The soaring white light erupted from Ling Ye's body, Mo Di and his party standing behind were startled, and they all instinctively closed their eyes.

"What happened, it's so dazzling"

"The deer seems to be shining"

"I can't see"

Mo Di and his party who were too close were temporarily blinded, but the armies of the princes who were several kilometers away could see clearly.

A beam of light burst out from the center of the Hongxia Hill in the distance, and the phantom of the deer appeared faintly below the beam.

How is this going?

Shenlu is their target, think of some rumors about Shenlu, match with the picture of Shenxuan in front of them

Everyone was shocked for a moment.

An even more frightening situation appeared in the next moment.

I saw a white ripple, and except for the small hill at Ling Ye's feet, all the small hills around Hongxia Hill collapsed rumblingly.

Not only that, even the entire ground is rapidly collapsing and falling, and the deafening rumble of the collapse resounds through the sky.

Then, a series of huge dragon-like cracks spread in the blink of an eye.

The army of princes was still watching the changes from a distance, and the place where they were standing also collapsed a few seconds later.

A 800-meter-long crack happened to be torn out on the ground in front of Song's army, from which a jet of water erupted into the sky.

The water is so fierce that it reaches thousands of meters.

Accelerated by gravity, a huge amount of water passionately fell towards the pale Song army. 087

In the next second, screams of screams overlapped with the sound of waves and splashes.

Not only in the area of ​​the Song Kingdom, huge fountains spewed out from all the big cracks that appeared.

"Go back, go back, everybody go back"

The generals led by the Qin State wanted to tear their throats apart.

The confident and majestic heart just now has been replaced by panic.

what is this?

Why does such a natural disaster that only exists in dreams suddenly appear on a good terrain.

The ground under my feet collapsed and sunken, and I couldn't even stand firmly.

The huge amount of water in the sky bombarded heavily, and the army of tens of thousands of people could not even escape under such circumstances, and was swallowed up in an instant.

The power of an individual confronts the power of an army with an egg hitting a stone.

So now it is the strength of the army to face this natural force of heaven and earth, the gap between the two sides is like ants wanting to shake the sky.

The hundreds of thousands of troops are like ants on the map at this moment, being swallowed at will by the paintbrush condensed with the power of heaven and earth.

"Ah, ah, help!"

"A natural disaster, this is a natural disaster, I want to go home"

"Run away, run away with all your strength"

"If you can't run away, this is a disaster and punishment from God. We shouldn't try to catch the deer."

The armies of Qi State, Jin State, Lu State, and Wei State, without exception, were either blasted to the sky by the soaring water, crushed to death by the huge amount of water, or directly hit by the sweeping water. engulf the body.

There are also some unlucky guys who were buried on the spot by mud and rubble when the ground collapsed.

There was nowhere to escape, as if the whole world was collapsing.

The light on Ling Ye's body had disappeared, Mo Di and the others opened their eyes, and the sight that came into their eyes made them all lose their voices.

what did they see

What came into view was countless lands that continued to collapse and sink until the end of the line of sight.

A stream of indescribable "fountains" moved from near to far, and the army of princes who had put them under heavy pressure had long since disappeared.

No, it's not disappearing, but has been swallowed up by the natural disaster-like changes in the field of vision.

"Natural disaster, is this God's anger?" Mo Di murmured in a daze.

He has always disliked talking about ghosts and gods, but this scene in front of him is shocking his heart. He can only describe it as God, and it is impossible to do it artificially.

No, humans may not be able to do it, but Shenlu might.

Mo Di and his party, who were safe under Ling Ye's protection, looked at Ling Ye with awe.

Some of them thought of the legend of Lingye. Some people called the deer the god's mount. After the changes, they feel that only the gods can do all this.

On a high mountain a few kilometers away from Hongxia Hill, Black Eagle was originally looking out, wanting to see the next scene and see if there was any opportunity for him to fish in troubled waters.

Unexpectedly, what he was waiting for was a scene that made his heart jump out of shock.

The mountain under my feet collapsed, everything in front of me seemed to be destroyed, and countless "fountains" filled the sky and the earth.

Black Eagle didn't even have time to escape, his whole body fell into the mud somehow, and then was submerged, and then the high-pressure water flowed from top to bottom, and the turbulent force made it difficult for him to even move his fingers.

The last consciousness is the light on the distant water surface, the body is falling infinitely, Black Eagle knows that he is finished, at this moment he only feels endless regrets in his heart.

If he had known that the divine deer had such a god-like power, he shouldn't have gotten involved, or after he got the money from Zheng Guo, he should have accepted it as soon as it was good, and now everything is gone.

Collapsed ground and cracks, countless monstrous fountains constantly gushing out.

All this lasted for more than half an hour before it ended, and the moment it ended, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

The small hill where Ling Ye and the others were located kept growing and rising under a mysterious force, and finally turned into a small island protruding from the lake.

Yes, it is a very huge lake.

A lake with a radius of more than 300 kilometers.

The clothes of Mo Di and the others have been soaked by water vapor at some point, and their hair is also a mess, but no matter how messy they are, it is not as good as the turbulent waves in their hearts.

"So, it's all over like this?" Lao Pao sat down on the ground and slapped himself. It really hurts, it's not a dream.

Others looked at the waterscape that could not be seen in front of them. There was still a hill here before, and mountains could be seen in the distance, but now they are all gone, as if the previous memory was an illusion.

"Supernatural workmanship, the power of heaven"

"It's like a dream, I feel like I just had a dream"

"The army of the princes is finished"

"So we didn't do anything"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with embarrassment in their eyes.

