At the same time, rich landlords and rich people from all over the country are also required to contribute money and efforts.

You guys are the ones that the Yellow Turban Army came to rob. If you don’t want to be naked, you have to shed some blood, and you can figure it out.

For a time, many people from all states in the world joined the team to counter the rebellion, and some interested people felt that this was an excellent opportunity.

Luoyang, Cao Cao's eyes flashed brightly when he heard the news.

If he wanted to change the corrupt situation in the Han Dynasty, it would not work to take the ordinary path, because he could not get power, no one listened to him, and his words had no power.

"But what if you go as a military officer?" Cao Cao smiled and looked at the soldiers gathered not far away.

Although the Yellow Turban Uprising this time is huge, it seems to have opened up a good path for him.

"The way out of the civil servants has been controlled by those relatives, so I will use my strength to kill the world. When I gather a large group of people, even if those bastards want to repent afterwards, they have to consider whether I agree or not. Yes, that's it. manage"

There are many people who think like Cao Cao, such as Liu Bei in a certain place.

To be honest, Liu Bei felt that the original intention of the Yellow Turban Uprising was good. Since the Han Dynasty was already corrupt, there was nothing wrong with replacing it with a new one.

But the premise is that this new force can stabilize the world and is sure to succeed.

Liu Bei looked at the various information he had collected recently.

"There are a lot of Yellow Turban soldiers, but the organization efficiency is very lacking. The rebels scattered around, acted in isolation, did not gather, and did not seem to cooperate with each other."

The intelligence collected by Liu Bei shows that most of the Yellow Turbans rob cities in various places and then stick to them, without any flexible tactics at all.

This may be scary at the beginning, but after the Han Dynasty reacted and organized a large army, that is, after the people from all over the country began to recruit people who suppressed and suppressed the rebellion, it might be very difficult for the Yellow Turban Uprising to succeed.

"And there are a lot of people who fish in troubled waters"

Liu Bei looked at individual intelligence.

After some Yellow Turban soldiers entered the city, they not only beheaded and robbed the landlords, but some people couldn't help but robbed the women of the people and did a lot of animal things.

"There is no limit to human desires, and it would be terrible to let them go. The way of peace is not completely peaceful." Liu Bei shook his head and walked out of the room. He decided to participate in the fight against chaos.

He is not optimistic about the Yellow Turban Uprising, but now is indeed an opportunity.

He can take the opportunity to organize a group of people. As long as he gets a lot of talents, he will be able to do various things at that time.

Like Liu Bei, there are many people who have seen the weakness of the Yellow Turban Army.

With the formation of armies to suppress the uprising, the Yellow Turban Army was severely hit immediately, and the mighty Yellow Turban Army teams in various places were suppressed or killed one after another.

Zhang Jiao didn't care about these.

He was not a soldier in the first place, he didn't have high military talent, and most of the people who participated in his peace path were ordinary people, how could he be an opponent of the regular army.

"However, if you think that it is so easy to block my horns, you are too naive."

Zhang Jiao led an army of [-], and in front of him was another [-] troops who came to suppress him, and they had already been defeated by his men.

This time Huangfusong, the main anti-insurgency general of the Han Dynasty, fell to the ground covered in blood. He only had one eye left. At this time, he looked weakly at a row of cannons not far away.

It was these things that made a bang during the confrontation before, and then his people were caught off guard. The powerful power and loud noise caused the generals in the army to die and were seriously injured.

The terrifying power far exceeds that of bows and arrows and crossbows, not to mention the shooting range, which exceeds a thousand meters.

But the army lost its leader, and its power dropped drastically. In addition, the loud noise and explosion frightened many horses into panic, and the formation had already collapsed.

"Zhang Zhangjiao, what kind of monster did you create?" Huangfusong looked at Zhang Jiao who was walking towards him, and growled unwillingly.

"Monster, you idiot"

Zhang Jiao grabbed Huangfusong from the ground with his unicorn arm, and said with a disdainful smile, "This is a weapon bestowed on me by the gods in the sky, so what if you are a regular army, so what if you suppressed the Yellow Turban Army everywhere." , as long as I am still here, your Han Dynasty will be destroyed, and you, give me a taste of the unicorn arm too."

With the five fingers of Zhang Jiao's unicorn arm, Huangfusong's head was easily crushed. Following the fire, Huangfusong's body was quickly carbonized into ashes.

"Go, keep going, don't worry about those incompetent people who escaped, take Luoyang as soon as possible, take it there, this uprising will be successful"

Zhang Jiao led his army forward like a broken bamboo, and no one could stop him wherever he went.

Chapter 258 The Power of Cannons, Luoyang Falls

"What did you say, Luoyang was attacked by Zhang Jiao and his army?!"

