of the blood clan be killed in one sight!" The two yelled frantically in their hearts, their panic growing. Ever since they became blood clans, they have never been as frightened as they are today.

The figure wrapped in golden light was like a natural nemesis to restrain them.

Rose can be easily killed, so can they.

Vipato's face paled, and he felt that terrifying light and shadow chasing him, much faster than him.

Ling Ye was like a golden spear, leaping in the air, the arc of light leaped, from top to bottom, and hit Vipatuo with an oblique blow.

The golden light erupted, and Vipato followed Rose's footsteps under the screams.

There is one left.

Lingye looked at the blood shadow that was approaching the edge of Carleigh City,

"Run fast enough, but there is a red line of cause and effect, your position is always locked by me, you can't escape"

Ling Ye's eyes were full of spiritual light, the boundless power of light began to compress, and the scorching light heat condensed in his mouth.

In the next second, the photon laser was ejected again.

A dazzling golden rainbow streaked across the sky above Carleigh City, like a spear of judgment. Adam, who was frantically running away, had no time to dodge, and his whole body screamed and was drowned in the golden light.

He wasn't the only one. On the ground along the way that the golden rainbow passed, all the blood races that were relatively close screamed, and their bodies turned into green smoke.

Even if they were all wearing thick clothes at this time, covering their heads, faces, and wrists, they still couldn't block the divine power of light. nothing.

No, there may still be some.

It was the surprise of witnessing the death of the blood race, especially the incredible death of Adam, the owner of Carleigh City.

Some humans rubbed their eyes desperately, thinking that they were dreaming in broad daylight, but when they saw the thick coats that fell to the ground without bodies, they all realized that everything just now was not an illusion.

The blood race was really killed!

"What happened, who made that light just now..." Some human beings turned their heads with turbulent hearts, looking at the beginning of the golden Changhong just now.

Ling Ye was standing on a building, and the nine red lines of karma had all disappeared, but in terms of strength, except for the last three, the first six that died were simply trash.

"If those three guesses are correct, they should be the so-called princes in the blood clan. Counting the two I killed in the Central Plains, that's five. If the news Jing Ke got is correct, there are still four princes in the upper echelons of the blood clan." With an ancestor, I also need to deal with the werewolf situation, but before that."

Lingye opened his senses and felt the breath of life in the whole city, needless to say humans, but the ones in it were obviously different from humans, with a bloody and dark breath, no doubt they were vampires.

"Sure enough, I didn't take a closer look when I was on my way just now. Now it seems that there are really a lot of vampires in this country, which makes me a little sick."

Ling Ye, who possesses the talent of light attribute affinity, instinctively dislikes the breath of vampires, not to mention that he can also feel how unbearable the hearts of these vampires are from the power of his emotions.

In a word, Ling Ye decided to continue to clean up the land.

Leaping towards the area with the most blood race locations, Ling Ye directly came up with a super big sun-like light bulb that glowed all over his body.

Golden light sprinkled from midair.

In a certain building, a middle-aged vampire was grabbing a human woman and sucking blood. The woman's mother was kneeling beside her, watching nervously and anxiously, worried that something might happen to her daughter.

Some vampires sucked so much that they couldn't master the intensity. It was not uncommon to suck people to death in the Roman Empire.

Suddenly, the windows that had been closed were shattered, the curtains were parted, and dazzling golden light broke in from the outside.

The middle-aged vampire who was sucking vigorously immediately let out a scream, and his whole body turned into green smoke and died in less than two seconds, and the golden ripples that entered the room swept over the two women, making their bodies slightly warmer some.

The two stared blankly at the dead vampire, and ran out immediately after three seconds.

I saw that the outside of the street was shrouded in a lot of golden light, and Ling Ye was constantly jumping in the sky above Carleigh City. Every time he reached an area, the vampires in that area would be purified. Whether it was outside or inside the room, Ling Ye's light could invade .

If they can't get in, Lingye will physically open the way.

After more than ten minutes, Lingye walked around the entire city of Carleigh, all the blood races were purified, and when he stopped, there were already excited and tearful human beings standing around.

They looked at the god who radiated light in their vision.

That's right, Lingye at this time is a god in their eyes, the God of Light who came to kill these evil spirits and save them.

Seeing all the human beings kneeling on the ground, kowtowing frantically, and constantly speaking foreign languages ​​that he didn't understand at all, Ling Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

Well, although it can be roughly judged from the power of mood that this group of humans are grateful and praising themselves, the feeling of the foreign language still makes him a little depressed.

Just when Ling Ye was about to use the aura particles to ask where the ancestor of the blood race and other princes were, he suddenly felt something.

"¨` This breath is not right"

Lingye looked in a certain direction in surprise, and quickly jumped out of Carlai City.

Ling Ye felt the fluctuation of his blood, and from the feeling, it seemed to be

"Sure enough, Xiaomeng"

When Ling Ye came to Weiss City, he happened to see Xiao Meng also running out of the city.

"Shenlu, it really is you"

Xiao Meng ran towards Ling Ye in surprise, followed by Ling Ye like Bai Xue, and hugged Ling Ye.

The feeling from the blood makes Xiaomeng feel very close and yearning. When she gets close to Ling Yexia, the blood in her body seems to be faintly getting stronger.

Lingye never expected to meet Xiaomeng here, feeling her aura.

"What's wrong with Xiaomeng's breath?"

Lingye was a little surprised. Xiaomeng's current aura was a lot stronger than he remembered. It was not surprising, after all, she had passed nirvana once, but what Lingye didn't expect was that Xiaomeng seemed to be stronger than Tianming, Liuzhi, Even Bai Xue is stronger.

Lingye yelled at Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng immediately smiled proudly, saying that she worked hard to practice every day, and combined with her bloodline's ability to create a technique suitable for her, her strength has been rapidly improved in these years.

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