Before they came, they were excited to die, nervous and afraid, but now it feels so funny.

"It feels like Shenlu doesn't need our rescue at all, we came here for nothing," someone said embarrassingly.

Everyone else nodded.

Suddenly Wang Chan thought of something, and said, "Such a big lake, how do we get out of here?"

Hearing this, everyone who was still feeling embarrassed just now was taken aback.

Yeah, how are they going to leave?

At this time, someone yelled again: "It's not good, Shenlu has left."

At some point, Ling Ye had already walked down the small island slowly, walking towards the south step by step on the lake.

Mo Di and the others came to the edge of the island, looked at the white figure that kept moving away, and sighed wryly.

"You damned deer, you left us here and left alone, I won't invite you to dinner next time." Someone complained unhappily, and then everyone burst out laughing.

What they saw and heard just now, and the scene of uncanny workmanship, will probably become memories that they will never forget for the rest of their lives.

Chapter 75 God Deer Lake

On the turbulent water, a person exhausted his last strength and finally swam to the shore.

He lay on the muddy ground, not caring if he would get his clothes dirty.

He was too tired, but compared to the tiredness of his body, the exhaustion in his heart was greater, and the horror that almost turned into reality was in his eyes.

The scenes I witnessed or even experienced before were like nightmares.

He is not from any country that came to hunt the divine deer this time.

He was a soldier belonging to the state of Zhou.

Zhou Guo declined and did not dare to compete with the princes, but still sent a group of people to investigate.

At that time, their team was more than ten kilometers away from Hongxia Hill. Seeing the terrifying force sweeping in, the scope was so large and the speed was so fast that there was no way to escape. He was carried by the current for a long distance, and then he swam out with all his strength. Fortunately, he did not deviate from the direction and swam to the shore alive.

"The army of the princes is over, and the act of hunting the god deer has offended the gods." The soldier who survived by chance murmured in a daze. Lost the coveted deer.

That is not an existence that mortals can capture.

That is really a divine deer, a mount of the gods, and mortals will offend the wrath of the gods if they try to obtain it.

move forward in time

Zheng Guozheng's palace, Zheng Guogong is scolding his subordinates.

Shenlu appeared in their country and in their own territory. With such a good opportunity, an army of [-] was prepared for an ambush, but in the end it was nothing, and nearly half of the manpower was lost.

How could Zheng Guogong be willing to accept this kind of defeat, the duck flew away.

"Bastards, a bunch of trash, a bunch of trash, they have failed everyone's expectations of them, that guy Shan Jing hasn't returned to the capital yet, so just tell him not to come back, tell him, go and grab the god deer for me, you won't be able to grab it Come and let him come back with his own head."

"Duke, at this time the armies of all the princes have entered the northern part of our country. I'm afraid they have already captured the deer. It may be unrealistic for General Shan Jing to snatch it." A minister said the truth in embarrassment.

Zheng Guogong walked over and kicked the minister down.

"It's unrealistic. That trash of Shan Jing let the duck with its mouth fly away. This is in line with the reality. Shenlu is finally in my territory of Zheng Kingdom, I"

An earthquake roared from a distant direction, shaking the entire Zheng Kingdom, and the palace was no exception.

Zheng Guogong, who blushed and had a thick neck, fell to the ground immediately after scolding, his face turned pale from the shock of this accident.

"Earthquake, this is an earthquake, did the divine deer appear?"

The shadow of what he experienced in the state of Jin still lingered on Zheng Guogong's head, and the shock at this moment aroused his fear at that time.

The ministers also looked surprised and sent people out to investigate.

I thought it was just an ordinary earthquake, but after the investigators came back, Zheng Guogong, including the ministers in the palace, were all dumbfounded.

What did they hear?

The area of ​​Hongxia Hill was submerged by the flood.

Not only that, hundreds of kilometers away were submerged, and some people could still pick up a few bodies of fat soldiers from the princes' army floating in the water by the lake.

When the investigators showed more than a dozen recovered corpses to Zheng Guogong, Zheng Guogong was shocked and speechless. One of them he had seen before was a certain general of Jin State.

"Could it be that the armies of all the princes who entered our country of Zheng were wiped out, and that godly deer changed the world and created an incomparably huge lake in the territory of our country of Zheng!"

Five days later, what happened in the northern part of Zheng State spread throughout the world.

The princes teamed up to hunt the divine deer, but ended in failure.

Not only failed, but the entire army was annihilated. Hundreds of thousands of troops were swallowed by the divine deer with the power of the gods.

When this news was known by the princes of various countries, the first reaction was that it was extremely absurd.

If the action fails, it is acceptable not to catch much.

But what does a huge lake with a radius of [-] kilometers mean, fooling them?

No one wants to believe this kind of joke.

But when they sent people to verify it with their own eyes, everyone was silent.

The nobles from various countries who coveted the divine deer fell silent.

The princes of various countries who tried to obtain the deer to satisfy their own desires also fell silent, and even a coup took place in Qi.

The newly succeeded Duke of Qi made an oath when he succeeded to the throne that if he could not catch the deer, he was willing to abdicate and let the virtuous. It was originally just a scene to secure the position of Duke as soon as possible, and the newly succeeded Duke of Qi did not think that the princes would join hands Failed, but God slapped him in the face, still in such a terrifying way.

Some people used this as an excuse to force Qi Guogong to step down and give way to the right person, so Qi's internal affairs fell into turmoil.

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