In a certain city, Cao Cao, who had just suppressed the Yellow Turban Army here, listened to the message from Feige that his subordinates had just received with a look of shock.

Not other cities, but Luoyang.

Now the capital of the Han Dynasty, the heart of the Han Dynasty, how could it be breached there!

Cao Cao was very puzzled.

As far as he knew, Huangfusong, the famous general of their dynasty, was supposed to intercept Zhang Jiao, and the success rate was not small. Even if he failed, there were other troops along the way, and it was impossible for Zhang Jiao to attack so quickly. to Luoyang.

Cao Cao grabbed the soldier in front of him and said irritably, "What's going on, tell me, how could Zhang Jiao take Luoyang? Could it be that the troops along the way surrendered foolishly?"

"Captain Cao Cao, I don't know exactly what happened. The letter only said that Zhang Jiao's army was very powerful and used a terrible weapon. The troops along the way couldn't resist it. The casualties were heavy. His Majesty the Emperor was killed. , Lord Dong Zhuo led His Majesty the Emperor and a group of people to abandon Luoyang and fled to Chang'an in the middle of the Guanzhong."

"Can't resist, heavy casualties"

Cao Cao frowned when he heard this.

This result is completely different from what he thought.

No matter how large the insurgent army organized by the people in the countryside is, how could it be so powerful under the regular army they have prepared.

"What kind of weapon is it that made that old thief Dong Zhuo scare and lead people away?" Cao Cao clenched his fists, he knew that things were a little troublesome now.

There are quite a few people like Cao Cao, all generals who have suppressed the rebels everywhere. When they heard that Luoyang fell and fell into Zhang Jiao's hands, they were all surprised and couldn't believe it. everything.

And those Yellow Turban soldiers laughed excitedly when they heard that their leader had captured Luoyang, and kept shouting the slogan that the sky is dead and Huang Tian should stand.

Counter-rebel forces from all over the country tacitly gathered towards Luoyang, and their purpose was simple.

I want to kill Zhang Jiao.

No matter what method Zhang Jiao used to take down Luoyang, they were confident that after gathering the army, all methods would be shattered, but

Luoyang City.

At this moment, the entire city was engulfed in flames of war, the walls were covered with cannons, and there was also a row of cannons below the city, bombarding the troops on the opposite side who were trying to charge to pieces.

There are more than sixty cannons with a range of more than a thousand meters, and each shell is blessed by Zhang Jiaoqilin's arm. When it explodes, a large amount of flames and a shock wave will spread towards the surroundings.

One shot down, in addition to the death of the core people, people in a radius of 50 to [-] meters will be injured.

Unless the army rushed forward desperately.

But the Han Dynasty has long since decayed, and some kind of integrity and spirit have long since disappeared, not to mention that some people who joined the anti-rebel army all wanted to gain benefits after successfully suppressing the uprising. How could they really go through life and death like a war.

So the result was that the army of more than 20 could not get close to the gate of Luoyang City at all. Instead, tens of thousands of people were killed and injured by the power of artillery fire, and even more people fled in fright.

Zhang Jiao stood on the city wall and laughed wildly.

"Hahahahaha, a bunch of cowards, the rotten Han Dynasty, the rotten army, are like mice under my cannon, the sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand"

"The heaven is dead, the yellow sky shall stand"

"The heaven is dead, the yellow sky shall stand"

The Yellow Turban soldiers in the city kept shouting, looking at Zhang Jiao as if looking at a god.

More than ten kilometers away from Luoyang City, the remaining army was reorganized, and the generals of the armies from all over the country jointly discussed. The previous contempt had been replaced by unprecedented solemnity.

They saw that Zhang Jiao's weapon was some kind of strengthened firecracker, but it was far from the firecracker they used to know. It was too powerful. If they wanted to attack Luoyang City, they would have to pay a very high price. .

So a group of people discussed and decided to send a group of killers to sneak into Luoyang City, assassinate Zhang Jiao, and at worst destroy their shells, but

That night, Zhang Jiao raised the unicorn arm in Luoyang City, grabbed a black-clothed tight-fitting killer, and crushed his head.

Surrounded by more than a dozen killers who were caught by tangled branches.

Zhang Jiao sneered and said, "It's indeed a good idea to assassinate me, but I'm not one of those corrupt nobles who only know that they give orders to others and leave the dirty work to others. If you want to kill me, you need at least a few thousand people."

Zhang Jiao's unicorn arms burned with flames, and with the waving, more than a dozen killers who came to kill him were all carbonized, but Zhang Jiao did not completely destroy the corpses.

"Wu Chong, hang these people on the city wall for me, and tell those bastards in the Han Dynasty how stupid their schemes are!"

"Yes, Master"

"By the way, is there any news about your two uncles? Where are they now?" Zhang Jiao suddenly looked at his disciple in a low voice

Wu Chong heard the words and replied in a low voice: "Master, don't worry, the two uncles are going well, and the things are already on the way."

"That's good, you must be extremely careful." Zhang Jiao nodded, the thing in his mouth was nothing but the jade carving of the deer.

Because of Lingye's current size, the Shenlu jade carving is not light, let alone conspicuous. It is impossible for Zhang Jiao to carry it in the army, so it has been stored in the underground palace in Julu County.

Now that Luoyang has been captured, although there are still many rebels, Zhang Jiao is confident that nothing will happen, and it is time to bring the jade carving of the divine deer.

Zhang Jiao attached great importance to the legendary divine deer, and the reason why he was able to capture Luoyang now could be said to rely on the gift of the divine deer.

"When I defeat the rebels, I will organize a grand ceremony in Luoyang, and when the time comes, I will take out the jade carving of the deer, and everyone in the world will know that my Zhang Jiao's uprising is the order of heaven. At that time, there will be countless people in the world. The common people will recognize me as replacing the decadent Han Dynasty, and I, Zhang Jiao, will be able to sit on the seat of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme." Zhang Jiao laughed heartily.

On a certain mountain road, a team of 30 people was marching, and Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were among them.

To avoid being discovered, they are kept in small numbers.

Even Zhang Liang felt unsafe, and thought of a very special idea to transport the Shenlu jade carving.

I saw more than ten large cars in the team. The cars are very simple and well sealed, but when you get close, you can smell a wonderful smell that makes people dreamy.

These cars are all special cars for Dao Yexiang.

Generally speaking, each county has a special person responsible for collecting the excrement, then sending it to be processed, and then selling it as fertilizer.

Although this job is not good-looking, the profits in it are huge. Ordinary people are not qualified to do it at all. It is usually controlled by people with power in black and white.

Of course, ordinary people will subconsciously back away when they see these convoys. After all, no one likes the smell of feces. The inside of the car is really full of feces, and whoever smells it will know the smell.

Fortunately, Ling Ye's consciousness is just in a deep sleep state, and he can't smell the smell outside, otherwise he might be mad by this scene

Chapter 259 The Besieged Zhang Jiao

In the barracks, the assembled generals from various states and counties were very quiet. Just now, they had learned that the assassination of Zhang Jiao had failed, and all the killers had been turned into charred mummies and hung outside Luoyang City.

Zhang Jiao's actions were undoubtedly mocking them.

But the problem is that right now they can't do anything.

Frontal attack, the rows of cannons are the sickle of death, no one wants to taste it.

The assassination in the surprise attack also failed.

"What should we do now, continue to attack, or think of other ways?"

"Of course we will continue to attack. Luoyang has fallen. These thieves have committed a heinous crime. We must not let them go."

"Calm down, now is not the time to compete in momentum. It's not like you haven't seen the power and range of the cannon. The difficulty and cost of getting close to the city gate is not a little bit."

The generals present had headaches and didn't know what to do, some rushed forward without knowing the pain, and some were more negative. After discussion, everyone finally decided to wait for the troops from other states and counties to come over, and then try to charge again. But at this time someone suddenly said: "If people from other states and counties don't come"

Hearing this, the faces of the generals present all became a little subtle.

People from other counties don't come

In fact, this fact is not surprising.

During this period of time, some of the generals present had a feeling in their hearts, that is, the Han Dynasty is now decaying, and they now hold 20 heavy soldiers. If they occupy a state, wouldn't they be able to be the emperor of the land.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

This principle holds true no matter what era it is in.

Not to mention that there are still many people who can be the emperor of the earth now. What about a lot of emperors and the people in the central Han Dynasty? No one has the guts to say that now.

Cao Cao is also here, sitting alone in the corner.

He recalled in his mind the shocking images of the cannons firing and the artillery bombarding the army during the day.

That far exceeds the power of bows and arrows and ordinary weapons, refreshing Cao Cao's understanding of fighting.

It turns out that firecrackers can evolve to such a degree that they are simply a killer weapon on the battlefield.

"If I can get the blueprint of the cannon, and the formula for making the shells." Cao Cao's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously grasped it with his ten fingers.

If he could really do it, it would almost be equivalent to gaining the power to conquer the world.

Of course, this idea can only be an idea at present, because if Zhang Jiao cannot be defeated, the Han Dynasty will collapse, and at that time, they will also change from holding heavy soldiers to just holding heavy soldiers, and they may be liquidated afterwards , any ideas and ambitions will come to naught.

And at this moment, a soldier suddenly walked in, holding a bow and arrow with a letter stuck in it.

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